Fecal Transplants, Bigfoot Drug Mules, Rocket Occultist, Oh My!

The Fortean Slip News 16 In this news we look into frozen poop transplants. Cliff Barackman of Finding Bigfoot fame gets his bigfoot casts opened at the airport going through TSA, and a rocket scientist who was an avid occultist. This news is uncensored.


  1. Replies
    1. Lol Jack Parsons is my new fuking hero just wanted to get that out there carry on....... That was fukin great I'm a fan of random shit

  2. Hey it's a picture of Phil Pohling!

    1. that's mmeeeeeeaaann!! lol

      Ball Boy

    2. Billy Blue Balls & Sally Screw You say'sSaturday, April 26, 2014 at 3:01:00 AM PDT

      No it actually Shawn Evidence's first love doll. He modified his plastic one that he got in the city of Vallejo just north of Oakland Ca. @ the Porn Smut Hut. There motto say's "If you got one that hurts like hell then we got something for that little bugger"!

    3. ^Too many to mention. I give up.

      The Grammar Police

  3. This thread is to stupid to comment on!

    1. Phil pohling just got "GOOSED" by rictor,,(the photo above)..and you thought this thread was to stupid to comment on!!! Lol,shame on you..

  4. That pic looks like a guy getting his tallywhacker examined. Can we still say tallywhacker?


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