There Is A Sniper In Each Of These Photos, Can You Spot Him?

Alright, Bigfooters. Can you spot the sniper in these photographs? German artist Simon Menner was granted permission to photograph German Army snipers as they blended into several landscapes. The series of photos taken by Menner of snipers hiding in different landscapes are simply mind blowing. See if you can spot the sniper in each of these photographs:

[via Daily Mail UK]


  1. Replies
    1. Nicely Firsted. Watch out for Ernie. He's upset about joes mom having aids, he's taking it out on everyone. He's even mentioned fellatio. Tread carefully.

      Stay firsty my friends.

    2. See? The muppet is clearly off his ritalyn.

      Bloke in a suit.

    3. ^ MMC obsessed with Joe obsessors

    4. Man, I never saw so many trolls obsessed with
      another poster in my life! What are you trolls so afraid of?
      Cory Hawk Jones Spoken

  2. Replies
    1. Randy california Is dead !! ,this is FACT !! , DC's blog tells all the whos and hows,,

    2. Long live Randy California............who is randy California

  3. Replies
    1. Randy california , No longer exist's , to learn the specifics gotta go to DC's Blog..

    2. Randy died over ten years ago. Great song writer.

  4. Shawn! You must be so happy!!! You can use your red circle in a huge way!

    hey - this gave me a thought. You should post that final episode (I think it's the final - if not the last - one of the last) of Harry and Henderson's. Where the "release" or let Harry go back into the wild. He has all of his family standing right there and you cannot see them the whole time. (until they move that is).

    I think it's great and would give all the city boys a little reminder of how easy it is for a squatch to just kinda - "blend in..."

    P.S. Randy - you are messed up! LOL

    1. It's here: youtube...

      Harry and the Hendersons (9/9) Movie clip

    2. Already used and already hoaxed from a scene from the movie in the field.

  5. Get a sniper out there to shoot a big foot and end all this crap.

  6. Hickory dickery dock
    Joes mouth is full of caulk
    He spews his woo like bigfoot goo
    Ah, screw it. Looks like a bloke in a suit to me.

    1. Obsessed with Joe ^ This isn't a dating site.

    2. Is Ernie the top or the bottom?

    3. Well - there weeeeerrrre some rumors about you and Bert now ?

    4. Nothing wrong with being gay. Instead of being obsessed about another poster and constantly talking about dicks in mouths, who's on top or on the bottom, maybe do yourself a favor and come out of the closet and embrace it.

    5. ^ Nope, but you following other posters around in obsessed stalking fashion talking about dicks in mouths etc certainly is.

    6. Definitely. You're losing it. Meltdown city. You're almost a joe Jr. You've been battling trolls all day. Step away and take a deep breath. You've been gotten to.

    7. Definitely Kent Skeptard. 3rd account at least for him.

    8. ^ MMC obsessed with Joe obsessors

  7. nice try. a couple of those didn't have a sniper. just a scenic photo to try and fool the fools. not me.

  8. Calm down Ernie. Go sit in the corner and wait for papa joe to come make it all better.

    Bloke in a suit.

    1. Meltdown. He'll be here till sunrise if we want him to :)

    2. Hey you're the obsessed stalker- following another poster, day after day, day in, day out, yadda yadda, Just pointing it out to yah. Obsession ^

    3. Just pointing out you're Kent Skeptard.

      That's at least your 3rd account.

    4. You're doing great ernie. 24 more hours to go.

    5. ^^ MMC obsessed with Joe obsessors

  9. When I saw the Patterson suit with my own eyes I felt weak. I had to sit down. Very few have had access to it I was one of two that day. Tattered torn but still recognizable as being the suit in the film. The passage of time and remaining principals will reveal what we saw that day.

    1. You're weak alright, 7:45. What a dummy. Which skeptarded club/cult//group employs you? Your comment is hysterical.

      #tooneytard approved.

    2. Your lying! It's all made up BULLSHIT!
      Give us the times , location and dates please? If you can;t, then your just a pathetic troll!

  10. Fuck you Ernie, get the FUCK OUT!

  11. I want some of those awesome camo sniper skills. Would so troll people and scare em silly!

    1. I don't like snipers. They snuck up and pushed me.

      They pushed me real harrd.

    2. PUSH!!!

      (Unless push means something pervy. In that case, never mind.)

    3. They say those sniper chicks can really clean your pipes.

  12. These pipes...ARE CLEAAAAAN !

  13. usual bollox fillers

    anyone can hide behind a rock/bush and pop their head out!

    hardly ninja

    anyway we Brits kicked their asses twice

  14. Shawn, I've all these stupid comments, and I see at least 5 that should be deleted!
    I'm cleaning up my act, and you deleted at least 5 of my comments, and I wrote nothing vile, or in-mature like the others. So what gives?

  15. My grandfather, John W. Jones, and his 3 team members (all ex-Military) use Burlap sacks type ponchos to hid themselves, when out Big footing.
    They tested this hide method, by hiding right along a very used trail (To a lake) that 100's of hikers use.
    In Apx. 1 hour, 60 people passed right by them, and were never noticed! If they can do it, if the Military can do it, and Big foot can easily do it!
    I don't agree with my Grandfather going after these forest people. My Elders taught me to leave them alone, but my grandfather disagrees with me on this.
    95% of us Mohawks, leave the Big foots alone. Yet Apx 40% have had accidental encounters with them.
    What I see/read, is most Big foot researchers, don't even bother to hide their human form, when they go out looking for them.
    Cory Hawk Jones Spoken


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