I am watching so many different kinds of dogs Harry. The biggest are 2 Bull Mastiffs. One is 155 lbs and the other is 135. Also 3 bull dogs ( with the really short legs) Must be English bulldogs. A Schnauzer that ate the glass lightbulbs off of a christmas tree. And some type of black and white hunting dog. It looks like the ones that hunt foxes in England. Those are the highlights so far. Mucho poo but the $$ is so good.
No I think he looks best he can from his desk and finds odd things that's about it
That's funny I love my rotts bear is so funny he's 135 lbs yet little dogs scare the hell out of him lol and shit I'd pick up their shit bare handed for that much money
LoL!! For sure Harry! Cool about you rotti. Bet he's slot of fun. I have a 7 lb macho muchacho chihuahua named King Ernesto. He runs the neighbors 85 lb lab under their truck. Hes so embarrassing! :)
Parabreakdown is inadequately experienced at studying orbs and unqualified to pretend to be an expert. Although, when the there is moisture in the air from rain for instance, falling orbs can be photographed with a flash digital camera. Rising orbs occur when the rain stops and the spirits fly out of the ground, since they exist in another dimension to that ground. When the air is dry and orbs are captured with flash photography, they are most likely spirit orbs. Using an infrared monocle and plugging it into the end of a digital video camera, the direction of motion can be viewed, captured and studied. Using this technique, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that orbs are living entities, that make decisions regarding obstacles in their path and regarding sounds, and can also be seen tagging along behind larger orbs. In rare instances, orbs can be seen with the naked eye. The largest orbs viewed with the naked eye were reported to be the size of a house. Which would be a candidate for God. I have personally seen dime sized orbs with my naked eye, and captured orbs using both still and video photography. When the BFRO was making fun of reports that one of the phases of the Bigfoot was the orb phase several years ago, their expedition participants began seeing orbs with their naked eyes. Apparently, the Bigfoot are like Santa Clause, and they know whether you have been naughty or nice. And the BFRO was naughty. I suspect that Parabreakdown would have gotten a lump of coal in his stocking for Christmas, had he published his moronic diatribe, just a few days earlier. Orbs are quite common in the forest. Especially if you have a bright stationary red light that you leave on, and an infrared monocle to view whatever comes along. And something will come along, I guarantee you that. Most likely, all living paranormal beings have an orb phase since they are shapeshifters to start with, as they most commonly exist in another dimension. It is just one more trick that they have up their sleeve.
I have been out calling in Bigfoot with canned calls, and heard orbs fly over and then confirmed it with a night vision monocle. In some cases, a few minutes later I can hear a couple of footsteps hit the ground as they circle back and materialize just above the ground, and catch themselves with those two footsteps. Obviously, something can be learned about orbs, and people have written books on them. If they were merely dust or moisture, there would no books. See "How to Photograph the Paranormal" by Lenore Sweet. Her book is about photographing spirit orbs.
" If they were merely dust or moisture, there would no books"
That's the most idiotic, gullible thing I've heard all day and I've been reading the rest of this blog for a few hours so there's been some stiff competition. Congratulations! You're a moron!
And today we are greeted with a contributor who offers up some compelling evidence for establishing a minimum I.Q., in order to post to Bigfoot Evidence. Apparently this dude did not get the memo that you need more than a computer and an internet connection, in order to qualify to speak with some experience on a subject matter that is not widely studied. But that did not stop Moron 5:09, who apparently had not enjoyed enough of his own mindless chatter, so he posted again at 5:11. That's why they don't called this forum "Bigfoot Opinion". Unfortunately for the rest of us, Bigfoot do not cull morons who have no experience in subject matters that would qualify them to publicly voice their opinon, but do not let that incidental detail get in their way of making a complete fool out of themselves.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
firsty!! Chick
ReplyDeleteSweet congrats
DeleteThanks Harry! Hows it going?
Good just the usuall same shit new day but I love life so it makes no difference to me
DeleteThats the way to go about it!
So what kind of dogs were you watchin
DeleteIt's funny how much these guys think about homosexuality isn't it
DeleteDoes "Phil" ever do any experiments or offer any proof to back up his claims of how EVERYTHING is a hoax?
DeleteI am watching so many different kinds of dogs Harry. The biggest are 2 Bull Mastiffs. One is 155 lbs and the other is 135. Also 3 bull dogs ( with the really short legs) Must be English bulldogs. A Schnauzer that ate the glass lightbulbs off of a christmas tree. And some type of black and white hunting dog. It looks like the ones that hunt foxes in England. Those are the highlights so far. Mucho poo but the $$ is so good.
DeleteCHick^^^ ;)
DeleteNo I think he looks best he can from his desk and finds odd things that's about it
DeleteThat's funny I love my rotts bear is so funny he's 135 lbs yet little dogs scare the hell out of him lol and shit I'd pick up their shit bare handed for that much money
LoL!! For sure Harry! Cool about you rotti. Bet he's slot of fun. I have a 7 lb macho muchacho chihuahua named King Ernesto. He runs the neighbors 85 lb lab under their truck. Hes so embarrassing! :)
DeleteLol Indy goes after little dogs but he's the runt so he's a little slow he's as tall as bear but a little fatter and dumb as a box of rocks
DeleteAwe, he has the brawn so he can let someone else be the brains. :)
DeleteOk you have a good night chick it was nice talking to you
DeleteGood night!
DeleteThey are a type of retard
ReplyDeleteThey are a type of hoax related orb
DeleteCan occur with rain...snow...dust...
ReplyDeleteOnly happens when using a flash... *hint hint*
ReplyDeleteNow take out your books on optics and start studying. Fekkin' retards.
he gone just need the other one now
ReplyDeleteOrbs? Someone is seriously claiming these snowflakes are orbs?
ReplyDeleteParabreakdown is inadequately experienced at studying orbs and unqualified to pretend to be an expert. Although, when the there is moisture in the air from rain for instance, falling orbs can be photographed with a flash digital camera. Rising orbs occur when the rain stops and the spirits fly out of the ground, since they exist in another dimension to that ground. When the air is dry and orbs are captured with flash photography, they are most likely spirit orbs. Using an infrared monocle and plugging it into the end of a digital video camera, the direction of motion can be viewed, captured and studied. Using this technique, it becomes overwhelmingly obvious that orbs are living entities, that make decisions regarding obstacles in their path and regarding sounds, and can also be seen tagging along behind larger orbs. In rare instances, orbs can be seen with the naked eye. The largest orbs viewed with the naked eye were reported to be the size of a house. Which would be a candidate for God. I have personally seen dime sized orbs with my naked eye, and captured orbs using both still and video photography. When the BFRO was making fun of reports that one of the phases of the Bigfoot was the orb phase several years ago, their expedition participants began seeing orbs with their naked eyes. Apparently, the Bigfoot are like Santa Clause, and they know whether you have been naughty or nice. And the BFRO was naughty. I suspect that Parabreakdown would have gotten a lump of coal in his stocking for Christmas, had he published his moronic diatribe, just a few days earlier. Orbs are quite common in the forest. Especially if you have a bright stationary red light that you leave on, and an infrared monocle to view whatever comes along. And something will come along, I guarantee you that. Most likely, all living paranormal beings have an orb phase since they are shapeshifters to start with, as they most commonly exist in another dimension. It is just one more trick that they have up their sleeve.
ReplyDeleteI have been out calling in Bigfoot with canned calls, and heard orbs fly over and then confirmed it with a night vision monocle. In some cases, a few minutes later I can hear a couple of footsteps hit the ground as they circle back and materialize just above the ground, and catch themselves with those two footsteps. Obviously, something can be learned about orbs, and people have written books on them. If they were merely dust or moisture, there would no books. See "How to Photograph the Paranormal" by Lenore Sweet. Her book is about photographing spirit orbs.
"Rising orbs occur when the rain stops and the spirits fly out of the ground, "
DeleteYeah those would be small insects.
" If they were merely dust or moisture, there would no books"
DeleteThat's the most idiotic, gullible thing I've heard all day and I've been reading the rest of this blog for a few hours so there's been some stiff competition. Congratulations! You're a moron!
And today we are greeted with a contributor who offers up some compelling evidence for establishing a minimum I.Q., in order to post to Bigfoot Evidence. Apparently this dude did not get the memo that you need more than a computer and an internet connection, in order to qualify to speak with some experience on a subject matter that is not widely studied. But that did not stop Moron 5:09, who apparently had not enjoyed enough of his own mindless chatter, so he posted again at 5:11. That's why they don't called this forum "Bigfoot Opinion". Unfortunately for the rest of us, Bigfoot do not cull morons who have no experience in subject matters that would qualify them to publicly voice their opinon, but do not let that incidental detail get in their way of making a complete fool out of themselves.
Deletefalling snow makes great orbs