Did You Know This About The $10 Million Bigfoot Bounty Show?

SpikeTV's 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, featuring ambitious teams of explorers on a brazen exhibition to unearth real evidence of Bigfoot's existence is slated to air January 10th. Did you know that whoever wins the show (if they haven't won already) would be winning the largest cash prize in television history? Crazy, right? Yep. The whole thing is underwritten by Lloyd's of London, and those guys have already figured out that it's going to be next to impossible to win anyway, so they're just throwing the figure out there for shock value. Bigfoot Bounty host Dean Cain was on The Roz and Mocha Show on KiSS 92.5 earlier this week and this is what he says about the new show:

Dean Cain on The Roz & Mocha Show on KiSS 92.5: Listen MP3
"In this incredibly awesome interview, Dean Cain spoke to Roz & Mocha about the hunt for Bigfoot, the huge cash prize & the new batman vs superman movie!"


  1. Replies
    1. Sup Fozzie.....Major McCheese move in with Travis ??

    2. WAZZ UP CHEW DAWG!!!!
      Travis got fired from denny's and needs help with rent.

  2. Replies
    1. Melba got him.

      Was just a matter of time.


  3. Sasquatch Ontario is going to kill Ne-Fat-Ass and claim the bounty.

  4. according to secret leaked information about this show, no one finds a bigfoot or claims the 10 mil. prize. kind of shocker i know. I didn't believe it at first but after thinking about for a .5 sec i guess it could be true.

    1. They don't call these guys 'Tards' for nothing.

      Lame huh?


    2. Think harder about the expectation value of $10 million times de facto zero probability of finding a 800 lb elusive and shy ape creature that steals babies and buries it's dead and hides its poop. Just think of the size jar that would require.

  5. So do you have to tackle one or merely pull it's flag?

    1. It's like 'The Bachelorette' for footers. Lots of drama, crying and cramping.

  6. I have nothing to say about this thread. I'm simply escaping from the last one.

    1. Welcome and join the ranks of ace bigfoot researchers. Your decoder ring is in the mail.

    2. ^^^Rest here for awhile, my friend. As the Buddha said, "You must find the state of mind that is no-Joe. Therein is peace and contentment."

  7. I'm right here guys and I'm stuck in this hole. Easy $10 million. Just promise me you'll get me out after. Oh, and all paperwork will be handled by Derek.

  8. What happened? Did hacker guy email Joe's boss and rat him out for fucking off on the company dime?

  9. The prize is so high because obviously they know that nobody will be able to claim it bringing something substuntiated

  10. HEY! I'm selling Frozen Big foot in a cooler for ONLY $50,000.00

    Tom "The Legendary Big foot hunter" Biscardi

    1. No thanks, already have one, Rick "Suck my dick" Dyer!

    2. Every one of these contestants should be packing firearms. That would spice things up.

  11. It's the biggest prize fund offered in TV history.

    The show is a pretty big deal. Will bring BF to a whole new audience.

    Be good to some friends squatching on prime time TV. Gonna be a fun filled couple of hours.


    1. I can't wait until they shoot each other. That will be the best part.

  12. I know already the ending of this show, all of us do!
    Call this the FINDING NOTHING2 show.

  13. The show trumpets "ambitious" and "brazen" explorers. I guess "pitiful" and "heartbreaking" explorers doesn't sound as good.

    1. WTF is wrong with you? Who are you? Debbie fucking Downer?
      Just go ahead already and jump off a bridge!
      Ya damn emo punk ass bitch.

    2. I can only apologize for my good friend above.

      He is compelled to post BS on here by a dead but gay magician.

      A gay magician with knowledge of advanced hypnosis techniques is a fearsome foe.

      You are feeling sleepy....


    3. Yea,this guy just needs to end it.The world is such a horrible place.Damn negative Nancy.

    4. Hi there fellas! I wrote the comment you replied to. Can I be honest? I'm sort of getting the feeling you didn't like it. I could be wrong. You seem like great guys, so I'm going to rephrase it. I didn't mean to say "pitiful" or "heartbreaking", those were thoughtless choices. All I was really trying to point out is that this show is for imbeciles, and that it stars degenerate morons. I hope this clears up any confusion.

    5. Thank you for the clarification.

    6. Are you suggesting that Michael Merchant is a degenerate moron?

      Just when we thought he'd finished with footing he pops up applying face paint to avoid sassy detection.

      I trust you will all be cheering him on to his 10m prize?


  14. You can almost smell the desperation and autism in the picture of the teams. This will be comedy gold.

    1. You can smell autism?

      Very useful. I'll be in touch.

      Got a few BFE regulars I need sniffing.


  15. Is that Merchant in the video promo? No wonder he did a 180 and became a bigfoot believer overnight. What a sellout.

  16. Ifn U goz lookin fo bigfoot U needs to goz to da deep woods fert thar critter


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