Meet the Moehau Man, New Zealand's Very Own Bigfoot

Legends and stories of bigfoot type creatures stretch far and wide across the globe. They even go as far as New Zealand. Meet the Moehau Man, a bigfoot creature said to roam the Coromandel area in the North Island, and named after the mountain range it is believed to inhabit.

"The Moehau (also called the Maeroero) is reputed to be a large, hairy hominid cryptid living in the Coromandel-Moehau ranges near the top of the North Island. It may be synonymous with the Maero, (as some Maori have suggested), another New Zealand cryptid. Both have been reported as having long, sharp fingers and like the tall, hairy beasts from other continents, the Moehau is a large, extremely hairy hominid with arms reaching down to around his knees and with a distinct odour.

In Māori tradition, the Moehau are wild, violent men with long, bony fingers and long, dirty hair. They killed their prey with long, sharp fingernails and then ate them."
To read more about this New Zealand cryptid, check out the entire article here. 


  1. Second, and crying inside.


    1. ^^ Ah a butthurt Jref wannabe taking cheap shots at a guy worth ten of him.

    2. Oh MMG is that really you? Don't listen to those bronies. They can be so shallow and superficial. In my heart, I know you can still fly. Fly, little one! Be free!

    3. MMG, you are the wind beneath PJ's wings.

      With Love,

    4. The spirit of weak lame trolling lives on in this poor decrepit creature.

  2. If a Sasquatch drops a deuce in the woods and no one was around to smell it, does it stink?

  3. whats this hairy man you speak of me lady? thall shall not be thy bloke in a suit i might add.

  4. Big Hairy Moehau Man is the most credible voice in PJ's head.

  5. I say Bullshit! How did they get there?

    1. Their mama Einstein !!

      As always you have to question the intelligence of the average skeptard.

  6. Replies
    1. ^^. Good one. Need to expand on the homie character

  7. Deep Sea Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole Fish....for old time sake. Ahhh.....the good ole days

  8. DSSADTF....for old time sake.

  9. Potato that acceptable?

  10. If a Sasquatch ripped the extremities off a paid scoftic, very slowly and one at a time, pausing only look him in the eye and enjoy his pain, and noone was around to hear him scream to high heaven, did the scoftic actually make a sound?

    1. ^impossible...sasquatch doesn't exist

    2. ^ Living in denial, big time. Or at least until his extremities get ripped from his torso. Then he will be a believer. But then, he will have to type with his nose.

  11. We've gone a whole week without Dr. J, attempting to smear Mike Patterson. What gives? Is he on vacation, or just out of touch at SOHA? ribbet, ribbet, ribbet

  12. What is more PATHETIC than mike(hoxer)Patterson?? . .

    "NOTHING" ,,, ribbet,ribbet, ribbet.

  13. Oh yeah, a Kiwifoot. Like hell there is.

  14. no one here is even from new zealand. legends abound up and down the coast of BOTH islands. there are MANY places named after these beings and incidents that have occurred involving them. the forest people are not apes. wake the fuck up people, and don't speculate on places you know nothing of. good day fucktards.

  15. Possible sighting in the Athenree gorge, bay of plenty.


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