I'm convinced the Prince Edward Island Bigfoot is not a bird

Many people have mentioned the Prince Edward Island Bigfoot is probably a bird. We beg to differ. Someone just released the full unedited clip of what is known as the PEI Bigfoot footage, and it looks pretty convincing to us. The speed of the creature is insane! Who in this world can run this fast? Watch the full video below:


  1. Replies

      ALL CAPS

    2. Ninjas bigfeets and hoaxers just love photo and video bombing interesting


      ALL CAPS

    4. No way dude comes from the same background and he's maybe 5'9" let me watch again so I know what I'm saying

    5. Yeah no fukin way that thing is even over 6' tall let alone 10

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. At this point it's just what les stroud said either Todd has actual footage or it's a hoax so either way he nor any of us should believe bigfeets is out there without biological evidence or our own undeniable sighting that could be nothing else

    8. Hey Bandini!!

      I don't think the subject in the video is that tall... Maybe 6 foot, but the motion is pretty impressive. orget the source that presents you the version below, but at 1:09 in this video;


      ... You will notice a brightened and stabelized version.

    9. In short it doesn't matter how good or shitty the visual evidence is. none of us will believe without seeing it first hand or a specimen

    10. Yeah that's what I wrote joe. No way that thing is even 6' tall. So I don't see where fb/fb is getting an estimate of 10' from.

    11. Good morning I am a freaking zombie! I think they are going to confiscate my computer before bedtime tonight. Rooster just stumbled through the room and saw I've been up all night lol!

    12. Lol time for work for me GOOD MORNING AND GOOD DAY peoples

    13. Have a great day everyone! Over n out.

    14. I think it's a mama sas drawing attention away from the little ones.

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Bandini... And in total respect, you know you have a friend in me brother...

      There is a long list of living things that we are all quite happy to invest trust into, that are outside of your immediate experiences.

    17. She's in love with herself

      She likes the dark

    18. FB/FB outdo themselves with stupidity every time.

      Look at the grass in relation to the guy running. Not much difference with whatever that is in the background.

      10 feet...come on.

    19. Actually if we go by the height of the grass in relation to the subject it looks smaller than the guy running in the foreground.

      Of course there's an argument for just how tall the grass is over there. But I imagine it being the same as the foreground since it doesn't seem to change height at all for the man.

    20. Bro, Joe, Bro...total respects dawgs and like whatever, emails and stuff but let me tell ya dawg this ain't Ight know what I'm sayin?

      You're a big qu33r and so off putting your mother slapped herself when you were born.

      Harry be ten of the men you are! Just because no one but stupid monkey stories from Joe, it makes him sad in his little Joe heart, where little Joe makes up all sorts of little Joe fantasies.

    21. Joe, if you made heads or tails of that nonsense you're a better man than me. I think he writes Chinese furniture assembly instructions for a living. Angry Guy here..

    22. Hey bro!!!! Good to see ya!!

      The thing is see... I know exactly who it is and had is very best on many occasions.

      Hope you are well buddy, you don't post half as much as you should!!

    23. I post more often than you think. But us super hero types need to keep our true identity a secret. I'm not sure why. But hey, if Batman does it, then I'd better too. He's the gold standard on this sorta thing.

    24. Sorry for the delayed response. Had to mow the lawn. Which leads to drinking beer with the neighbor. Which leads to an eventual episode of Cops...

    25. Enjoy making you laugh, Joe. Now I'm headed over to the nephews to hang body panels on the racecar. We had the snot beat out of us this last weekend.

    26. It doesn't seem especially big running through the grass because it is on all fours, when it leaves the field and enters the trees it stands up.

    27. Wtf are you guys even talking about the video up top that thing is runnin on two legs

    28. And hello joe I believe in Bigfoot or I wouldn't be here but Bigfoot that isn't and there's a big difference in belief and blind faith I only have blind faith in my god and my wife

    29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's not that fast. The guy running towards the camera covers more ground in less time than the fucknoid in the monkey suit.

    Hollering go to start the scene showing the video before it was edited only proves it's a fake.

  3. It's not that fast. The guy running towards the camera covers more ground in less time than the f#@%noid in the monkey suit.

    Hollering go to start the scene showing the video before it was edited only proves it's a fake.

    1. Actually...

      The footage was shot by a group of students putting together a media assignment. The subject does in fact move fast for that type of motion and in some sources of the footage where it has been brightened, slowed down and reversed, you can see clear quadrupedal movement that clearly indicates this is anything but a hoax. If you can find me a para-Olympian that can negotiate that type of terrain, then I might agree with you.

    2. I have not heard or seen this video before but it reeks of a hoax project, and runs like a human.

    3. Hey Chuck...

      At 1:09 in this video;


      ... You will notice a brightened and stabelized version. Let me know what you think.

    4. Hey JOE. Says video no longer available. Looked at FB/FB from 2013. Same size as human, did not see quad movement, mention arms extend way back once, well humans can do that especially if your balance becomes less stable, college kids making video project just does not make it for me.

    5. Link works fine for me Chuck, try it again and let me know.

      The movement of the subject in this video in particular made it for me... Whilst kids with a camera doing a bit of college work; to me is just another scenario as to why someone would have a camera out and about. They would have to be pretty bad hoaxers to forget to leave the cue for action in it.

      Let me know.

    6. I would look for an alternative source than fb/fb Joe.

      The claims they make in their breakdowns are quite fantastical.

      We need to deal in hard fact.

      2 + 2 = 5 just doesn't cut in anymore.


    7. MMG, asking Joe to recognize any type of reality is futile. Look above for a shining example of his stupidity.

      Even Chuck thinks this thing is a load of bull. It seems every day, old PJ goes further and further down the rabbit hole.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Oh, and MMG...

      I made it quite clear in my posts up top that regardless of the source, the purpose of using that link was for the brightening and stabilization of the video which anyone could have done but so happened to be FB/FB.

  4. Regarding Ron Morehead, the Sierra Sounds and the expert backed impartial studies into them;

    "Joe all the above studies are just the opinions of 2 sources and that does not mean these are real recordings of squatches. Until there is more evidence such as a video of them making these sounds then you cant say the are real or that they were made by a squatch. Btw Ron and Scott have been back to this location manty times and not one time sense the original recordings have they recorded anything as good as the original recordings that they claim as squatches."

    Firstly these recordings were made in 72; five years after the Patterson Gimlin footage which sparked a whole research field by mainstream interests. For these recordings to be made so soon after a whole field begins is very significant, because every field of study has to start somewhere and the recordings that have been analysed since then are a ready accumulation of the same audio sources of which lends more credence to such. If we had a a single source of audio, decades after with all the audio manipulation available today, your argument would almost hold water.

    The fact that the hunters in thet area had very brief sightings if big hairy beings, not to mention crazy sized tracks means that the people recording these sounds did a little Sherlock Holmes work and put one and one and one together and got three.

    There is a significant reason behind not accumulating more audio in this one location of the Sierra's since. The audio recordings had in fact stopped many years ago when Ron and his band of hunters shot, skinned and ate a bear that was bothering their horses. This had compromised any trust that the subjects had developed with the group of hunters and though no similar recordings have been accumilated, it is well known that experiences are still being accumilated in that area by Ron and many who are affiliated with him.

    Like what was touched upon previously; we have modern versions of audio that has been transcribed that lends a credence line of consistency; though be it rare, we have examples in a field of very rare subjects to study. Kathy Strain and David Paulides have all submitted audio that Scott has successfully transcribed into complex language.

    Suggesting that the opinion of scientists and genuine impartial research that is usually painfully reclined upon as a reason to not consider this field, is weak. Because one source to the contrary does not exist, does not eliminate research that had to begin somewhere (only a couple of years before people made an effort to investigate the truth). A lack of a source to the contrary does not extinguish one source, that's a negative proof fallacy... And we have footage, not of them chattering, but footage.

  5. I think the fact that it was shot by media students is a massive red flag and pretty much wipes out any hope of this footage being genuine.

    1. It's certainly something to consider, yes... But shall we list the reasons for many people using a camera these days? I bet you could find reasons amongst all listed not to consider the sources that yield Sasquatch related talking points, but that still doesn't go anywhere to explaining things like up top that have very peculiar motion and achieving that with a significant degree of ease.

      Forget the source that presents you the version below, but at 1:09 in this video;


      ... You will notice a brightened and stabelized version.

    2. Ahhhhh the good old Sierra Sounds. Biggie and Wahump arguing over the fact that she's a psycho wife of a Bigfoot who won't stop banging a damn toilet seat repeatedly at a deer Camp. Poor Ron couldn't even use the John because this lunatic was out there caterwauling at him. Yet, when you hear that guttural growl it kind of makes your hair rise. It is the gold standard of audio to this day. And as for PEI. I liked it then. I like it now. And like Brick .....I love lamp.

    3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      The bane of Turkey's returns!!

    4. What the hell happened to your face Mike? You better go see a doctor!

  6. Good morning guys! Its 4:36 am here and I have not been to sleep yet ;( I may be cranky later lol! Anyway I have always kinda liked this one and here is my take on it for what its worth.

    I have never liked that it was shot by film students at all. I also agree with ALL CAPS and Bandini. No way it's 10 ft. Here is what I do like. Sucker looks pretty good close up on the fb/fb breakdown. If thats a costume I'd like to see whats under it because that guy is athletic ;) It does look like it uses its hands on the ground to speed itself up- without even breaking stride. If a human can do this again I really want to see whats under that costume. In addition the native americans on the island have many tales and traditions of bigfoot being there, even being seen swimming across to the island at times.

    1. I simply cannot agree more with you.

      What I will say, is the apparent bold nature of the subject up top is consistent with that of juveniles that are widely reported to have such a temperament to them. This would also lend credence to the size of the subject which is clearly in the region of six foot, in my opinion.

    2. Juveniles will do far more than adult subjects. They will follow you. Toss stuff at you. Peak at you. There are reports of them touching clothing or hair lightly but remaining hidden. I've personally had them flush animals at me. If you can play a musical instrument you can really get em in. They are just curious knuckleheads. And a lot of fun. But if there are babies in the area. The juveniles and sub adults will be gone. And that's when you might get a boulder chunked in your fishing pond or a tree pushed over or a bluff charge. It's a whole different vibe. It's when your inner voice says... I need to leave this area now.

    3. About the above video. BF has that unique gate in their step. I would think that when they squat down their knees are farther outside their body than a humans giving them the ability to run or move fast in a squat. The subject in the video seems to be popping up and down as he/she moves so it can't be the smoothest way for them to move but still they are pretty fast when squatting on all fours


    4. I suspected as much. I saw the same thing on multiple episodes of Cops.

    5. Chick has a crush on me! There's no denying it!

  7. Let's talk about Todd's sasqwatch running on the side of the. Hill I can't see it very well so I can't give any opinion accept that it's small?


    1. I saw his documentary and a size comparison makes Todd look pretty small. Also, it looks like quite a bit of terrain to negotiate so easily as the subject in the footage does.

    2. Hey JOE and TTL. What size comparison are you talking about. During Survivorman 2, I stopped the action at the leg lift. The leg seemed to go almost horizontal at least half the way up the body and fully extended going up a steep incline and without breaking stride and in the same motion runs off uphill. An impressive feat indeed.

    3. Chuck! TTl! Remember I don't think these animals can straiten there back legs so u might want to watch that video agian and than rethink it?? I'm not Shure about the video only because I can't see it very well on my phone other than that it does look impressive!! Could be real I hope ?? Why hasn't William Jevning ever done a sketch of a bf face or body?????? I don't understand?? Or even will and wess? Why don't they do a sketch???

    4. TTL. It is the front leg I am talking about and it is not straight but that is one extremely large step that I kept rewinding and viewed many times on a 50 inch plasma tv, and what I viewed was impressive especially considering it was going up a steep incline. In the previous seen they had Todd and Les going up the mountain and they were taking small calculated trudging steps which humans do. Really would like to see an outtake of this that is enhanced, slowed down, etc. I imagine it will be in the documentary Standing and Meldrum are doing. We shall see.

      Thanks for asking the questions. Keep me updated on any info.

    5. Ttl you need to watch Thinker Thunker's Mission BC breakdown. That Subject takes a step over a log and down a hill that no human alive could replicate. And never bends his legs.

    6. Mike, did you change you're avatar or do I need to get to the optometrist?

    7. People that say "no human alive could replicate" are a**holes to the tenth degree.

      Lots of conjecture and speculations tossed about as fact.

      Still a complete lack of proof for any claim, I see...solid research.

  8. R there any native reservations around pei ??? Ttl

    1. Why? Are they know for lame bigfoot videos?

  9. Does anyone think William Jevning could be hoaxing ?????????? Please any thoughts



      ALL CAPS

    2. Absolutely not. This guy has bridged the gap from the old timers like Greene and Dahinden to the modern ones, and been doing it for 40 years. Wrote a great book I read in January.

    3. Will Woody and Wes are the real deal. Agreed

    4. Mike, the new look reminds me of a screen shot from a Tool video. Which is okay. I love Tool. I know the pieces fit...

    5. Well then by gosh do I have a tool for you!

  10. Prince Edward Island? Really?

    1. old WILD BILL takim down real quiet like with his trusty bowie knife : )

  11. Hey chuck !! TTL !! I talked to the researcher that u wanted me to ask questions to and he said it was really complicated and he wants to speak to me over the phone about his bf research etc, so I did tell him I would give him my phone number but I also told him I want to provide him with some pictures, video etc first so I'm not wasting anyone's time etc! He hates the no email thing as well lol lol!


    1. Hey retard you don't need your phone password to create a new email on gmail.com

  12. Hey TTL I would be more than happy to help you set up an email account. If you can get on here you can check your email. Lemme know!

    1. It's ttl! I only have a IPhone and the thing is I don't now my password for my iPhone ?? I can't even get apps on my phone etc lol ill try anything though! Help!!

    2. ttl, just find the nearest sullen looking teenager. Hacking phones is one of their ways of channeling their angst into something productive. For a couple packs of menthols, they might even wire you into Bill Gates Savings account!

    3. Scott. Ttl and I don't roll that way. His psychedelic trip into the world of Facebook is virtually like Johnny Depp in " Transcendance". He is a ghost in the machine. We would be happy though to mail you a Ttl circa 1992 cellular device so you may join our exclusive club of technophobes.

    4. Ghost in the Machine was one of The Police's better album's IMO. (All the youngsters just asked "What's an album?")

  13. Chuck, I emailed the UP
    Lady and extended the offer for you to meet up with her this summer possibly! Just waiting on a response!

    1. Thanks Scott. We usually go up the 2nd week of July and she is not that far away. I take my motorcyles and am always looking for an excuse to get away and this would be a great one. The good news is my mother in law is doing better for now. My wife is such a care giver that she does not want to be away from her mother for a week and will probably only go if her mother can make it, so hoping for the best.

    2. Hold the phones! Am I to understand one of my beloved Bigfoot geeks asked a girl out? In his own way of course, but out none the less? I think I'm going to cry. Now I know how Neil Armstrong's dad must of felt. Make sure Chuck brings a camera. We know how you guys like to document stuff.

    3. Thats funny 5 45. I assure you this is not the case.

    4. I know. Just having fun. But still, I'm hoping for a blurry photo because I've been wanting to use the term "Babesquatch" for months. ( Patent pending on Babesquatch, by the way)

    5. where in the up chuck? im in baraga county myself

    6. Oooooo babesquatch my new favorite word I shall demean and dirty it up for you a little then return it of course

  14. All I have learnt from my time on here is that Joe will believe anything.

    1. I believe you have nothing important to say.

      Good day.

    2. ^ Like a good artillery strike. Short, on target and effective. Pat yourself on the back Joe!

    3. 6:17, I think what's left of your ass just landed in my driveway. Are you going to come get it or can I toss it?

    4. We all know your first instinct is to play with it.

    5. Not really. It's chock full of shrapnel.

  15. A video from seven years ago? Shawn, even for you, that's stretching it. I'd rather read a story about the lesbian chocolate-throwing demon than a fake that was debunked years ago.

    1. It's Re-Run Week. And who wouldn't want to read about lesbian chocolate-throwing demon? I mean, come on...

    2. I must have missed an entertaining Mulders World

    3. Not to mention some epic chocolate tossing!

  16. i have been to pei many times...the island is so tiny with not much forest....mostly potato fields...pretty hard to believe a squatch could live here

  17. wheres his AK 47, that takes care of them runaways

  18. There are no bigfoots on P.E.I unless they have learned how to swim it's probably a hoax.
    The same reason there are none on Hawaii as well.

    1. Well this footage is 100% proof sas can swim.

    2. J.Robert Alley, writer of Rain Coast Sasquatch interview. He speaks of Native American reports of Bigfoot swimming at 11:28.

      15:45- Possible interactions between people and Sasquatches on Prince of Wales Island and an account from a duck hunter. Prince of Wales is island where cedar trees turned upside down. More incidents mentioned on the island.

      All in all a great interview, I think the book would be great as well.


    3. Chick, your gaining more respect from me all the time. Thanks for that.

      And yes... Sasquatch could easily swim there.

    4. I'm more than a pretty pair of boots. lol ;)


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