RMSO Captures Possible Bigfoot Eyeshine on Tape

This is creepy. The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization didn't noticed it at the time, but after reviewing the tape, they are pretty sure that what they captured was huge. They estimated the creature to be around 9ft tall. What's scary about this eyeshine encounter was how quiet and close the creature was:

The replay action starts at 46:15 mark:


  1. Uno!!

    To say the creature is 9ft tall, those eyes are close together. I'm going with owl.

    1. dang it Trapper suck up that sheepsquatch piss and get U head straight fer that thar AIMS team

    2. Sheepsquatch has to be a hybrid cawz it a mix of sheep wool like, paw-like hands, similar to those of a raccoon but larger, while its tail is long and hairless like that of an opossum, musk
      scent gland similar to those found in many species in the order weasels and skunks.

  2. The dude narrating the clip at the end seemed to be smoking that legal pot cause he was losing his train of thought a little to much. Those people do great field work. But just let Kelly do the talking cause he does a better job explaining their situation from the field.

  3. He's got an annoying accent. Especially the way he says "Sasquatch". Can't listen to these.

  4. Isn't this another rerun? I think I've seen this one on here before.

    1. This might be the rare but not unknown re-rerun.

  5. Breaking News: Casey Kasem may have been abducted by a sasquatch and forced to be a love slave!

    1. Kasem is of Lebanese descent you idiot. And who cares anyway .

    2. Judaism is a religion NOT a nationality. Therefore, you have Italian jews, German jews, Polish jews and so on and so forth, etc. etc.

  6. Eyeshine, a jewel out of reach, I can raise my eyes to eyeshine

  7. Eyeshine, a beacon in the night for a dream to rise to eyeshine

    1. Rumfer, is that an original? Amid all the chaos and horseplay on BE you manage to wax all poetical and stuff. Well done.

    2. Ah, you got me. I should have known its from a Rush song. Dammit.

  8. that is eyeshine alright. It could be a squatch but for sure it is some animal

  9. Eyeshine, shmyshine. How can any of you think about Bigfoot when Casey Kasem is missing? Just like a Bigfoot to kidnap an important human and use them for sex.

    "I'm Casey Kasem, and I'm Bigfoot's love bunny!"

    Bigfoot--I hate those wooly b*stards.

    1. sic old marine Wild Bill on them bigfeets

    2. Wild Bill pull out that big old BOWIE KNIFE and start a cutting and a slicing

    3. I'd stick that Bowie knife up his phony Marine Arse!

  10. The eyeshine is above Mike's right shoulder--between those two wing-like appendages.

  11. It's the ghost of John W. Jones.

  12. ^Watch out, dude, bad karma for that. And his many friends might take offense and hunt you down.

    1. ^Great, now I have to worry about imaginary people coming to get me. Thanks.

    2. They're not imaginary, they're Mohawks! Sooooo watch out!

  13. More absolute nothing for the bigfooters to get all wet over.

    1. It's not nothing... It's an owl.


    2. "Grasping for Straws" Video! What the matter? haven't these people ever been camping before?
      Hey! The "Owl people" are going to get you!

  14. Everyone hold on to there hats cause Ttl is here with some breaking news that will shock the bf community forever !!

    1. Sorry agian joe! I have to talk to u about it on email I feel bad if I talk on here sorry bud! I just wanted to stir things up a bit on here but I really do have big news and lots to tell u I wish u had face book right now Ttl

    2. Joe if I go to G mail I still need the password for my phone correct?? I have to get my friend to sort it out cause the wife isn't going to set up a email for bf talk! Lol I don't now my password also the researchers I been talking to want me to call them but I told them let me show u some proof first so were not wasting anyone's time and I really want to get the stupid email thing to them as well so I can send them some video and pictures confirming what I
      Telling them etc! Ttl

    3. I'll tell u something else to I've been talking to Justin S and hes got his head in strait he's a great guy don't let the interweb stuff fool u! Ttl

    4. Smeja murdered two on purpose.

    5. Another thing too joe j talked to my friend who went into we're I had my I counter and he went the opposite way when he got close to the area and it made no sence so I asked him about it and he just said nothing happened but he wouldn't tell me anyways he one of those guys! Lol we actually call him mother ! Lol but he's to old school! Ttl

    6. Okay if you doofuses are supporting smeja you've got to be some tazer idiots. What's the matter ro no one buying your stupid documentary?

    7. Hey you Guy that Believe Justin, why don't you team up with Rick Dyer's outfit. It's open for dummies like you! GO TEAM TAZERS!

    8. 11:27...

      Read your comment back your comment, I'm not sure you're up to current affairs.

  15. Big foot on the Brain Eye shine syndrome is also covered by Obamacare unless your a Conservative or Republican.

    1. obamacare cover all your woes, so no worries -
      its FREE and FREE is good : )

  16. for Anon 7:46. Your greatly mis-informed! Obamacare is not Free! I guess you don't work for a living, or under Mommy 7 Daddy's plan. Obamacare is very, very expensive with $4,000-00-$7,000.00 deductibles!
    It's free to the losers, the drug addicts and poor "Lazy' people. But If and when YOU get a job, you'll be paying for them!

    1. FEMA camps be FREE, and all are welcome for a extended stay -

    2. like U can keep your doctor and health so no worries - if U dont have a plan U can get the obamacare FREE plan ....

    3. Obama is lying 100 time more than Richard Nixon did. Obama THE LYING PRESIDENT!

      Oh god! Now's Ives done it! I made fun of a "BLACK" president! So I must be racist!
      Even though I'm Black?

    4. U gotz to be re -educated for your safety

    5. re education centers are FREE

  17. Global Climate Disruption - the ice is melting in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet... Noooooooooo,

  18. I've already enhanced and broke down this video. It's a definite raccoon. Will post pics of needed. Why does he keep posting this???

    1. sheepsquatch got some of that raccoon init

    2. And you Anon 10:00 got nothing but retard DNA in you. Your pure "Dummy DNA" So be proud of it!

    3. GRAYs been collecting DNA here for years making clones and hybrids

  19. Kelly you know it's a raccoon. Everybody knows it's a raccoon. Move on man.
    Again, anyone can do what I did. Please give it a try.
    Just get a screen shot from this video. Then take that screen shot and lighten it up. Also sharpen the image as well as fix the contrast. Then you can see the image better. The image of a raccoon in a tree for all to see. It's so easy to do a sasquatch could do it. Haha
    Please try it and then come back and apologize

  20. my borrowed face and your third hand grace only reflect your glory....earthshine, by Rush, very cool song

    1. Rush fuc*ing rules!!! Earthshine is awesome, hell, they are all AWESOME!!!

      Trick of light, moving picture, moments caught in flight
      Make the shadows darker or the colors shine too bright

  21. This totally discredits you as investigators. It so blatantly is not what you claim.

  22. It's a freaking OWL, people. Bigfoot doesn't exist.


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