Largest Grizzly Bear Ever Harvested By Hunter

Larry Fitzgerald bagged the enormous bear while hunting near Fairbanks, Alaska. He and his hunting party tracked the bear for 3 hours before he was able to get off a shot.

He was a mere 20 yards away when he dispatched the bear with a single shot to the neck with a Sako 300 rifle.

The bear measured 9 feet long with a skull measuring 27- 6/16ths inches, just 7/16ths smaller than the current world record which was found by a taxidermist, also in Alaska.

With a healthy grizzly population growing and spreading, it's likely that we'll see more large bears harvested for a while.

Credit: Fox News

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  1. and this is bigfoot evidence how?

    1. it just doesn't matter if you don't like it kick a rock down the road

    2. It looks hairy and big and, oh I'm on the wrong site Pornhub awaits.

    3. Tell them Goober says "Hey"!

  2. tham barr abin in Alaska fer shure -
    ifn U abin in Alaska U got to carry some fire power

  3. Replies
    1. I'll be honest, I don't think I like the idea of bears getting shot.

    2. OK was in Alaska for 5 years and while out and about fired some warning shoots and the bears went in the opposite direction!
      wouldnt shot to kill unless it was coming right towards me.

    3. That would be understandable. Some big maneaters out there.

    4. If you let a population of almost any animal go unchecked eventually you'll end up with far more dead than they would suffer at the hands of hunters. We have so many whitetails around the are almost considered pest. The number of deer related auto accidents are through the roof. Perhaps through the windshield would be more accurate.

    5. had two buds there car hit a moose and it went through their windshield weren't purdy... : (

    6. Yes call them a DB from your chair Ernie. Good Work Loser.

      What about everything else on this Earth we slaughter? Same thing hippy.

    7. I'll call you a douchebag too. I have no problems hunting out of necessity but trophy hunters piss me off.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I know someone who had a pregnant deer go through their windshield and give birth in the back seat of their car. 2 for the price of one.

    10. Looks like we got a couple foreign p*ssies on our hands, one that's never owned or shot a firearm and one that sits down to pee.

    11. LMAO @ Danny's funny comment. Not really.

    12. Killing animals makes you a tough guy, eh Danny?

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. well at least he has sleeves

  5. What a barbaric pig. Grizzlies should have open season on hunters. The numbers of these pathetic humans need to be reduced.

    1. But Grizzlies need to be controlled otherwise they will eradicate the Sasquatch.

      You can't have it all ways, you love Squatch or you love Grizzlies.

  6. Whoa! That is a lot of tasty meat! And a sweet rug!

  7. Where's the poor bastard that is infatuated with Wild Bill ?!?

    1. Probably climbing a tree

    2. Ha... Hopefully he's a marine!

    3. Hopefully getting his ass beat at the local VFW.

    4. that old Grizzly Bear wouldn't stand a chance against - that old Marine Wild BIll and his bowie knife a cutting and slicing that critter up!
      : )

    5. ^Can you come up with at least one funny comment? Just one? It shouldn't be this hard. The laws of probability says you should have landed one a long time ago but you just can't seem to pull it off.

    6. That's because he's an idiot.

    7. ^ ok here U go -
      There once was a marine name Wild Bill, he carried a knife for a thrill, one day on a hut he found a sheepsquatch and dispatched that critter with a yell “ oorah" : )

    8. ^ twernt to bad - had a nice flow to it!

  8. Yep. No doubt about. A bear would snap bigfoots neck like an anemic chicken.

  9. Are we allowed to mention the hunters name?

  10. Just shows how primitive we still are as humans, to get joy in killing something just for the pleasure/sport of it. Don't get me wrong I can definitely see the need to for survival purposes....

  11. Brown bears are my favourite animal. Sad to see them hunted for trophies. I've hunted to eat and don't mind that but wouldn't take a life just for bragging rights.


  12. Congratulations you're another a-hole who was able to shoot at something. Great sport. I'll be impressed when you can take it down with your bare hands. Might as well make the playing field level.

  13. Thank God for Rednecks. We keep this country truly free! Without us and our guns, this would be a POLICE STATE!
    Anyway, you non-hunters don't ever consider where your meat comes from. You let others do the killing for you, you let butcher cut up your meat, then it's package0d0 nicely, then you go to the store, you buy it, and 0than eat it! Nice ain't it!


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