WATCH: Proof of Bigfoot Cloaking

Some people believe bigfoot have the ability to turn invisible or "cloak" themselves, which is why they have gone undiscovered for so long. The Carolina Bigfoot Field Research team believes they have captured proof that bigfoot have the ability to actually do this. Watch this video of a possible cloaking bigfoot:

You can read the details at The Crypto Crew's website by following this link.

Also be sure to check out the Carolina Bigfoot Field Research team's website by clicking here.


  1. Replies
    1. :) ;) :) :) Excuse my while I cloak for a bit! Have a great day everyone!

    2. Chick i need you, even though your a guy. Please put it on me


    3. I am going over these threads at this time to mend the wrongs I have committed against these innocent posters. I am sorry chick for being crude. You are really a great person and deserve a heat felt apology for the immature harassment that I sometimes commit against you under false names and the like. Please accept it. And urge Shawn to remove me until I regain control with professional help.

      Kindest regards,

      Fake MMC, Goldenboy sweetcheeks

  2. GRAYs Cloaking device malfunction, GRAYs use the bigfoots to getz U DNA

  3. Not another coyote jihadist AGAIN!

  4. Carolina Bigfoot eats U fer shure

    1. bigfoots eat hogs, dogs, hikers, campers and other game

  5. Bigfoot got that Invisibility Cloak in Diagon Alley. He also captains the Hogwarts Express twice a year.

    1. Where's your Giorgio Tsoukalos photo? You know, the space alien expert who has a bachelor's in sports information communication from Ithaca.

    2. Him, bigfoot, and David Hatcher Childress all went out for a quick jaunt across the Milky Way.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. He is busy in the bathroom wiping. His mother smelled something and sent him back in for another try. Sweetcheeks not so sweet.

    2. Sorry but that wasnt the real Sweetcheeks. An imposter is in the midst. But i dont care, as long as we are talking about Joe.


    3. Shawn,

      Please ban me immediately. I have no self control and and cry at night because of the way I treat others on this blog. All the goldens I speak of I really am directing at myself. Put me out of my misery ASAP!

      The real Sweetcheeks

  7. Regulataaaaz....cloak up!
    It was a clear dark night,
    a clear white moon....

  8. Oh man that was precious. Beam me up

  9. Replies
    1. 12 gage shotgun cure tham ghoul squatchs fer shure

    2. i thinking me AK to break up them ghoul squatchs

  10. it's a ghost bigfoot fer sure.
    A shot gun filled woth rock salt would have taken care of that

    1. I will confirm that this is indeed a ghost squatch..and i am probably the most credible bf witness in the world

    2. You watch too much Supernatural. Winchester Bros. are rotting your brain.

    3. ima sayin ifn U seein tham thar bigfoots ghost usin tham shotguns fer shure

  11. At first we thought it was a ghost of bigfoot but after a chase around the machinery room and the help of scooby doo, we now know it was Jonathan Crabtree. And he would have gotten away with it, if it wasn't for those medelling kids.

  12. Dave Moser has been told in private repeatedly exactly what caused the phenomena on this video yet he refused to believe it and it still sticking with his
    ridiculous story.

  13. Since the other guy who normally does this isn't here, I'll do it for him:

    # looney-toons approved!!

  14. This stupid video has already been verified as a leaf. Nothing more than a leaf. Let the delusional keep having their voice heard and Bigfoot Research will remain a joke.

  15. It seems that the photographer is using long exposure tricks there...


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