Are These 3 Toed Tracks From a Skinwalker?

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization. They found these strange three-toed tracks, of what they believe might be from a wolf-like creature. Check it out:

"20 miles from Skinwalker Ranch and Skinwalker Ridge. We are flushed out of Rough Hollow the night before by what sounds like 3 K9 type creatures. The next night we find large 3 toe wolf like footprints. The biggest wolves on Skinwalker Ranch have the 3 toe paws.They are called Skinwalkers."


  1. tham trax fer a skoocooms eats U fer shure

  2. I am designing a jar shaped like bigfoots head. It will have an open mouth, for pooping into. It will include a stopper, to allow for preservation, and storage of said poop. Is anyone interested in investing start up capital? Is anyone interested in purchasing one or more bigfoot poop jars?

  3. reptilian humanoid on a walkabout

  4. o my gosh.. someone takes a leak and takes a pic and now its a 8ft, 700 lb , hairy three toed bigfoot. o please . give me a break

  5. It is a tyranasourus rex, dummy.

  6. Looks more like an ordinary bat did a face plant, after he could not pull out of a dive on a particularly delicious insect. Or it could by a relic tyranasourus rex like the previous poster speculated. Or it is a Rorschach test being administered by a Bigfoot Shaman, on unsuspecting field researchers. Which he apparently flunked.


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