Breaking: New Footage Shows Todd Standing's Bigfoot Blinking! OMG!

Holy shh! This video just aired during tonight's Survivorman Bigfoot episode. Wow! If you were those complaining about Todd Standing's "other" Bigfoot not blinking, this one blinks! Holy moly!

Full footage:

[Promoted BFE comment]
Ernie Street: So it does look odd, but it's also impressive. If it's a prop, it is well done.

The camera coming in and out of focus is interesting. Makes it seem more authentic if it was indeed staged.

The face is very detailed. And although it looks surreal ,often extreme close ups with camera lenses offering this depth of field give this effect. The eye blinking looks, but it could have to do with being slowed down, coupled with the depth of field.

Is there more than just this footage? How long did he have the shot? If this is it then it puts another notch in the questionable slot.

Update: *eye blinking looks odd* meant to say In second paragraph.


  1. Replies
    1. Watch clip from part 1, shows another close-up of the juvenile's face. My observation skills are bar none and that's the best evidence I've seen since 67Patterson film.

    2. I appreciate your observation and evaluation. What it REALLY seems to me that is going on with all of the bigfoot so-called professional bigfoot hunters and researchers who caterwallering and nay-saying, trying to lay the biggest hit on, is that they are wanting to discredit anyone or any data that would prevent them or the organization from bombing a huge story on the public. I'm speaking of many in both Canada and the U.S., illustrated by those two guys on Sunday night who present an interesting program, but then ruin it by labeling other hunters and researcher as stupid and dumb. Seems to me that the people who are stupid are the arrogant ones such as these two guys. I'm posting under anonymous, but my name is Jim Porter.

    3. HILARIOUS! A mechanical eye blink, was this animatronic bigfoot borrowed from Disney, or was it invented by the guys on "myth busters"? Les is also a fraud!

    4. I do not call Todd Standings videos evidence, he needs to go to work with some haunted attractions because he might do well, but this is all hoaxed... It's not even a good hoax, and why you so called experts give his work the time of day shows you really just are not experts at all

  2. So it does look odd, but it's also impressive. If it's a prop, it is well done.

    The camera coming in and out of focus is interesting. Makes it seem more authentic if it was indeed staged.

    The face is very detailed. And although it looks surreal ,often extreme close ups with camera lenses offering this depth of field give this effect. The eye blinking looks, but it could have to do with being slowed down, coupled with the depth of field.

    Is there more than just this footage? How long did he have the shot? If this is it then it puts another notch in the questionable slot.

    1. *eye blinking looks odd* meant to say In second paragraph.

    2. It looks mechanical i'm reserving til i see more footage

    3. Yah it does, but if it was real and it was slowed down for stabilization for that distance that could be why. Interesting. If fake, pretty well done.

    4. Reserving judgement i mean

    5. It will be cool to see more though but i still like turtles

    6. Ernie, your comment just got promoted!

    7. I'm not sure what that means Shawn, but coolio :)

    8. That means you just provided me with some free content! LOL. Thanks. Scroll up and check out the post.

    9. If is on Survivorman it must be real, amirite? They can't put things on basic cable reality shows if they're not real.

      Seriously, is this all it takes to forget Standing's long-standing reputation as a hoaxer? Even Cryptomundo thinks he's a fraud, and they're pretty much the marketing department for every sideshow attraction from Dyer to the aptly named Moneymaker. It's a good thing you're not claiming it's real, Ernie, because it's obviously not. I'll believe Standing when he was 35mm footage of Bigfoot jumping rope in Times Square.

    10. Well, this bloke in a suit looks a lot better than Patty. Mad props to Louise Standing for creating this prop.


    11. I agree, the eye blinking looks very "mechanical". In the shot where you see the eye blink, it seems like it would have been possible to simply adjust the camera so that both eyes could be seen. I am suspicious of the video, even though I do personally believe Bigfoot exist.

    12. it's in slow motion. the footage is better than any I have seen for facial detail, even if fake. smoke that.
      thumbs up for being the best, either way.

    13. I truly believe this is real no question. Observing the facial structure and how all the hair is kind of matted and dirty it is so amazing that he got this. Im saying now and truely I am being honest I would go with Todd and help him I would love it I would want to see one for myself and have experiences such as his so that I could also have his back all the way. The face of this bigfoot is just outstanding I cant stop looking at it and when he blinks it is so real and he is trying to move as slow as he can to be undetected its not slow-motion. After he blinks if you watch close you can see his eyebrow move a little as if he twitched. I just cant get enough of this guy i wish i could contact Todd in some way my email is i have a location to share as well and i believe they are up there because my family has had encounters for so many years up there its called cook creek and its off of spruce run in Oregon great place btw beautiful up there

    14. I truly believe this is real no question. Observing the facial structure and how all the hair is kind of matted and dirty it is so amazing that he got this. Im saying now and truely I am being honest I would go with Todd and help him I would love it I would want to see one for myself and have experiences such as his so that I could also have his back all the way. The face of this bigfoot is just outstanding I cant stop looking at it and when he blinks it is so real and he is trying to move as slow as he can to be undetected its not slow-motion. After he blinks if you watch close you can see his eyebrow move a little as if he twitched. I just cant get enough of this guy i wish i could contact Todd in some way my email is i have a location to share as well and i believe they are up there because my family has had encounters for so many years up there its called cook creek and its off of spruce run in Oregon great place btw beautiful up there

  3. No audio makes it dubious. Also it doesn't look living at all. The blinking is totally mechanical.
    In short, it's a well done prop.

    1. I'm not saying it's real, but if shot at a great distance with a telephoto lens there would only be noises of Todd breathing, wind etc.

    2. There is audio Todd is panting while shooting..he claims this was a juvenile that was watching him for some time and was not fazed by him being there.

  4. Muscle movement above the eye = real.

    Spend all the money and time to make most expensive prop and sit on it to release with survivorman = not a chance

    1. Really? Why not? Prior to this most of the big footing world considered Standing to be a fraud.
      This is a great opportunity for him to push and sell his work to the next level. It helps legitimize him.

    2. That footage was released over 2 years ago.

    3. Oh yeah, and you had to PAY to get the "documentary" this hoax was on.

    4. 11:16. Keep in mind that "most of the bigfooting world" seems to be drawn into cliques and alliance's that have nothing to do with looking for sasquatch and EVERYTHING to do with promotion. Want an example? Just look at the headline on the Anders themed blog above this one. He's not on the Bigfoot Evidence team so he must be ridiculed, marginalized, attacked etc. I don't know if his stuff is real or not but from Shawn's point of view, that's a moot point. HE'S NOT ONE OF US! GET HIM! And this from a guy who gives a ranting taxi cab driver a forum to scream for attention. I'd rather watch a potential muppet from Standing than a Stacy Brown Spike TV financed meth bender any day of the week. Shawn on the other hand....

    5. Yup. I think there are too many internet experts on here. Everything is a fake unless it is from someone they like .. get out in the field and away from a computer

    6. 11:16 footers are like The Terminator. They do not feel,you can not reason with them and they will never stop bleeving. It is what they are programmed to do and they will never give up. It is best to just make jokes at their expense.

  5. The head is perfectly still and not a hair is out of place.
    I don't care if BF is trying to sit still, I would expect to see some head, nose or other movement.
    The blink is also slow like it wants you to see it blink and the movement over the eye isn't normal for a blink.
    I can't say 100% for certain it's fake because it could be normal for an unknown species... but I have strong doubts about it.

    1. The head does move in the full clip that was aired. Slight movement, but natural.

    2. You need to watch the youtube clip more carefully. At the end you can see the subject extend his head slightly and his eyes move slightly as if he's tracking something behind the camera moving left to right.

    3. Also, you can see the entire head move as is inhales & exhales! You cannot do CGI in that many layers easily. Do any of you really think these people spend there entire lives and income to make a hoax (and a very expensive hoax at that), when they have nothing to gain. It would cost more to make than they could ever make back if this was a hoax. Todd Standing has been called a fraud for years, yet not once have I seen anyone prove it! I give Todd a ton of credit for all he's accomplished! I think the real mystery behind Sasquatches is that so many people (claiming to be intelligent) can sit in their living rooms, completely ignoring all the DNA, video and photographic evidence and say 'this is a hoax'. There IS definitive proof that these animals exist. Period. At least 2 US Government documents show their territory, list eating & nesting habits, etc. The U.S. Air Force Pilots' survival map for N.W. North America clearly list Sasquatches as 'indigenous fauna'! Wake up and go into the forest, you may be surprised at what you find!!!

    4. Nothing to gain? Where have you been?

    5. What has Todd Standing gained except ridicule

  6. With all the new footage i have seen tonight, i've definitely gone over to the dark side! Fake as fook! i did really want to believe but im laughing at this point. The blink is very robotic as most have pointed out. The uphill runner was more like a waddle. not fluid or stealthy. legs were way too big, with no weight to them. don't know how les stroud was sold on any of this

    1. He wasn't. Like anyone else Les needs to make a buck.

  7. Why is the other eye hidden? is it because the're remote controlled and would be near impossible to sync the eye blinks together?

    1. Now prove your theory that's what irritates me people throw out these theories with no scientific proof to back up their claim

  8. I watched the blink more than once, of course, and if you look real close it looks like it blinks twice. You need to watch the YouTube clip (Not the Vine) but it looks like a big blink then a small eye lid closes just a few seconds after that. Watch the eyeball closely.

    1. I also watched it multiple times on youtube. To me that is the robotic part. Seems to be blinking in a 2 or 3 move motion. Just my opinion however.

    2. Looks fake. But I've been wrong several times.

  9. The show hasn't aired here so this footage is all I've seen ofsurvivorman bigfoot shows. I have questions. Was Todd out in the wild with les and was this footage shot during that time? I believe les to be and honest and credible person after years of watching his shows and some interviews he's done such as a 3hr interview on Joe Rogan podcast. I don't believe les would dupe us and if he saw fit to air this footage and if it was truly shot on expedition with him then I'll buy that it's probably genuine. The big question is was Todd duping les and did he get one over on him. It certainly looks real and like what I saw in the flesh myself.

    1. wwwwaaayyy to go Ernesto!!


    2. Not Les Stroud footage. It is the Standing sock puppet footage.

  10. blink looks fake and feels very unnatural. when a living creature blinks they don't do it with their brow. nice looking head but too perfect and no facial muscles moving.

    1. Agreed. Face isn't weathered. Hair is perfect. His sister is in film apparently. Perhaps she convinced Todd to conjure something because he failed to capture it.
      What was interesting was some of the growling captured in other clips.

    2. That the was just Todd's stomach.

  11. It looks totally mechanical done with a remote control or something.... we're only seeing the head not the body and if it was the whole package with the eye blink, it would help.... or to see the video of the beast moving away or closer or anything besides just a mechanical eye blink..... I believe, just not in that, especially with how easy it is to buy from web materials needed.

    1. You try filming Bigfoot from a tar paper shack and then we'll talk !

    2. Not remote control or animatronic... more like a human hand shoved up in a glorified sock puppet, squeezing the eye brow to fake a blink. Look at it ten times, and think about it.

  12. wow
    muppets can blink 182

    If there was a video of the creature moving i'd believe it more

  13. A blink is as good as a nod to a blind bat

  14. Ok. I decided that this is fake..
    1. First shot: Camera tries to focus on figure behind branches. Camera struggles to focus. You'd have to shoot manual to get that. Clip cuts and camera moves to the right about two feet or so to be able to get the shot. The head remains completely static. Why? Because it is inanimate special effects piece. Well crafted but totally devoid of life. Also, for animals that are so aware surely they would know that they are being watched.
    2. There is no audio. Why? Because in the final clip the cameraman is telling the puppet master to trigger the eye blink. This head is also devoid of any life as well. It appears soulless. That's because it is inanimate object. Note also how it does not make eye contact with the camera and seems to be totally unaware of its presence.
    Standing is a conundrum, he clearly hoaxed this but yet I was impressed with his savvy on the show.
    I can only think that perhaps he felt compelled to stage what he saw and then enlisted his sister to help because he does appear to have genuine bigfoot tracking knowledge.

    1. You decided this is fake? Are you a retard, you had to think about this? Maybe you should reevaluate your life.

  15. honestly, if this is fake... it is a very very well done prop. It looks better than most of the bigfoot costumes that special fx studios have made.

    1. That's because it is not a costume. They are animatronic sculptures.

  16. When someone blinks, the top and bottom of the eyelids shut together. The top eyelid was only one that moved. Looked more robotic than it did natural.

    1. Go look in the mirror and blink. You'll find the exact opposite. The lower eyelid is immobile. Like Phil Polling.

  17. This is so incredibly fake! Every aspect of the story is friggin fake! That thing blinks exactly like any animated prop in any haunted house attraction I have ever been to!! Not to mention that fact that no Bigfoot is going to stand there and let someone reposition themselves for a better close up shot! I'm shocked that there is even a debate about it!

    "Hoaxers should be hung from the gallows by their nads!"

    1. I don't think its a fake. Have any of you guys ever seen a young dog or bear for that matter just stare. Sometimes just the mind trying to figure out what the hell something is can make "anything" look robotic in nature. To me it looks like a young bigfoot, very young, (I think maybe younger than what Todd thinks) maybe 3-4 years at most. This is for all the skeptics who don't believe, watch any young animal this includes human. Curiousness can make you look animated. I live in Indiana and I've seen a squatch twice one was eating crayfish out of a creek about 100 yards or so from me. Indiana people they are real I know what I saw.

  18. This footage has been out for years and even posted on this blog before. Why do you act like you've never seen it?

    1. Because he's a weird dude and has grown weirder over the last few years. Has to keep his blog making money so he pretends there's some ground breaking footage to see. He's done this several times now. Amateur hour.


    1. because hands can not talk? its a puppet plain and simple.

  20. Fake. And a badly done one, at that.

  21. The anti-Standing people are priceless... They will come up with anything to discredit his work. He put an animatronic figure out there to film just the eyes blinking?? REALLY?

    1. If it's fake it would have cost some dough to make that's for sure. More money than most would be willing to pay, just to hoax.

    2. rush,@6:46,people have their own opinion.
      don't take it personal.

    3. This would cost less than $100 to put together. Just need time more than money.The motivation is rubes will pay very real money for anything about bigfoot.

    4. Animatronic??? Why does that word keep coming up? It is a glorified sock puppet with someone's hand inside, squeezing the eyebrow to fake a blink. Think about that and watch it a few more times.

    5. "This would cost less than $100 to put together. Just need time more than money.The motivation is rubes will pay very real money for anything about bigfoot. "

      No it wouldn't have cost only 100 bucks. Have you made anything before? Apparently not.

    6. This isn`t a "real" blink...just look at the way the part above the eye is pulled down as it YOU blink and you will see that the ONLY part that moves when blinking is the actual eye-lid...this is MORE bullshit.

  22. BF is 100% real.
    This looks like 100% CGI.

    1. No CGI artist would let that render go. This is a sculpted piece with mechanical functionality.

  23. You got to be kidding me! It looks like a prop from Disney World!

  24. Ok here is what happened on show..this was saved to last part of show Les talks about his search for bigfoot and the experts associated with it.He brings u todd and his rep..he then says this following footage stopped him in his tracks and this is why he used Todd..Todd claims it is a juvenile and was watching him for about 30 mins..the bigfoot was unfazed by Todd..the video has Todd panting and last for about 15 sec..If fake it is very impressive and costly and quite frankly im not sure Standing has the finances or the technology to pull this off

    1. Standing might not have the finances but maybe just maybe there is a secret benefactor to all of this!!

    2. Maybe an insane millionaire named Wally?

    3. Just stop. This is hardly some high tech expensive hoax. You are an embarrassment to the bigfoot community. And that is saying something.

  25. So you mean to tell the whole world that Bigfoot blinks using his Eyebrow ridge?? Shouldn't the pupils be the only part moving??

  26. another hoaxer, some ones holding the animated head the eye blink is so fake done by air pressure

  27. this video is not new... omg really people?

    FFS we can't tell whats real and whats fake anymore :{

  28. Those who definitely say it's real are as stupid as those who definitely say it's fake--unless you've had so many encounters with the big hairy man that you are an expert on what bigfoot blinking is supposed to look like. In that case, cite your personal knowledge of bigfoot blinking. Same goes to you bigfoot hair experts.

    Personally I'm torn on this. I'm personally leaning towards fake but there's stuff that doesn't add up on EITHER side.

    If it's fake ...

    1. Why would Todd make such a fantastic prop and try to make money off a hoax instead of taking this fantastic skill to hollywood? "Because he's an idiot entrepreneur" could actually be the answer here because he's obviously not an idiot costume maker if it's fake.
    2. Why would he make two props that look very different? The other BF's eyes are round and wide with fat lips compared to this one.
    3. The facial features are fantastic (except for the nose on this one. But I'm no sasquatch nose expert.)
    4. The blinking is slow and it does seem odd that the eyebrow would move so much with a blink, but who here is an expert on squatch facial muscle and hair structure? The eyes look really legit AFTER the blink as you can see them move independently.

    If it's real ...

    1. Why does Todd Standing seem like such a blowhard douche?
    2. Why does the footage cut off when it does? Why doesn't he just keep filming until the bigfoots leave or his arm falls off?
    3. Why is there no sound? Even if it's just Todd breathing and wind, leave the sound in place!
    4. How did he get TWO closeups when nobody else in the world has gotten even ONE? And why do they both show the exact same portion of the bigfoots as though he used the exact same stage-setup.
    5. I'm sure there are lots of people who would try to sell their legit footage if they worked hard to achieve it, but it still weakens credibility. Proof of sasquatch will bring scientists and media who will all pay regardless of whether you try to market your own videos and documentaries.

    Bottom line is there are more red flags to me on this then there are ... uh ... green flags. But again, could it be real? Sure. Why couldn't a self promoting douche be the one who gets the first two close-ups of sasquatch?

    1. Notice how Standing's bigfoots look way better than Matilda. If these are fake, at least give him props for not using a Chewbacca costume ....

    2. he only had enough budget for the head part

    3. I have butterfly kissed a squatch, so im pretty sure i know more about its blinking patterns than u! its fake

  29. Personally, I feel this looks fake but I respect everyone who has a difference of opinion. When something blinks, it takes a 100th of a second. This 'blink' looked much slower.


    1. Maybe it was winking at Todd?

      First time I've seen the last part of this footage. It has never been seen before. So to the idiot who goes on and on about how this has been out for ages STFU.

  30. Fake!
    Todd's sister - Make up artist -

  31. If bigfoot blinked that slow and mechanical-like, we would have caught years ago. FAKE.

    "OutStanding Productions". Google it. He ain't no better than Dyer.

  32. ^ I guess someone told him this was a good place to find a bunch of unemployed tools. Boy were they right.

  33. Animatronic puppet. Nothing more. I can't believe anyone will fall for this. I bet Les Stroud got his ratings but if he buys this for one sec, he had no credibility.

    Bottom line, no matter how "good" the footage may EVER get..... No body, no bigfeet

    1. Thanks for your opinion. You realize your opinion is pretty extreme in the other direction, right?

  34. I saw Abraham Lincoln blink just like that at Disneyland last week

  35. I want to believe and am definitely open minded about these things but come on. The head looks good, I'll give him that but it doesn't raise a brow, open its mouth, turn it's neck or anything other then a very fake and mechanical looking eye blink. I hope I'm wrong but this just screams fake to me. I'm not sure how anyone can blindly accept this as authentic

    1. i agrre with u movement except a blinking u get so close and no movement...neither one leaves it just stops video saying thats good enough....anyone would have started walking backwards or something would have happened...BUT....the second episode...that bigfoot running on the side of the mountain looked real....

  36. They show how it was made on next weeks episode of Jim Hensons creature shop creation.

  37. have a hard time believeing this one.
    i do think bigfoot is real (likely some unknown north american gorilla) but this one scream hoax to me.
    how it's filmed (love to see uncut; did he stop filming and move over? i think msot would keep rolling)
    how bigfoot doesn't move at all. even while buddy moves around a few times to get a better shot.

    love for it to be real, but have a hard time believing it (shame how stupid people do hoaxes, and screw up possible research. where even if it's real, part of us thinks hoax)

  38. When the subject blinks, a small portion of the lower brow moves, just a little. This suggests that it's moving based on the movement of the eyelid. While costumers and make up effects artists commonly glue prosthetic pieces to the face, I've never seen this glue being applied directly to eyelid to create this effect.

  39. If you think this is real go back to the eye-blink gif and do something smart: don't focus on the blinking eye; look at the rest of his face and notice none of it moves.

    Now go to a mirror and blink your eye, you will notice your cheeks contort, wrinkles are formed and many muscles are utilized.

    This is so mechanical it just hurts. Have worked in production in many commercials and know when something is 'set-up' not only is the mechanical evidence there, the setting is manicured.
    I mean he goes from a shady, out of focus shot where little is seen; presumably a guy wearing a heavy continuous fur.

    Then the camera mysteriously gets PERFECT focus at the most IMPORTANT feature.

    Such B.S. dripping off every point of this tripe.

    Don't get me wrong either, I believe the squatch is real, the audio recordings are there.
    Todd Standing though CONTINUES to be a blight on the community with bullshit like this, its not like any 'squatchers get an ounce of respect... when you fake something so important to the core of the community you don't belong.

  40. Youuuuuuuuu hit the nail on the head Anom 5:42, could not agree more.....FAKE!

  41. Have to agree it looks like a maks or puppet. Mechanical eye blink, every hair is in place, no weathering features or wrinkles. When it's in the bush there's that one branch right in the very center to prevent anyone from getting a good view. He could move the camera without moving his body. Really disappointed in this so called real video captures.

  42. 1. Les Stroud has probably spent more time in the truly deep temperate forests than *any* researcher. If he thinks they're there....

    2. Watch it on HD. Referencing the "juvenile" only, the video does look...almost oddly clear. However, I do know that super high end camera equipment can and does get exactly that kind of detail. The creatures in the videos are very clear. There is snow on the fur, some inconsistent color around the mouth, wrinkle lines around the upper lip/nose, and matted fur in places. The fur on the lower left jawline is curled and matted like it has been pushed around by arm/shoulder movement. A little 'whispy' bit coming off the head above the right eye. Everything that should be there IS there. Every hair is not in place...

    I keep going back and forth on this one. But, most people who read this blog probably think there is a north american great ape, so why couldn't Todd Standing happen to get the video? Couldn't this be *the* video? It certainly fits "known" Sasquatch behavior.

    If this is a fake....whoever did it must already work in "Hollywood", or is a fool not to.

    -Guy in Tx

  43. This isn`t a "real" blink...just look at the way the part above the eye is pulled down as it YOU blink and you will see that the ONLY part that moves when blinking is the actual eye-lid...this is MORE bullshit.

  44. This is sooo real!........maybe.?

  45. anyone who believes this is an idiot

    1. What are YOU here for then ? bloody fool !!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I read all of these comments on this blog and not one mentioned the REAL cause behind this *obviously* FAKE footage: RATINGS = $.

    Do you honestly think Les would do a 2-part special only to come up empty just like "Finding Bigfoot" does each week? No, he has to give people a reason to talk and blog post (i.e., this one) so he goes all-in on a hoax to make some big $$. No other Bigfoot show has come close to footage--or anything really--so Les has upped the ante by providing his own "proof."

    TV, ratings, and actors are all about $$--nobody on national or cable TV is simply doing it for fun.

    Think about it people!

    1. I agree.. but am still skeptical bc he has been out in the wilderness for the longest time, , no camera crew.....

      also... doesn't he already have a shit ton of money?>>

  48. Why couldn't this be real? It looks too detailed to be mechanical. If Todd was that good he should be in Hollywood making $$$. He wouldn't be wasting his working years chasing a hoax. He has found something that has formed a mission in his life despite first wanting to prove they don't exist. He was probably as stunned by the reality of what he encountered and cHanged his tune. The efforts he has put into locating Sasquatch is at least convincing of his passion on the topic. Perhaps it is best no one believes in them so that they aren't hunted down. I hope they do, turn science on it's heels.

  49. Why did he stop filming? If I was actually recording video footage of a Sasquatch, I wouldn't stop filming until it was out of sight or my battery ran out! I certainly wouldn't have stopped until it moved a little bit!

    It might have something to do with the fact that every passing second makes it more and more obvious that he's filming an immobile prop.

  50. watch survivorman bigft ep 2 with the massive trees on a cliff standing straight up with no roots..... and the bipedal gigantipythicus thing striding up that massive cliff then kneeling down all slow and creepy....!>>!>!>! weird as f but it had me thinking... yeah todds videos are wack but what about strouds explanations??? is he lying and putting those massive trees there and breaking those massive trees waaaaaaaaay the f up in the mountain 100 miles from civilization??? I don't know... I hope hes not lying...

    when is the next episode??? I want to see this sheet!!

  51. I saw a Sasquatch drinking a pina colada at Trader Vic's.......and his hair was perfect.


  52. My main issue with this is why does it look like its been at the hair salon? No hair out of place and no leaves debris in its fur. It does live in the woods right? Why so clean looking....

  53. Me and 3 friends are going to Salt Fork state park in Ohio in July... there are many reported sighting of the Ohio Grassman there... we hope to come back with some evidence...

  54. Bigfoot is real but this video clip proves nothing. Chewbacca can blink on film too and he is a dude in a costume.

  55. Replies
    1. It may be a hoax I'm not sure of that. But it's not CGI.

  56. todd you atoo be ashamed of your self Chewbacca can wink on film that was starwars and this is suppose to be real not feeding people a bunch of bull shit not smart not smart at all im dun thanks

  57. Star Wars called.. they want Chewy back. Sorry, wait, Chewy was much more realistic.

  58. somebody wants his chewbacca costume back

  59. I have seen all of Todd Standing's videos and pictures and I must say that this is either the best hoax ever, or real Sasquatch.....

  60. I'm curious as to why there is only footage of the neck or shoulder on up and nothing of the bodies? So far, no one has brought this up. I would love to believe this is real footage, but it seems too well done and Standing made monetary gain from the alleged Sylvanic video. Not to mention, no footprints, no vocalizing, and somehow through the Bigfoot intimidation, the camera isn't even shaking. The log hurled, looks like it tumbled off a cliff with a nudge, not thrown at him. Not calling Todd a liar, just hard to believe the credibility when it lacks too much evidence to suddenly get crystal clear images of sasquatch on video.

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