Listen: After Hours with Rictor - Episode 26: The Squatchdetetctive (Part 1 of 2)

You've seen him on TV, now see Steve Kulls, the infamous Squatchdetective from New York, on After Hours with Rictor. In Part 1 Steve Kulls gives you a much needed history lesson on the methodology of Bigfoot hoaxers by explaining their mentality and presenting their "business plans" to make money off of the general public. Where do these hoaxers and whistle blowers draw the line? We here at After Hours realize by never addressing hoaxers like Rick Dyer and Tom Biscardi, that we are turning the blind eye. Well now we cover it in total, graphic detail.

Joining host Rictor Riolo from Spike TV's Ten Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty is Sweet Sassy Glassy Tammy Murray and Team Tazer Investigative Reporter, Steve Alcorn.


  1. Replies
    1. There is always a good reason for firsting always xx

    2. AKs always 1st for your safety

    3. no worries if its a 7.62x39 154grain SP critter stopper for sure : )

    4. where all the sheepeople be @ ?

    5. AKs atakin tham hawgs down reel quik lack, tham animulls down 1 shot, 1 killt

  2. Infamous? Oh for fucks sake. Who writes this bullshit?

    1. Same guy who always says...

      "Stacy Brown, the "winner of Spike TV's 10 Million dollar bounty"

      That throws me every time. ( - he didn't win the 10 million...)

    2. some guy who said that some guy saw something that some guy heard from some guy that said he saw a bigfoot out there somewhere where he was some time ago! thats all the proof you need that bigfoot is out there somewhere

    3. Spot on cuz! you have won the mythical 10million dollars that hick brown supposedly won. That bogus backwater hillbilly won a measly 50grand. remember they had to split it and after taxes it didn't amount to much. Plus it shed light on that southern redneck homeless act. And his vile hatred towards women in the bigfoot field. Plus that meth maker has only got a thermal image to his credit. like someone else said these people here at bigfoot "no" Evidence have put hick brown on a some level as moneymaker. I bet that thermal is one of hick browns ex-girlfriends chasing him cause he stole her last hit of crack. And she was all hot under her flea collar which made her show up real good on his slightly used/stolen thermal camera.

    4. someone's jealous ! you hate well and it shows and I doubt he's a crack head. He talks to slow and crackheads tweak all the time.

    5. crackheads sightings of bigfoot is higher now than ever before

    6. tham crackheads aseein critters lack bigfoots fer shure

  3. keep in mind that Matt and BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years

  4. I suck harder" tittilation,chuckle klike a school girl

    why is this deviant allowed an audience

    even if it was fellow weirdo's looking for a big hairy man in the woods


    1. Glenn Beck on a good day !

    2. ^ those guys in a FEMA camp yet!

    3. Well, I like the Rictor Show.

    4. FEMA camps Jesse Ventura got the proof he been knowing about them FEMA camps for years

  5. GRAYs world domination, GRAYs making clones and hybrids been doing it for years

  6. GRAYs find U U dont find them....

  7. I want to be the Paul Shaffer of the Rictor Show

  8. Word of the day: SASSAFRAS

    Squatches love it ;)

  9. Joe, how's it going?
    Right at the beginning of this After Hours when there is a run through of "hoaxers", there is the clip from The Erickson Project of the bigfoot getting-up. This is the footage I mentioned to you a while back. Looks good to me. Cheers, Tim, U.K.

  10. ^ William J. Birnes got good information
    Nick Pope Former Ministry of Defence employee investigated UFO sighting.

  11. dang tham UFOs abin reel fer shure

  12. Hey Tim!

    I always thought that legitimate too and believe it so... Remember we have that Erikson Project documentary on ice, I think that will be an eye opener when it surfaces.

    Good to see you man.

  13. dang tham grays gits me hawgs fer shure

  14. Thanks 11;36/i've never heard of William J Birnes before,i will google him and read up on him xx

  15. I just took a fat joe Fitz at work

  16. Same stupid comments from the same stupid people. repeating the same comments with every new thread. to low of an IQ to add anything new. Dull & Dumber (words of the day).

  17. What has Steve Kulls showed us? NOTHING!

  18. Every time Rictor makes a video, Sharon Lee loses another year of her life. Keep em coming, Rictor!

  19. Cheers Joe.
    Let's hope Mr. Erickson releases all his footage at some point.
    It's interesting that the Standing nay-sayers never really talk about his clip of the figure running up the hill, only concentrating on the "muppets". I tried to watch this earlier clip years ago and couldn't make much out. It seems this footage is better quality now, and is certainly intriguing. What do you think?
    Tim, U.K.


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