Learn To Speak Bigfoot Language

In case you happen to ever run across a bigfoot, and you would like to communicate with it, R. Scott Nelson has provided a phonetic key for their language. Of course this isn't a translation, so you still won't really be communicating, but you can still give it the old college try.

Phoneme Key Ä = a in father
A = a in can
B = b in bib
D = d in did
Ë = a in make
E = e in set
F = f in fife
G = g in gag
H = h in ham
Ï = i in machine, ee in meet
I = i in sit
J = y in yes, i in union
K = k in kite, c in cut
L = l in lull
M = m in mom
N = n in nine
Ö = o in lone
O = o in log
P = p in pipe
R = r in roar
Rr = rolled r, as in Spanish or in Scottish Brogue
S = s in sister
T = t in tight
Ü = u in plume, oo in boot
U = u in run, o in union
V = v in verve
W = w in way
Y = oo in book
Z = z in zebra, s in is
′ = glottal stop
c = tongue click, not evident in BMT
> = phoneme drawn out

Compound Phonemes
ÄÏ = i in like, y in my
JÜ = as in you, u in fume
KH = ch in Scottish loch, x in Spanish Quixote, x in Russian (khah)
SJ = sh in shirt
TSJ = ch in church
ZJ = z in azure, s in treasure
DZJ = j in jail, g in age
NG = ng in sing
Δ (Greek Delta) = th in then
Θ (Greek Theta) = th in thin

To learn more about this, click here. 


  1. Lets seein tham thar Mountain Monsters takin down tham thar shadow critter fer shure

    1. WILD BILL and Willy need to build a air tight trap to trap that critter

  2. tham bigfeets atakin me hawgs - dang tham bigfeets thay gos fer me chickins fer shure

    1. bigfoots eats hogs, chickens, goats, sheep, deers, dogs, cats and folks on walkabouts

  3. Wow bigfootery has reached an all time low. Desperate times.

    1. Matt, BOBO, Turtle man all critter experts

    2. tutleman shot @ a bigfoot when he was a wee lad!

  4. sometimes reptilian humanoids lookin like bigfoots so you thinkin thats a bigfoot but its a reptilian humanoid

  5. There once was a marine name WILD BILL, he carried a knife for a thrill, one day on a hut he found a Shadow Creature and dispatched that critter with a yell “ oorah" : )

    1. Are you talking about that fake "Wild Bill' from the Mountain Monster show/
      Are you talking about that phony Marine, that can't decide if he should "Go" in the Men's room, or the Girls room?

  6. What the hell are we supposed to do with this?

    You come face to face with the big guy in the woods you ain't striking up conversation.

    You might squeeze out a 'Arrgh' but you ain't shooting the breeze or asking how his folks are doin'.


  7. s = s as in ancient freaking aliens

    1. GRAYs been here for years taking DNA and making hybrids they been doing it for years


    Yahoo scream so powerful it shook Bucks chest and he aint stopped jiggling yet.

    1. Man that Yahoo sound like a big ol' locomotive when he let that squall out scared the living daylights out of ol' tough marine Wild Bill.

    2. ^ How do you say friendless dooshbag in Bigfoot?

    3. Wild Bill made up some wanted posters gonna git them monsters fer shur


    4. ACHTUNG!

      * douchebag

  9. They cannot even get/take one decent photo of one and now they are are telling us how these Sasquatches communicate and what/how they use vowels in their language. "YEA Right" can we say bull doo doo.....

  10. All you need are some bandannas. Find where the big guy is and sit down where they can't see you unless they are right on top of you and peal a bandanna. But not just any bandanna. A Chiquita bandanna.

    BF love chiquita banannas I am here to say The banannas have to be presented in a certain way. With flecks of brown and having a golden hue. BF loves bananas and they smell good too. You can eat them in the open. You can eat them when you hiyide. Anyway you want to eat dem. BF says you can't beat them. The bandannas have to ripen in a very very tropical equator. So you should never let BF or bandannas in your refrigerator

    O no no no no


  11. That bigfoot in the posted article above looks just like a drugged out n@gger!


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