The Last 5 Minutes of Shooting Bigfoot Is So Fake, LOL
Morgan Mathew's Shooting Bigfoot finally aired in the U.K. Here's the final 5 minutes of the film that shows a beaten Morgan Mathews flying back home on a plane. Considering the fact that Rick Dyer is now hauling around a fake Bigfoot dummy, many have attributed director Morgan Mathew to giving rise to the hoax. "Matthews was obviously complicit in the hoax," wrote one viewer.
Another viewer agrees that it's a well played out hoax and Mathew's refusal to say Bigfoot exists (even after allegedly being attacked by one) is all a marketing ploy. "While I doubt Morgan Matthews was in on the hoax at the time, I do think he now feeding it because he could publicly say Dyer is lying but he won't do that. He's playing with people by keeping it a mystery. He thinks the whole 'What attacked me that night' angle will sell the documentary and maybe even lead to a sequel," wrote the viewer.
ReplyDeleteGettin jiggy with the first
ReplyDeleteI didn't even bother watching this!!
Good mornin mr. Joe
ReplyDeleteIf Chris Noel buys Dyers crap, how reliable is ANYTHING from any of the eyewitnesses in his "habituation" books?
ReplyDeleteWhat is your opinion joe?
I actually think that anyone who's still promoting Dyer this long, is just in too deep to look silly by withdrawing their endorsement.
DeleteThis shouldn't be the case, we are all susceptible to hoaxing (how ever ridiculously obvious the hoax is, look at Erikson's situation with Matilda, though he had legit DNA) and I think Chris Noel a good guy.
What are your thoughts 2:13?
One word to describe the bigfoot community after the airing of shooting bigfoot last night: OBLITERATED.
DeleteJoe is pretending he didn't watch but we all know he did.
I wonder what he thinks about dallas having sheep dna and being "chosen".
Dyer is hilarious. Its clear he is just having a good laugh at footers and he doesn't even give a fu*k.
And that guy who said a plane flying over was a ufo disguised as a plane. Absolutely hilarious.
First there was the sykes 3 parter that obliterated any hope of scientific evidence and now this documentary has exposed the circus show of footery.
Feel bad for ya joe. Quite the pummeling.
Yet you KEEP coming back to a bigfoot website!
Deletethanks joe, well, I also think Noel got himself in too deep and is possibly too stubborn to admit it. I have only read his book Impossible Visits. Though in his new book he writes that Dyer has shot and killed an actual bigfoot. Talk about jumping the gun. By him not making any kind of statement isn't he profiting off this hoax as well? I was a supporter of Chris Noel and I really respect his work and video's in the past. I just feel he should address this whole Dyer fiasco.
DeleteUnless he still thinks Dyer's story is true?
I can't agree more with you bro... Though I am slightly sympathetic, it is time Noel came out and addressed it. I really doubt anyone can maintain that Dyer has a real Bigfoot anymore!
DeleteI really hope he doesn't think so... More than anything!
DeleteFish in a barrel.
DeleteI was gonna just ignore him but that was class. Only a mindless troll would suggest that a subject that an entire field has discounted... Years ago now, 'obliterates' anything.
You have to remember that this guy chimes in for daily attention every day at this time, and apart from being made look silly, doesn't normally have much to go on other than the PGF... This is an attempt at broadening his horizons I guess.
; )
... On the other hand, it could have been a Squatch!
Delete; )
Great stuff bro, any other experiences??
Ha ha!!
DeleteJoe, can you please answer why you said you had a wife on multiple occasions but told Mike B. and Harry B. that she was just your girlfriend?
DeleteI'm just kinda curious why you would lie like that on here or to them.
Well for starters it's none of your business, but for the sake of clearing an accusation of lies, I'll oblige you.
DeleteI'm not married, but have been with my girlfriend way, way longer than most marriages these days; therefore I refer to her as my wife.
So not only are your a liar, you're a commitment p*ssy.
DeleteSome man she has. Would this wife happen to be that dirty sock you rub against your d*ck every night?
I didn't know bigfoot looked so much like Hume Cronyn or maybe Lee Marvin
ReplyDeleteALL CAPS
WTF IS GOIN ON AC. Top O the morning fuckfaces lol
ReplyDeleteIt's great how the butthurt JREFer has been able to add a new arrow to his vocabulary quiver:
This is in addition to his other JREF gems:
Came forward
Known hoaxer
Proven hoaxer
All liars
All bears
What with all this deluded smoking pummelling destroying obliterating lying hoaxing, the JREF sounds like a happy place, doesn't it?
Of course this sad sap is the one who proclaimed from the top of his molehill that the Hackham/BBC fiasco was not an attempt to recreate the PGF. OK let's roll that beautiful footage of Packham's exact words in that programme:
'recreate the action at Bluff Creek to the inch.'
Yes, in butthurt JREFer's world, 'to the inch' = did not attempt to replicate.
It smarts when your own cardboard heroes let you down.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, forgot these JREF plums:
DeleteNot a shred
Nothing more than
They all speak alike, off the same page, out of the same textbook. They are infested with their own cliches.
Their poverty of original thought is pathetic.
That's how it goes with a cult: group-think, group-speak, down with individual thought.
Smells like you made plum jam!
DeleteHa ha ha ha!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePwned like Mulder in the park.
DeleteWho is this Mulder and why is he pwned in the dark???
ReplyDeleteALL CAPS
Hoaxers (Dyer) should be hung from the gallows by their (his) nads!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree... Though I think it's more important to stop giving this guy the reason he's doing it; attention.
Exactly what you are doing with Standing, Fatsano, Sasquatch Ontario, etc.
Deleteha ha ha!
Unlike the sources you've just listed... Dyer is a proven hoaxer.
DeleteIs this the limit of intelligence for your theory group at this hour?
You're the only one giving credibility to those guys. But I see that you already started throwing insults, have to think that you are already running out of arguments. Is really this your limit of discussion capacity? Must be from this that derives all your intelligence
DeleteMan, what a beating Joe is getting. Hilarious.
DeleteNo... I'm in fact stating a fact, and I'm curious that you would draw attention to me off the back of you being corrected.
DeleteMakes me think we've done this a million times before?
... Dyer is a hoaxer and proven so... The others, though all in this field would predictably be accused of, haven't been proven to be hoaxers.
Corrected, old boy.
Stupid statement.
Hank has never PROVEN to be a hoax. Rick just hasn't given any real evidence of his claims. Just like Standing, Sasquatch Ontario, and every other footer.
DeleteDyer was a proven hoaxer prior to Hank.
Delete(I can't believe I'm entertaining this?)
Therefore his terrible taxidermy, that is obviously a hoax, is a hoax. Whilst countless that supported him have come forward and verified this.
All the other sources you have made an accusation about, are mere accusations you have nothing to back up.
Paul Freeman was a proven hoaxer before filming his niche 'famous' footage too.
DeleteThere is no more proof that Hank is a hoax than there is that Standing is a hoax. The "terrible taxidermy" as you call it looks a hell of a lot better than Todd's puppets.
DeleteLies... There is no proof Freeman was a hoaxer.
DeleteLies... Dyer was busted with his Squatch in a freezer years ago, his police officer mate got fired because of his participation in the said hoax.
There has yet to date, not been one ounce of truth in Standing hoaxing, and has in fact managed to get Bindenagle and Medrum, as well as Les Stroud to have experiences in the exact places Standing is advising they will.
If Dyer's taxidermy was anything like Standing's pictures, then he wouldn't have the three people referenced going along with his 100% transparent off to go with him and experience it for himself.
The truth is, I can't prove Standing's photographs are real, but the same can be said for the other conclusion, however... As long as he's continuing to get the right people on board, then it's a matter of time before a source of evidence comes long to validate them either way.
The shot where you first see the creature walking away it looks a lot like patty: a crappy suit.
ReplyDeleteBut but I guess unless you can produce an exact replication then it's real right? Joe?
Of Dyer had a primatologist, and anthropologist, a wildlife biologist and a constume expert in his camp... Your argument would be valid.
What about the other 99% of primatologists, anthropologists, biologists and costume experts saying that it is a bloke in a suit? Oh but they are not credible right?
DeleteSpecial pleading at his best
None have tested it, all have careers to think about, all have invested two seconds worth of opinion and all that do end up on board.
DeleteFunny series of coincidences?
Got monkey suit??
; )
Oh... And your point was comparing the PGF to Dyer... Please try and keep your train of thought there, old boy.
DeleteOf course, it takes two seconds to see that it's a bloke in a suit. If you are a scientist, it actually takes one second.
DeleteFish in a barrel.
Not to me and millions of others it doesn't.
DeleteGot monkey suit?
Yes. And to all the other future questions: the answer is always YES.
DeleteAlready forgot the beating you had by dmaker about negative and positive evidence? Bet your a*s is still sore.
You cannot prove or disprove the legitimacy of research without testing the said sources, and every field of study has a starting point. Evidence doesn't 'stop existing' because you have a preconceived default position, that's as anti-scientific as you can get, not true skepticism and in fact suppression of evidence (not to mention denial).
DeleteDmaker suggesting that the requirement of footage presented with scientists to be tested is negative, is actually a suppression of evidence fallacy.
Got monkey suit?
YES. And YES. And again, YES.
DeleteExcellent! Can we see it??
DeleteForget Kit's standards... Give us a suit.
DeleteJoe, when you post as anonymous, do you like talking about dicks?
DeleteWhen you get your backside handed to you by an Anon, do you fall back on the same mindless dribble that renders you a paranoid nerd?
DeleteHa ha ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteJoe, when you post as anonymous, do you like talking about backsides?
DeleteKeep up with who says what... You're slacking.
Joe, when you post as Joe, do you like being kept up by your dick?
Delete8:47 What the hell is wrong with you?
DeleteJoe, when you post as a general anon, do you like remembering how smart you had been posting with a profile called Anonymous?
DeleteJoe, when you post as Anonymous, do you like being lolled?
DeleteNo warning that Rick would be naked? Thanks for that ;) this 'Blair witch-foot' looks totally different to 'Hank' - they can't even be bothered to fabricate any consistency.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that he was in his underwear was proof that this was not staged according to Rick.
DeleteWell joe first shot with video and mistaking it for a moose has got to count 100% cause they might move away from the area after a good shot! Can't wait to send u some footage 100 miles into Canadian wilderness, no phones, houses, electricity etc ttl
DeleteI'll very much look forward to that bro!!!!
TTL, you're a tougher man than most being that far deep in!
DeleteNow I know why FB/FB confirmed this as the no. 1 bigfoot footage of all time. Confirms on all points. Amazing. I guess it truly is "time to believe".
ReplyDeleteNice Nosferatu hands when it gets up...hoax FAIL
ReplyDeleteShe's got a date at midnight
DeleteWith Nosferatu
It is definitely real. Just makes it more sense now that I saw this! Thanks ass hats!
ReplyDeleteno problem assclown
DeleteDo assclowns live under the bridge in Queens?
DeleteI watched it last night as somebody not involved with bigfootery. It was entertaining but I assumed that Matthews had avoided the more boring investigators for these personailties. Must admit the "attack" at the end was well done, but it was a strange looking "Bigfoot" even to a novice like me. Hank Marvin definitely comes to mind.
ReplyDeleteWhich is a dying breed?
ReplyDelete1: Bigfoot
2: Lochness Monster
3: Honest Men
and dont forget honest politicians
DeleteI have secret inside info regarding Dr. Sykes. When this comes out the entire world is going to soil their britches. I know I would have if I were not in the know.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah. Should we buckle up? Did Finding Bigfoot give him the secret sauce? A body?
DeleteHail Ketchum !!
Lindsay, Noel, and Randles are the biggest fools on the planet for falling for this garbage. Those 3 should start their own Research Organization called the 3 stooges of Bigfoot.
ReplyDeletetham 3 toed bigfeets, tham beez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure
Deleteshoots tham bigfoots, thays been atakin me barn critters fer sure
ReplyDeleteand gitin me hawgs orrery bigfoots.
DeleteJoe, when you post as a general anon, do you like remembeting the good ol' days when you were a profile called "anonymous"?
ReplyDeletelike I say mountain monsters team (AIMS) can trap them bigfoots, they got the experience and technology.
ReplyDeleteTrapper - been in da NAM huntin VC,
DeleteWild Bill 6 years Marine Corps.
and the rest of the team....
The Aims team is made up of all phonies, Dumbass!
DeleteWild Bill failed boot camp, he's not a marine! Matter of public record!
for sure -
ReplyDelete5 decades, the traditional methods are:
1. Hunt at night
2. make calls
3. Do wood knocks
4. set traps
Joe, when you post as Anonymous, do you like being lolled?
ReplyDeleteAt least butthurt JREFer can spell his new word, 'obliterated'.
ReplyDeleteThings are looking up for the semi-literate.
you are all missing the point. Maybe its because hes English and there is a culture of whacky. The films point was to question the reality of bigfoot with the hoax. The end as I saw it said: ''we have found no proof, we can make this, this is how easy it is''. The film ends with no documentary, its saying: ''If you think this is real, thats how easy it is''. it was a fun doc that had no easy ending so they used a hoax which is its main publicity. Morgan will release a film next year called Faking Bigfoot. This fil will document the hoax and hoaxers.
ReplyDeleteahm sayin bigfoots bein reel fer shure
ReplyDeleteMatthews has made a very serious error to his career. After this crap, he won't get a job directing traffic. The BBC is going to be extremely upset Matthews was part of this blatant hoax. I used tow rite for a lot of national movie magazines and know a lot of people in the business., including Board of Governors members. Matthews just cut his own throat. The only honest people in the entire "documentary are Dallas and Wayne.
ReplyDeleteAre you slightly retarded or just plain mad?
DeleteLet this put to rest Dyer's BSing. You can NOT take stock in a thing the scum says. He needs mental help and to be taken off the street. Mark by words. Ricky will be pack in a few months with new suckers as members and attemp to make more money off this running hoax. To ALL the ex Team Trackers,, I tried to tell you all he was a hoaxer and a scam artist. Mabe THIS will wake you up. You must have been blind not to tell the "body" was a fake. Even a chold laughed when they saw that dummy body. Greatest Bigfoot Hunter in the World???? NO!!!! Biggest bullshitter YES. He makes me sick
ReplyDeleteToday's fun fact:
ReplyDeletePeeling the potato before you film with it results in clearer video.
Leon is mad today!