NEW! Redwood National Park Bigfoot Roar Caught on Video

Bigfoot researcher Jamie S. from Northern California was able to capture some sort of animal roar on video and audio during a recent trip to Redwood National Park. Jamie is a veteran researcher, and you can see this clearly caught him off guard. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Woo hoo! Congrats Rush! Excellent first!

    2. It is replayed a couple times at the end of the video joe, listen again darn it!

    3. Christ on a bike!!! Chillingly nasty roar!!!!

    4. not something you want to hear at night, let alone daytime.

    5. Am I the only one who sits here for endless hours refreshing the same bigfoot blog's and website pages, posting anonymously a few days a week, all winter?
      Sometimes it gets boring.

    6. JoeFi\t is bf's bottom breeder of the year.

      He went to a conversion party and he stayed after hours and went home satisfied.

    7. It's Chumley's older brother from Pawn Stars!

  2. That could just be a pissed off bear maybe?

  3. Typical: something unidentified must mean bigfoot.

  4. This is just like Finding Bigfoot because they couldn't get a good recording either. And then they too thought they had enough to put it out on the media. This is like deja vu all over again.

  5. This is lame, and just a way to get hits on this site. I have quality head phones and heard nothing but a very, very, very slight noise that was so low in volume that there is no way to confirm this as a "roar". Epic fail!! Almost Rick Dyer bad!!

  6. Sounds like a tractor-trailing braking skidding the tires.

  7. Joe has a mouthful of caulk.

    All your monkey suit are belong to me.

  8. Nope. Nothing. Only thing I heard was him talking.

  9. I've been here before. Its right along redwood creek in orick, ca

  10. Is any Logging being done ? When a tree falls, you can hear it. At long distance, it sounds like a Roar!

  11. Californian's Motto: Never pass up an opportunity to put your face on youtube. Even when you don't have a respectable recording of the primary subject matter. Next stop, David Letterman. Then, you star in a movie action thriller.

    1. California Clothing tips: Wear your baseball cap backwards so that you look like an expert at whatever you are doing. Even if they just caught you walking out of a USFS outhouse somewhere.

  12. I believe the DOOBIE he smoked was a little too strong!

  13. Camera not close enough. Can't see blackheads.

  14. It was a bigfoot, it roared and it was real.


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