Hoaxes, Wannabes and Wishful Thinking

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ontario Wildlife Field Researcher Tim Ervick.  Tim is committed to collecting and investigating reports of Bigfoot/Cougar's and any wildlife anomaly in a scientific manner with the cooperation of the general public, Govt. agencies (MNR) and Police services found in Ontario, Canada. For more information, visit his blog, Ontario Wildlife Field Research.

Looking back on 2013 when it comes to Bigfoot I would have to say it was a year of hoaxes, wannabes and wishful thinking.

Now saying that publically doesn’t please the “Love In” most researchers here want to experience and hear. Some believe having a true opinion that may offend someone shouldn’t be heard. I obviously don’t agree. In my case an opinion is not meant to offend but to shine a different light and some reality to a given situation or claim. Never be bullied by others to keep your opinion to yourself. Ya sure it might not make you that popular or wanted but are we here for a popularity contest? Or are we here to get to the bottom of this mystery we call Bigfoot.

Click here to continue reading at ontariowildlifefieldresearch.blogspot.com


  1. Replies
    1. TBP don't bite on the hate bait man don't give them the satisfaction of steering your thoughts away from your goal

    2. Have good day at work people time for me to jet

    3. TBP's goal is a white society with no time for difference and compassion. If it ain't white, it ain't right.

      I'm still slightly chubbed, Leon, awaiting that old fashion you promised me. >:(

    4. No Doubt Harry, I already decided a couple weeks ago that this place is a waste of time, at least the comment section. But I was seek and couldn't get outside so I got back on.

      Quite frankly, I think that the last few good guys are saying fuck this place. Shawn could easily look through the posts and see who instigates trouble. Back to the work-week grind. I won't post much, but I'll get with ya on the Rotary.


    6. May I suggest going to an actual bigfoot forum to discuss serious bigfoot threads? Majority of the posts here have little to nothing to do with bigfoot. Mulder's World is eating BFE, slowly but surely.

      Instead of going to http://sasquatchforum.proboards.com/ or http://bigfootforums.com you continue to come back here like a dirty dog and complain.

      We have enough of your type in Congress.

    7. you are correct TBP Shawn knows who causes problems,people like yourself.

  2. A good clear picture of a bigfoot would be nice.

    I don't understand these comments from time to time that "we have to have a body".

    A good clear picture or two certainly would be not too much to ask and go a very long way toward proving existence at the least.

    1. Who needs photos?

      We have the 12th annual etomology report from 1863, a geneticist that although not finding anything continues to seek samples, a picture of an untested turd, some weird write up about the Buckeyes and a tuft of fur, all wrapped up in thousands of years of Native American lore.

      If that doesn't prove bigfoot to people, I don't know what will!

      - Joe Fitzgerald

    2. :)

      Just think how boring this place would be without Joe.

      People go (pardon the pun) ape-shit when Joe posts...it's funny.

    3. Actual it's way better. Comment sections will still exceed 130 posts but they are all incredibly hilarious. I love when that delusional prick takes a couple days away because it allows people to breath clean air again.

      This place was better without him, is better without him, and if he wouldn't wear criticism as a badge of honor then I'd wish him to die slowly in a fire.

      This place was awesome before PJ drove every poster into anonymity. Seriously go back and look how many accounted users we had regularly before School Joe ha ha! started posting.

      The good, the bad, the ugly all went away when dink knot showed up.

    4. 2:51 has a valid point.

      We used to have all kinds of account users here, footers and skeptics but they all disappeared when Joe got here.

      I'm not saying Joe's an ancient assonaut but he sure is a buzzkill.

    5. The trouble is that Shawn not only approves of Joe stirring everyone up but he encourages it. Shawn's not running this blog so that people can have meaningful discussions, he's running it for advertising revenue so he needs as many hits as he can get.

    6. I know I'd rather post anonymous, if I post at all anymore. Can't make a single post without one of two people immediately dropping conversation mid-thought to run over to where I posted and do something obnoxious.

      I can't be the only one driven into the shadows by obnoxious and off putting remarks and attitudes by one of those two people.

    7. C'mon, guys... I think y'all are blowing these waaaaaayy
      out of proportion!!

    8. I don't believe so. This place is a shell of it's former self. There has been a steady decline for the last 9 months that perfectly coincide with the arrival of peace bro joe.

    9. I never hide behind an Anon. I always list my name. I will never, ever be run off this site! I will never, ever change my opinions or comments, just because some Anon Skeptic, doesn't like what I am writing.

      This is suppose to be a Big foot blog. Where intelligent mature comments, both Pro and con should be read.

      Joe's not the problem! Mostly he counters criticism with mostly useful information. Many don't like him, because he will not run off, but stands up for himself.

      It's not Joe! it's all the "skeptical haters"! when I write anything about my big footing experiences, I'm immediately attacked! .And anybody that supports the Idea, the belief, is also mercurially attacked with vile comments!

      Several Anon's commented that they laughed at my Big foot photos! Guess what! I never, ever posted any pictures here or any other place!

      I wrote enough, It's MY opinion, and I'm not changing anything. If you don't like what I, Joe, Mike B. MMG writes don't read it!

      In my opinion, the biggest hater on here is Daniel Campbell! Read his posts, they are very vile and very cynical, he's the problem!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    10. People don't make fun of you for believing in bigfoot, they poke fun at you for your reactionary behavior and childish grammar.

      How is it that you disagree with Joe on some of the main traits of the creature yet slob his knob like a dog in heat?

      You talk about vegetarian day walker bigfoot, you're adamant about tree 'burials', you believe this and that from Native lore.

      I mean you say you aren't speculating on this because you know it as fact...

      Well that would make half of what Joe cut n pastes null and void.

      You just enjoy someone buying your stories without anything as to back it up.

      It's more "HEY! Look at me! I know for fact but I don't have to prove anything to YOU!"

      Let me tell you, that attitude is what makes this site and this 'field' fail all the time.

      And for the record, you don't post under your name, you still post anon just like the rest of us. Until you sign into a damn account, you're as anonymous as the rest of us.

    11. Anons - "boo-hoo, boo-hoo..."

      To all you computer geeks; get out in the real world, get a woman, get some fresh air at least and stop crying because your 'social life' gets abruptly snatched from you whenever you preach lies, cynicism and hate. You act like poor little victims when you all need to man, grow a pair, take some responsibility for your actions and know exactly why you get schooled... And you will like it.

      John! Spot on my friend, spot on!!

    12. ^^Spends 90% of his work and free time commenting on a degrading bigfoot blog that doesn't post much information about bigfoot and calls everyone else computer geeks.^^

      The irony...oh my lawd the irony.

    13. Your mostly wrong Anon 7:37, but I commend you on posting a mature comment back.

      When I commented about the hairy giants putting their dead up high in Pine trees, I was relaying Native America Legends and lore. Not "my' beliefs. Why do you think almost all Native Americans got the idea, to place their dead on raised platforms, from the "hairy Giants" of long ago, perhaps?

      Matt MoneyMaker claims that Big foot are the "Apex Predator" of the woods, so therefore they eat meat! Why because he finds some dead deer bones, and of course they were killed and eaten by a Big foot! Where's the proof. He also claims, that Big foots know that "Cows" are human food, so they leave them alone! What an illogical asinine statement. Some say, such a big animal can't survive the harsh winters without high protein MEAT" intake. On the surface, that sounds logical, but what about Moose? They're large animals, need protein and easily survive the harshest of winters eating Plants! (They got 2 stomachs fact).

      if the Big foots were truly meat-eaters, than what happens to them during a long hard winter? Will they then attack and eat humans or Cows, if their starving? Where are the "Documented" reports on this?

      I think some who read my comments, read them to fast, or their "H" brain can't absorb what I'm saying. When I write about Big footing, it is either based upon me,and my team's experiences in the woods, or on my Native American Legends and lore.

      On this site, anybody writing about Big foots "Are" attacked viciously, that a fact, Jack!

      Enough said, Got better things to do. . . .

      John W. Jones Spoke!

    14. For Anon 2:14, Who judges what is a "clear" photo? Who judges if that is a picture of a Big foot? What about peoples "PERCEPTIONS"?
      A stump may be a stump to some, to others it could be a Big foot? A dark shadow, shaped like a Big foot? But is it a Big foot or a dark shadow?
      Please read this part slowly!
      I've said this many, many times, If you, I or
      ANYBODY! was lucky enough to get a perfectly "clear" photo of a Big foot standing 20 yards away, when presented, what would happen? Would all viewers say; "That's a Big foot! Finally, we got proof"?

      Or would the viewers say:
      "What a fucking joke!
      What a crappy picture!
      It's Fake! It's a HOAX!
      It's a man in a gorilla suit"!
      It's Bob H. again! It's Daniel Campbell sucking Joe's dick! (I apologize for that)!

      That is exactly what will happen!

      Why 95% of you on this site is Skeptics!

      Some of you guys crack me up! You sit by your computers and complain, whine all about it, but "you" don't even "try" yourself to get that "clear" picture you want!

      John W. Jones Spoke

      Now attack me, it's winter, I'm bored, I need a good laugh!

    15. It's widely accepted sky burials are placing you closer to the heavens/God's.

      Like you said about Moose, they have multiple stomachs and a specialized digestion system.

      No primate, human, hominids, etc have ever had multi stomach specialized digestion tracts.

      Moose spent most of the day eating so they can maintain their weight and size.

      That would mean bigfoot would have to spend all day eating (remember humans in cold temps burn 4,000-7,000 calories a day) which would mean they would need certain plants or tubers constantly to be grazing (see gorillas) and would make them have a consistent and reliable diet/habitat.

      Simply put we would have found them long ago.

      As your buddy joe to email you those documented encounters, I'm sure he's itchin his trigger finger already.

      There are certainly stories about pig stealing.

      Like I stated before, you are not mocked for you belief so much as it is your reactionary behavior and childish grammar.

    16. doo yoo snif yur finger after wiping ass ?? ^

    17. Oh look, John W Jones Spoke with another vile and raunchy comment. Lest he complain about Danny Campbell again!

    18. ^ shut up fart nocker. I aint got reactinary thinkin, or childish behayvior..

  3. Leon W. Patriot is the most recognized homosexualllllll in the bigfoot community.

  4. Never ain't no good pictures of that dang stunk ape!! Darn near ever animal in the worlsd got themselves a good close up for TV ..but a stunk ape ?? Heck no!! My gramps told me to stop a worrying about the darned things and go back to school!!

    1. Go back to school, Stacy! Don't end up like Tim Fasano. - Grandpa

  5. Bigfoots non existence is self evident.

  6. At one point Melba was on her cell phone talking to another believer, and she said she could call in her local bigfoots anytime. "right now - watch" she said, i'm sure not understanding the irony of watch over a cell phone line! anyway she (with the person on the other end listening) yells out "yoohoo! yooHoo! and follows that up with a description of "yes here they come, out of the woods, she said 4 had come to see her , at her call!

  7. Ervick. Another wannabe speaking like he's an authority on the subject yet has never had any experience or evidence to back up his hate posts. Seems like just another jealous punk who didnt make the team. Poor baby.

  8. Guest post?
    PLEASE tell us your qualifications for such a title Tim Ervdick. Im sure we'd all love to hear about your redneck Ontario escapes. Who is this moron?
    Just another ahole trying to make a name knocking down others. Pathetic.

  9. Regarding Shawns opinion on uninformed opinions about Bigfoot, Bigfoot is beyond simple extrapolation from known animals because they are completely different from all scientifically admitted known animals. Consequently, uninformed opinions based on lack of massive field experience = prejudice = inadvertant stupidity.

    1. Too many big words. Look around, man--where do you think you are?

      But...bonus points for using 'extrapolation' properly in a sentence. Well done.

  10. Tim Ervick is another Bigfoot wannabe, who claims ties to various Canadian government entities, in order to lend himself credibility. In glancing through his blog, the guy does not have a clue as to what he is doing, or how to go about it. But that will not deter his efforts to accomplish and contribute, absolutely nothing.

    1. Never heard of him, but you're probably right. Any fool can slap up a blog and copy reports from elsewhere.

    2. Any fool can post a comment

    3. At least it's a change from the Justin and Ro bs.

    4. Any fool is right. The whole subject is littered with them.

  11. ^Guys like him feed right into arguments from some footers. An "expert" says that blah blah blah...

  12. Be gentle with me, hairy one.
    Treat me tenderly.
    I need the gentle touch,
    the soft voice,
    the candlelight after nine.

    Rod McKuen

  13. morris sold patterson the suit, bob h wore the suit, munns knows its a suit, munns knows where the suit is, munns still pretends 60s fake fur was rigid like a carpet

  14. The only thing Bigfoot research proves is Bigfoot is a myth cherry picked from a culture that told story's of numerous fantastic creatures so quoting native accounts as truth must mean every other creature they told tales about must be true , your rules not mine.

  15. Ervvick is just another red neck riding the coat tail of another. Typical low life who can't do it on his iwn. Another Matthew Johnson slamming those out doing the same crap. OWFR is a hoax slapping theur name all over the Temagami sighting yet they have nothing to do with it. One hoaxer deserves another i guess.

  16. Its amazing how little these Bigfoot researchers know about the subject or the environment they are trying to gather evidence in misidentifying known animals and sounds a little care and attention wouldn't go a miss. These weekend warriors make the subject a joke.

  17. Hoaxes, wannabes and wishful thinking just about sums up this blog (and the rest of bigfootery) perfectly.

  18. Why doesn't someone put these people on a lie-detector machine , there you go Shawn pay these fools a visit and video the outcome would be very interesting.

    1. Because polygraph tests are not that reliable, often fooled.

      There's a reason they are not used in a court of law.

      Justin Smeja passed one for goodness sake!

    2. Send him on Dr. Phil. He uses Jack Tramarco, the retired FBI agent that specializes in lie detectors. Betcha he wouldn't fool that guy. He's hardcore.

      Chick- Yes, I occasionally watch Dr.Phil don't make fun. :)

    3. ^^^I think putting them on the rack would get better results, and would be much more fun.

  19. Bigfoot they mostly come out a night mostly.

  20. Would someone go beat joe's ass senseless already.

  21. Oh My another researcher from Canada blasting TIMBERLITTLEFOOT !!!!! LOL and that other guy up there that thinks bigfoot TALK !!!!! Now that's Funny !!!!!!!!!

  22. Your post is very interesting to read. you are doing a great job. Thanks for the information.


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