Is This a Photo of a Crocodile Living in Jolly Ol' England?

Rumors have been swirling about a crocodile living in the waters near Bristol in England. But could it possibly be true? Check out the image and decide for yourself.

"The clearest picture yet has emerged of the mysterious 'Bristol crocodile'.

Jogger Tamara Blanco snapped the picture of the beast as it arose from the water under the Clifton Suspension Bridge in the River Avon.

The 6ft predator was first spotted by a bus driver who prompted a full-scale police search back in February.

A number of other possible sightings emerged but the mysterious created has not been seen for five months.

But the clarity on this new image shows what looks like the head and snout of a large crocodile scaling the water."

For the entire article, and more info on the Bristol Crocodile, click here.


  1. and of course it probably has really bad teeth !

    1. The UK actually has a really good dental hygiene system.

    2. You are correct sir.They have the same dental hygiene system that the Turtleman uses.

    3. No one can boil a steak like a Brit either. And don't get me started on their turnips. Yum!

    4. The only "turtle" in Britain would be the one that pokes it head outta an anus.

  2. Hi jyoti, do you still have all that hair on your back?

  3. Haha, i grew up within sight of the bridge where this was filmed and its clearly a piece of wood.

  4. This thing does not have crocodilian nostrils. They are more mammillian. Biggest screw up bigfoot hoaxers make is getting the nostrils wrong...the chimp nostrils give it away.

    1. Hey Uncle T,that's the back of the head on the right.

  5. Really? considering a Crocodile can't regulate it's own blood temp, I think perhaps you should return to the 3rd grade...
    Yes return and punch the teacher in the stomach and demand your money back! FFS!

    1. Apparently they have mutated, it was only a matter of time...

  6. wow even this place gets spamed...

    I'd like to turn you on to a site :)


  7. Let's see. Big mouth. Lays around like a lump all day. British. I'll name him Joe!

  8. How did the dang bot get first? I say delete it.

  9. It is ruled fair and should stand.


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