Cliff Barackman's Brother Looks Exactly Like Him

This is an insane photograph. Take a second look and see if you can tell which one is the real Cliff Barackman? It's impossible to tell, right? Barackman of Finding Bigfoot shared the photograph of him, Bobo, and his brother this morning on Facebook, and he writes:

My brother and I pose with Bobo after an appearance on the Jeff Probst show last year. (Yes, my brother and I look similar. We are brothers, after all...)


  1. Dammit I was nearly first for the first time ever. For anything.

  2. Oh and Cliff is one of nicest guys on TV. Probably too nice.

  3. i been telling U them GRAYs been cloning for years and here's the proof

  4. Chart don't lie people. Chart don't lie.

  5. Sasquatch a'comin fer shur! Yep.

    1. fer shure tham bez orrery critters eatin U fer shure

  6. Hey cliff with all that technology on that show. How about you actually find a big foot. Or any kind of concrete evidence. Give us something.

    1. His contribution to this was pretty significant I think;

    2. the brown footage is t-fats dropping a duece next to a tree

  7. He was nice enough to respond to my e mails and answer a few questions, good guy and not retarded like Moneymaker

  8. No Cliff. Bigfoot does not follow the food. No Cliff. Bigfoot is not 24/7 flesh and blood. No Cliff. Contrary to your repetitive teachings, there is nothing that is intuitively obvious about Bigfoot behavior because they are not similar to any recognized forest creature or nomadic tribe. Consequently, everything that you think that you know, is wrong. You have staked your entire career on repeating what are essentially, lies. Although you don't know them to be lies, they came from your boss Matt Moneymaker. Matt Moneymaker's confessed goal is to convince the world that Bigfoot is both real and 24/7 flesh and blood. Even though he admits privately that they are not 24/7 flesh and blood. His goal is to make a living by selling that lie. As is yours, apparently.

    1. Got a Bigfoot sighting yet, Cliff? I didn't think so.

    2. Cliff been tracking them bigfoots for years


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