Check This Out New Ghost Of Alcatraz Photo

Check out this latest story of a ghost caught on camera in Alcatraz. In the spooky image, the shadowy girl can be seen staring directly through the window at the camera from inside the inmates visiting waiting room. ChaoOnNews has the details:


  1. Why would a ghost be in black and white? Fake.

  2. I do wish they wouldn't use that horrible robot voice xx

    1. Hello Eva

      I quess a lot of feelings were exposed and hurt in the last thread. That or this thread is just plain laimo.

      Either or I am gong to have a great weekend seeing I don't have to work. I will be driving around with the roof off in the Huron National forest looking for Bigfoot and swatting black flies. Anything of interest I will record and share with all


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yep, definitely had his feelings hurt. ^

    4. Good luck MMC ,i hope the anything of interest your going to share is bigfoot related and not the swatting of black flies :) xx

    5. I'm really sorry MMC, I have to ask what was meant there? Apart from the troll that keeps trying to drag a thread down with soap opera crap (I thought he was imitating someone until I've just realized he was implying something else) what was so different about the thread that people should start sounding all sensitive now, of all times?

      I mean this respectfully bro, hope you can help me out.

    6. Enjoy MMC. I was out today in the woods (just north of GR) and the black flies weren't out, so there is hope. There's no such thing as a bad day in the woods. Well, there is, but you know what I mean.

    7. Hey everyone :)

      The convertible will work well for the log arms and legs to hang out when you bring em back!

    8. Hello chick and joe

      No reason to apologize Joe. I was just adding brevity to the conversation.

      No matter how heated the conversation gets around here just keep smiling. You are a very good debater in my opinion


    9. Chicky baby

      You can hang your legs out of my C6 anytime


    10. Relief.

      I'll always be passionate see pal, it's my personality and I can't help it.


    11. Wheres this heated debate?

    12. On the other thread apparently. I didn't think I was any different other than one guy trying to play people against me for a soap opera.

    13. Hope you are ok Joe.

      Sometimes it's best to turn the other cheek.

      Or ignore the freak.


  3. On tonights menu: team AIMS gonna take on the SNALLYGASTER

  4. most things in windows are reflections

  5. " Idea Folks " Why don't you all ( well most of yous) get together at some point outside of this blog and have a little get together some where and have a good old time......


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