Did Aliens Heal a Dying Woman?

In 1972 a UFO appeared over a home in the Dominican Republic. Inside a group of religious believers were attempting to help a dying woman suffering from stomach cancer. An entity entered the home and placed it's hand on the woman. The woman immediately fell asleep. When she awoke she no longer felt ill, and described how the alien's touch had been cold.

"On November 6, 1972, a UFO reportedly flew over a house where a religious ceremony targeted at helping a sick person was being held. The afflicted woman, 45-year-old Ramona De Baez, had been suffering from stomach cancer for some time and was now lying in bed while surrounded by the fervorous believers. Julia Elvira, one of the guests, said she saw a “light like a large star” trough the window. When the congregants noticed the intense light, panic ensued and everybody froze. The man holding the prayers explained that “an angel” had taken his hand prior to guiding him back to the the sick woman’s bed. Then, witnesses said, the entity purportedly placed its hands upon De Baez, who immediately fell asleep. According to the woman, when she woke up, she didn’t feel ill anymore. She also said that she felt a “sensation of cold” from the “alien’s touch”."

For this entire story, click this link. 


  1. yes they probably did. I know that possum people use the playing dead tactics to gather life force. Also playing dead is one of their main tactics in war.

  2. Yes it happened and that one alien has camel toe.

  3. So the witnesses said it was an angel but whomever wrote this story made it an alien story. huh


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