Best of ParaBreakdown: The Wah Mee Massacre
In 1983, the largest mass murder occurred in Seattle at a local club. A spooky tale of greed, violence and spirits. Watch to the end for a surprising update about what happened to the club on Christmas Eve yesterday.
ReplyDeleteTEAM HOMOS!
Delete"TEAM HOMO'S" ,,,, RULE !!
Deleteme me me ...
ReplyDeleteYou, you, you...
Deleteanother para break huh. do we have a bigfoot in this vid? thats what i thought.
ReplyDeleteOf course it burned how the hell else are you gonna collect the ins money
ReplyDeleteGot monkey?
ReplyDeleteNo monkeys, just giant hairy people.
So your answer is still no then joe
DeleteNo monkeys... No.
DeleteSo no bigfoots? Thanks for clearing that up.
DeleteThat depends on what your perception of Bigfoot is, old boy.
DeleteAn actual real creature. None of those exist. They do exist in your mind though and I guess that's all that matters.
DeleteNo monkey, just giant hairy penis
DeleteAn actual real creature would have to leave tracks, right?
DeleteSorry Einstein... Wrong again.
Sorry, a quick search shows there is no accepted bigfoot. Monkey or hominid (or 100% homo sapien sapien like you seem to cling to)
DeleteWhat about scat? Where is Bigfoot poop?
DeleteOh dear... One day you'll learn to look further than Wikipedia and think for yourself.
Sorry to ruin your day, Einstein!
Umm...YouTube and bigfootblogger posts about MK Davis do not constitute as legitimate proof of bigfoot.
DeleteSilly numpty boy!
Umm... They do when they display some of the most comprehensive footage that gets you all upset and scared.
DeleteSilly numpty boy!
"Gets upset and scared" of what exactly? Why should we be scared?
DeleteAnyway, the anon above is right: where is da poooooop? You have to know that the poop of animals is easily found in the woods, actually is easier to find poop than tracks.
^^ "We strongly believe that Bigfeets keep their poop in a jar"
Delete- Derek Randles
No one is fearful here. Why do you always talk about fear? Is that why you act the way you do?
DeleteIt would be more than astonishing and wonderful if such a thing existed but it doesn't.
That is no reason to invoke fear.
And why do all these Squatch turds when found and adamantly said to be of BF come back as bear?
I think you'll find numerous examples of scat being found.
DeleteThe fact is that you people are indeed scared... I would be too if there was something that could twist your head off like a soda bottle living in yor back yard.
If a redneck comes out and says "HERE WE HAVE BIGFOOT SCAT!" doesn't mean that it is actually Bigfoot scat.
DeleteWe should find tons of Bigfoot poop, being this a massive animal that should produce large quantities of poop.
Again, explain to us why this thing should "twist your head off like a soda bottle living in yor back yard"... WHAT THE FUCK THIS MEAN? I would be very excited if Bigfoot exist, why on Earth my life should be worse if someone discovers it?
Joe it's dinner time in Wales, no one to stay with at dinner on Christmas eve? No?
DeleteSad lonely Joe
It's like if bigfoot is proven pods and clans will walk out of the woods and start twisting heads off?
DeletePlease. I didn't realize bigfoot followed Nature and understood English language.
DeleteWhen someone who has hunted, tracked, lived in the woods all of his life finds Bigfoot scat, it's Bigfoot scat. Now you can either take the word of some city bread, anonymous numpty, or you can take the word of someone who knows turds when they see em. Also, burying scat after you would be a sure way of maintaining evasion. We're not talking about a dumb animal here... I am however conversing with many.
Also, try and apply a little bit of imagination; if something that is twice the size of you gets hold of you... It can pretty much do what the heck it likes.
Scat is Bigfoot scat when DNA proves it. Never happened. But obviously the bury thing is the answer for everything.
The unknown primate DNA you mean?
Also... When you have a turd out in the open, what is the most natural thing for you to do?
"Unknown primate"? Wasn't Bigfoot DNA declared by you to be 100% modern human?
DeleteMan you seriously have to make piece in your brain
Joe utterly schooled here
DeleteAh Joe, sorry now we have to interact with real people because it's Christmas eve, have a good lonely conversation!
DeleteAnd who's to say that there aren't multiple types of Bigfoot, you??
DeleteThis is widely accepted amongst people who know enough about this subject. It's ok... I am here to help. Any more questions??
Schooling is fun.
Also, unknown primate would also account for a type of human... Would it not?
Gotta charge my phone... Be back to upset you all some more in a little while!
DeleteWho's to say that Bigfoot is not a transformer? Or an alien? Or doesn't ride unicorns? WHO'S TO SAY?!?
HAHAHAHA I'm gonna save this for the future and let all know what a moron you are! Now I leave you in your fantasy world, I'm gonna pass Christmas eve with real people in a real world! Bye!
Who's to say the there is no Bigfoot?
DeleteThat's just great, Joe, that's just gold right there.
Make some more up! Inflate that arrogant sense of self-worth!
Maybe you can tell us all how you're a NRA proud tobacco chewin' red blooded mountain man with expertise in not only regional but national wildlife and their calls and scat....
I think... You got schooled guys!
DeleteNobody's making shit up and it is wonderful seeing you clowns capitulate and resort to those comments as opposed to challenging my points.
^ Tryhard
DeleteStill waiting on the science proving bigfoot...
MK Davis and Don Meldrum can't just say 'big feet exists' and therefore it's accepted fact.
Silly numpty McTryhard!
Yeh yeh you are always right, enjoy your lonely Christmas eve, mental boy!
DeleteBut hey, while you wait for validation of a mythical monkeymang, I'm going to go eat some food, drop a big joe fitz in the commode, and spend time with a loving family.
DeleteHave fun in your cold, lonely flat there punky brewster.
So many assumptions... Not many brain cells.
DeleteYou people certainly get quite angry when you get schooled!
Ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteThat's what we say when someone says crap, adapting well to you. BYE!
Remember not to cry on to your turkey Tards!
DeleteHa ha ha ha ha!!!!
"So many assumptions..."
DeleteTalk about bigfootery in a nutshell...
All ya got are assumptions, speculations, and bear DNA.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
DeleteTurkey is for Thanksgiving numpty boy!
Ham is traditional Christmas food.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
McTryhard over here everybody!
Big joe fitz in all his arrogant glory.
1:26... You assumed, I schooled. Furthermore, Bigfootery is based around the various facts and accumulation of hard evidence. Some of it you were introduced to tonight, old boy. I will be here all night and all day tomorrow to help you with any more of your silly logic.
DeleteEinstein... Yes 1:29... I'm talking to you... You either have to be an embarrassingly dense individual, or thinks the world revolved around American traditions; but we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK, and turkey does just fine for us xmas time.
Wow... Is it not enough you get schooled about this subject, that I have to help you with festive celebrations also?
Keep it up, you are getting the best laugh of the night here... I have reassured my friends that you are not indicative of American people; who are generally very cultured and super nice... You must be at the bottom of brains scale.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
Ready for this?
Delete"Humans (variously Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens) are PRIMATES of the family Hominidae, and the only extant species of the genus Homo. Humans are distinguished from other PRIMATES by their bipedal locomotion"
Is it any wonder I have an ego like this when these desperately dense individuals need educating in such a drastic way?
Pretty hilarious seeing three Tards getting schooled by little old me!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
hahahhaha Joe just discovered that human is a primate! Well done!
DeleteThe point is that human is not an "unknown" primate, MORON! AHAHAHAH
Oh dear... an unknown primate would account for unknown type of human.
DeleteI am slowly exhausting any intelligence out there in Tardia, aren't I?
Can't yout turds figure out by now this being is neither animal nor man, but can only be alien, hence the trolls' trolling. Duh.
DeleteYes a little spider one he's got a shitty attitude so I keepers him locked in the laundry room
ReplyDeleteOoooh Harry just lookin at ur pic is making me hard!!!!
DeleteBall Boy
That's cool man just keep all your love away from me and you'll be alright
DeleteIt was a COMPLIMENT Harry!!!!! Jeeez
DeleteBall Boy
I said that's cool I wasn't being shitty I'm just not gay dude you're more than welcome to admire from afar
DeleteIt's when start admiring a little to close that we will have a problem
DeleteOk ok ok fuck! I'll leave ur fuckin ass alone, jeeeez!!!!!!!😘
DeleteBall Boy
Don't be upset Ball Boy there's plenty of fish in the sea and there's someone for everyone xx
Deletei know, i just thought harry was lookin super hot in his pic and was hoping he'd be interested, but he's not!! :(
DeleteBall Boy
When Stubstad did the Ro Sahebi interview, he said that at one point early on Melba stopped all genetic and sample work because she “had to focus on finding a Biblical justification for BF's existence” . eventually she settled on them being the men of renown in Gen. 6, and at that point, she continued on with the genetics work. When she got back the photos of the DNA going from single strand to double strand, she immediately thought she and she alone was the only one who has ever seen this “phenomenon” and she took it to be "not of this world" . This for her was proof that Bigfoot was higbrid with angels, apparently she must believe angels have single stranded DNA! So Melba believed the single-strand sections in the microscopy image were proof of alien/angel DNA.Just as an aside here, a simple search of Google images would have shown Melba several other photos of DNA going between single and double strands, which she then would have to interpret as “those darn angels must be getting around!” It’s a common occurance and a relict of heat, PCR, degradation, etc.So it was this belief (alien DNA) that she actually tried to promote in her first attempt to get her paper accepted at Nature. Once that was shot down, she removed the reference to not of this world or Alien DNA, but continues with the belief. According to one who was working closely with her at the time (and is a true believer of BF, and now a confirmed disbeliever of Ketchum) Ketchum went into this from the start trying to prove her religious beliefs. Therefore, if you are against her, you are actually against God himself, in her mind. She thinks she is on some holy quest ... mixed with her desires of fame and fortune and lack of ethics, and punctuated by her narcissism, control obsession, manipulativeness, dishonesty and paranoia. .Just for one last laugh, it has been confirmed by one member of her lab that she would actually pray for God to destroy her enemies. And believed her prayers were answered. She credited Stubstands cancer to God punishing him for daring to confront her!
ReplyDeleteWoof dude she just gave you a whole lot of crazy in a very small article that's the most intense crazy I've ever heard
DeleteI even thought ok when I first came here maybe she had something she never spoke outright to anyone it was when she said it'd be released then it wasn't then she talked about nephilim I'm like whoa this woman's mind left her long long ago thanks for sharing man
Deletedude, have u EVER used a period?
DeleteBall Boy
yea,on your old lady
DeleteLol! Yes, do try them. They don't cost any additional $$
Deletei swear, the clown writes an entire paragraph and refuses to put down a single period. lol
DeleteYea,you're smart.Want to be friends?
DeleteI'm so sorry I didn't realize my neglect of periods caused such a traumatic impact on your life but since you haven't got any other qualms I guess you need to take what you can get just showing me the immense weakness of your arguement
Thank you it's dad is it a boy girl or both
DeleteStill not properly using the periods. Lol! ^ Here, I will give you a few for later.............
DeleteI see the JREF creduloids are falling for the tale tales of a footer named Alaskabushpilot like they did with epic liars like Kitakaze and Parnassus.
ReplyDeletePro tip:
Go back to AlaskaBushPilot's early postings on JREF and you'll see he posted a picture of a different woman dressed like a prostitute claiming that was his 25 year old wife, you morons. Now she's got 8 kids that he obviously didn't father ?
Not sure what you are going on about but its probably best you go back to your noahs ark fairy tale.
DeleteOne of the creduloids ?
Yeah, it's probably 24 hour a day footer and pretend skeptic Dmaker.
DeleteDmaker ain't nuttin but a ho.
DeleteHOHOHO .........
Funniest moment of the year?
ReplyDeleteI would have to say joe smoking himself by stating time and time again "sykes is coming" and then sykes came and destroyed him.
Who? Sykes of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project, who is also a member of Bigfootology, who is also still looking for samples?
DeleteYou have two people in this equation; the people who are too thick to realise the situation is far from over... And the people laughing at those stupid people.
Fooled ^
DeleteSchooled ^
DeleteIf schooled means 'I made myself look like a complete dipshit' then Joe is correct.
DeleteClass retard Joe Fitzgerald got completely smoked, again.
I don't see you debating the subject matter anymore... Old boy.
DeleteI do what I do very well, and it leaves dip shits with no come back resorting to posts like yours.
; )
Grade schooled ^
Delete2013 the year of the sasquatch
ReplyDeleteOh wait...
2014, The year of more Cowardly Anon's sitting on their fat asses, Complaining, Whining, being Vile, being Cynical, and cicatrizing everything Big foot, but are not 'man' enough, to see for themselves, or at least having an "Open Mind" and then at least, trying.
DeleteYou pathetic Liberal Cowards!
John w. Jones Spoke
You see I list my name, I'm not hiding from these remarks, I want you to now, who gave them! Whatta u going to do about it? Let me guess, NOTHING!
Of course, attack me with all your wimpy immature childish remarks, I would love it!
You are one creepy, messed up old man.
DeleteBest place you could ever be is in the woods traipsing around with your fairies and away from normal civilization.
As a matter of fact, you should be the poster boy for why a 12 grade education is necessary.
You can't distinguish a poster name and an anonymous referencing his name, and you keep babbling a out liberal this and that.
Well, I'm not a liberal and you should know your beloved Joe is a cold blue blooded leftist hard liberal...
America's farthest left politician is your average UK liberal.
You don't know the first thing about me, boyo. And the 'old man' you are talking to would be your best friend in the places he goes where you wouldn't last two seconds.
DeleteNothing more creepy than an anonymous clown who fabricates personal details. Bat shit crazy isn't the word.
Ha ha ha ha!!!
Hypocrite. I don't know you but yet you know me?
DeleteI'll go ahead and not be around loony old men in the woods.
I bet now you're gonna tell me you're a conservative GOP far right political philosophy too.
Oh I don't pretend to know you... Though you can tell a lot by some little coward preaching hate.
DeleteI was however quite accurate in my description of you, there are many that would agree with me.
Too scared for the woods boy.
You are idiotic and an imbecile.
DeleteYou talk about not knowing me then in the same breathe talk about potential woodsmanship.
That is insane.
Your INSANE! And a Cowardly Anon, to boot!
DeleteOf course, all the Anon's that commented about me, made my point! what a bunch of idiots! Just because you got past the 12th grade, doesn't mean you'd end up smart!
DeleteDoesn't matter if I post anon or on an account, you say the same crap to people like Dan Campbell, etc. and they don't post anon.
DeleteYou sir are the biggest coward with the skinniest wiener known to mankind. Asian people go out of their way to snicker at the linguini like soggy noodle you call a Peter.
DeleteYou got schooled boy! Go cry into your gravy!
Ha ha ha ha!!
^ Tryhard whom cannot stand not having the last word.
DeleteDoes that bother you numpty?
DeleteGood, ha!
Favorite nursery rhyme - Hump me Dump me. ^
DeleteBoy! did I strike a nerve! That was my point (my bait) and you fell for it! What an idiot!
DeleteI just being called a "Creepy old Man" Hell, I'm not even an old man yet! Just wait till I'm in my 90's, then you'll see a creepy old man! Scared?
John W. Jones Spoke
Having a blast, writing on this site, more to come!
Joe, is a fucking LIBERAL! I didn't know that! Thank for telling me. I guess I'd have to ignore Joe now, an Anon just told me Joe! I have to believe him!
ReplyDeleteAnd "We" don't traipse around with fairies. We shoot and eat them, when we see them.
I wasn't educated in a school. I was educated in the woods. The owls were my professors!
I see you didn't have the "balls" to list your name. What are you afraid of? But, I'm glad, your not a LIBERAL! Whew! that's a load off my mind!
If you ever come to Tannersville, N.Y. Look me up. If I'm not "out in the woods", Look for me at the Police station, I'm usually there too.
Oh, I forgot to list my name:
DeleteIt's John W. Jones Spoke
; )
DeleteI am wondering, why anon 11:29 or jwj is always locked up in the tannersville police station? WHAT ARE YOU ? some drunkard or a pervert. If either PLEASE go to church and REPENT your evil deeds!,, p.s merry xmas.
DeleteI'm there, because I have an Anger management issue!
DeleteJohn W. Jones Spoke
It's great being a knower. Knowing that bigfoot don't exist. You can really appreciate the subject then. It's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteBigfoot apes don't exist, true. Bigfoot people don't exist, likely. Bigfoot ETs though, that's where it's at now...and all you assigned intelligence fellas know it too.
DeleteThe JREF footers are wishing well to some asshole pretending to be in grave danger in the Philippines but has time to post about Bigfoot. Oh and of course he being fed inside military information from his uncle's cousin...LMAO.
ReplyDeleteWow just wow.
^my favorite poster on here
DeleteThe guy that has a debilitating fear of jref. Its quite funny actually.
Embarrassed that you're being pwnd 12:41 ?
DeleteWow. What a disgusting display of profiting from others' suffering.