Possible Juvenile Bigfoot Caught on Game Cam During Investigation

Does the above photo show a juvenile bigfoot? It sure shows something, and we're not sure what it is. This photo was taken via game cam at the beginning of an ongoing investigation. The owner of the property has experienced knocking on the outside of the building at night, as well as strange vocalizations.


  1. Replies
    1. Mountain Monsters - going after the Fire Dragon of Pocahontas County... need I say more

    2. I pity that Fire Dragon if old Marine Wild Bill gets a cutting on that critter with his bowie knife

  2. tham melonheads abin 1st fer shure


  3. maybe its a douchbag troll...??? uh guess not they are online...^^

  4. Oh Brother! People that post this STUPID stuff, must really think THE VIEWERS (That's you) are really STUPID!
    Tell Shawn, your NOT STUPID 9are you?) and stop posting this CRAP!

  5. Yes we Anon's are that stupid! We want more of this REAL Big foot Evidence!

    1. We need a new word of the day. Whoever dreamed up tallywacker help us out k

    2. Hows about..word of the be Wheel barrow..as opposed to wheel barrel as in the video...glad to help.....yep.....!

    3. The answer to yur problem is simple. U Dullard, I nominate the word,,, "LOOSER",,

      The smartest person on earth!!

    5. how about sugarbritches or swampangel. both very catchty words

    6. Yea I suppose, but then again not shure,,,c y'all in a while,, mr.wishy washy!!

    7. They are all good, I just cant make up my mind,,
      Mr.wishy washy???

  6. desperate
    do these guys never ask themselves. why is EVERY pic/film a head/am/silhouette etc... utter bollox

  7. The re-introduction of the large wolves from Northern Alberta has decimated the bigfeet population. Decimated. Nobody sees them anymore.

    1. that's what they want you to think bigfeets be alive and well

  8. Dammit man this is where Ttl lives Mikey.
    I see an old satellite dish and a 2002 truck.
    Mystery solved.
    Ttl is Mitch Waite.
    Who'd a thunk it.
    Thanks to Shawn for outing Ttl.
    Who loves you baby.
    I apologize TtL,you really do live in the past.
    Mike H.

    1. Mike!!! TTL !!! Living in the past is way better than this future ahead of us!!!!! Just take a couple minutes and think about r future it's really not looking very cheerful etc!!! The past were I am rocks every day, I only looked at the news on tv twice in the past 15 to 18 months and the first time was cause of the Boston run thing! Very terrible and there's nothing but bad things when u turn that box on. So I'm just going to stay I. The bush here it's nice and peacefull except for some of these darn squirrels!!! The one I call Mr ginggles is drivi g me nuts today!! Omg TTl

  9. Looked up white trash in dictionary and found the same picture in this video. Spare tire old satellite dish, broken down pick up,gotta be a washing machine in the front yard.

  10. Come on boys!! That's a airstream trailer !!!!!! Way out of my league!!! My 2002 would fart and bark all kinds of music pulling that beauty down the dirt roads !!!! I live in the one that pops out like a tent!!! I just always forget to take it down before we hit the open road and that's when the yard sale starts, it's terrible!!!! Thank god for duck tape!!! And always getting a signal on my Nokia from 1998!!!! TTl !!

  11. Maybee u guys could help me out here on the interweb ????????? Please I'm looking for a old girlfriend of mine her name is Sarha Gorege! Try to find her face book page guys u r all interweb gods! And have email and everything !!!! She's from Pittsburg, stilllives there, she be 36 old, blond, blue eyes and she did a cd called "Second Child"" please help me guys just tell her to Facebook her old crazy Canadian boy friend and she will now who it is for Shure and she's a 10 out of 10 can promise u that !!! U guy will like what u see!! Thanks for the help guys and if u need any more I do just ask!!! TTL !!!!!

    1. I saw her this morning standing at the end of my driveway waiting for a taxi. I would have gave her a ride but I blew all my gas money getting her drunk.

    2. Srarha Gorege is like a railroad track, that's been laid, all over the country!
      She is now known as BIG TUNNEL!

  12. GODZILLA 2014 ..... May 16 : ) just sayin

  13. Pretty sad what the state of bigfooting has come to. A juvenile bigfoot on the bumper of a truck? Seriously?


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