Listen to This Unbelievable Amish Bigfoot Sighting Story

Here's a very interesting report from Pennsylvania about an Amish Bigfoot sighting. Listen to the very end of the video to hear Christopher York describes happened to the Bigfoot. Illustration is by Dred Funn.


  1. Unbelievable is about right.

  2. You forgot the bit about where the flying saucer dropped him off to observer human reactions to the squatch beast, then right before he disappeared, an invisible door opened up with an escalator leading back up to the ship to once again re-unite the star people with the forest people!

  3. Never trust the Amish--they will steal your cows, take your women, burn down your churches, and kick your dogs. Wait--I think that's the Visigoths.

  4. Go SPurs!


    He's better than Wade and that other guy from Cinninatti, the big guy, Drama queen, I mean king, The non-Gatorade drinker, The cramping guy, I honestly can't think of his name now. Sorry.

  5. must be nothing new out there in bigfoot land, this one was on here a month or two most stories are being repeated alot any more..

  6. must be nothing new out there in bigfoot land, this one was on here a month or two most stories are being repeated alot any more..


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