Gawd, This Is The Cutest Bigfoot Photograph Ever

We don't care if this is fake, we just want to know we can get our hands on one of these things. Bigfoot Community group admin Suzy Matiash says she originally found the picture posted in a BFRO group. The consensus says it's fake, and 90 percent of those people probably want to see more cute pictures of the "Bigfoot" -- or whatever it is. Here's a zoomed version for a closer look:


  1. Replies
    1. Oh...My....God....that profile pic is HOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!

      Ball Boy

    2. Lol glad you like it but your weak advances are bringin me down so please be catty somewhere else

    3. There is this one shitty enough for you to not follow me

    4. i'm TRYING to give you ur space, but now u want to antagonize me? what kind of crap is that ?!

      Ball Boy

    5. I'm just askin what I can do for you to not follow me around it's kinda creepy that's all

    6. Got a real fan there. ^^^^^^. Must be because you have done it all, twice

    7. HB, I wouldn't worry until he starts going through your trash. That's kind of the threshold I use.

    8. The people here take your trash to the compactor if anyone goes through mine they're goin in too bet

  2. And to think Justin would casually blast the head off something like that.

    The black heart of the hunter.


    1. Exactly, what if there was a hunter and he didnt see the "adults" taking the pic, and thought it was a real mini-Sasquatch and shot it? Or since this was during rutting season, a buck trying to claim those does didnt gore it?

    2. MMG, in Smeja's defense.. He stated that he regreted shooting them right after he stated that it had dawned on him that they were not little black kids..


  3. "We don't care it this is fake . . ."


  4. Replies
    1. Clearly it is Chaka from land of the lost. Going for a yearling.

  5. looks real. could this be the evidence of all time finally. i don't think so.

  6. This picture is from the Website called Beacon big foot .com. Based in Beacon, N.Y. Steve Kulls added this Website, to his "Hall of Shame" listing.

    It's a completely hoaxed site. There are many videos. one shows a Big foot catching a fish with his bare hands (very impressive) but you see "Boots" Cleary, when it leaves the stream!

    The Beacon/Cold Spring area of New York state (The Hudson Highlands) right across the Hudson River is West Point. This area was my original stomping grounds, in the early 1980's.

    Believe me Beacon Big foot is a Hoaxed site! That guy in the costume is Bob Fester (The local Midget) from Beacon. Everybody knows "Bobby"!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. ^^ only one dim enough to take this seriously (and on here that's quite a statement).

    2. Well, a lot of people visit her site. she's making more money off this scam, then Dyer did! a lot of dim Wits out there!


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