Best Real Bigfoot Encounters of 2013 #8: Ex-military's Close Encounter With Female Sasquatch near Wrights Lake

We're counting down 2013's best Real Bigfoot Encounters, narrated by Rev. Jeff. This BFRO report is one of our favorites and it seems to be very popular with our viewers on YouTube. It's one of those close encounters where the Bigfoot actually tries to make contact with the witness. The witness had a gun with him at the time and shot a couple of rounds to scare off the creature -- he's lucky to be alive.


  1. Replies
    1. You are a winner kiddo !

    2. Reading all the comments below, I come to the easy conclusion, that this site has filled up with Vile, cynical, childish immature losers and assholes!

      Only 2% here believe in Big foots, and they write intelligent comments, while the other 98% write hateful, vile comments Shawn, you better moderate these idiots better, or your going to lose this site!

  2. Nice going Eva, you deserve to be first! Have a very nice New Year!

    John w. Jones Spoke

    1. Thanks Skunkey and Mr Jones,hello Joe,happy new year every one xx


      ALL CAPS

    3. Bless you ALL CAPS that's such a nice thing to say,thankyou xx

  3. Hello everyone!! John, how's the book coming along my friend?!


    1. Hello joe.

      Got monkey?
      Got giant hairy person?
      Got bigfoot?

      Pwned smoked and schooled.

    2. He doesn't have a monkey. Not even a hair off of one, or a dingleberry of it's butt. Not even a good picture of one. No bones, no fossils, nothing. You's think after a couple of hundred years we would have something by now. But you know, he's going to come rolling in, making special pleas for bigfoot that apply to no other creature on earth. Then he'll copy paste something really stupid, say Hahaha and sign off schooled.

      Same as it ever was.

    3. Hey Skunkey!!

      Anon 9:15... Got brain? You boring bro!


    4. You see? It'sd kind of like watching a chimp at the zoo. Let's watch now as he grasps at his dingus.

    5. 9:33, 9:36...

      "process to determine whether tufts of hair, recovered in the Blue Mountains of southeastern Washington state in August, could belong to the beast known as Bigfoot.
      The two tufts of hair, each consisting of about a dozen strands, were sent to Ohio State University. These samples have the best possibility of being real, said Paul Fuerst, OSU associate professor of molecular genetics. Fuerst and a graduate student, Jamie Austin, are using a DNA testing procedure being developed by the FBI for analysis of hair strands that lack the roots normally needed for identification.

      Austin, a forensic scientist, is using the samples as well as human and chimpanzee hair to do an independent genetic evaluation of the procedure. The technique should be able to determine whether the hair came from a human or another known primate, Austin said.

      Tests, which are being done for the Oregon Regional Primate Research Center, so far suggest the hair did not come from a known primate, Fuerst said."

      Also... Chimps have lived in Africa for 7 million years... And in that time we only have four teeth of there direct evolutionary predecessors.

      You guys let me know if there's anything else I can help you with, yeah?


    6. You see... It's kind of like educating chimps at the zoo, when you people dribble on to the keyboards without facts, the way you do...

      Too easy.

      Drum roll please... Que the numpties...

    7. I'm sorry, I have a rare medical condition that doesn't allow me to read the incessant repetitive bullshit you cram into your posts.
      I will never read one until you provide a link. That is the correct way to present material that is not your.
      Or are you a common thief as well as a unabashed liar?

    8. What do you call a person that constantly uses other people's work for their own benefit without giving credit?

    9. Fingers in the ears and "NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!!!!"

      What a wimp; simply scared of being put right, old boy.

      Oh and I think you need a re-diagnosis of that condition, old boy... It sounds like you have a bad case of Faeces-For-Brains Syndrome.

      ; )

    10. 10:06...

      What do you call someone who repeatedly ignores links being posted, only to get it rammed down his neck like a Cleveland Steamer with added truth-mustard?

    11. Rush my friend; hope you are doing well bro!

    12. Joe is retarded. Same old bullshit and same no bigfoot.

    13. Hundreds of years later and not one specimen.
      You have to be kind of retarded to buy into that. Especially with the thousands of sightings and bigfoot in close proximity in all 48 states and Canada.

    14. This might be news to you bro, but there are countless documented accounts of biological evidence being found right up until the mid 20th century. There are even documented anthropological & archaeological studies and official Smithsonian Institute Bureaus that state giant skeletons have been sent there.


    15. What about the sightings here and now?

      These things are everywhere right now.

      Joe don't know. Joe lives way over there.

    16. Don't I? Stay patient... I know more than you think, old boy...

    17. That's funny- you said the same thing about Sykes and look at you with your pants around your ankles getting laughed at by everybody. Good work Joe.

    18. Who? Sykes of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project that is still in full swing, who's an active member of Bigfootology and who's still looking for relict Hominid samples to sequence??

    19. Hey Joe this Bigfoot poop sounds legit, must be submitted to Sykes!

    20. ^^ getting joked and not realizing it

    21. So sorry to hear that the Enlightenment missed Wales. Apparently science and superstition are still interchangeable there. Clearly there are as many bigfoots in Wales as there are North America. The amount of non-hoaxable evidence is exactly the same.

    22. 12:43... You'd be the first to cry if I didn't have a sense of humor.

      12:43 #2... Superstition don't cause tracks, old boy. Science is as good as the person with the brain using it... And comparing a steady accumulation of evidence; ten thousand years of it... Isn't having a brain at all.

    23. tracks are hoaxable. you'll never convince anybody of anything with just tracks.

      you have no conclusive video. you are as full of shit on that as you are on everything else.

      and nobody would dismiss clear photos out of hand- Jones is full of shit too. The Jacobs photos are not hoxed- they are just not bigfoot. They appear to be young bears. REAL young bears.
      Try again. You're really failing spectacularly today.
      I'll take special pleading for bf for $500 Alex...

    24. Big Joe Fitz shows his ugly self.

    25. Failing spectacularly? I'm schooling about three people who haven't the slightest idea what they are talking about, and with this comment I'll proceed to support you further in your education; which turns out can be free in the States after all!

      When you have a trained hunters, trackers, trappers of many, many decades in places where people never go, in an area of wilderness where they have literally chosen on that exact moment to access; then the hoaxers would have to be pretty incredibly psychic to guess that route, wouldn't they?

      Not even Sarmiento can achieve a consistency of dermal ridging that has clear species traits in consistency with other tracks from States apart, from decades apart, with toe bending and scar tissue. Jimmy Chulcutt is one of the best forensic specialists in the States, and is also a primate prints specialist... I'll take his word over yours I think, yeah?

    26. Unless they're in on it of course. Then they all go back and have a few beers and laugh at idiots like Joe Fitzgerald.
      And I don't trust any of your experts. Why is it so hard to show me one piece of organic evidence? Are they extinct? A fleeting glimpse on a FLIR or a chunk of plaster is NEVER going to prove it. Get it through your stupid cone-headed skull dick breath.


    28. No stop that there are no bigfeets in Illinois never was never will be there's not even enough forest to house one

    29. 2:25...

      Argh, Bigfoot researchers are all liars! So tell me this then... If you don't trust researchers, why do you sit behind your desktops and demand evidence from them here? If Bigfoot researchers are all liars, then what is the point in presenting you organic evidence?

      And you brought it up! You have a thermal in the Browns that has been demonstrated to be way taller that many normal human, that

      Footage, thermal, tracks, documented biological evidence, anthropological & archeological studies, Smithsonian Bureaus, recorded language, 50 thousand years of native culture, 150 of news media, tens of thousands of eyewitnesses probably way more, unknown primate DNA, scat, hairs...

      Would prove Bigfoot in a court of law; get that into your fragile, scared little mind.

      It's quite something to swallow, but you need to grow up and realise there are things in life you have no control over. That's just the way life is.

  4. Next time you're out and see some really hot chicks, approach them and talk to them about bigfoot. The ultimate anti-aphrodisiac.

    1. Ha...! funny.

      I actually use it as a bit of a litmus test.

      If she gets that glassy eyed look when I talk about bigfoot...then the heck with her.

    2. So you prefer footers to hot women?

      Are all of you footers fucking insane????

    3. That's not at all what I said.

      I am not a "footer". However, I do think it's possible Bigfoot exists.

      Anyway - girls with a sense of humour and an open mind are fun. (and smart).

  5. Joe, Book coming along slowly, very slowly, A horse I was training, pulled my right arm, out of it's socket! So typing is slow. I resorted to Tape recording the information/stories, then I hired a young girl to transcribe it into a word processor, so it's very slow going.

    On top of that, my publisher feels with so much information, we may have to do two books instead of one.
    1. book strictly on our 10 year research adventures.
    2. book strictly on our hunting/search methods.

    The biggest problem I have is selecting the right photographs of Big foot images. As you see on this site, and what happened to Mike, any photo presented, no matter how good, will be deemed by some, as Hoaxed, Faked, Blobsquatch or a man in a Money suit!

    Generally people think a Big foot when encountered, will just stand there, and let you take a picture of him! Since these people lack any experience of trying to capture their image in the wild, the photos don't ever coming out clear! Again, they don't realize how fast these creatures move, and when encountered, we're just not quick enough to get a good photo. My Videos, are way better, but of course I can't show them in a book!

    So we're doing our best that we can. They gave us way more money than expected, (Which we are donating to the "Wounded Warriors Foundation), so we have to deliver. Right now, I have plenty of information, but if/when I run out of ideas, or want to make some changes, then I will need you or Mike's help.

    Have a good New Year, Joe! Mike! and all the rest of you Footers!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. If anybody ever had any decent photos to present, they would not be rejected outright. We have reasonably clear photographs of even the rarest and shyest of animals on earth. Hyndreds of them in fact. But all you ever present is garbage, so yes, you will probably get laughed at.

    2. John!

      I am so sorry to hear about your arm, man... I know lads who have had that injury once and never returned to rugby; beyond painful! Hope you are recuperating well my friend.

      As for the idea of two books, I think this would be a very good idea to be honest. You have the information and the research so why not? You only ever have to ask buddy, you know I'll be there to help you at the drop of a hat. As for the photographs; you are quite right and it takes a brave person to put them out knowing what they can expect back as 'feedback' (more like attacks).

      Anon 9:44... You also have trained professionals with professional equipment that are funded by major organizations, who also spend months at a time looking for a specific animal they have been instructed to photograph. Unfortunately; this subject is left to amateur photographers or researchers who have seconds to get the camera and take such a picture before it is gone. We are not talking about a dumb animal here either.


    3. that is the stupidest thing you've said yet Joe

      biologists/conservationists looking for a specific animal will ignore bigfoot

      special pleading for bigfoot- you fail

    4. Did I actually say those words????

      Let's be careful about what's stupid here now...

    5. I always set my trailcams on "ignore bigfoot" because I think they deserve their privacy.


    6. I always set my trailcams on "ignore bigfoot" because I think they deserve their privacy.


    7. Gonna have that awesome plastic comb binding like Janice Carter's I hope.

    8. For Anon 9;44, What an asinine statement! Dumb, dumb, dumb. I bet, you couldn't even get a picture of a squirrel!
      I've never presented any "Big foot photographs (Yet), but my publisher feels about 10 of them are could enough to be shown in my book

      If "You" Anon 9:44(or anybody) were ever lucky enough to get a "perfectly clear" photo of a Big foot, it would be INSTANTLY rejected! No matter how good! "If' a "clear" photo was shown, it would be deemed a fake, a hoax, a man in a gorilla suit, BECAUSE it was TO CLEAR!

      Any idiot with a good camera, can go to a zoo, and get "clear" photos of "known" or "Rare" Animals Dummy!

      Until a " dead Body" shows up, what I write, what others write will never, ever be believed! And. . . If/when a "dead Big foot body" shows up, it will STILL NOT be believed!

      Dumb fucks!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    9. Yes, Joe's very protective and proud of the stupid things he says. You can't misquote the stupidity.

    10. Give us some links to good PHOTOGRAPHS of bigfoot. We've all seen your retarded yeti and PG. I want an unambiguous photo that you believe is a bona fide squatch.
      All of those researchers with all of their trailcams and expeditions and helicopter trips and scat dogs and YOU AIN"T GOT SHIT

    11. John Jones is full of shit. The reason your photos are laughed at is because they are all so stupid! Have you ever seen photos of REAL animals? Where are the trailcam photos of bigfoot?

    12. Something tells me Jones' publisher is as real as the magic monkey.

    13. Isn't Jones the guy that dresses up in women's clothes before he goes into the woods? Taught himself to hike in heels and everything.

    14. "Hey Joe, just FYI. I was on an overnight trip last Thursday/Friday with the law and public safety class students I teach. We were in the field as I was teaching night surveillance, etc. I showed the students the difference between Generation 1 plus night vision and Gen 3. We used both to observe/collect data in total darkness. Gen 1 night vision uses the same technology that Infra-red trail cameras use at night to take photos without utilizing the "flash" that the trail camera uses during the day to take pics. (According to the trail cam manufacturers, the game will not spook because of the lack of flash). When using the Gen 3 technology at night it does not omit an infrared beam. The Gen 1 plus uses infrared to enhance its night vision. Although IR is invisible to humans, it is clearly visible to any animal that has nocturnal vision. I proved this to the students by allowing them to observe me using the Gen 1 plus while they viewed me using the Gen 3. The Gen 1 plus omits what looks like a huge flashlight beam when observed through the Gen 3. Although the Gen 1 plus cannot be seen with our naked eye, it is glaringly obvious with the Gen 3. Although I used this training to drive home a point about never using Gen 1 for surveillance (the bad guys may have Gen 3 or better night vision and they will know you are there, etc.) some of the students who are hunters immediately said, "any animal who sees in the dark could see the gen 1 plus."

      For those who are skeptical of this info. test it for yourself.


      ... that was from my friend who is a hunter of many years.

    15. Also... Why do you want more photographs when you have clear footage?

      Oh dear... This is the dumbest thing in the world; they can't cope with clear footage, yet they want more photographs??

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

      Oh, and no monkeys... Just giant hairy people.

    16. All other primates have been caught on trail cam.. Not bigfoot though..Special pleading for bigfoot.
      because blah blah blah

    17. What clear footage? PGF isn't a game changer either way. Ask the millions of people who have seen it and public opinion is still mixed.

    18. Bigfoot ain't dumb apes; numpty... You would fall under that category.

      If you have nocturnal vision, and you watch a dumb hunter put up a trail cam... You're not gonna do the tango in front of one, dumbass.

    19. 11:51...

      The millions of people with still mixed opinion? EXACTLY!! Still debating it 46 years later, with the accumulation of evidence to back it up WITH; a matching specimen... Gotta mean something.

    20. There is no debate. Footers try to make out that there is a debate because it's the basis of their religion. There are no scientists sitting around scratching their heads at the pgf. It is a bloke in a suit and your failure to prove otherwise is very telling.

      Joe come back when you actually have some decent arguments because I see you get smoked every single day.

    21. Religion?

      I think you'll find that this subject falls under anthropology, old boy... Religiously would however describe perfectly your quest for reassurance.

      You see... A lot of what Bill does is mere common sense. Something that Tards are actually overthinking in their cartwheels of worry. When Bill Munns compares the proportions of Patty to a 'normal human'; we see something very obvious in the junction of two points of the right leg when pasted on top of eachother, from the hip socket. It is here where you have an amazing example of the posture of the upper and lower leg of Patty; the upper leg is far shorter. The crotch area of Patty is far more higher than the average human norm and like Bill States; "when you put a costume on, it always adds, it never subtracts". If you were to put the 'costume' on a human being, then we would expect the crotch area to be lower than what is clearly not the case when comparing the proportions. The arm length of Patty is 10% longer than that of a normal human in comparison proportion & scale, the 10% being in the shoulder area. When matching this over that of a normal human, the problem is evident when trying to accommodate this in comparison to a normal human, Patty's knees fall way shorter. Bill even extends this to show the possibility of using football shoulder pads, and it still cannot match the proportions of a normal human. Bill also extends the comparison image's scale of Patty by 25% , but you still have the arm with bending fingers reaching far lower than the proportions of what a normal human can achieve in a suit. The shoulder joint and base of the neck of Patty require to be shifted forward actually into the neck of a normal human for the eyes of the 'mask' to align with normal human proportions. It is therefore impossible to get the mask to fit on the shoulders of a normal human and maintain the rest of the proportions to fit on a normal person in a suit.

      Shall we talk about the materials that weren't even in production then and the reality of a broke cowboy attaining such materials?


    22. One of the top 'experts' in Squatchery, Rene Dahinden, spent...what was it...5 consecutive years in deep in the field living research and never found hide nor hair of anything the PNW.

      Joe's definition of clear is obviously 1963 black and white tube television and not 1080p crisp.

      Nothing inhuman about leaping Davis despite your tantrums and PGF is a bloke in a suit. I don't need some calloused hand blow hard to tell me any different, my eyes have been fine for many years.

      Funny all those people could find 'evidence' as you call it in the 19th century but suddenly in 2013, with more people looking, nobody can find a thing but bear poop and coyote hair.

    23. why does munns say 60s fake fur was stiff like a carpet when there are videos from decades earlier that prove otherwise in the form of fully flexible fake fur gorilla costumes

      when someone lies like that I would tend not to put much stock in what they say

      joe may be able to look past that but for most reasonable people that is a big problem

    24. If Dahinden didn't find the 'bipedal gorilla', then that's unfortunate for him. I however know people who have been in the bush way longer and had multiple sightings. It's as easy as that.

      The plain and simple truth is, you see what you want to see. In Leaping Russian Yeti; you either see a creature jumping from bipedal to quadrupedal motion in very tricky terrain, leaping feet into the air in transitioning those motions, muscle tone in the back and arss, limb length and girth matchable to patty... Or you see 'nothing inhuman' without offering an explanation how that stealth would be accomplished; even in a bulky, no-neck outfit.

      I think you'll find that the Industrial Revolution disturbed much of the land that had burial mounds to which uncovered much of the skeletons. Considering the US is covered 70% by wilderness; then you have a way harder task finding where these creatures bury their dead.

      Munns doesn't lie... It's facts. You didn't have the materials in the 60's to defy 46 years of technological achievements, because they simply were not in production. I find it hilarious that you should call a costume expert a liar and then spout lies yourself about costumes in the 60's.

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    25. How about John Muir? He spent his life in the woods in peak period of all your supposed skeleton findings.

      Yet he never saw a Sasquatch, he never heard about Sasquatch from other people, NOTHING!

      Case closed my friend

    26. so even though munns says 60s fake fur was rigid like a carpet when there is video proof of suits decades earlier being flexible with fake fur that doesn't bother you?

      yea that really sums you up joe

    27. So basically you just freely admitted that you see why glyph want to see. I don't any any explanation outside of the fact that it's not inhuman, that's all there is to it. I don't need motive, I don't need doesn't show anything inhuman.

      Munns can take his 10% this and that and taterhole it. 10% within human range is nothing, turn on espn and you'll find high athleticism, crazy arm proportions, and bulky skull brow ridges.

      Regardless of what one is looking for, you're going to find sign and sample of native wildlife during 5 consecutive in-the-field years of research. Ask him how much bear, deer, big cat, etc. sign he witnessed as well as human activity.

      Your whole attitude of "I'm better cause I know something you don't ;) is tiring and dated.

    28. See whatever you want to see*

      Damn autocorrect

    29. Case closed? Ha!

      Shall we go through lists of researchers that HAVE seen Sasquatch for all their efforts? Only someone as desperate for closure desperation as you, mu friend, would cling to such things. Also, if you were looking for Bigfoot... Specifically a bipedal gorilla; you're not gonna have much joy cause they're not there. Also, you wouldn't be remotely preoccupied with looking for skeletons; or at least the old theory group weren't anyway.

      12:36... Care top show me an example of these suits?

    30. 12:43...

      ... At 1.47 mins, you see it pull itself along with it's arms in that terrain. Make sure you look at the screen shots and play it back to see the creatures last few moments; where it switches from two legs to all fours... Ridiculously fast. There is great need to explain how someone could achieve those movements, because they are not achievable by a normal human's capabilities... They would break their wrists jumping from bipedal motion to quadrupedal motion at that speed in that awkward terrain.

      Athleticism doesn't change proportions to the extend that it is physically impossible for a normal human to fit into a suit. This is your logic and this is what makes me smile every time you spew it, HA! The logic of an 8 year old.

      You see, we are not talking about a dumb animal here... This is what is getting pretty damn tiring. You have a type of human that has evolved to evade us for it's safety. What would you do if someone showed you DNA and poop? Like I just did earlier??

      You stupid boy, no wonder I have to repeat myself. Even on the same thread... Now that is tiring, old boy.

    31. Search YouTube. There are plenty.

      And no they are not bigfoot suits so before you have a spaz attack and start shouting "THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE PATTY". That is not the point. They prove munns is simply not being honest about fake fur and what was possible in the 60s.

    32. The debate and time marches on
      For whom the bell tolls

    33. Human beings are caught on trail cameras all the time. Chimps, orangutans, you name it. Everything but bigfoot.
      Never, ever bigfoot.
      They are god-like beings. They never suffer accident or misfortune. Floods, wildfires, lightning strikes, blizzards, heat waves, venomous spiders or snakes. There is always a burial party close at hand that even without tools is able to mysteriously conceal every single bigfoot regardless of circumstance. And any of their bones ( massive frame of obviously un-modern human proportions, unless you want to throw out the vast majority of eyewitness accounts) are immediately whisked away to the catacombs of the Smithsonian, where the most incredibly disciplined people imaginable keep a tight lid on this, the most important secret imaginable.
      Got to go- Dr. Sykes is coming over and we're going to bake some Snickerdoodles for the bake sale we're having at the local BFRO headquarters. THen we're going to do a little maintenance on our b igfoots sacks and practice our ululations to draw them in ( I forget- do they mimic owls or coyotes this time of year?).

    34. Hey Harry!!

      12:52... I asked you to show me a monkey suit; so far I have provided you with everything you have asked of me... Your turn;

      The point is materials.

      Monkey suit?

    35. Oh I've seen the video before and there is nothing inhuman about that. Just because your average Podunk fart sniffer can't physically do something doesn't mean it's not possible. Same goes for limb proportions and size, just because the average person doesn't fit doesn't mean it's inhuman.

      There are thousands of gymnasts and performers who can physically do what is shown.

      There are thousands of basketball and volleyball players with extremely long arms or odd postures and gates.

      Yao Ming certainly isn't average but he's human.

    36. Careful Bandini, he might snap on you again the two faced liar.

    37. 12:58...

      You were completely accurate with 80% of your assessment, thank you very much for that! However you failed to address the massive effort of a government cover-up that is akin to the UFO subject, and you fail to understand that these creatures have used tools quite famously for thousands of years. Again, according to Native American legends these creatures understand how to even use fire and have used various tools over the ages such as primitive forms of baskets and sharpened sticks to spear fish. Again... Jim Vieira has come across the documentation of countless native American burial mounds that have uncovered giant skeletons with giant tools and sometimes even weapons. The When considering the Australian Yowie (and I use this creature in comparison as I firmly believe I am talking about the exact same creature), there is a fascinating account of 'The Wildman of Monaro' (you can find this in Google Image Search) that tells of a sighting of a gorilla-type being holding what appeared to be a nulla-nulla; this is an Aboriginal war/hunting club. Furthermore; the images of Medieval European Woodwose almost always portray these beings as possessing a large stick-like club (along with snatching woman and children which amazingly is consistent with American Bigfoot legends).

      Here is a link to one of D L Soucy's newspaper reports of the Grand Canyon from 1903... Where a report of a Bigfoot with a club is read out...

    38. Bigfoot is always watching- he sees every single game camera you put up. He will avoid every game cam you put up and still look through your window. i find he likes the old B&W series 'Car 54 Where are you?" for reasons that remain mystifying to me. I think Fred Gwynn might be the key to unravelling the mystery of the sasquatch...

    39. Just because the you can't explain how a creature maintains these changes in motion, in that terrain, at that speed; doesn't mean it's not a Bigfoot... Especially in light of other accumulative evidence, like a matching specimen on film for starters.

      You are clueless as to what humans can achieve in terrain like that... Clueless and stupid, if you think that even the most talented of gymnasts can achieve leaping out of the air, into quadrupedal motion on your hands and maintain the speed the subject in that footage does.

      Even the most stupid of people on this blog have admitted it can't be an ape... I've even heard a wildlife conservation being suggested, but nothing as do as you. You've just been handed your arss again, aren't you tried of having this all day?

    40. And obviously, I meant "can't be a human..."

      Now run along, you've been served.

    41.'s all ok. Joe showed leaping Davis to skeptical thinkers!

      Just because blah blah blah blah...means you can't say it's bigfoot and you can't say for sure it's out of human range to do such a task...which is why it's laughable to point immediately to bigfoot. But you can't see that.

      All the circumstantial evidence in the world doesn't validate a species, sorry.

    42. Ha ha ha ha!!

      You see... Your argument would work if I was trying to push this footage had I not had the entire sources of evidence I have, with all the consistencies to back it up. What a sophisticated hoax this would be for a father and son to hit every part of relevant information that is in that piece of footage, and find a gymnast willing to risk his career? You see... Russia is a very conservative country and stuff like this... Though possible; don't wash.

      What a pile of stupid people you are...

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    43. Ha ha ha!

      More special treatment pleading!!

      'You see it's possible but just CAN'T be...*stomps on floor*"

    44. Special treatment?

      What level of numb nut denies the level of physical achievements the subject in that video manages, and then suggests that i want special treatment?

      Oh deary, deary me...

      : )

    45. Joe I'm seeing that you spent all your Saturday fighting against anons... nothing better to do in your life on Saturday? No real people to talk to?

      Saddy Joe

    46. Grainy, blobby invisible to dogs thing. That's your best? Epic fail Joe. Your best shot has been seen by all of us and found NOT to be proof of a giant unkown primate in NA.
      It's safe to say the only thing you have ever convinced anybody of is what a complete asshole you, and by extension the entire population of Wales, are.

      Early settlers believed that the forest people were made of compressed ghosts, wizard's beard and animal souls.
      And Joe Fitzgerald believes every fucking word of it.

    47. 2:29...

      So concerned with my personal life aren't you? I've been drunk every day this week and have work in the morning. Nothing more child minded than what you post here. But hey! Why don't you post my personal details?! Why don't you phone my employers?? Whatever happened to all that???

      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!


      What's the matter, getting upset are we? Good... Bigfoot ain't invisible to dogs; that's just you with nothing else to counter me on and a sure sign of how stupid you are. I put this to bed on the precious thread, and it is the most hilarious thing in the world that you think you can account for what a dog behaves like off camera frame... Can you see how silly you are?

      Quite hilarious actually.

      Does it upset you that someone from Wales should school you about what's in your own back yard? I'll be honest... If I had someone from across the pond play with my emotions as much as I've done today; I'd be pretty upset.

      Got amazing gymnast that risks his career to achieve speeds and motion impossible for any normal human?

      Got any logic worth taking note of at all?

      Didn't think so.

    48. Oh... And is like to see those settlar's diaries... More crap from yor brain, you really have nothing else do you?

      Poor boy.

    49. Settlers believed in witches and claimed to see them, are they also real then?

    50. Giles Corey was pressed to death therefore bigfeet exist.

    51. Well considering withcraft was accepted in the 17th century, that would fit, but I've yet to come across those accounts... Can you back up your claims?

      Also, we have a transition into modern mediums that holds consistency right through to modern mediums that actually have physician evidence. Witches not so much.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. No body, no hair, no scat, no bones, no fossils, no video, no photos.

      Sounds real to me!

    3. Check my post at 9:45 for help with that.


    4. Nothing YOU post will ever change anything. Your track record is horrible!

      Sykes is coming!

    5. Fucking fairies and their fairy tales.

    6. Who? Sykes of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project that is still in full swing, who's an active member of Bigfootology and who's still looking for relict Hominid samples to sequence??

      He'd be totally concerned with fairy tales wouldn't he?

      Jesus; you people dumb as a bag of rats.

    7. says the guy who looked really stupid when sykes' results came out and left him with nothing.

      'it;s still in full swing'
      "an active member'
      'still looking'

      happy horseshit joe

    8. An entire field has been 'looking' for 50 years with zero biological evidence to be found. Everything that has been found and tested results in known animals. Bigfoot is reported in areas lush with bear activity.

      Stringin together circumstantial evidence is doesn't equate to 1 biological point, no matter wht twisted logic you throw at it.

      50 years and no confirmed poop, blood, hair, bones, teeth, no clear pictures and no video that doesn't raise suspicion as to it's authenticity or validity.

      50 years and nothing.


      Sykes can keep 'looking' all he wants, the only results to be found are in the footers heads.

    9. We aren't discussing what's between your ears, old boy.

      "Bryan does believe, as do I and everyone else at Bigfootology, that there is something out there and we continue our work to discover “WHAT” they are, not “IF” they exist."

      "There is a paper that is in peer-review and more outcomes from testing will be released then, and Bryan is also diligently working on his book about all of this and his adventures with the Bigfoot community. Bigfootology’s work continues as there is still much to do and we have several projects at various stages of fruition. Two of which are finished or in the process of being finished (e.g., Zana and the general DNA project). Another project that we have been working on is exploring the claim from indigenous tribes all over the world of Bigfoot/Human pairing in their history. To this date we have located and tested three individuals and we are still searching for two others that we are aware of. Exciting things are still happening and many other projects, again, are still planned or in some stage of planning to make happen.
      If Bryan was not curious and has a degree of belief in this phenomenon then surely he would not have spent his time and money as he has, and continues to do, to continue to investigate these claims. The answer is there and the right moment, people, and circumstances being in place will bring us to that answer."

      Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr., MS, PhD-ABD, CAF, MHP

    10. So what?

      Where is the confirmed poop, blood, hair, bones, teeth or pictures?

      I mean, CONFIRMED

    11. What kind of asshole writes down a degree on their title that try don't possess? Bigfooters, that's who.

      PhD-ABD = all but dissertation.

      Then you don't have the degree. Look how many people graduate law school but never pass the bar or even attempt it. You don't list JD-ABB on your title just because you took classes.

      Wasn't Melba a footer too? Cause that worked out so well.

    12. 12:16... I bet the Smithsonian could help you with a lot of that.

      12:18... Whatever Rhettman's qualifications; he's the man close to Sykes right now, that's as significant.


    13. That's not confirmed.

      But why you are not able to go out in the woods and find another one?


    14. I was hunting today and I discovered the skeleton of a cougar and some poop of a wolf.

      Unfortunately no Bigfoot skeleton or poop.

      Actually, I go hunting three times a week in Washington State, but never a Bigfoot skeleton.

      I must be very unlucky

    15. Only matters what Sykes says not what is parroted by someone who thinks they know the end game of Sykes.

      My assumption is he destroys footery and shenanigans with his 'book and paper.'

      See how easy that is? Sykes didn't refute it therefore it's accurate.

    16. 12:37... What do you want confirmed exactly, when mainstream science refuses to look at the subject? I have provided you with an entire thread of evidence, yet you fail to think for yourself, because you can't. Spoon fed 'truth' like the product of modern TV ridden society that you are.


      12:39... Case closed bro, Christ! What was I thinking!!


      You're not unlucky, you just don't stumble across the poop and remains of a creature that buries it's dead, and poops out of the way of where they have observed hunters identifying such for probably hundreds, maybe thousands of years.

      They have better scat and tracking skills than any of us; the Hoopa call them 'Boss of the Woods'; they not gonna hang their turds out to dry, are they?

    17. This just in...

      Bigfeet walk on water.

    18. 'They have observed hunters identifying such'.

      This is comedy gold. Any psych majors out there? You could write a whole book on Joe's dementia.

    19. This just in- bigfoot avoids leaving tracks because it has mastered flying. Well, it's more like gliding actually, but you get the point. They've got these enormous webbed armpits and their undersides are whitish/grey to avoid detection from beneath. Their topside are often black with a yellow dotted line so aircraft will mistake them for rural highways.

    20. Bigfoots are stealth aliens.


    21. Ok... Let's look at it like this.

      If you are a wild human, and you have learnt to hunt from a very young age because your survival depends on it, and you understand tracks and the way animals poop on the move... And you ocassionally see hunters with rifles shooting big animals in your home...

      Can you see where this is going? And to top it all off you have the frequency of sightings that are in complete conjunction with a creature that is ncoturnal and buries it's dead.


    22. So are you going to call John W. Jones spoke a liar then???

      He constantly harps about them not being nocturnal creatures.

      Can't have it both ways.

      PS - the rest of your post is wht happens when you can't verify a species. Pure speculation. Pseudo logic as it were too.

    23. Bigfoot would rather chase a deer up a mountain than grab a chicken out of my back yard?
      Surely this is the stupidest animal on the face of the earth. It seems to serve no other function than to needlessly burn calories by taking the path of most resistance. What if a squatch says fuck it? Do the other squatches kill it?

    24. Still waiting for the bullcrap call on John Jones spoke or all these other stories.

      One or the other.

    25. 1:40...

      I think you'll find many of us who have different opinions on what this creature does and doesn't do. One things that me and John do not agree on, is their diet. John States that they don't eat meat, and I think that they do.nthere are those that maintain that because they are human, they have the same preferences as different people. That's the way it is in a field of study. The thing is; I look up to people like John and listen to what he has to say, so man up... Grow up... Stop being a wimp and counter the points I'm putting to you, and stop trying to play my friends against me cause things are getting desperate for you around here.


      I can't believe I have to point this out for you, but here we go... If you have always negotiated the terrain you have evolved in, then choosing to chase a deer up a mountain is not only easy for you... But a no brainer for maintaining evasion. Also, and this is the funny part; what would you do if someone reported a Bigfoot stealing a chicken from their back yard, like the countless existing accounts there are anyway?

      Oh dear... You people's are dumb-dumbs.

    26. So, this Bigfoot thing has superhuman power, night stealth capacities, massive physical power and speed, special senses of awareness and so on... and it is not able to catch a small deer?


    27. It's like on FB when Matt is looking around for deer kills and there's a herd of cattle behind them. And Renee is laughing in his fat face.

    28. It's not that they can't catch a deer, it's that some of them choose not to.





    30. Some bigfeets are vegan by choice and have pierced belly buttons. That's the kind of female squatch I'd like to have a close encounter with. I would burn that hairy bitch DOWN!

    31. Wow.

      You know why you don't hear biologists 'debate' on the diet of known creatures? Because there is a set factual database known from repetition and observation.

      Meanwhile, in footery it's all pure speculation from one group to the next. So I repeat again, are you goin to call bullshit on the vegan daylight bigfeet or the meat eating nocturnal bigfeet? A legitimate species doesn't vary between being nocturnal and their valued diet.

      As it were, it's impossible to gain the calories needed in just greens to sustain something as physically large as a Squatch. To be that big one must eat a lot of calories, especially not using fire or clothing in cold weather, to sustain themselves let alone thrive.

      Seriously, agriculture and farming techniques are what lead to civilization and the ability to stop hunter gather methods...

      But not for mythical bigfeet!

      Preposterous is your lack of spine, ol' numpty!

    32. That would be all sweet and dandy, but we're not talking about known creatures here, we're not even talking about a creature that science spent two minutes looking at even. This makes me laugh, but how do you know this information wouldn't be more widely accepted if there was a collective effort from mainstream science, this is why you have such databases, and if you would have read my comment properly you would have learned that these are people with different preferences and different tempraments. It's as easy as that.

      People like you have sat there time and time again and spewed out about diversity in humans, well this is no different, old boy. Dietry preferences do not separate a single species; especially humans, and I'm slightly embarassed for you, no wonder you are remaining anonymous the last couple of days. As for being nocturnal, I will maintain that again; some are different and you will like it. Also... One can not eat meat and still eat fish.

      If you have no requirement for civilisation and require no tools for maintaining diet; then there you have it. Lack of spine would articulate our anonimaty because you're scared of getting schooled all day, old boy.

      Ha ha ha ha!!!

    33. bigfoot has several stomachs, one for processing the cellulose of hard to digest plants- one to digest the collected works of Rod McKuen.

    34. Claims he wants a debate on points and topic then spends half the writing space making derogatory and personal character pot shots ^^^

      Seems you lack a definitive factual answer.

      What's wrong, getting schooled ol' numpty!

      Ha ha ha!!!

      Humans alone in cold temperatures burn 4,000-7,000 calories a day. The natives have special curin methods for many foods to boost the caloric intake but I'm supposed to buy a Squatch chooses vegetarianism in cold upper NY???

      Face it, there is literally NO fact on Squatches because they don't exist. Otherwise there would be consistent diet, habitat, scat, and other biological evidence.

      You got nothing and like it.

      You just enjoy arguing because you have zero social life. I have no doubt you've been drunk everyday, you don't do anything else constructive only posting on a blog.

      Schooled ha ha ha ha !!!!!!

    35. Are you serious?! Ha!!

      Every day over the Xmas period you have made suggestions about my personal life, and you claim I have made pot shots? Is there someti g wrong with you? This is the guy who claims to have known my personal details?? Man, you pretty screwed up yeah?

      I don't particularly expect you to buy anything, and couldn't care. I've told you on several ocassions that I believe these creatures eat meat... But I respect the notions that some of them don't because there is a series of wildlife biologists to back up what John W Jones says. One of them being an ex-skeptic in Sarmiento. Now... I can either take your opinion (someone who get's his arss handed to him daily on this blog, who has to resort to making accusations about my private life that you have no idea about... Creepy), or I can consider the opinion of a series of wildlife biologist and a dear friend who has accessed wilderness areas that would make you cry his entire life?

      Jeez, tough one that. I just enjoy making your social life, which is what this is (and you have the nerve to suggest things about others'); a living hell, because you are the lowest in society in that you feel you have the right to ridicule daily a subject that has people within it that have had life changing experiences, and researchers that have ten times more intelligence than you who have applied this expertise risking pretty much everything.

      Sorry to ruin your day.

    36. Right off, I'm not the one doing that makes your whole tirade absolutely awesome and extremely paranoid.

      I'd address another point but your whole post was nonsensical and off topic.

  7. Replies
    1. Correction- Joe gets destroyed every day.


  8. Various skeptics have asked munns for specific high res stills from the pgf that munns has not released but show various suit flaws. Munns refused and went off on a tangent about his 300 gigabyte collection and how it would not be possible to make this available. Of course no such thing was asked for, just a few select stills which would be a few megabytes at most. This is simply appauling.

    Munns has chosen specific frames that can be exploited to portray a certain belief. A telling frame would be the one that was used to create the mask which had a dip in the forehead. Other frames don't show this but they were ignored of course. There is no point showing up to a bigfoot conference and saying based on a combination of various film frames we made a mask and this mask fits a human perfectly. Can't be doing that when pandering to footers who are paying the money that makes up your appearance fee.

    1. Regardless of how much I could pick your argument to death... Forget stills, forget frames, forget things that deflect from explaining proportions and the materials required to trump 46 years of technology.

      Forget all these things, and show me a person with those proportions or a suit that can look that good 46 years later.

      Got monkey suit? No??

      Didn't think so...

    2. gemora suit showed the exact same traits as patty and that was in the 20s, the proportions were different because it was a gorilla of course

      got bigfoot?

    3. I scream laughing every time the laughable Gemora suit is brought up.

      Any dense individual can check this out on Google images for themselves and check out how desperate a comparison it is.

      Desperate times equals desperate measures I guess.

      Got Bigfoot? Got monkey suit?? No???

      There's your Bigfoot.

    4. Got organic evidence? Got something I can touch?


      There is your non existing Bigfoot

    5. joe is so dumb he actually think the skeptics argument is that the gemora suit looks like patty.


      still yet to hear an explanation for munns saying 60s fake fur was rigid like a carpet when this is simply not true

    6. Amazing.

      PJ just rambling away at invisible claims.

    7. Do you want me to list the things that are outside your imediate experiences that you no doubt believe in?

      Nope; backtracking because you know embarrassingly bad the Gemora suit is... Probably recycled the same old crap from your heroes without looking for yourself.

      Learn to think for yourself, it's important.

  9. I did not say or write that. I have contacted my attorneys and we are looking into possible legal action against the individual who wrote that.

    Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr., MS, PhD-ABD, CAF, MHP


    2. Early settlers diaries spoke of attorneys laughing and Sasquatch related matters.

      Wang T. Anus - AbC, PdQ, XyZ

    3. Early settlers' diaries spoke of future generations that relied exclusively on the information gleaned from old settler's diaries.

      Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr., MS, PhD-ABD, CAF, MHP
      Fractal Bigfootologist

    4. Oh I knew that. My bong and my pet goat did not. Thank you.

      Aaron Highboy, MS in BS, PhD in sociopathy

    5. PhD

      Post hole Digger

      I have one.

    6. Really!? How did you know I had a post hole digging sociopathy? My masters in bullshit didn't grab your attention first? But if I could borrow that shovel that's great!

    7. *<8')

      good thing nobody on this site as access to nuclear weapons.

  10. joe is like this doob gettin smoked

  11. The scientific community has already accepted bigfoot. And by the scientific community, I mean one anthropolgy professor from Idaho.

  12. I have a PhD-ABC. All but classwork. But I have a GPA of 4.0. Or maybe that was my blood alcohol content. I forgets.
    Seen a bigfoot tho. Two of em. Jeebus.

  13. Alright sorry man I got nothin resistance is futile woooooo child
    You must be assimilated

  14. Who holds the better hand? This is like a card game, a game of wits? I kind of thought it was a debate about whether or not giant hairy apes lived in north American forests, and how that can possibly be settled. Writing "scientific papers" to see who can draft a literary work better, as a way to settle that debate is, unfortunately, not a really valid way to establish the existence of a mythological beastie. People can write paper after paper, until the cows come home, and regardless of how many hors, days, or years are spent writing volumes on the subject, it won't make these critters materialize into reality.

    So, challenging the opposition to a paper writing contest is hardly a good way to determine who has the better hand, or better said, whether bigfoot is real of make believe. Don't be so quick to challenge skeptics to undo what you have done, one might just take you up on it some day. You've got quite a head start, indeed, years upon years of figuring out how to make Patty real, but it would not take years upon years to undo all of that effort. When the fundamental questions get asked, the whole body of work fall apart. When the foundations of that body of work are weak at best, the work will fall apart.

    There's no question the paper is well written, and one you should be proud of. But I would not be so confident that it could withstand scrutiny if ever seriously looked at by field professionals. Especially if the reviewers were ever privy to the source materials, such as high res images from the PGF to analyze.

    I suppose the same sort of analysis and debate points could be used to claim that Bernie from Zookeeper was a real talking gorilla too. It would be possible to go frame by frame and show his amazing muscular definition, which by the way is far superior to Patty's, and which happens in all the right places too, as opposed to being out of place or non-functional as in Patty's case.

    I disagree that the proper response is to write an opposing paper. The right response is to give a heavy sigh, think about tearing it apart piece by piece, then letting out an even heavier sigh knowing it would be a waste of time. That even if an opposing paper was written, and addressed each and every element point by point, it would be absolutely rejected, angrily so, because it is not a matter of comparing reasoned notes, points and arguments, but a matter of an opinion that has been made up which is absolutely not flexible in any way. A matter of dogma and belief, not a matter of scientific study. So an opposing paper would truly be a waste of time. The disgust shown for anyone who has an opposing viewpoint has always been clear, for years and years, so this isn't a debate, it is more like digging in with a belief and piling up the ammunition to fortify that belief. That's not science, sorry.

    1. True so true man I'm just waiting for the day we get irrefutable proof that's the day I'll put down my jokes and pick up some punctuation and stop this game of run on sentences

    2. 2:01...

      Pretty incredible.

      So now the emphasis for 'skeptics' is to divert away from this field not having scientific papers released to back up their research (because this is now happening); to suggesting that these papers are now pointless? Can anyone see what is happening here?

      Oh dear. Denial hits a new level of crazy when oh move the goal posts like that... Where is your 'science methods' you cling to so dearly??

      Can you explain to me, to everyone here... How suggesting there's no point in countering Bill's work, pwns anything?

      Is this what it has come to? Honestly??

      I'm actually speechless... Almost.

      I have never read anything here that schools itself so significantly as the comment at 2:01.

    3. The world has gone mad! It's all a giant political/academic/illuminati conspiracy to conceal from the people of earth the giant unknown north american primate that lives in joe's mind!

    4. I didn't see that as what he's trying to say joe I see it more like how many times have theory on the universe changed Einstein thought it was reciprocal others believed steady state others the now excepted theory says flying apart funny that's what the imap says but we haven't watched long enough to even see it can all come right back together like Einstein said so things changed hell a plumber turned astro- physicist blew hawkings theory out of the water on blackholes shit happens man

    5. There just simply not enough evidence on either that nor Bigfoot to say definitively this is how it is

    6. That's not what I got from the comment Harry, but reading your comments has made me not care, cause they were pretty excellent and very true.

      Peace bro.

    7. Of course you didn't, Joe. You read the opposite of the intentions of every single post, that's what you specialize in.

      You're shown red and you say blue.

    8. 3:33 One thing for sure if you and those that insult Joe all the time it is no wonder. You show him red and it is amazing he is just blue. You skeptics are to chicken to even realize the reality of this subject, your main frame is to insult. Joe is his opwn man he needs not to put up with crap that forever comes out of your mouths, then penned. Science needs not to brain wash me I've seen one and they are smarter then all you skeptics, just because.

  15. ^schooled

    there has not been a scientific paper proven bigfoot is real

    sorry to break that to you

    saying that portions of what is seen on a film in the 60s looks similar to a real animal does not mean it is a real animal, especially when also ignoring those bits that look like a suit

    it should be easy to prove bigfoot is real, if it actually was real, but its not so you have to look at a 60s film of a bloke in a suit


    1. didn't you hear? some guy sitting in an office looked at a piece of plaster and confirmed that there is a giant unknown primate roaming north america. he might even be eyeballing your taterhole at this very minute

  16. I say, 98% of the commentators on here, DO NOT believe in Big foot! When anyone comments about Big foot in a positive intelligent matter, they are immendently attackwd and ridiculed for their belief!

    Why are there so many haters trolling on a Big foot site, when they don't even believe in them! Is it because they are all social rejects, and the only life they have is ridiculing and demeaning others, or is it because their IQ is so low, they're incapable of intelligent mature comments? Or, they realize now, they're mothers were whores?

    I say the 98% of these trolls, were born as ASSHOLES!

    1. No that's not me, but can understand completely "You" wanting to be just like me!

      John W. Jones Spoke (the real one, not some fanatical copy cat)

    2. ^ Quit talking like a real man,, you GIRLY BOY ! Big John Stud !

    3. anon 7:20 that aint j. w. j its that drama queen, mike whatsitname?

  17. ahm sayin agin watchin out fer tham thar 3 toed critters – tham beez skoocooms critters eatin U right-up fer shure gotz to shootin them ritely proper like.


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