Are Monkeys Smart, Or Just Greedy? You Do the Math

The Fortean Slip Science Minute 10 In this science minute we look into a study done to look into how far back we can trace mathematical reasoning. This webcast is uncensored.


  1. Replies
    1. Sometimes I miss thread due to the time zone difference but I'll post a response to Chick here in the hope that it'll get noticed at some point. This is relating to the Genoskwa thread;

      The legends state that the Genoskwa get their rock hard skin complexion from rolling around in the dirt and the mud, until it hardens into what is perceived as a rock-like skin. This was apparently good enough to repel primitive type arrows when they entered tribal communities to steal woman or children for food.

      Interesting that you mentioned missing people, because one of the consistent places people go missing in 411 is boulder fields. Legends state that Genoskwa used to hide in these places camouflage style and snatch prey as it walked passed whilst totally unaware.

      Something to think about.

    2. Hello Joe,
      That might explain why some bigfoot are aggressive and some not xx

    3. All I know is they can hide real good :) Eva

  2. bigfoot it is real as the tooth fairy
    o and first you mofos

    1. Tooth fairy don't leave tracks ma boy!! Wooooowww!!!

    2. Damn it who are you tellin me the tooth fairy ain't reals this is some bullshit

  3. Damn it still white WTF Shawn you ain't much fun since you quit drinkin

  4. Joe what if it was a regional thing and they did it as a primitive insect repellant?? Repelling black flies and huge Mosquitos that are common in the north wilds??

  5. How about you open up a dictionary and learn some new words?

    Joe was right about you.


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