Watch This Epic Canadian Bigfoot Prank Video

A lot of people think bigfoot is a funny subject. Until they see one. Check out this hilarious bigfoot prank video from Canada:


  1. Who wouldn't run from a guy in an obvious pedobear suit at night?

  2. All Canadians are pranksters and Hoaxers!

    1. I refute that... Trailer Park Boys would too.

    2. ^Joe is more than likely Canadian. He is either from the USA or Canada. He is a troll here to influence blog traffic by playing the role of the dopey bigfoot enthusiast to encourage conversation and act as troll bait. Pay him no attention

    3. And yet, here you are adding to the blog traffic. You aint too bright.

    4. Joe is from Canada, confirmed today via an IP trace. It will take me more time to find out what part.

      Joe, when you post as Ernie from Canada, do you like to talk of blog traffic?

    5. You couldn't trace your name in the snow retard.

  3. I like these prank videos,i thought the the third one was the funniest where the woman hit bigfoot with her handbag while her man stood behind her,now she knows what he really thinks of her lol xx

    1. Eva, you should do a prank where you pretend to be a woman, then when you fool some drunk guy, then drop your pants and show him your manhood. Ru paul style

    2. More like the Crying Game.

  4. It's not a bigfoot prank. It's a guy in a suit prank. Wait--that IS a bigfoot prank.


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