In Case You Missed The Lochness Monster News This Past Week, Here's a Video

Were you living in a cave and missed the Loch Ness Monster news? Images of what is reportedly the infamous monster of Scotland's Loch Ness has spawned a spate of copycat sightings since the mythical creature was supposedly captured on Apple Maps by amateur Loch Ness Monster spotters last year.


  1. dang Mountain Monsters (AIMS) team cant get out that away or they could trap that Ness Monster fer shure

    1. WIlly and old Marine Wild Bill are trap builders Extraordinaire. and Buck @ the point, what could go wrong - all with guns @ the ready

    2. nope never been to a river

  2. Let us examine what we do know. The Werewolf of Webster County was trying to have a nice relaxing night Howling on his howling rock when Trapper and the boys set yet another trap designed to capture a feeding cryptid who was simultaneously being chased. In the interim Wild Bill rode a track hoe like a bull and Willie fell out of a tree. Trapper once again felt it was personal and that they had underestimated the wolf and 3 witnesses a video and a picture later the subject escaped. I don't know about you but I'm convinced fhis stuff is......real as HELL! I can only hope the often seen and on the verve of being scientifically recognized "fire dragon" of Pocahontas County is prepared for this crackerjack crew of problem solvers. Now where are my tooth pliers?

    1. Why does Wild Bill wear such tight pants ? The producers wanted eye candy for the ladies ?

    2. no,eye candy fer men like you cause you're the one noticing;)

    3. Right next to your toilet pliers mr. Brookreson good afternoon folks what the fuk are my fellow motherfukees up to?

    4. Again if you are seeking fashion sense amongst the AIMs crew you need look no further than Jeff's researcher hat. When Jeff Dons the hat and flips open his notepad I feel as if Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes has left Baker Street and come toife as a Carhart wearing southern sleuth hell bent on getting to the bottom of these real life mysteries.

    5. for sure Mountain Men, hunters trappers, woodmen all, with guns hunting and setting traps @ night chasing cryptids
      no worries Trapper will see them through to the end

    6. I think it gives the kids inspiration to know that Wikd Blll no longer uses his grandmothers "grocery hauler" mini van and now has the "bear dozer" manly off road lady killer. The vet may get em wet but Wild Bills new cruiser is none other than a back road baby-maker.

    7. If you were a single woman and Ttl and I pulled up next to you and your girlfriends in Bills truck and flipped open our cellular devices it's all over but the wedding ceremony!!!!

    8. Trapper hard core using the old tooth extraction method to get the JOB DONE : )

    9. Dear Sweet Mike - There is nothing the woman like more than a flip phone! As for Ttl, I couldn't marry him because of his grammar/spelling. You, on the other hand, write like a dream, and I am wooed every time I read your sweet repose.

    10. For the first time in my 2 year BFE history I'm speechless. Congrats to you and thanks as well

    11. how tham Mountain Monsters Team gona trap that fire dragon critter?
      Willy and Wild Bill got a chore to get that critter fer shure

    12. Anon10:28 Why are you trying to make everyone ILL??
      Sheesh ,whata looser!!

  3. no worries Matt BOBO and the team be on the Finding Bigfoot trail in November : )

  4. What a day in T Bay !!! Hey mike!! TTL!!!! U ever seen a guy shut his car door on his beard, get it stuck and lock his keys in at the same time???? Wow what a beauty!! I've locked the door on my hand a couple times but no beard for me! So what going on in the interweb bf world now???? Any good rumors ?? I'm still waiting for a reply form mr standing I wish he would get of his beard and message me back mabee I pushed for to much and didn't put enough grease on the bearings for him? Anyways tell me a good story! Joe, joe !! Ttl !!! How's things going there??? How's the weather?? Looks like winter is never going to end here we got 14" snow yesturday, omg!! Ttl have a good week end!!!! Everyone!!

    1. you be interested in buying an I Phone 5 ttl fer a dollar?
      i'll even pay for the shipping
      how about it
      hell i'll just give it to you

    2. DSA do not be so quick to usher Ttl and I into the multi media savvy world you inhabit. When we put on out acid washed jeans and crank up the Marshal Tucker Band we feel a certain sense of liberty!!

    3. just trying to help a fella out mike but maybe he'll blow a fuse in his brain with a new phone lol

    4. Understood. Consider this. Just the other day Ttl took my 8 track out and looked at me and said, " Mike what is this? A Twisted Sister tape ? You're worthless and weak, Mike what do you want to do with your life ?ttl? And I said......" I wanna ROCK!"

    5. Have u guys ever herd of net fix?, fix net or nit fix????? Do u get movies on this thing? Do u order it?? People r saying its good for watching diff stuff I have no clue what there talking about? U guys would love my hunting truck it's like back to the future lol no cd, no tape deck or nothing? It's a 2002 but it must of been special order for me! Lol not even power windows, I'm going to put a 8 track in it this fall and let her buck Mike!! And by then I'll get email figured out and send u videos of my rig out in the sticks I'm going to see right now if I pumped mr Todd's tires enough to get a reply!! TTl twisted brothers, have a good day!

    6. TTL!! Oh ya I don't need 5 phones either !! I'm good thanks though!

    7. Eva , I cannot help but feel Ttl and I are on the verge of a big rig cross country challenge! I'll be In the blocker trans am with the at tops down. Ttl will be roughriding in the 18 wheeler behind. If we can get a load of plaster foots to Cliff Batackman before the smokies get us we will emerge victorious. Now, "they" say it can't be done. But what do "they" know. When Ttl and are motor Assing through Alabamq with bears on our asses like bumper stickers we will see what's what. Ain't no bubble gum machine been made yet that can run down Ttl and the blonde bandit!

    8. Now Eva, you may be saying to yourself, Mike has simply recited the plot is "Smokey and The Bandit" and substituted Ttl and himself for Jerry Reed and Burt Reynolds. Well. Ummmm. Yes. So what? I still say we can make to Cliff's house with the plaster before Sheriff Shawn Evidence and Deputy Matt K will catch us in hot pursuit. And that's a big 10-4 little lady. Now I've gotta go. I have 10-100 progress !

    9. Just got back from my 10-100.

  5. Finding BigFeets folks can findin that thar Ness critter, caws them folks abein traxs figfoots fer yeers


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