Momo Missouri's Bigfoot, or is it?

The Missouri Monster, or Momo, is one of the most famous bigfoot creatures in cryptozoology. The only problem is some aren't sure if it's a true bigfoot. The physical description is slightly different than other bigfoot reports.

Momo is the shortened form of the words 'Missouri Monster' which was given to a hominid reported in 1972. This was in the city of Louisiana (population 3,300) in Missouri. The creature was reported holding a dead dog under its arm. Its face was covered by hair. Its height was put at 6'-7'. It was first seen by the three Harrison children and a couple of days later by their father. There were further reports from other sources and tracks were discovered, but L. Curtis (Oklahoma City Zoo) maintained they had been faked. There had been at much the same time some UFO activity in the area and UFO investigator H. Hewes felt the creature had been left by a UFO.

To read the full article, click here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Lookin' for Chick. Hoping she'll wear those thigh high boots she knows I love so much.

      - Steve

  2. after TRAPPER gets his head stright after that sheepsquatch piss got in his eyes - they can go back after them mountain monsters, WILD BILL & Willy trap them critters

    1. ^ And that, my friends, is how babies are made.

    2. as we know bigfoots are often seen in the same area where UFOs operate GRAYs collection of DNA going on for years

    3. Home sweet home. Missed you guys.

  3. BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years -
    MATT been on the hit for bigfoots for years-
    TRAPPER been trappin for years -
    WILD BILL expert tracker for years -
    WILLY expert trap builder for years -

  4. NOW Trapper just needs to get WILD BILL & Willy to make a trap that can trap on of them UFOs critters then they will have all the proof they need

  5. More Wild Bill folks please.

    A hero in the critter world 'fer sure'!


  6. I live 7 miles from Lousiana, Mo. There were other sightings north and south of that area before and after the sightings on the edge of town.

  7. Southeast Missouri has an abundance of protected areas such as The Mark Twain National Forest, The Irish Wildreness, and the Ozark National Scenic Riverway. There is a creek system known as Cane Creek that runs through it. There's a farm there known as The Seasongood Farm thereon. It has at least one clan of some ugly nasty looking swamp foots and it's one of the few times I abandoned an investigation do to bad vibes. When bobcats start running between your legs in utter terror it's time to boogie.

    1. Did you see any big cats, we see them pretty regularly by Louisiana?

  8. i live in hallsville mo and lastnight we were taunted by 2 of these cretures all night and tonight around 6pm i had a rock thrown at me rom the tree line.i pick up the rock and thow it back hitting one and it ran off,are these creaturs a danger to me andmy family?if so what should i do?


    1. Pull your panties down and let em' get a whiff!


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