Video: Jonathan Brown Thermal Footage Released By Olympic Project
Here it is folks. The Brown thermal footage filmed via a thermal imager on October 30, 2013 by Jon, Sara and Ben Brown of Grays Harbor, Washington with the help of Derek Randles and The Olympic Project. Also, check out our interview with Jonathon Brown from yesterday, below:
Shawn Evidence: Hi Jonathan. Really impressive footage. When did you film it?
Jonathan Brown: Thank you. It was taken 3-4 weeks ago.
Shawn Evidence: How many people were with you that day, if you don't mind me asking?
Jonathan Brown: During the picture and the video, my brother Joel Brown. My wife was at the site not long before.
Shawn Evidence: Did you find any tracks when you checked the location?
Jonathan Brown: Yes. We cast a 16 1/2 inch print where he was standing.
Shawn Evidence: I was wondering if there are any more details you can give us to share about your footage. I think you have the best thermal footage any researcher can ever ask for. In summer of 2012, The Sierra Evidence Initiative team, Bart Cutino and I, recorded what we believe to be at least 2 sasquatches on thermal. I have to say, your footage is pretty amazing.
Jonathan Brown: I saw your footage a couple weeks ago, and loved it. When we filmed it we were unfamiliar with the flir, as we had only had it for a short period of time. We had the medium lens of the 3 on, and we didn't know about the zoom or how to adjust the lens for clarity. We also didn't know about the auto shut down or how to prevent it. It was 117 feet away, and I started browsing and took the first still. I didn't know how to record and my brother Joel brown, took the camera and figured out the record option and filmed the video. There were about 30 cows by us, and I was browsing them and when I saw the head, I thought it was probable that it was a bigfoot because the heat signature was so different. Through the view finder it was not nearly as clear as on the computer, and it wasn't until a few days later my wife pulled out the sd card. I was in another room playing my guitar and when I first saw the look on her face I thought someone died. I couldn't believe how good it ended up being. In the last year we have recorded 150 plus audio recordings of the wild men in the woods, and we have had 2 night time sightings of them and I had a daylight encounter. With that being said I wasn't in a hurry to watch what I thought was going to be a blurry blob that could have been a bigfoot.
Jonathan Brown: The audio with the parabolic began in September and that is where the majority of the audio is from. Prior we had a few taken from our iPhones.
Jonathan Brown: My wife Sara had contacted Derek Randles. After meeting him and David Ellis, we knew that it would be the perfect partnership. We brought them to the site, and walked them through the key areas, and our base camp where we do our general night observations. David Ellis set up his recording station with a parabolic microphone, and introduced my wife to a spectrographic analysis software program and worked together on the recordings. From there our site gained momentum.
Shawn Evidence: What an incredible find Jonathan. Do you mind if I post something about this conversion? I can just mention your first name and leave your last name out of you prefer to stay private.
Shawn Evidence: When was the last time you've been back?
Jonathan Brown: The location of the site is very secure, and nothing about our names will link anything or anyone to the location. I was at the site last night with Joel AKA Ben (goes by Middle name). I'm also not concerned of people thinking I'm crazy for what we share. What would be crazy is to deny what you know for fear of what others may think. That would be the mindset of a coward. The only thing I can say to the skeptics is that I'm sorry that you don't know what I do. If you don't believe that's you're issue, not mine. We believe in bigfoot the same way people believe in bears.
Shawn Evidence: Well said. I'm looking forward to sharing your story and investigation. Also, in the video that you filmed, how long is the video and how did the Bigfoot behave?
Jonathan Brown: I believe the raw footage is 4 minutes, and the raw and enhanced will be shared at the same time as long as Derek and the team agree. We talked with Derek, and we came to an understanding that we need the Olympic Project to release all evidence first, and then we can share individually. So I will get you a picture of the footprint after it goes through the Olympic Project. We have been doing the field work, but it's a team effort between Derek, Sara, Joel, David and myself. If any of us were out of the equation the project wouldn't be what it is and we share equal importance, just in different roles.
Shawn Evidence: Again. We appreciate you sharing your story with us, Jonathan.
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Sasquatch to human size comparison |
Possum First!!
ReplyDeletewhy slug more slug
Delete1- Slug is so much light than snail who have shell to copy slug technology.
2- The snail use the shell because is a fucking faget.
3- snail got crush so easy, and you can give the slug to ur dog chew and it ll still eat lettuce.
4- shell is MORE heavy than no shell.
5- some slug have internal shell because more evolved
6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play slug.
over 9000- If you trow the slug on the wall, the wall will go up.
8- Trow both on water and watch which will come up first.
9- slug at mate will make a slimecord. The snail will show dribble.
10- All slug are hermaphrodite. Snail is too but because faget
11 - slug is the name of a bullet. Snail means it is slow.
12 - Slug will eat carrion, slug dont give a fuck
13- slug didn’t needed an upgrade. Slug is perfect
^ there probably is some medicine out there that can perhaps help.
DeleteSalt should do it xx
DeleteHappy Thanksgiving from firsting Floor Bigfoot!
Hey, Eva! I would love to see another photo of your!!!
DeleteJust for you i'll sort one out xx
DeleteThere you go xx
DeleteHappy thanksgiving floor Bigfoot
DeleteIf it's brown and in the john call John Brown.
DeleteMy grandchildren's finger paintings show a better big foot image than this crap! Are you fucking kidding?
DeleteThis deserves the OH BROTHER! award!
Derek you must be desperate! What's the matter, your not good enough?
Thanks, Eva! Now, i can go rub one out!
DeleteCrowded malls are the best place to engage in public sex acts.
DeleteOk, it's interesting, but don't we always hear about how animals freak the fuck out when a sqautch is near? That cow is pretty chill
ReplyDeleteIt's just another cow bedded down. That's why the other cow is pretty chill.
DeleteCommon sense people!!!
He is 100 ft away from the cow
DeleteThat is because cows are people food and deer are bigfoot food. DUH!
DeleteFreakin' amateurs.
Also, I would have liked to see it actually move. It must have gotten up and walked away?
ReplyDeleteThe left shoulder does twitch uncontrollably. Or the mother's foraging head. You decide.
DeleteThey said they were still trying to understand the camera at the time and didnt even know what they were recording was of any significance until later when reviewed.
DeleteIt could well be a cow laying down face on to the camera...simple explanation really...I do believe there is a hairy fella in the woods but this is all just the usual nothing !!! ...Nuthin` !!! ...WHY do these fuckers keep on posting this shite ?
DeleteThis has been hashed out on the previous posts. Must we have another? It's two possums, for chrissakes. Even Randles is backtracking now. Says he "welcomes other eyes." This has been an embarrassment and an example of the bad name that glory-seeking, undisciplined "researchers" give the serious ones.
ReplyDeleteWell said,Sir !!!
DeleteOk don't blame me for reposting, since that's the order of the day apparently:
ReplyDeleteNew FB post from Randles (accompanied by dozens of fawning comments of the "it's OK if it's not a Bigfoot, Derek, we still love you" type):
Just wanted to get a message out. We do want people to analyze the still shot and video we've released. For those purposes please feel free. Many eyes are a good thing, and maybe something will be noticed that we missed. We do have a few people working on it, but by all means please do so it you want to. We very much appreciate the help. We are a volunteer Org and we're doing the best we can with what we have. We are very excited about this, but even more excited about the potential of this study site, and we're just getting started there. Hopefully this will be the worst footage we release. We've also been doing a ton of audio work there spearheaded by David Ellis, and we are getting an amazing amount of knocks, vocals, screams as well as a myriad of other noises. We have decided to take this approach of quick release for many reasons. It gives everybody a chance to weigh in on evidence produced. There are a lot of qualified people out there, and we appreciate the help. Also, We are tired of researchers sitting on evidence for weeks, months or even years. It's obviously a researchers right to do so, but it's also one of the fastest ways to loose your credibility. So we decided to do this one differently. I stated years ago that when the Olympic Project had something good to put out there, it would be put out quickly, and that's what we're doing. Its should also be noted that we will not engage in a pissing match with anybody. We will stay on the high road and live and let live. Everybody's entitled to their opinion and we respect that. Thanks..and very hopefully...more coming soon.
Derek Randles.
Oly Project."
Translation: um, well...maybe it IS two possums. Don't blame me, I just show stuff, I don't claim anything. The fact that I know my followers will jump to conclusions and praise me has no bearing on my choice to act in an undisciplined way.
Two possums larger than one man. Must grow them big in Washington. Or they grow small brains from where you are from. I vote for the latter.
DeleteI know! I know! I'm simply gigantic, I tell you! Camera lenses don't lie! Here's the latest analysis of how big I am:
Bigfoot is a knower...of the economic efficiency of geothermal heat!
DeleteI have seen hundreds of opossums in my life, never seen two look like that or that large. you must not know what they look like, they are the size of a cat or small dog.
DeleteIt's a cow laying down. Big mystery..... These bigfooters would use anything they can skew to be bigfoot. Sad in reality. So many delusionists out there. (yes i just made up the word)
ReplyDelete^^^Professional delusionist.
DeleteNow doing Vegas shows.
Get yer tickets now.
resident butthurt footer who crys constantly about JREF and claims of patty arm extensions^
Deletealso bleeves this footage is a real bigfoot
^^^Resident inmate number 11:59 due for psychotronic injection.
DeleteHow much computer time to they allow you each day at the institute?
Is it very hard to type with your nose while your arms are tied around your body?
#utterly TwerkTard approved
11:59, so glad to see that semi-literacy has gone mainstream, as you've just demonstrated.
DeleteDon't you feel so very accepted now?
Semi-literates, unite, for our king has arrived!
That's funny, it's Kitakrazy who is obsessed with Patty arm extensions and no Patty arm extensions, as far as we here at the BEB know, 12:59.
Deleteanon 12:59, am not a footer, nor does my butt hurt.
DeleteThat makes you 200% wrong.
Throw in JREF and Patty arm extensions, that makes you 400% wrong.
Wow, not a very stable position to be in.
Wait a minute, I spoke too soon. I haven't watched the video yet, so that makes 12:59 500% wrong.
^^ most definitely a butthurt footer.
DeleteThe only one to run around here posting about JREF and using # tags like a monkey.
Do your children know their mommy or daddy tries to act like a tweener on twitter when they type?
#glorydays #notoldenough #remember #takeState #miley #wreckingball #moneymaker #mustbe21orolder
Twerktard...tee hee...tee hee hee...tee he...oop...ruptured myself.
Deleteslug is perfect.
ReplyDeleteMien Fuhrer! Wo bist du wir brauchen sie?
ReplyDeleteI keep my poop in a jar.
Delete(clive squashy)
DeleteProve it.
DeleteRandles is very much the same as Dyer, and his followers are very much the same as Team Tracker. Only, Randles' sycophants are "respectable." For Randles to get post after post while Dyer's comments are removed (especially when they indicate a newsworthy rift in their relationship) is disingenuous.
ReplyDeleteLess blind fawning, please, more critical assessment.
Has Joe started posting long irrelevant extracts from the bible yet? If not its only a matter of time.
ReplyDeleteI'm expecting some stream of consciousness poetry any day now.
DeleteI think all of the abuse will manifest itself in more disturbing behavior. His favorite band is Lostprophets if that means anything.
DeleteThat does mean something and explains so much about him. What a sick,sick man. .
ReplyDeleteBaby's head moves up around 3:30, its little legs clearly visible...momma's head bobbing constantly as she forages.
Maybe looks bigger than it should but so what? So does the batter when they shoot from behind the pitcher.
Did you really need us to help you with that, Derek?
Every once in a while I like to come on here to see what the delusional are up to lately. Rarely am I disappointed.
ReplyDeleteThermal footage is the 'footer equivalent of Jesus on burnt toast. They see exactly what they want to see. Take your sasquatch goggles off for a second and look at the video. It is obviously two small mammals foraging - most likely possums as already mentioned. You can clearly see the two separate hot spots and the residual heat left over from where they were previously digging and sitting.
Stay loony, my friends.
How could Randles possibly release that image after looking at the video just once? Because he knew what Footers would see. Is that animal's head REALLY supposed to be a Bigfoot's shoulder? Are your serious, Derek? No, but we knew that.
Delete12;04 Authority on Delusions, skipping on by from the JREF.
DeleteThey live one massive mutually-agreed delusion over there.
Check it out.
^ Kitikaze spurned his clumsy homosexual advances
DeleteRandles Motto: You'll get ___ and like it.
ReplyDeletea. Bear
b. Possum
c. Canine
d. A plaster cast
e. Whatever I give you
f. A chance to present your evidence after I take credit
g. My reflected glory in your eyes
h. Seamy relationships with hoaxers
i. Nothing
j. All of the above
You mad, bro?
Deletek. a ceylon from battlestar galactica
DeleteOK, people who still think this a (*cough*) Bigfoot (*cough*), you're up!
ReplyDeletethe skeptics can rant all they want. the reason why you dont see these creatures is that theh are usually most active at night and unlike primates they do not travel in groups. most of the time its two adults and one juvenile. basically what im saying is its like looking for a needle in about 10000 haystacks.
ReplyDeleteYeah, and sometimes it's one adult and two juveniles. did mean possums, right?
12:18 - One major flaw in your analogy - both needles and haystacks exist.
DeleteRandles really does have his Team Slacker trained:
ReplyDelete"See? My favorite thing about working with you is your character. Doesn't matter if someone proves that creature is an abnormally large, naked man or a bear without ears-you've never been dishonest about it. You're the man!"
*BARF* Never been dishonest about it?
Yeah, he just presented it at a Bigfoot conference and peddled it all over the internet. Sure...he wasn't saying it was a Bigfoot! Just, hey look at what this might be! Or might not! And oh yeah, it's copyrighted and I get to show it before the guys who actually filmed it. Details, details.
^ Don't forget he said "we strongly believe this is a Sasquatch". If he had Bigfoot medals on his chest, the general would be ripping them off right about now.
ReplyDeleteIt's half Squatch. The lower part is running to Joe's home to kick its ass
I may be a little naive but I do think the majority of these guys ("footers") have had legitimate experiences. ?
ReplyDeleteI mean - if they are are just big b''s wouldn't they be peddling cars down the street somewhere ? Screwin' over people to make there commissions? Better money, no ?
It's probably like being abducted by aliens - pretty hard to go "prove". :) Especially that probing business. Ooochie...
No, if you can hoax a good enough bigfeets video, you'll make some mad cash just like roger pAtterson made a killing on the pgf. 200,000 In the first year. As an ex used car salesman, bigfeet hoaxery is where the money is at.
ReplyDeleteHey ladies you guys have a safe and happy thanksgiving
ReplyDeleteRight back at ya Harry!
Deleteget - George Noory onit!
ReplyDeletePerhaps a wink from our Leader? All this heckling and name calling makes me sad when we should give thanks on this special weekend.
ReplyDeleteCan't we just get along? I love you guys.......
Delete...Randy, you are a model Trollandian; You post often, you show respect for our Dear Leader and President For Life, and you are clinically insane....
DeleteRandy just think if he gave you your very own jar. You could build a golden box to house it in with cherubs on the lid like the ark of the covenent. Then a temple to house the holy of holys. Then you could convene the finest minds of bigfoot evidence to come up with a book of worship. And in your church you could give communion with oreo cookie halves with no cream so the faithful could eat that which is produced by his body. And you would be the first pontiff of this new religion. The only thing left is for you to come up with a name for it.
Delete(clive squashy)
DeleteAnyone can claim to be insane...but I have the paperwork to prove it.
...and I'm eating the brains of Arthur C. Clarke right now.
Delete^ as prosthetic hand throttles his own neck,,^ BIG DORIS,
DeleteGeorge Noory - is on it!
ReplyDeleteSuch a nice man. I would believe in bigfoot if he asked me to.
DeleteDWA is my favorite skeptic.
ReplyDeleteWho needs trolls, tards, anons or testes when DWA is in town?
yes he claims he is the very definition of a skeptic.
Deletepretty incredible.
he will also claim that bigfoot is 100% real based on eye witness account alone.
DWA is the biggest asshole in the universe.
DeleteDWA is dangerously unstable. One day he will act out violently towards "science" whatever that means in his diseased mind.
Delete" AND HOW !!!! BIG DORIS !!
Delete...In one breath this guy is telling us he is at a beginner level in thermal imaging, and in the next he tells us its probably a bigfoot because of the different heat signatures..kind of funny...
ReplyDelete.Anyway, good job getting the story behind these thermal images, Shawn...
Deep Fried Cajun Possum and Deep Sea Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole Fish sticks for Thanksgiving tomorrow. MmmmmmMmmmmmm..............
ReplyDelete...Sounds great...We have Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole fish on Christmas Eve..Its the main part of our cold antipasto sea food salad..Its called polpoop di mare...
DeleteIf it's gonna be that kind of party, I'm gonna stick my d in the antipasto sea food salad. Christmas at our house, the door is open wide
DeleteIts Christmas at our house, don't knock- just come inside...
The official go-to response is that possums are too small. For what? For your half-ass size comparisons? For your limited knowledge of how camera lenses work?
ReplyDeleteCarwreck Randles knows it's not a Squatch. That's why he posted the walk-back of all time, and his Melissa Harsh-like followers are sucking his...wounds in the comments, telling him they still love him and Derek for president.
lol...Are you Matt Moneymaker? I think I read somewhere you guys don't like each other...Not sure--its hard to keep track of all the feuds in footery...
Deletethar bez bigfoots abouts fer shure
ReplyDeleteIt's Donkey Kong.