Man's Story About Being Surrounded by Sasquatch

Bob Strain was recently featured on Finding Bigfoot with Bobo, Cliff, Ranae and Matt to playback a clip of one of the most intriguing Bigfoot sounds ever recorded in the Sierras. Strain has had many strange encounters with Bigfoot, including this one where he was surrounded by three pairs of red eyes.


  1. findin tham bigfoots bez a chore fer shure

    1. I haven't listened to the interview up top yet, but I'm pretty sure it's backed by this account by Daniel Falconer who was present, & who's involved in Australian TV;

      ... Who was there with both Bob and Kathy Strain. If it isn't the ocassion Bob is referring to, it's still an amazing account and very credible and well worth a listen.


    2. like DUDE some weird shit going on around here


    4. Crosby Stills Nash and Young saidTuesday, February 25, 2014 at 10:13:00 AM PST

      Someone please tell the thin David Crosby to lay of the weed!

  2. could be the Annunaki messing with our DNA - AGAIN!!!!

  3. Trolled. Pgf is a hoax. And go!

  4. Matt & BOBO been tracking bigfoots for years........

  5. Hate to dig up old Art Bell but he been into bigfoots lone before any finding bigfooters got out there.

  6. 野人在这里我们用不了多久,最好独自离开

  7. Hope this story included a flashlight of some sort to get these red eyes there reffering to cause if there wasn't a light source the story is just a story!
    Team Ontario LRP

  8. we needs to get Matt on this to track them bigfoots down, he been tracking them for decades

  9. Matt, Bobo, Cliff, Ranae got many years in the field looking for bigfoots.

    1. That's why they call it looking, and not finding.

  10. Right then joe, see if you can wriggle your way out of this one:

    Bill munns has proven that patty is human size:

    "The height measure of over 7′ tall is based on a 15mm lens, and with the new comparisons of McClarin’s footage with the PGF, a 15mm lens for Patterson is simply not possible,so a PGF height of over 7′ is also not possible.The two current alternatives which are still possible are a 20mm lens, which puts Patty at about Jim’s height, plus or minus 2″, or a 25mm lens, which puts Patty much shorter than Jim McClarin.” - bill munns

    So according to your "expert" we have a human sized figure yet the creature would have had to have been 4 times as large to make footprints of that depth.

    Utterly destroyed. Blown out the water. Smoked. Buried in the smoldering ashes. Ruined. Obliterated.

    Oh, and you're more than welcome.

    1. That's odd, unless I've missed something very recent, the last statement on the height of Patty from Munns was this;

      "I've stated repeatedly and publicly that the lens issue, and the height estimate based on the lens calculation, are both under reivew and so that earlier conclusion is not currently endorsed."

      It's easy... Bigfoot are widely reported as the same size as a tall human, and the bulk of Patty, to which would no doubt yield way more muscle mass, would render her way heavier because muscle ways twice as much a fat... For example.

      No, no... The pleasure's all mine.

    2. Haha joe got blown out the water by a quote from his hero.

      No matter how you want to pleed ignorance on the topic, patty is certainly not 4 times as heavy as a human the same height.

      You got f*kin buried on this and you know it.

      Too easy.

    3. Really?

      I think you'll find my quote way more recent which means your quote is redundant and meaningless; Munns States that any previous calculations are not accurate; meaning your argument, not accurate. See how it works? You also only have to look at the size comparison of McClarin and Patty; your own source you are quoting, to see that Patty is easily four times the bulk, regardless of height.

      Keep celebrating though... One day you might get somewhere.

    4. ^waste of perfectly good carbon

    5. Patty is over 8foot tall losers said thisTuesday, February 25, 2014 at 10:22:00 AM PST

      Nat Geo did a survey and they came up with 8foot 8inches so your lying as usual. you like f-ing with joe f. that's how you get you hog hard! nice try loser!!!

  11. GRAYs find U, U dont find them,,,,

  12. GRAYs takin U DNA making clones for hybrid takeover

  13. THIS IS JUST A STORY. again WITH NO evidence! YOU, me, ANYBODY, CAN MAKE UP A STORY. SOOOOOO what's the point?
    I was hiking with my girlfriend, and, all of sudden, we were surrounded by 5 big foots! so there why is his story any better then mine?

    1. It's not being sold as evidence, it's an account and I suppose you're meant to make your own mind up on it.

      I myself think Bob really credible and his wife is a very respected anthropologist who I've got very much respect for her work.


    2. Bill muns said Patty was 7'4" after his calculations!
      Team Ontario LRP

    3. My best guess looking at the patty film is 6'5" tall and 300lb

      Team Ontario LRP

    4. The book, Legend Meets Science, also reached the 7'-4" conclusion for Patty's height. They used a stick that Patty kicked up in the film, found it at the film site, measured it, and then used it as a scale on Frame 352 to measure how many stick lengths tall that old girl was. Pure genius.

    5. So Patty kicked up a stick 47 years ago in a post-flood sand bar and a few years ago they think they found the exact stick and the same place?

      Smells more fishy than Joe's mums yeast laden va jay jay...

    6. No. They found the stick fairly quickly. I think that John Greene found it within a few days, or at least it was in his possession.

  14. The recordings referenced are of nothing more than a fox screaming.

  15. Sad are those that have not experianced reality and choose to lie to themselves by calling others liars when they hide from a reality, by changing the facts to make their lies a false reality.

  16. When it comes to Sasquatch/Bigfoot documenteries and t.v. shows there are things that have been covered to a point where there really is nothing new to report. Thoes being, re-enactments of sightings and encounters as well as the coverage of the Native American stories and legends.
    What do researchers really do when they are out in the field, both day and nighttime? What to they do or look for besides looking for the actual creature?
    Perhaps someone should do a show covering that.


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