Bigfoot Howls Captured By Barb & Gabby?

We've been following Barb and Gabby for a while. This is the first solid evidence of a howl they've recorded. The sound was heard after they discovered a footprint near a stick structure. Barb writes: "I've heard Bigfoot howls and vocals in recordings, and a few times in real life. The vocals we recorded this week, I believe, are the real deal! But, since I didn't see the creature making the sounds, I'm only 99% sure. :) In this weeks video, Sandy joins us in the woods. First we take a look around the creek, where the crowing and croaking were heard last week. Then, after dark we recorded the best vocals yet! Then, we follow up with a daylight look around the same area. I think you are really going to like this one!"


  1. Replies
    1. I've got faith in Todd... Good things a coming.

    2. Fraud Standing is a pathetic HOAXER. Anyone who has faith in him is a retard. I have more faith in Hank than Todd's muppets.

    3. Me thinks somebody ^ might get egg on their face xx


      Proven hoaxer!!!!!!

    5. If you can't produce the muppets, then there is your Bigfoot!

      You were welcome.

    6. Joe has faith in back sweat as well as todd standing.

  2. creek Bigfoots eats U fer sure

  3. thar bez tham bigfoots in da deep woods fer shure, lots of folks talks abouts tham critters fer yeers

  4. Rick Dyer quote:

    "There's no more evidence for Bigfoot than the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. And that's what people have to get through their heads. I have taken people out to hunt for Bigfoot, and all the time I was thinking in my head, 'Why would someone pay to go out to hunt for something that does not exist?' But people do.

    It's really easy to trick people. People that believe in Bigfoot are not idiots -- they're just really naive and they're missing something in their lives, so they want to believe in something that they know deep down inside, it does not exist."

    1. ^^ See how much trolls and Rick Dyer have in common!?


    2. ^ THE TROLLS ,are far too stupid to even understand what you just conveyed,,
      BIG DORIS.

  5. could be batsquatchs, tham orrery critters, getz U fer shure

    1. batsquatchs ... very aggressive lots of reports about batsquatchs attacking people.

  6. Spent several years on and off in the Yukon looking for GOLD of course only after breakup and the rivers flowing with GOLD in them. Alas no bigfoots in my treks, and little GOLD for my endeavors.

  7. Todd Standing is a hoaxer and his CGI and puppet BF's are laughable at best!

  8. if you finding bigfoots UFOs and Grays not far behind

    1. GRAYs taken DNA for years - they find U, U dont find them,

  9. thinking meth better than moonshine and meth folk seein more bigfoots than moonshiners

  10. the chuppa has been shot in texas oh my

  11. The False Alarm Sisters are baaaaack! That makes another 8 minutes and 7 seconds that I can never get back.


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