Spike TV Bigfoot Bounty Review

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Matt K., a Sasquatch enthusiast. Visit his blog, Bigfoot Crossroads.

WARNING: This article may contain spoilers. If you have not seen Spike TV's Bigfoot Bounty Episode 1, and intend to, you may not want to read this article. (But do it anyway.)

Tonight was the premiere of Spike TV's new reality show, Bigfoot Bounty. As a bigfoot researcher, I've been waiting quite some time to check this series out, and was glad the wait was finally over. Once the show started, I could see that this series has the possibility of being a major success. It does an excellent job of blending entertaining television, and educational television, into one series. This should not only appeal to the bigfoot fans around the world, but the general viewers as well.

Click here to continue reading at Bigfoot Crossroads blog.


  1. I'm dealing with the same question Chick. It seems like it's just you and I tonight. Salutations from Madison, WI haha

  2. I actually really liked this. What were the highlights for you Chick? I know the feeling, im feeling like an insomniac myself. Todd D seems pretty credible.


    1. Because three M's are better than 2, lol.

      Way to go homo ^^, you cant even spell MMC right. Sorry about that Chick. Im sending you an email later.


      MMC (The real one)

    2. I missed it the show....But I think the dvr got it. How about you, did you see it?

  3. Bigfoot for sale. placid and house trained. Loves kids and other Bigfoot. $50 ono

  4. Watched the show and loved it. Don't believe in Bigfoot but it was still great. Favorite character is Disotell. He schooled the hunters like idiot children. Nice! Did anyone notice that Smeja changed his story and flat out LIED???? That moron is done. 15 minutes over!!!! Can't wait for next episode.

    1. hunters got schooled like Joe is schooled here

    2. Kent Skeptical!

      Yahoo! We have a new tard to play with. The others were getting a bit tattered.

      'I don't believe in Bigfoot' but I believe I am superman!

      Gotta love these OBD's! Obsessed Bigfoot Denialists. Thanks for keeping the scene so alive.


    3. Can't we all have a fictional character to enjoy? You got Bigfoot?

    4. Funny how footers blame the firm believe of the skeptical but people is stupid if blame their firm believe in Bigfoot.

      Butthurt MMG

    5. Yep! For the first time, Smeja revealed that he choked the juvenile Bigfoot to death. Then with squinty eyes, he tells that he is the most knowledgeable person about Bigfoot, or something to that effect. And he intends to kill another Bigfoot because he has no intention of spending the next 20 years researching Bigfoot. He apparently wants to get on with killing all of the other animals in the forest. Then ironically, he came within a hairs breath of getting his butt kicked off the show because he and Ro came back with squirrel food remnants and incredible thought that a Bigfoot had been somehow carefully dismantling pine cones in order to get at the seeds that are much smaller than sunflower seeds. You just can't make this kind of stupidity up.

    6. How would it feel to not have been picked to be on the show? If these idiots were the best they could find? I would kill myself

    7. BESIDES Justin's being A LIAR!, He is very DANGEROUS! Are they gonna give him a GUN?

    8. And smeja lied about the DNA results on his Sierra kill. Sykes said it was bear DNA. On the show last night he said it came back as feral human. Wtf?!?

    9. I totally agree with your comments.

    10. What might happen if they Justin a Gun. Will he shoot those 2 Negros mistaking them for big foots?

      What was the producers thinking putting this Justin nut job on?

    11. Justin pulled a publicity stunt. He said what he said to draw outrage and that in turn will cause people to look him/his story up, which in turn leads them to Ro's Dead Bigfoot movie. It was all about publicity.

      Don't forget, This may have been filmed before Sykes results came in but that doesn't negate all previous tests done on the sample that resulted in black bear. Didn't Randles send samples to several different facilities and it all resulted in bear.

      Gotta admit, I had a hearty chuckle at the 'feral human' response.

    12. For the first time, ever, I do agree with your comment, Daniel! Now i'll go into the basement and blow my fucking brains out!

    13. ^ I feel the same, the only difference is, im gonna smash my testical on a anvil with a sledge hammer. :)

  5. I heard theyre bringing in bob gimlin and jeff meldrum as a suprise team.

    1. And then out from Birthing Station #1 comes Bob Heironimus for a very tearful reunion.

    2. I heard they were bringing in PJ and MMG for the finale to reward them their 10 million nothings and they will like it

  6. I won the first round. I brought back samples of my own hair, casts of my own footprints, recordings of my own howling, and my own poop in a jar.

  7. Replies
    1. Canadian guy here did everyone see me on Bigfoot bounty last night I thought we did a great job ! Did u guys like the show??

  8. Fuck u fuck u fuck u and most of all fuck u fucky there we go now I feel muck better

  9. So 9 teams of 2 each That 18 "Hunters" run into the NIGHT woods (Must sound like a herd of ASS HOLES is coming) they cant see anything all sorts of animal bird sounds (Maybe a Big foot)?, they have to rush finding evidence, forced to pick up KNOWN animal sign, but everything MIGHT be from a big foot!

    I would to know how they're going to find big foot if they can ONLY have time to explore maybe a few hundred yards into the woods, can't venture any further than that cause it's to dark! and maybe the BIG FOOTS are 3 miles in, then how do they find them?
    Also an experienced hunter was sent home because he refused to bring back BULLSHIT evidence, but 2 Obese Hawaiian looking guys don't know the difference between animal hair or tree moss! And they stay!
    Oh and Rictor is STILL wearing his smelly sweaty Leather!
    And Justin, looked like a complete ASSHOLE and NUT JOB!
    Just saying. . .

    1. It just proves that if you know what you are looking for, and moss, pine cone tailings, coyote poop and bear tracks are not what you are looking for, then you're going home fast. They just can't have knowledgeable people who might actually win the prize money, making all of the fools, well, look like fools.

    2. I thought that filming and not editing out, Stacey Brown pukeing his guts out, in his hurry to get back with his DNA sample, was a particularly classy touch. You might say that the plot thickens. But that clearly wasn't the case as it looked pretty fluid to me, but mixed with a few unchewed meat chunks. Apparently down south, they wolf there food down, not knowing whether the law enforcement may burst in on you at any second.

    3. Am I imagining it, or is Dean Cain getting fatter between takes as he clearly is not hiking around the countryside while off camera, looking for something that he knows does not exist. You know that when he sends the team home first, that has enough experience to know what they are NOT looking for, that Dean Cain does not have a clue, And if he did have a clue, he would not know where he put it last.

    4. Rctor looks like a tool in that jacket

    5. Rictor not only looked totally out of place, he looked like a drug pushing queer!

    6. It's like Ro and his dumb hat. Wearing items without a functional purpose in the wilderness, does not instil confidence that either of them are anything more than showmen who are only there to generate more views of thier online content. All in hopes of preventing either of them from doing something more productive with thier lives. Seriously if these to were my offspring I would be disappointed.

    7. If i ended up with a son like Rictor, I will blow my brains out, if If I have any!

    8. Yep, you have no brains. So you're safe.

  10. this sounds like easter egg hunting. ready set go find bigfoot.

    1. Great point! I couldn't put my finger on it, as I seem to have seen this before, You nailed it! The Bigfoot Easter egg hunt show!

  11. It's like Survivor meets Finding Bigfoot. For the love of God ditch the drama and just let the teams explore.

  12. Looks like Justin just finished EATING 2 bigfoot.Those 2 Hawaiian dudes are next.....that 10 million is safe and sound.

    1. It doesn't matter who is on the show, The 10 Mil is very safe!

      I'm also wondering, why with a 10 Mil prize, aren't there more (Way more) experienced hunters on the show?

    2. Lol, are you seriously asking that?? HAHAHA. Because the show is fake/staged/scripted!!!!! Duh!!!!! you moron

    3. No, What I meant was if they this offer was for ANYBODY in the U.S. to get the evidence, then the best hunters or Navy Seals etc, You know people that got their act together that type show would be way more interestin to watch. Not limited to these CLOWNS!

  13. Oh, forgive the paraphrasing-......"I had to choke the little bastard out,he wasn't dead yet."

    That's some twisted baby-killer shit.Or a Lie.Which is even more pathetic.

  14. I hear Joe is heading for North Korea. Seems Kim Jong Il is interested in developing a Bigfoot army and Joe, being an expert, has been called in. Dennis Rodman was not available for comment.

    1. hy the fuck, you care what Joe does! He certainly wouldn't give a fuck about you. Do you secretly have a crush on Joe?
      Me thinks you do!

  15. Hey, just wondering if anyone has the missile coordinates for Wales.
    No reason, just curious...

    1. No, but I do have the missile coordinates for the U.S. Obama's cousin gave them to me! Where do you live exactly?

  16. if all else fails show them som turd-les as evidence of 900lb tall and furry man who must be playing hiding seek when see a whos who of bigfoot coming at him.

  17. Did anyone watch the very end frame by frame for the previews the next week. I DVR'd it and right after the 59 min mark (by a few seconds and before the 1 min mark) in the background on screen on the right hand side, look close, not enough evidence to say who or what, but SOMETHING runs left to right, you see mostly just the legs. Those of you who have it on DVR check it out, may need to go back and forth a bit but its there. Like the show!

  18. rictor is my lover he told me they dont find anything

  19. Spoilers like : THERE IS NO BIGFOOT SUCKERS!

    1. your momma is a bigfoot sucker
      and she likes it
      she said the protein is good for her rotting tooth

  20. I was hoping they would cast actual bigfoot experts. T-FAT, Scott from down south(who sees bigfoot in every one of his videos), bfresearchse. He would already be playing horse shoes with the big guy. Lets not forget the retard interbred hillbilly from ohio.(bigfoot knocking down the tree guy

    1. I agree T-Fats would have been good on the show and also Henry May. But between the Native Americans and Smeja, they had enough fat guys on the show. (Let you off the hook there Rictor)

    2. T=Fats wouldn't be able to walk 10 yards without getting tired!

  21. I watched the show last night and thought it was terrific! It will almost certainly bring home the hardware at this year's Emmys. The scene where Michael Merchant rubbed elk shit in his hair was T.V. Magic.

    1. Damn it now I've got to watch if thanks mayor mcfuck

    2. This show will be a success, because only dumb people will watch it, and that's good for 20 million people!

    3. Ok???? Really????

      You can get an avatar and claim that will prove that you are me, but give me a break. Are you that starved for attention buddy?? Well keep trying, but as i said before, im gonna make a change and soon you will know its me and not this imposter. Changing avatars will only get you so far homo ^^^^^^.


    4. I'm pulling for the fat team!!! And it's a known fact that bigfoot uses moss products for their Hair!!

    5. I can't wait to see the look on Dean Cain's smug face when he has to hand a breifcase full of 10 million bucks to one of these teams. Like, so you played Spiderman on an old show, get over yourself buddy.

    6. How's the Hamburglar McCHeese?

    7. I talked to old Hambone on the phone last week and he wasn't doing so good. Apparently his son is in jail for stealing hot dogs.

    8. Damn.When you turn to the tube steak,shit just gets worse.Sorry to hear about it McCheese.

    9. he played superman.mcmongoloid

  22. ahha one the hunters looks like a city slicker in the country. not going to mention any names but his initials are ro sahebi

  23. Rubbing Elk shit in your hair will not stop the human odor! I bet all the women took a shower, used Shampoo, Used deodorant, used hair spray, Yep a bunch of stinkers hunting, makes sense!

    1. Elk shit is the most credible voice in the Bigfoot community.

    2. Elk shit in a mohawk is pretty hard core. But you can't stop there if you intend to mask your scent. All of your clothes, exposed skin and shoes require a similar treatment. Unfortunately, his wife nullified the effort. Apparently, she is not a team player and is not willing to take one for the team. She just missed a great husband-wife bonding opportunity.

  24. To make this show more interesting than FINDING BIG FOOT, the producers must add a lot of drama, and hoaxed scenes in order for this show to work.

    But what is most illogical is the time they have.

    Also, I would love to see MoneyMakers reaction to this show! He must be shitting his pants! Did you see the ratings for FINDING BIGFOOT? They're dropping faster than Obama's!.

    1. Moneymaker is probably all ready looking for a new job, because he knows that you can't fool all the people, all of the time.

  25. Give Rick Dyer the money! He already won their game!

  26. What happened merchant became a believer and back from the dark side I guess he realized they had no cookies

  27. This show is a joke. A disgrace to research and it is so cut and edited so much only the stupid can even find this worthy of viewing. I think that old show Shaq had might be better then this garbage.

    1. we are talking about the world of bigfootery,of course it is a disgrace. There is nothing and no one in this community who is not.

      You are just mad because the show is not the way you want it made. Much like most footers are with Finding Bigfoot. Well nothing is stopping you from pitching a show idea to a studio. Go get em champ!

  28. I believe that this show is a shot in the arm, to the cause of A. getting the word out to the public that Bigfoot is real, B. providing the knowers with the pure unadulterated enjoyment of watching amature wannabe's fall flat on their face, and C. provide hope to believers that maybe someday, they too can have a Bigfoot experience.

  29. Bigfoots bez in Europe, Asia, North America for sure

  30. I'm so sick and tired of all of these programs dedicated to "Bigfoot," There is NOT one shred of empirical, repeatable, scientific evidence supporting the "Bigfoot" theory.

    No true, reputable, researcher of the paranormal accepts the "Bigfoot" theory as anything of value. It's absolute baloney. Rot!
    Sadly various Discovery Networks feel that there are enough brain dead, retarded rednecks who'll enjoy watching this "Bigfoot" crap.

    Stupid sells. TLC, Spike, Bravo and truTV are just some of the biggest offenders of showing programming that only a sheer cretin can "identify" with. This level of idiocy is even creeping into The Science Channel and The Nat. Geographic Channel of retarded "reality" style programming. When will it end?

    If people didn't watch this garbage it would cease. But there are too many dullards that support this video flotsam, those that think Fox "News" is a credible institution and Honey Boo Boo being the greatest sensation since the Trojan vibrator. As I said, dumb sells. Dumb TV means big bucks to the bigwigs in "entertainment" nowadays. Why do you think that 99.9% of what's on TV now is dumb!

    Perhaps Discovery should rename itself The Dummy Network. They'd probably have an even bigger viewing audience here in America!


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