Tim Fasano's Thanksgiving Bigfoot Footage

Whatever this is, it's definitely bipedal. Did Tim Fasano capture a skunk ape on film over Thanksgiving? He writes in the description: "This is part of a longer clip. You are seeing the LCD screen of my HD Samsung. While you were eating Turkey and watching football, I was in the swamp. Following a creek bed going into a watershed. Go to http://seekingsasquatch.blogspot.com for a better version.Its disappointing to work for years and only get such a fleeting glimpse."


  1. tim fasano is the real deal folks

    1. If you mean a real fat ass Fred Flintstone looking cab driver, then yeah, real deal all the way


    3. Yep he is, the real deal of ugly cave trolls who love hoaxing


    1. Mr. Presideeeeeeeeeeent I love youuuuuuuuuu

    2. That"s all fine an dandy. if have ta see that SMUG little face again,, I will have no choice but to rip ALL THE TEETH OUTA MY FACE WITH VISEGRIPS UDIGG, MR PREZ !

    3. 25 years! Holy shit! Really? Let's make a museum! Thank you for sharing Mr. President, you have my vote next election . xoxoxoxo

  3. Tim Fasano-worlds greatest skunk aper

  4. Lol!

    Good ole Tim popping up. Who would have thought it?

    Entertaining perhaps but I hate 'researchers' who promote NOTHING.

    Was this the 'Palmetto Monster' again Tim?

    I hate frauds and hoaxers.


    1. Calling out tim fasano yet bleeves in magic monkeys and diaper butts^

      Irony was not lost on you.

    2. MMG.. I find Tim annoying and overly angry and maybe a littlebit on the not so smart side. (I also find it hard to believe that he was actually squatching on Thanksgiving day... As if he would miss a meal)

      But I do not think he is a hoaxer. Honestly he just isn't all that bright. I remember well when Damian Bravo accused Tim of hoaxing, but Damian wasn't all that bright either.

      As for Fasano's ties to Dyre, well I think he was a victim, not an accomplish to Dyre.. cuz he is easy prey and not all that bright... But I do give Fasano kudos on effort though.


    3. So you're saying you believe one must have an above average intelligence in order to perpetuate a hoax?

      I don't think so, especially in this field. It's not like we're talking about a geological hoax or anything.

      We're talking about filming a partially obscure, ambiguous hairy figure and a crowd of believers whom accept 97% of these stories as fact.

    4. Oh come on! 97% Really? That's awful low.

    5. Especially in this field. Fasono could make a Blobsquatch.. But his footage is always (Well, mostly) clear. You just can't tell what the creature is. But I don't think he is not sharp enough to do it on the scientific level. For one, he thinks he is looking for an ape. (Which I think "skunk ape" may actually be a population of Chimps or Orangutans.. That is actually highly likely in Florida.) Occasionally he will point to his little signs and compare these signs to chimp-like behavior. Yet at the same time, he is looking for the classic Bipedal steryo-typical Sasquatch convinced that it is a Nape. In one of his Youtube rants, he was bitching about the Ketchum progress (Before the peer review, but when it was leaked that they were "Human hybrids". Fasano was going on and on about how they exhibit this and that behavior and no human behavior at all, while completely dismissing that they do not have apes feet. I think Fasano will find his Skunk-ape, but it won't be what he the "Nape" he is looking for... Just feral Chimps or Orangutans that were either set free in Florida or escaped from a circus or zoo a hundred years ago and adapted to living in Florida along with all the other invasive species there. I mean he could pull off hoax attempt, but he is not going to fool anyone and the footage he usually comes up with is of some black thing way off in the distance that could be anything, or something moving in the brush that could be anything.. Hoaxers try to at least make the hoax look definitive (Blotchy human looking thing, or a guy in an ape suit who is nice and blurred out.)

      Besides, I think we are at the point that if someone actually got a clear picture of a Sasquatch, no one would believe it. I still laugh at the youtube comments where some smartass has "Bigfoot Trail Cam footage" showing a creature walking under the trail cam and looking up at the camera.. The comments are all talking about how fake it looks, or how the mask is cheesy because the mouth is just permanently open. But this is a REAL creature lol. It is Oliver the Bipedal Chimp, but someone labeled it as "Bigfoot Trail-cam footage." lol

      If Fasano actually is trying to pull off a hoax.. again he just isn't that bright lol. Not even fake footprints.

    6. Hi Tzieth. Good to have you drop by. We enjoy your posts very much.

      I would recommend googling the Palmetto Monster Hoax. Ape pic manipulation going on there in similar to the BS that Anders has been putting out recently.

      I agree that Tim is mostly harmless but when getting your 'name out there' is more important than the research it's difficult to take him seriously.


    7. How stupid are you Tzieth, and all the others speaking even mildly of Fatsano. (probably fasano himself).???? Tim Fasano, aka FATSANO has been caught time and time and time again hoaxing. When you ask bigfooters what top names are associated with hoaxing, you get the same results over and over: Rick Dyer, Tom Biscardi, and Tim Fasano. Besides Rick Dyer, Tim Fasano has been probably the worst bigfoot hoaxer of the past decade. You people who are saying he doesnt hoax are just showing how little you know about this field. Probably were brought here by Finding Bigfoot or Mountain Monsters and think you know what you are talking about. Fatsano hoaxes many times a year. Just b/c this site is suddenly promoting him, doesnt mean he is anything but a hoaxer.

      Shawn Evidence, or by his indian name, gobacktojapan, doesnt care one bit about bigfoot research. Its all a money game. Shawn promotes whoever will garner him hits and money. It used to be snowwalkerprime and all the teamtazer goons. Now its this ridiculous parabreakdown, muldersworld, etc. Shawn and the owners of these sites (he may be part owner) have an agreement where they exchange money for the promotions etc. He doesnt care if they are hoaxing or not. All he cares about is what will garner him attention or money. It truly is a shame that Justin Smeja allowed him to be in his movie. Although i imagine it was Shawn himself who financed a great portion of it. But just having that little troll in Justins movie took away credibility. There is a reason why Shawn evidence and Fasano and these other clowns will never show up at a big bigfoot convention where all the old respected names attend. Shawn may be able to slip in, b/c no one knows who he is or cares for that matter, but Fasano could never do it, and people like him. They would get there ass beat quicker than you can blink.

      Shawn used to clown on Tim Fasano constantly here. Telling everyone what a hoaxer he was and promoting his vids as the jokes they are. And now suddenly, b/c Shawn has no other news, he promotes Fasano for a piece of fasano utube hits and for hits on this iste. He knows Fasano will draw in views b/c he is such a bad hoaxer and everyone hates him.

      It seems the only people Shawn wont promote are Rick Dyer and Facebookfindbigfoot. He wont promote Dyer b/c it would be suicide for his bank account if he started hyping Dyers vids, as he would lose any small amount of cred he had. And he wont promote the FBF guys b/c they were his main competition, taking away hits from his site, and also b/c they didnt get along. Very early on, Shawn promoted FBF all the time, but they fell out and soon Shawn was trying to make them look as bad as possible.

      With as disgusting of a hoaxer as Tim Fatsano is, the real blame falls on Shawn Evidence, or whatever you want to call the troll. He is responsible for tons of dissinfo and hoaxes being promoted. Its guys like him who are solely money driven that ruin what amount of small cred this field has

  5. We strongly believe that's a Sasquatch.
    --Derek Randles

    STFU, Derek
    --Rest of Olympic Project

    1. Yeah thats the same Derek Randles who turned his back on Justin Smeja b/c he couldnt handle the backlash towards Justin. Of course that was after he had gotten what he wanted from the smeja story: dna, killsite location, publicity, etc

  6. I'm sorry I was at home with my family eating turkey and watching football. I knew I should have been out looking for bigfoot. My deepest apologies to all of you. Christmas Day I will make up for my mistake.

  7. If you're supporting randles on his thermal MMG, then you are getting soft on hoaxers, didn't you have a petition going ay one time?

    1. I have no proof that Derek is a hoaxer.

      Indeed he is one of the few researchers I respect.

      It's highly possible that Derek has published far too soon but he'll learn from this I'm quite sure.


    2. Everything I've heard about 'Derek' is that he's just another opportunistic asshole. But he does give us trolls something to do.

    3. Yes,Derek does give us Trolls something to whine about,but I'm here for my for my Liege and master "Poop in a Jar Guy"!!!! All hail his Odorousness!!!!

  8. What happened to his TV gig? I'd watch it for fashion tips.

  9. I think he meant to say, " while most of you were spending the holiday with your wives and kids, I was eating candy in a Florida swamp filming trees again. Oh and here's a video of my view finder."

    And the award for stupidest bigfeets video of the day goes too... The cab driver with a holiday chip on his shoulder.

    1. Here here!

      While you were with loved ones being entertained, I, the great white hope of Florida was out doing a job only I (or Mike Rowe) could do!

      What's that? There's new BF thermal footage out? Really? Looks like I've gotta dig through my WOOOO stash and release a video to stay relevant!

    2. Is he really a cab driver? That's too precious!

  10. well folks footin' got taken to an all time low today, and no I am not talking about MMG...

    both bill munns and sweaty yeti stated that even if gimlin or patricia patterson confessed it was a hoax they would maintain the pgf depicted a real creature

    you simply can not go up against a cult of this magnitude

    1. Hey- back off! A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!

    2. Your avatar just gets better and better. I bet DDubs is touching himself to it as we speak.

    3. Strangely enough Bill and Sweaty know what the are talking about.

      Faceless anons. Not so much.


    4. I dont see a face associated with you MMG. Just a whole lot of replies signed by a nameless faceless dude referring to himself by initials. Might as well go anonymous like the rest of us and keep your initials to yourself

  11. Tim fiasco your doing amazing job!!! Keep up the great work! I hope the best comes your way, u put enough time in so good on ya! Have a great day!! Canadian guy!!

    1. Yes Fatsano, keep up the great hoaxing. Keep up your filming of trees, yourself sweating, monkeys, and the inside of your cab. Do you not understand that per 1000 views, Fatsano gets at least 3 dollars per utube partner policy. This is why he hoaxes, and this is why Shawn Evidence promotes his vids. B/c Shawn gets hits on his own site, and Fasano gives him some of the utube profits. Same with Mulders world, etc

  12. Has anyone ever had a womens taterhole snap lock into the groove below their wankers head? . Its almost like intellegent design was at work creating this feature.

    1. Yeah it is sort of like a curb feeler so you know not to pull out any further. Its a bitch getting back in if you fall out.

    2. If it just falls out getting back in is the least of your worries your first concern should be why is your wife/girlfriends ass so blown out that it can fall out in the first place

    3. (clive squashy)

      This doesn't sound like the taterhole kid. 3:53 I'm calling you a taterhoaxer !

  13. If that was Wednesday ,I was there.Really.Did a few miles in Myakka.Suprising he got that much footage.It's a jungle out there.Like,really.Hip-waders and a machete.......

    1. Maybe you can tag along with Tim next time and wax his pot belly and give him a reach around when he needs to "unwind"

  14. I pooped a jar. I'm bleeding a little from it.

  15. When are you people going to realize that a Big foot is not going to come out in the open, stand there, and have his pictures taken! All most researchers are going to get are fleeing glimpses or a partial body shot that's not really distinguished enough to say with 100 present accuracy that, that's a big foot.
    As we write our book, we are going through all the pictures we took over the last ten years. All of us, knows these were Big foots (not Bears) but, we find ourselves throwing out 90% of them. But guess what, we don't want to show our readers "Blobsquatches" but that's all we may may have.
    Let me repeat, "a Big foot is not going to stand still and pose for a shot"! So it's very, very frustrating to show "Still Photos".
    Videos are a whole different story. we have a 'small percentage" that may be very compelling to watch. But we can't show Videos in a Book!
    IWe will be devoting one whole chapter to the Pros and Cons or What to do, what not to do when trying to photograph a Big foot!
    When the book is finished, we will not show any Pic's or thermals that were as bad as what Derek Randalls presented, that's for sure.
    Updates to continue. . .

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Nice reply Tim. You forgot to include your normal plugs about how great you are when you answer your own threads. Fasano is a dirty hoaxer, and his vids have zero cred and always will. No amount of your excuses will explain why you never will get any bigfoot footage. Thats b/c you and your goons are hoaxers and there is nothing to film

  16. 7.62 - action to getz resultz

  17. cookin up some bacon puttin it outz waitin fo da bigfeet to takin da bait.......

  18. a guy i work with was deer hunting in a very remote part of wisconsin/michigan and he heard a high pitched screeching sound that woke him up at night. didn't think anything of it at the time. next morning outside the cabin were a few very large footprints. one of them clearly has toe marks and the other you can partially see them. this guy is not a hoaxer in fact he doesn't even want to tell anyone for fear bigfooters will overrun the area looking for it. here are a few pics at the below dropbox location tell me what you think. sure looks like a human like foot!


  19. bacon + bullets + rifle scope = bigfoot.......

  20. Today I play a believer. Hey Rich, those footprints look totally legit. It would be nearly impossible to fake big feet prints like those. Do you think skin cells could be obtained and sent to ketchup for analysis?


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