OMG. Stacy Brown Jr. Looks Like a Caveman

We can't really say what Stacy Brown is doing in the woods, but what we can say is that he hasn't bathe in a week from what it looks like. He's out in the middle of nowhere, hopefully on the verge of some great discovery. He's also not revealing anything more than just a few seconds of himself at an undisclosed -- with a broken thumb!


  1. Replies
    1. Stacy , dude first off shave and second off take a shower. Are you going for the white rasta look? I mean your boy tries to talk like one so I guess you and him changed races! hey Stacy you do know that your to pay taxes on that chump change you two won. You give us real white boys a bad reputation! Go home Stacy or is that wooded area your new home? And you talk about women on their rags all the time. I bet your close to smelling like those rags by now champ. Give it up cause if fat ass Tampa FAT-sano is on the hunt then there really is no bigfoot who hails a taxi in them woods partner.

    2. some one's jealous again !

    3. There is a little ribbing, and then there is hateraide. Drinking hateraide always makes one look ... I guess kinda just like a jerk.

  2. You are as lofty as an oak. And they are just too lofty, and they grab up all the light

  3. Poor Baby! Obama care will cover that, but only with a $4,000 deductible! Yeah, you young'un's got F............

    1. Get yer facts straight hick. Lose the false Fox News talking points, they have already been proven wrong.

    2. Get yer facts straight hick and lose the false Fox News talking points, they have already been proven wrong.

    3. ^Typical liberal. Just re-bleats what the guy ahead of him said.

    4. The facts are straight, MSMBC/CNN talking points lover!

  4. You'd look like that too if you smoke as much weed as Stacy Brown does.

  5. Stacy, there are a lot of us out here you support your dedication to proving the existence of Bigfoot.


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