well lets see he lied about shooting a bigfoot. what he did shoot was a bear and it was night so that makes it poaching. dna dont lie the bear dna thank you
yes giant hairy people do in fact exist e.g my mother in law....meldrum and bindernagle have seen something with standing.lets hope they share it soon .
Joe u want me to ask when the new footage might be released?? I could do that don't now if I would get a answer but I've got a answer to everything else so ?? TTL
Well I'm ok thanks for asking! And how about u? I just sent him a message, so probably have to wait couple days, anyways there r some mean people on here ah? Why do some of these people come on here if they have no interest on the subject ? Boy I love listening to sasqwatch chronicles, mnbrt, sasqwatch watch radio etc some really good stories etc your thoughts joe?? TTl
Some people have nothing better to do, and sadly have no interests of their own to pursue. They've also grown up with this fairytail idea of 'Bigfoot' that means acknowledging a scientific field such as this (relict hominids/hominology) doesn't get let in for fear of keeping the reality of what this subject entails at bay.
I discussed this with a dear friend of mine the other day, and as soon as I got him to lose the fairytail concept, he was quite open to the possibitlity of relict hominids living in the vast wildernesses of the planet, even without discussing the evidence there is!
Joe ! One easy way to put this would be if there was only a couple thousand of these animals in canada we would never see them unless we were cutting forest in there habitat and didn't push them out it's going to be interesting what the future holds on this subject I really feel it will come out within the year or so ttl
Also joe I talked to who I think is by far the best in these feild about what I planned to do with a trail cam and he said it was a great idea and that he new of nobody doing the same process so I feel I'm on the right path he gave me the green light and was very interested and I told him that if this works in my favor I would fly him out here no questions asked and that's a promiss to him I just need to get a couple more things figured out so I don't screw anything up and move backwards!Ttl This man has over 40 plus years on the subject he nows his stuff!
I hope it's not Tom Biscardi, or Matt MoneyMaker1 if it's any one of them, your making a BIG mistake! Trust me on this TTL! Believe me! I have experience , bad experience, with these two.
They must be! Your right. I'm constipated as hell! I should eat Taco bell food, that should help! After I go, I'll check the bowl, see if any are Big foot Turds!
Hey joe it's like this with the trail cam thing, if I illiminated all the different things on the camera that are causing it not to capture pictures then I should get the pictures I need right? Sound simple but there was a lot more to it just saying in simple terms I guess! Ttl
There have been experiments with infared trail cams that have proved that these appear to omit what looks like a flashlight beam when on (according to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). Any creature with nocturnal vision would be able to see this and merely stay out of it's way. Whilst there is not a trail cam being manufactured today that doesn't omit an audio frequency that isn't audible to us... But maybe audible to a subject with heightened senses of wilderness situations.
So all of the biologists and conservationists for a generation who have set up trail cams throughout the PNW and Canada are wrong. Not only have they never photographed a BF, they have seen no evidence whatsoever, of tracks, hair, scat, etc. Helicopters, scat dogs, zilch. Dr. Sykes, please stick a fork in Joe's soft head. He's done.
Those biologists and conservationists aren't wrong if they successfully take photographs of rarely sited animals... But photographing something that shares those senses with an intelligence equal to us; is a different story.
Though a significant number of those aforementioned experts have not been successful in the accumilation of the sources you claim are absent, we still have the accumilation of such from a significant number of.
Rhetorical at best and makes you look like you need the safety net.
The absence here is not the sources you list, but the inability to swallow hard facts, it seems... Cause Dr Bryan Sykes is still in the process of conducting his hominid study.
Rhetorical at best and makes you look like you cling to denial.
His study is over. Meldrum stated on his radio show that his study is over and was disappointing for bigfoot researchers as he only found a hybrid bear. He also stated his paper / book is about the hybrid bear.
This blows your "study still ongoing" out of the water.
Oh... And dogs, even though sometimes tough at first, want nothing to do with Sasquatch shortly after and occasionally just take to parking they're rears... Whilst if I needed to stay out of the way of civilisation, I'd make sure I wasn't around for those giant metal thunder birds that you can hear coming miles off... Whilst it is improbable in the extreme that anybody with fecal DNA expertize would stumble onto fresh sasquatch droppings, or have a scat dog who can find something it hasn't been trained to. Sasquatch may also bury their scat for tracking purposes.
"Now that the “Bigfoot Files” television series has aired, I can talk more about it. I must first preface my comments by saying there are still things I cannot say because Bryan’s paper is in peer-review and his book is scheduled to come out in the spring.
With a fundamental understanding that Bigfoot do exist, we take a multidisciplinary approach to learning more about the species. When we began working with Bryan on the DNA project we had one goal in mind – not to prove or disprove that Bigfoot exists, but to answer the question, “What are they?”
The results aired on the television shows do not compromise Bryan’s paper in peer review. The show is purely entertainment and as I said before, we had no control over it. So the concerns of some people who think that results revealed in the show are leaks from the paper are unfounded. We kept things quiet for so long, why would we suddenly “leak” anything? We are a professional organization and adhere to the proper scientific process."
- Rhettman Mullis, Bigfootology and contributing researcher to the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Homimid Project.
Also... If you go here;
... Will will learn of three projects in one; the Zana study, what Sasquatch is, and living Sasquatch hybrids.
First 8:16 you are dealing with a delusional person here. Denial of facts. Unable to acknowledge being wrong despite being factually proven wrong and to top that claims of a huge government cover up.
So apparently sykes decided to cover the most astonishing discovery of the century when he had the opportunity to divulge it worldwide via the best communication device available. Sounds legit.
Zana already proven 100% human via DNA. Undisputable. Yet still, while knowing this fact, Joe will tell you zana was a bigfoot.
Also Joe will not acknowledge that Sykes found no bigfoot. It was as clear as day. On his TV show. No bigfoot. Yet Joe thinks Sykes actually found a bigfoot but forgot to mention it in his bigfoot documentary. Lost it.
I would say a major contributer to the actual research of the study being conducted trumps Meldrum, eh?
Aren't you the same individual that still can't show me a decent reason for this;
... Let alone show me a reason to not consider the accumilation of evidence like tracks & dermals, hair, scat, footage, archeological & anthropologocal studies, verified and published audio recordings with language, ten thousand years of native culture, tens of thousands of eyewitnesses many of whom are multiple person.
Something about 'denial'?
It's pretty simple, you can't deliver any significant scientific find to the public in a documantary, it needs to be peer reviewed.
Your understanding of how things work, ain't 'legit'.
Sykes is still investigating the relict properties of Kwit and until then I'll have an open mind about the Bigfoot proportions of Zana because that's what good science does; it looks for all the answers. To elaborate; we have examples of Microevolution from one species in the world. To people who require closure, the fact that Zana was described as a Bigfoot many, many years before Bigfoot was popular culture, and then Kwit just so happens to have watered down versions of those features, is something they are happy to conclude upon, but that's not good science and like good scientists; Sykes wants to know why.
Sykes ain't governed by heuristics.
We also have examples of Homo sapiens with gigantism from adrenal glands and sometimes even just plain old archaic features... Whilst we now know that many early hominids, though looking very different in morphology, actually were the same species.
The Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project is still a study being conducted. It's horrible having that closure desperation reassured, but I'm afraid it's going to be peer reviewed by the end.
You will see in time and hate me for it, so be it.
And forget what I think, it's obvious you are bitter at me for a long history of arguments you've taken personally. I just try and put all the information out there for an even playing ground. Too many people make conclusions either being unable to, or not wanting the wider facts. I don't know all the answers, and if this subject is successfully proven but to be none of my theories, I don't care... All good examples of scientific research self correct and evolve. Look at the recently sequenced elongated skulls. The truth is, things move forward and as we evolve, so does our ability to open up to progressive thought processes; this means having the guts to ask questions that traditional science would normally laugh at.
No. You had two comments after your 8.38 post. Your third post is 11 minutes later. Are you saying I'm a liar? There were two anon posts and now they're disappeared.
The problem with game cams is the locations they are placed. Researchers always go on the assumption that so called "game trails" are damn near mandatory for animals to travel on. Other than ease of movement, there isn't any reason why a animal would stay near one. There would be much less forage available due to frequent use. And a repeatedly traveled path would be a magnet for predators. After an attack or two, a given area would be avoided like the plague. Now if I were to pick some likely locations knowing nothing else seems to be working, I would concentrate on remote, relatively small bridges that see next to zero traffic. Given the choice between wading a river up to it's neck or scurrying across a ready, made to order alternative, it's a no brainer. If a raccoon was to cross a creek and there is a fallen log handy, he'll take the log everytime. And I would saturate them with cameras. Instead of scattering them around in areas because they look "squatchy", I'd keep them within 50 yard of my target, aimed in every direction I could think of. And leave them there as long as possible. At least 6 months minimum. My results couldn't be anymore disappointing than everyone else's.
you seem to blindly trust in everyone saying to have seen such a strange thing like bigfoot but you don't trust in me saying that there were two posts that have been deleted. You are the one needing a break.
Trusting tens of thousands accounts that transition ten thousand years of native culture, not to mention believing my own freinds' accounts... Is nothing in comparison to some Anon who claims posts are being deleted when it's apparent he merely loses out on finding a counter argument.
Joe for your game camera I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get in there without leaveing scent all over and the camera will be placed in a area were the bf has been setting and stalking pray for the past years, the bf has been about 30 to 50 yards of the main game trail and that's the area were the camera needs to go! Ttl right now I've just thought of leaving my clothes boots etc in the bush for weeks before I enter on a day of heavy rain. Ttl
Go to your nearest Bass Pro or Cabelas. They sell multiple brands of scent blockers. Failing that, if you leave them alone long enough, Mother Nature will take care of it for you.
Nice post 9 07. I see the crack pot that wants to call people like me liars is about again. Well come to a conference that is in your area. There will be a lot of people that have seen them like myself there. Spew your ignorant rantings at them. That should be fun.
The whole beam thing from the trail cam I belive could be diverted with a small mirror put in front of the cammera diverting that beam into the sky or anywhere but in front of the camera so it is still able to take a picture and then I have a method of illiminating everything else. Even if I get rid of 95% of the problem that should be good enough I belive. I just really couldn't belive nobody had tryed to do what I proposed to the researcher given all the time people have put into this subject and as for the who u were asking about earlier, if u were to guess u would be right joe! TTL !!! Looking forward to email my friend!
So he doesn't now right now when they will release the new footage it's been a difficult process. Which I think probably nobody understands he's got to make Shure he can benefit $ as much as he can to do further research witch is totally understandable I think! Ttl
so far ive reported over 40 big foot sightings to the b.f.r.o. and over 100 sightings all over the u.s. they all been accepted as true sighting/encounters! of course they were all lies! I lie all the time1 i might be lieing now?
Have a lot of spare time on your hands? Have you tried model building or chasing girls? They're both frustrating at times but rewarding if you pay attention to what your doing. Having said that, I think both of these post are from the same person and you haven't done it once, let alone turned into a career. You're the epitome of a no life having loser regardless. See ya around chump.
HOWLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT REALLY BIGFOOT????? Holy shit...I personally believe such like this exist...like megalodon,loch ness and jormungand they were exist in nowaydays.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Squatch lives!
ReplyDeleteHey Squatchin'!!
DeleteMorning joe ttl
DeleteTop of the mornin Joe!! May the Squatch be with you!!
DeleteMorning TTL!!!
DeleteSquatchin'... Ha ha ha ha!!!
I'm not a sqwatcher
ReplyDeleteI guess we're going to talk on this one today lolTtl
DeleteWhat's on the interweb these days joe
ReplyDeletePorn. Lots and lots of porn.
DeleteHey joe Ttl Justin S is a normal cool guy! Just thought I'd tell u!
ReplyDeletehey Ttl no hes a liar and a poacher.
DeleteSo u say! Tell me what Justin lied about??? And what he poached and killed? TTl
DeleteJustin s "most dna results came back as feral human" complete and utter BS.
Deletewell lets see he lied about shooting a bigfoot. what he did shoot was a bear and it was night so that makes it poaching. dna dont lie the bear dna thank you
DeleteBigfoot don't even exist.
ReplyDeleteMmg has been obliterated now that bindernagle and meldrum are supporting a known hoaxer which essentially proves bigfoot don't exist.
^ Self obliterated very regularly.
DeleteFurther obliterated due to not understanding that Meldrum and Bindernagel do not endorse Standing's previous photographs.
Further self obliterated cause he doesn't know the quality of sources to be presented by all three.
Self obliterated.
... Oh, and giant hairy people exist.
yes giant hairy people do in fact exist e.g my mother in law....meldrum and bindernagle have seen something with standing.lets hope they share it soon .
Delete; )
Joe u want me to ask when the new footage might be released?? I could do that don't now if I would get a answer but I've got a answer to everything else so ?? TTL
ReplyDeleteHey buddy!
DeleteI would love to know an idea of when this new evidence is going to be released. How are you today my friend?
Well I'm ok thanks for asking! And how about u? I just sent him a message, so probably have to wait couple days, anyways there r some mean people on here ah? Why do some of these people come on here if they have no interest on the subject ? Boy I love listening to sasqwatch chronicles, mnbrt, sasqwatch watch radio etc some really good stories etc your thoughts joe?? TTl
DeleteSome people have nothing better to do, and sadly have no interests of their own to pursue. They've also grown up with this fairytail idea of 'Bigfoot' that means acknowledging a scientific field such as this (relict hominids/hominology) doesn't get let in for fear of keeping the reality of what this subject entails at bay.
DeleteI discussed this with a dear friend of mine the other day, and as soon as I got him to lose the fairytail concept, he was quite open to the possibitlity of relict hominids living in the vast wildernesses of the planet, even without discussing the evidence there is!
Joe ! One easy way to put this would be if there was only a couple thousand of these animals in canada we would never see them unless we were cutting forest in there habitat and didn't push them out it's going to be interesting what the future holds on this subject I really feel it will come out within the year or so ttl
DeleteAlso joe I talked to who I think is by far the best in these feild about what I planned to do with a trail cam and he said it was a great idea and that he new of nobody doing the same process so I feel I'm on the right path he gave me the green light and was very interested and I told him that if this works in my favor I would fly him out here no questions asked and that's a promiss to him I just need to get a couple more things figured out so I don't screw anything up and move backwards!Ttl This man has over 40 plus years on the subject he nows his stuff!
DeleteSounds amazing TTL!! Any hints as to who??????????
DeleteI hope it's not Tom Biscardi, or Matt MoneyMaker1 if it's any one of them, your making a BIG mistake! Trust me on this TTL! Believe me! I have experience , bad experience, with these two.
DeleteAbsolutely not any of those people lol ttl!
DeleteWow! Another Big foot sighting! Wow! Them Big feets are all over!
ReplyDeleteYea they are.They're even all up in your ass.
DeleteThey must be! Your right. I'm constipated as hell! I should eat Taco bell food, that should help! After I go, I'll check the bowl, see if any are Big foot Turds!
DeleteHey joe it's like this with the trail cam thing, if I illiminated all the different things on the camera that are causing it not to capture pictures then I should get the pictures I need right? Sound simple but there was a lot more to it just saying in simple terms I guess! Ttl
ReplyDeleteThere have been experiments with infared trail cams that have proved that these appear to omit what looks like a flashlight beam when on (according to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). Any creature with nocturnal vision would be able to see this and merely stay out of it's way. Whilst there is not a trail cam being manufactured today that doesn't omit an audio frequency that isn't audible to us... But maybe audible to a subject with heightened senses of wilderness situations.
DeleteSo all of the biologists and conservationists for a generation who have set up trail cams throughout the PNW and Canada are wrong. Not only have they never photographed a BF, they have seen no evidence whatsoever, of tracks, hair, scat, etc. Helicopters, scat dogs, zilch. Dr. Sykes, please stick a fork in Joe's soft head. He's done.
DeleteThey were just unlucky. And they weren't paying attention. But this will be the year of the squatch.
DeleteThose biologists and conservationists aren't wrong if they successfully take photographs of rarely sited animals... But photographing something that shares those senses with an intelligence equal to us; is a different story.
Though a significant number of those aforementioned experts have not been successful in the accumilation of the sources you claim are absent, we still have the accumilation of such from a significant number of.
Rhetorical at best and makes you look like you need the safety net.
The absence here is not the sources you list, but the inability to swallow hard facts, it seems... Cause Dr Bryan Sykes is still in the process of conducting his hominid study.
Rhetorical at best and makes you look like you cling to denial.
Wheeling out Brian Sykes again^
DeleteVery poor.
His study is over. Meldrum stated on his radio show that his study is over and was disappointing for bigfoot researchers as he only found a hybrid bear. He also stated his paper / book is about the hybrid bear.
This blows your "study still ongoing" out of the water.
Oh... And dogs, even though sometimes tough at first, want nothing to do with Sasquatch shortly after and occasionally just take to parking they're rears... Whilst if I needed to stay out of the way of civilisation, I'd make sure I wasn't around for those giant metal thunder birds that you can hear coming miles off... Whilst it is improbable in the extreme that anybody with fecal DNA expertize would stumble onto fresh sasquatch droppings, or have a scat dog who can find something it hasn't been trained to. Sasquatch may also bury their scat for tracking purposes.
DeleteThat is all.
Joe, are you just born stupid or did you get a disease at some point of your life?
DeleteMeldrum ain't right all the time...
"Now that the “Bigfoot Files” television series has aired, I can talk more about it. I must first preface my comments by saying there are still things I cannot say because Bryan’s paper is in peer-review and his book is scheduled to come out in the spring.
With a fundamental understanding that Bigfoot do exist, we take a multidisciplinary approach to learning more about the species. When we began working with Bryan on the DNA project we had one goal in mind – not to prove or disprove that Bigfoot exists, but to answer the question, “What are they?”
The results aired on the television shows do not compromise Bryan’s paper in peer review. The show is purely entertainment and as I said before, we had no control over it. So the concerns of some people who think that results revealed in the show are leaks from the paper are unfounded. We kept things quiet for so long, why would we suddenly “leak” anything? We are a professional organization and adhere to the proper scientific process."
- Rhettman Mullis, Bigfootology and contributing researcher to the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Homimid Project.
Also... If you go here;
... Will will learn of three projects in one; the Zana study, what Sasquatch is, and living Sasquatch hybrids.
I would say meldrums recent statement on his radio show trumps that. So yet again you are pwned.
DeleteFirst 8:16 you are dealing with a delusional person here. Denial of facts. Unable to acknowledge being wrong despite being factually proven wrong and to top that claims of a huge government cover up.
DeleteNot playing with a full deck.
So apparently sykes decided to cover the most astonishing discovery of the century when he had the opportunity to divulge it worldwide via the best communication device available. Sounds legit.
DeleteZana already proven 100% human via DNA. Undisputable. Yet still, while knowing this fact, Joe will tell you zana was a bigfoot.
DeleteAlso Joe will not acknowledge that Sykes found no bigfoot. It was as clear as day. On his TV show. No bigfoot. Yet Joe thinks Sykes actually found a bigfoot but forgot to mention it in his bigfoot documentary. Lost it.
Meltdown in 3...2...1...
DeleteI would say a major contributer to the actual research of the study being conducted trumps Meldrum, eh?
Aren't you the same individual that still can't show me a decent reason for this;
... Let alone show me a reason to not consider the accumilation of evidence like tracks & dermals, hair, scat, footage, archeological & anthropologocal studies, verified and published audio recordings with language, ten thousand years of native culture, tens of thousands of eyewitnesses many of whom are multiple person.
Something about 'denial'?
It's pretty simple, you can't deliver any significant scientific find to the public in a documantary, it needs to be peer reviewed.
Your understanding of how things work, ain't 'legit'.
DeleteSykes is still investigating the relict properties of Kwit and until then I'll have an open mind about the Bigfoot proportions of Zana because that's what good science does; it looks for all the answers. To elaborate; we have examples of Microevolution from one species in the world. To people who require closure, the fact that Zana was described as a Bigfoot many, many years before Bigfoot was popular culture, and then Kwit just so happens to have watered down versions of those features, is something they are happy to conclude upon, but that's not good science and like good scientists; Sykes wants to know why.
Sykes ain't governed by heuristics.
We also have examples of Homo sapiens with gigantism from adrenal glands and sometimes even just plain old archaic features... Whilst we now know that many early hominids, though looking very different in morphology, actually were the same species.
The Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project is still a study being conducted. It's horrible having that closure desperation reassured, but I'm afraid it's going to be peer reviewed by the end.
You will see in time and hate me for it, so be it.
And forget what I think, it's obvious you are bitter at me for a long history of arguments you've taken personally. I just try and put all the information out there for an even playing ground. Too many people make conclusions either being unable to, or not wanting the wider facts. I don't know all the answers, and if this subject is successfully proven but to be none of my theories, I don't care... All good examples of scientific research self correct and evolve. Look at the recently sequenced elongated skulls. The truth is, things move forward and as we evolve, so does our ability to open up to progressive thought processes; this means having the guts to ask questions that traditional science would normally laugh at.
DeleteYou catch my drift?
DeleteComments made by anons arguing with joe are being deleted. We have communism here folks, pure communism.
What on earth are you talking about? Just refresh the page, they come up in the end.
DeleteNo I read two comments before that now are disappeared.
DeleteDon't you see that you have 4 posts in a row now? The second and third were splitted by two anon posts.
Delete*3 posts in a row
DeleteSo what? I type fast bro... I also refresh fast too which means if there we're posts I would have seen them, and I saw no such thing.
DeleteNo. You had two comments after your 8.38 post. Your third post is 11 minutes later. Are you saying I'm a liar? There were two anon posts and now they're disappeared.
DeleteI read them, otherwise I wouldn't be saying this.
DeletePure communism.
The problem with game cams is the locations they are placed. Researchers always go on the assumption that so called "game trails" are damn near mandatory for animals to travel on. Other than ease of movement, there isn't any reason why a animal would stay near one. There would be much less forage available due to frequent use. And a repeatedly traveled path would be a magnet for predators. After an attack or two, a given area would be avoided like the plague. Now if I were to pick some likely locations knowing nothing else seems to be working, I would concentrate on remote, relatively small bridges that see next to zero traffic. Given the choice between wading a river up to it's neck or scurrying across a ready, made to order alternative, it's a no brainer. If a raccoon was to cross a creek and there is a fallen log handy, he'll take the log everytime. And I would saturate them with cameras. Instead of scattering them around in areas because they look "squatchy", I'd keep them within 50 yard of my target, aimed in every direction I could think of. And leave them there as long as possible. At least 6 months minimum. My results couldn't be anymore disappointing than everyone else's.
DeleteThere weren't anymore posts than that which have been posted. I'd take a break from your computer.
DeleteAre you saying that I'm a liar then?
Delete9:07... Excellent post.
Delete9:10... No, I'm saying you've spent too much time at the computer and probably need a break.
DeleteWhat could you do if I called you a liar anyway?
you seem to blindly trust in everyone saying to have seen such a strange thing like bigfoot but you don't trust in me saying that there were two posts that have been deleted. You are the one needing a break.
Oh dear.
DeleteTrusting tens of thousands accounts that transition ten thousand years of native culture, not to mention believing my own freinds' accounts... Is nothing in comparison to some Anon who claims posts are being deleted when it's apparent he merely loses out on finding a counter argument.
And you guys claim I cling to conspiracies?
Ignorant As*shole
DeleteDon't let it ruin your day, bro.
DeleteJoe for your game camera I'm just trying to figure out the best way to get in there without leaveing scent all over and the camera will be placed in a area were the bf has been setting and stalking pray for the past years, the bf has been about 30 to 50 yards of the main game trail and that's the area were the camera needs to go! Ttl right now I've just thought of leaving my clothes boots etc in the bush for weeks before I enter on a day of heavy rain. Ttl
DeleteGo to your nearest Bass Pro or Cabelas. They sell multiple brands of scent blockers. Failing that, if you leave them alone long enough, Mother Nature will take care of it for you.
DeleteNice post 9 07. I see the crack pot that wants to call people like me liars is about again. Well come to a conference that is in your area. There will be a lot of people that have seen them like myself there. Spew your ignorant rantings at them. That should be fun.
The whole beam thing from the trail cam I belive could be diverted with a small mirror put in front of the cammera diverting that beam into the sky or anywhere but in front of the camera so it is still able to take a picture and then I have a method of illiminating everything else. Even if I get rid of 95% of the problem that should be good enough I belive. I just really couldn't belive nobody had tryed to do what I proposed to the researcher given all the time people have put into this subject and as for the who u were asking about earlier, if u were to guess u would be right joe! TTL !!! Looking forward to email my friend!
ReplyDeleteAmazing stuff TTL!! I'm looking forward to that email too.
DeleteJoe! Ttl! R u there? I just got a response about the footage try!!
DeleteSo he doesn't now right now when they will release the new footage it's been a difficult process. Which I think probably nobody understands he's got to make Shure he can benefit $ as much as he can to do further research witch is totally understandable I think! Ttl
DeleteWho the hell are you talking about? Standing? FFS.
Deleteso far ive reported over 40 big foot sightings to the b.f.r.o. and over 100 sightings all over the u.s. they all been accepted as true sighting/encounters! of course they were all lies! I lie all the time1 i might be lieing now?
ReplyDeleteI reported 86 fake ones to bfro. those idiots will believe anything.
DeleteHave a lot of spare time on your hands? Have you tried model building or chasing girls? They're both frustrating at times but rewarding if you pay attention to what your doing. Having said that, I think both of these post are from the same person and you haven't done it once, let alone turned into a career. You're the epitome of a no life having loser regardless. See ya around chump.
DeleteHOWLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT REALLY BIGFOOT????? Holy shit...I personally believe such like this exist...like megalodon,loch ness and jormungand they were exist in nowaydays.