Reverend Jeff Kelley Bigfoot Call Really Works!

Everyone knows Reverend Jeff Kelley as the host of The Squatcher's Lounge podcast, and for his Fringe News updates, but did you know Reverend Jeff is also a Master-Level bigfoot caller? It's true. Check out this audio of a group of researchers utilizing the "Reverend Jeff Bigfoot Call" in the field.


  1. After that bigfoot call the frogs got all excited xx

  2. tham GRAYs having bases and collecting DNA BIGFOOTs controlled by GRAYs

  3. that abin a Rumtifusel tham critters eats you bone and all

  4. bigfoots sightings up as marijuana is legalized
    who could of foreseen that!

    1. It's been legalized in two states only. I don't know about you, but I don't typically hallucinate when I'm high on grass.

  5. One day every BF (BS hunter) will be in the same forest making calls--and then will have a firefight, satisfactorily wiping out every misguided dolt that think there is anything in the woods besides humans belching sounds.

  6. Young Santa Clause, bigfoot hunter

  7. A master Big foot caller? Show me pictures of all the Big foots he called in!

  8. Bwaaahaaa! Master Level Bigfoot caller? Akin to a Master Level Leprechaun Hunter....


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