Finding Bigfoot Just Rejected a Pretty Impressive Video

Besides it being a bit blurry, this is probably one of the best footage we've seen in a while. Judging from just a few frames of the creature sprinting off, it's very easy to see that this is not a person or some kind of four-legged animal. The dark figure can clearly be seen tree-peeking and running away from the people floating downstream. Unfortunately, this footage didn't make the cut. According to Keith Hoffman, Executive Producer of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot", though it's a good footage, there's just "not enough there".


  1. Someday we'll have video technology like they had back in the PGF days!

    1. By that statement, Do you mean the level of hoaxing? Because Rodger Patterson set that's a man in a suit. It really was. lol

  2. There's not enough on Finding Bigfoot now!

  3. Impressive?! That's my shit crossing the river.

  4. So, bigfoots dont do the toilet.....incredible. bigfoots dont die, or if they do they either bury or eat all the remains they must be very social with each other. No such things as bigfoots dont be so very stupid!!

    1. If anyone's stupid, it's you! Where the fuck do you get your inaccurate information? From Matt MoneyMaker?

      Before you Anon, comment again, know what the fuck your talking about, otherwise you look like an Ass!

    2. Matt Moneymaker has been tracking Sasquatch for 25 years!


    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. ...and still has nothing for evidence.

    5. Dave Paulides gotz the evidence....

  5. so obviously a bear. THis is the best bigfooters can show in 2013. a bear.


    mermaid status!!!!! = bigfoot in 2013

  6. They got nothing and didn't like it? What kind of squatchers are they anyhow?

  7. In many past episodes on the FINDING BIG FOOT show, they shown many videos that were proven later to be HOAX'S! They almost always exaggerate any supposed evidence, or encounter.

    Recently, On the "Yeti Expedition" in Nepal, they now claimed Big foots use fire! Matt MoneyMaker, always makes exaggerated claims, and gives out a lot of mis-information, about their habits etc, with no basis of proof!

    There is so much mis-information presented, that any people that believe they exist, don't know what is truth, or what is fabrication!

    FINDING BIG FOOT, and MOUNTAIN MONSTERS, make any serious Big foot research a JOKE! Now, a new show will be out soon, headed by the Superman actor, Dean Cain. I hope this show will be a serious, evidence gathering professional quest to prove Big foots exist, but I think not. I think this show will also turn into a joke!

    1. It probably will (turn out to be a joke).

      Finding Bigfoot has been pretty sorry this year in my opinion.

      Whatever became of the "Survivorman" dude that was supposed to have a show? Still in the works or ?

    2. Les Stroud has a new season of Survivorman starting Jan. 9th.

    3. MATT been on bigfoot for years now!

    4. To clarify, nobody on the show claimed they could build fire. One of the Sherpa witnesses claimed he stumbled upon one trying to build a fire. Now if you noticed they usually take the most credible and recent sighting and map them and even have a couple of witnesses bring them to where they saw it. They never did that with "fire man". Which tells me they didn't think his story was credible.

  8. Bigfooters will (do) believe anything. They might have better luck with the Easter Bunny.

    1. And I've seen the Easter bunny! We hunt them with Beagles every weekend during the winter! So there!

    2. Bigfoots are truer than fiction guaranteed

    3. What's funny is the amount of idiots that frequent bigfoot sites when they don't even believe in them. That doesn't even reach pathetic.

    4. Pathetic as those who argue with them. And think it will actually convince them!

    5. They can only convince themselves. Wait a're doing exactly what you said pathetic was.

  9. I have bigfoot in my pants... Its peeking out of my trunks... Leaving prints on many behinds...

  10. Why do the haters even follow these sorts of stories? Even if they think the believers are wasting their time, it's their time to harm. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find some clever way at attacking this post as well, "Don't Hate the Haters!" So predictable...

    1. The people on the train don't decide where the train goes, they are just along for the ride. Gnomesayin'?

    2. Unless it's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Boom! That's the sound of your mind being blown. :)

    3. Fact is they have no life. Their time spent hiding in mom's basement is spent trying to degrade others to make them feel important. I wouldn't be surprised if they've grown fungus from sitting in the dark dank basement of their parent's basements.
      Fat, greasy, smelly and afraid of their own shadow.

  11. Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS) needs to get on this with Trapper Investigating

    1. Yeah, After planting the "supposed evidence" They always find and chase, without success their quarry. Boy are they good!

    2. Trapper and the good old boyz Buck, Wild Bill, Willy, Huckleberry, and Jeff looken fer tham thar monsters with guns

  12. AMIS - mountain men + guns + traps = monsters

  13. You forgot to add the Beer to the equation above.

  14. onit - moonshine + mountain men + guns + traps = monsters

  15. If that's impressive, someone is setting the bar pretty low

  16. Several month ago, Cliff Barackman hinted about something exciting happening, but he couldn't elaborate. I'm guessing something happened during FB taping and his contract forbids him to spill on any interesting finds until the episodes airs. I haven't seen anything yet that would indicate such excitement. They really need to get a wildlife tracker on the team since foot prints seem to be the best proof so far. (you can't fake dermal ridges)

  17. Not a Bear. Head is up not forward and down like a bear would run. Back legs come forward of the front while running similar to the beginning of the "white bigfoot video" that MK Davis enhanced.
    It appears the creature's front torso it gradually lifting at the end of the footage as if it's going to two legs. Build is that of a gorilla not a bear. The rear section or glutes are very large and protrude above the line of the back. A black bear has sloping hind quarters that are lower than the back. This is not a bear and the speed and bulk is not human and the head position is not that of a four legged animal.


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