Yup...I noticed a one of the "kids" at my daughter's first holy communion was 8 feet tall and hairy...I'm sorry, but I had to film my kid so you'll have to take my word for it...
This to is the part of love the most. I have conducted several myself as I am sure you have Kelly. It is quite easy to tell my just the persons reaction, gestures, facial expressions and tone of the voice how truthful they really are. And when you find one, such as my friend Rob, and see how his voice still quivers with fear, even ten years after the fact - priceless.
I can't remember the episode... But a woman bursts into tears recalling a window peeking Bigfoot that had Native American features... Incredible and Harvey Pratt must have smiled watching that.
Stories are really only the best evidence for Bigfoot. I believe most people but I also know that there are a lot of bullshitters that can sound compelling.
I'm well, Joe, thanks. I am a bit disappointed though. I watched the clock..tick, tock, tick, tock, Sykes was coming and he was bringing Crow with him! That never happened.
It's very sad to see, though, that all the Bigfoot spin doctors are hard at work turning a tragic tale of an abused human in mid 19th century Russia into a prop for Bigfoot belief. Seriously, is there no low that you won't sink to? This was a human being that was held captive, abused and treated like an animal and yet you all are happy about that? You should be ashamed.
Zana was captured in the present day country of Abkhazia, on the eastern shore of the Black Sea along the Caucasus Mountain range. Zana was described her as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately. She would climb trees to get fruit and nuts and could crack walnuts in her bare hands. Her appetite was tremendous, and she would eat any food the villagers offered her. She would pull down an entire wild grapevine from the tree to feast on the grapes. At, first Zana was fierce and belligerent and was kept in shackles and chains. Food was thrown to her from a distance. After a while she became calmer when approached, and then she was moved to an enclosure with a wattled fence, on one side of which was a building with an awning. Zana dug a shallow hole underneath the awning, where she slept. Her favored position for sleep and rest was to crouch on her knees and elbows with her hands clasped behind her head.
Zana seemed to accept her life among the villagers. She showed an interest in taking part in human activities and Edgi taught her to grind flour from grain, to fetch firewood and water and carry sacks of flour to and from the water-powered mill in the village. (Zana could easily pick up a full sack of flour with one hand.)She would even pull Genaba's boots off at night. Zana preferred her own natural coat of hair to manmade clothing. Although given dresses to wear, they would soon become torn from her vigorous activities. Later on she would tolerate the wearing of a loincloth. Zana had a favorite activity; rapping stones together and splitting them. Zana preferred the colder weather and seemed to tolerate the winter chill with no discomfort. On warm summer days she enjoyed cooling off in the ponds with the domestic buffalo. Zana would swim in the Molkva river all year round, even in winter and in the raging spring floods. She spent most of her time outdoors but occasionally visited houses when invited indoors.
"Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"
Joe, she was still human. That is the whole point. Dredge up all the 170 yr old anecdotes you want to make her seem less than human, it does not matter. I'll put my stock in the DNA testing and results, not what some Russian bigot reported 170 yrs ago. Sure she may have been feral, probably even was, but still human. Sykes never said she wasn't human. I've seen a photo of Kwit, he looks human to me. Do you think if Zana was as "squatchy" as those 170 yr old reports seem to lead you to believe, do you think her kids would look normal? Try it another way, if you and Patty had a baby, do you think it would look like a modern human in any way? Yet her descendants did. I would bet you that there are plenty of people on this planet right now that display the same skull morphology as Kwit. I would also posit that none of them are Bigfoot babies.
Actually... The person who delivered you your 100% modern human DNA would debate that... This is the hilarious thing you people keep snaking around that schools yourselves very little time, and I love it!!
If Kwit's skull is proportioned like that, his mother's skull must have therefore been true to the accounts. Do you actually think that it is merely a coincidence that Kwit has morphological differences and that Zana's accounts are merely a product of racism?! What a leap of faith that is! If the DNA that Sykes states is modern human can also be relic in his eyes... Then I'll take his word.
Let's look at the picture here...
*Zana is described by hundred's of people as having the exact same behaviour, gate, size, limb length, hair colour, face description of a Bigfoot. Ridiculous detail that has been backed up with consistency of Bigfoot accounts for a 100 years afterwards. *Kwit's skull has bigger eye sockets, elevated brow ridge, bigger jaw, bigger teeth, bigger all round and was a huge man with crazy strength by all accounts and family members. *Sykes says though the DNA from both is modern human, that it can however be a relic human that migrated out of Africa.
There HAS to be more to the DNA that is not apparent with our current means of determining exactly what species Zana was, if she comes up as modern human great; but Sykes wouldn't have dropped that theory as a possibility if it wasn't possible.
Sykes dropped it as a theory while laughing and saying it was extremely unlikely and that the far more likely scenario is she is modern human from sub Saharan Africa. Chew on that for a bit. Try to resist the Footer urge to desperately cling to the tiniest shred of something and blow it up from extremely unlikely to an absolute certainty. You would think that by now Footers would have learned to stop doing that.
I don't give a rats ass what Zana was described as by people 170 years ago. Kwit's skull had some peculiar morphology. Big whooop. Do you really think he is the first person on the planet to have odd skull morphology? Heck, look at the dude in the documentary! I bet he could give Kwit's skull a run for some rubles in the strange morphology department.
No Don, he also said that at least one of these theories had to be correct, he would not have made his 'radical theory' to the world on television if it was not worth suggesting and this was in light of assessing Kwit's skull in detail.
Ok... Let's look at it this way then. Even if Zana wasn't a Bigfoot, and the descriptions of her are racism... In Sykes' eyes there is still a possibility of relic hominids living on the planet as late on as 100 years ago with direct blood lines still living today. That in itself is still extremely significant and he must have something other than that programme's evidence to make that claim.
If Sykes can be wrong about something as radical as relic humans... Then you'd have to take into account that his research results of modern human are as equally suspect, which... Still doesn't dismiss the fact that Sykes was amazed by the proportions of Kwit's skull. You'd have to be a denialist to not look at that in comparison to a normal human skull, and claim that the reports of Zana were merely racist. If the same man who brought you 100% modern DNA results says that those results could also be from a relic population... Then I would suggest you drop him an email and take it up with him.
I'm sorry... I'm not offering all the answers, I'm in fact admitting that... But if Kwit's skull is proportioned like that, his mother's skull must have therefore been true to the accounts. Do you actually think that it is merely a coincidence that Kwit has morphological differences and that Zana's accounts are merely a product of racism?! Is it not more of a claim to believe a theory of an Ottamon slave, as opposed to an account by hundreds of people that actually has physical evidence to back up? If the DNA that Sykes states is modern human can also be relic in his eyes... Then that is game changing. Why would a geneticist like him say something like that after analyzing the morphological differences of Kwit's skull, if it wasn't a possibility?
Deal with it... Email Sykes and tell him he doesn't know what he's on about, but it's hilarious you can celebrate one of his theories because it suits you, and then suggest he's wrong about the other cause it doesn't fit.
If Sykes says Zana could have been a relic human, then that is your problem, not mine.
Oh, and you sound a little angry tonight for some reason Don? Hope it's not brought on by any heart burn, crow can repeat on you something awful!
Joe, you are making a huge leap ( many of them in fact) that even if his extremely unlikely theory is true that that means that Zana was a Bigfoot. That's a huge leap. He never once said that the oddities of Kwit's skull means that all of the descriptions of Zana must, therefore, be true. That's your Footer logic clouding the facts as usual. Where did Sykes say therefore every description of Zana was true? That she was a hairy, ape-woman? And speaking of which, if she really, truly looked like a Bigfoot, like Patty, who the hell would have had sex with her??? She had 4 kids that we know of. I highly doubt even a piss drunk Russian peasant would have had sex with something that looked like Patty. You can't have it both ways Joe. She can't be monstrous but human enough for sexual attraction.
Sykes never said anything along the lines of Zana being a Bigfoot, no... But... What are the chances of Kwit having those proportions (and they are not common differences you find anywhere else Don), merely by chance? You are in denial sir. You have a direct link to those reports by obvious watered down features in Kwit. It is simply a matter of filling in the gaps for Sykes, in that if Kwit can have those proportions and be suggested as being relic, that the natural dot to dot can be made in Zana's accounts being credible and this makes so much sense when you consider the following;
There are countless legends... Ten thousand years worth of Native American versions in fact, that have stated that the two peoples have interbred. The natives have always referred to them as a brother and just another tribe... A giant hairy tribe, but a tribe none the less. More credence the human theory, would be the way that nearly every tribe has referred to their cannibalistic tendencies. You have to be human and eat another human to be a cannibal Don. My point is... Come over to some of the far out reaches of the black mountains where I'm from; some of those boys will do anything.
Don't be surprised if this is something that Sykes pursues now... I'm not making claims as to what is exactly going to happen with the long term study, he may even find nothing, but don't be surprised at all if he goes down this route of sequencing the DNA of living people's who are claimed to have a blood line from such creatures.
Joe, how do you know that there is not a perfectly mundane explanation for Kwit's skull deformities? Perhaps there was inbreeding involved in the ancestral line? That could explain why a deformity was passed from mother to offspring? Perhaps some other condition. Do you think every deformed human skull on the planet is a Bigfoot child?
Look Don, I've got to go now ok? But good to see you check in.
I hope you can understand why I would draw credence from Zana's description when you have the same watered down features in Kwit's skull. I think it more of a claim that it mere coincidence than to suggest there is something to the reports, and if that is the case, we have reports in documented archaeological studies of giant skeletons being found around about the same time as Zana lived, and consistency in legends that these creatures are human. You must remember that I have no doubt in my mind that these creatures exist, therefore this is obviously going to be very clear to me in my opinion.
I like you and think there should be more people like you around this blog, so let's agree to disagree this time around.
Gotta go, got lots to do before bed, much respect Don.
Have a peaceful night Joe, but let me ask you something. How can there be no doubt in your mind that these creatures exist when you have never seen one? In fact, you don't even live in a part of the world where they are reported to inhabit. I do. I have spent countless hours hiking in alleged "Squatchy" forests. I have never seen one single thing that I could not explain without involving a "squatch". Yet you sit there at your computer in Wales lecturing everyone about how real these things are. That just comes across as ridiculous.
Oh and I know exactly why you draw credence from Zana's description. It's a tired habit of Footers. You latch on the slightest thing and then double down and pronounce it as the next big thing that will vindicate you. And in the end it fails. It always fails. The list of false prophecies from Footers is endless and makes you all look gullible and pig headed. And in this particular case you are propping up what is nothing more than a tragic case of human on human abuse and making it your next big thing. It's all terribly pathetic.
Tonight we gather here for the smoking of taterjoe. It was a boring battle full of conjecture and copy/pasted national enquirer but in the end, his taterhole was left gaping.
How can there be no doubt in my mind? Because I do not ignore the facts because they are outside of my immediate experience. I do not ignore consistencies that would be good enough for any other walk of life other than this subject. I do not ignore the friends I have accumulated that, some of whom, have spent double the time you have in the wilderness and had first hand experiences. I would like to remind you Don, that you don't have to be from your part of the world to have an interest in cryptozoology... You can also be from anywhere and point out ignorance when it is in droves. I don't lecture people, but I will defend these simple principles as well as the people who have been left traumatised by their experiences.
A tired habit? A tired habit would be repetitively draw cynicism and denial from the steady accumulation of evidence that wouldn't be there if there was nothing to this subject. It is laughable that you would claim Zana and Kwit are mere coincidence and then suggest we latch on to the slightest thing... A very small minded person can see what is happening there, and the anger that I'm picking up in your comments is purely because you have nothing left but to point the finger and snake around such obvious links to the truth.
You finally have physical evidence to back up a Bigfoot story (Kwit's skull with Zana's legend) and that hurts you more than anything I can write on here. That is fact, not false prophecy, not gullibility and laughably... Not pig headedness which you have expressed at the expense of your once thought of common sense.
It is in fact more pathetic to latch on to a recently put together story of abuse and racism, than it is to look at the descriptions and then acknowledge the the physical evidence for what it is. Leap of faith.
Now that dear Don, is an absolute schooling of epic proportions.
Just to elaborate further on some hypocrisy in the statement above... To 'latch on' to something would articulate perfectly what you are doing with a slave story as opposed to looking at what is a clear link between the legend and physical evidence of her appearance. Those features are not the result of inbreeding... Inbreeding results in hair lips, learning difficulties, blindness and deafness... Not elevated brow ridges, wider eye sockets for nocturnal vision and twice the size proportions of normal skulls.
Oh... And they is nothing more offensive to me than using a made up abuse claim in favour of attaining a moral high ground to cause guilt as an only means of counter argument, whilst ignoring facts. That is a slap in the face to the poor people who have actually endured such treatment.
Made up abuse? For fucks sake Joe, get you fucking head out of your ass. If you can't see that the abuse aspect of the Zana story is the one clearly inarguable thing about it, then you seriously need to go see what passes for a shrink in Wales.
Eva, WHY do you waste your time talking to sad, lonely ass Joe? This idiot is on this blog 24/7.. Poor guy doesn't have a life, so he spends his pathetic time trying to get someone to pay attention to him! Lonely fuck!!!
Gotz, U a good - 12 gage shotgun beez a good huntin rifle – for critters, U need follow up shots – 000 buck and slugs rounds will take care of it no problem. Looks like bigfoot travels in groups so da one U are shootin @ be aware there beez others about. So if U goes out for da big guy U might want to take a few buds with and do like we did in the army and set up a fireteam to cover the guy that is shootin. If U do go, bewares thar be bigfoots abouts… Happy huntin : )
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
#looneytoons approved
ReplyDelete^^^ #twerktard approved
ReplyDeletegots boggy cheeks
DeleteHey NH. What's up?
DeleteAnd second...confusion
Yup...I noticed a one of the "kids" at my daughter's first holy communion was 8 feet tall and hairy...I'm sorry, but I had to film my kid so you'll have to take my word for it...
DeleteI just love eye witness 1st account sighting testimonials. These are the types of sighting reports that keeps me enthused about Bigfoot.
ReplyDeleteME TOO!!!!!
This to is the part of love the most. I have conducted several myself as I am sure you have Kelly. It is quite easy to tell my just the persons reaction, gestures, facial expressions and tone of the voice how truthful they really are. And when you find one, such as my friend Rob, and see how his voice still quivers with fear, even ten years after the fact - priceless.
Rob is now 12 years old.
DeleteI can't remember the episode... But a woman bursts into tears recalling a window peeking Bigfoot that had Native American features... Incredible and Harvey Pratt must have smiled watching that.
Stories are really only the best evidence for Bigfoot. I believe most people but I also know that there are a lot of bullshitters that can sound compelling.
DeleteNot when they're backed up with physical evidence and anthropological and archeological studies of skeletal remains from the same period.
Maybe that was a native american peeking in the window...its a cake,its a candy,its two treats in one
Delete^^ Fess up Joe, that was you at the window, wasn't it? ;)
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha!!
DeleteDon my Canadian friend, how the devil are you?
I'm well, Joe, thanks. I am a bit disappointed though. I watched the clock..tick, tock, tick, tock, Sykes was coming and he was bringing Crow with him! That never happened.
DeleteIt's very sad to see, though, that all the Bigfoot spin doctors are hard at work turning a tragic tale of an abused human in mid 19th century Russia into a prop for Bigfoot belief. Seriously, is there no low that you won't sink to? This was a human being that was held captive, abused and treated like an animal and yet you all are happy about that? You should be ashamed.
True dat.True dat.
DeleteOuch joe just got smoked
DeleteI saw Joe chasint an almasty in his tighty whities.
DeleteI was out frog hunting, when a flying saucer landedm and 2 big foots got off and disappeared into the woods!
ReplyDeleteNow that's a story, right? Well I made it all up! a story means NOTHING!
Still hitting the crack pipe I see.
DeleteHey, this bag of crack isn't going to smoke itself.
DeletePost leaping Russian yeti Shawn please !!!!
ReplyDeleteZana was captured in the present day country of Abkhazia, on the eastern shore of the Black Sea along the Caucasus Mountain range. Zana was described her as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately. She would climb trees to get fruit and nuts and could crack walnuts in her bare hands. Her appetite was tremendous, and she would eat any food the villagers offered her. She would pull down an entire wild grapevine from the tree to feast on the grapes. At, first Zana was fierce and belligerent and was kept in shackles and chains. Food was thrown to her from a distance. After a while she became calmer when approached, and then she was moved to an enclosure with a wattled fence, on one side of which was a building with an awning. Zana dug a shallow hole underneath the awning, where she slept. Her favored position for sleep and rest was to crouch on her knees and elbows with her hands clasped behind her head.
ReplyDeleteZana seemed to accept her life among the villagers. She showed an interest in taking part in human activities and Edgi taught her to grind flour from grain, to fetch firewood and water and carry sacks of flour to and from the water-powered mill in the village. (Zana could easily pick up a full sack of flour with one hand.)She would even pull Genaba's boots off at night. Zana preferred her own natural coat of hair to manmade clothing. Although given dresses to wear, they would soon become torn from her vigorous activities. Later on she would tolerate the wearing of a loincloth. Zana had a favorite activity; rapping stones together and splitting them. Zana preferred the colder weather and seemed to tolerate the winter chill with no discomfort. On warm summer days she enjoyed cooling off in the ponds with the domestic buffalo. Zana would swim in the Molkva river all year round, even in winter and in the raging spring floods. She spent most of her time outdoors but occasionally visited houses when invited indoors.
ReplyDeleteUnusual features of Kwits skull -
ReplyDelete*very wide eye sockets
*elevated brow ridge
*thats could suggest ancient as opposed to modern human origins
Sykes' thought provoking alternative notion...
ReplyDelete"Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"
Spin doctors indeed.
Joe, she was still human. That is the whole point. Dredge up all the 170 yr old anecdotes you want to make her seem less than human, it does not matter. I'll put my stock in the DNA testing and results, not what some Russian bigot reported 170 yrs ago.
DeleteSure she may have been feral, probably even was, but still human. Sykes never said she wasn't human. I've seen a photo of Kwit, he looks human to me. Do you think if Zana was as "squatchy" as those 170 yr old reports seem to lead you to believe, do you think her kids would look normal? Try it another way, if you and Patty had a baby, do you think it would look like a modern human in any way? Yet her descendants did. I would bet you that there are plenty of people on this planet right now that display the same skull morphology as Kwit. I would also posit that none of them are Bigfoot babies.
Actually... The person who delivered you your 100% modern human DNA would debate that... This is the hilarious thing you people keep snaking around that schools yourselves very little time, and I love it!!
DeleteIf Kwit's skull is proportioned like that, his mother's skull must have therefore been true to the accounts. Do you actually think that it is merely a coincidence that Kwit has morphological differences and that Zana's accounts are merely a product of racism?! What a leap of faith that is! If the DNA that Sykes states is modern human can also be relic in his eyes... Then I'll take his word.
Let's look at the picture here...
*Zana is described by hundred's of people as having the exact same behaviour, gate, size, limb length, hair colour, face description of a Bigfoot. Ridiculous detail that has been backed up with consistency of Bigfoot accounts for a 100 years afterwards.
*Kwit's skull has bigger eye sockets, elevated brow ridge, bigger jaw, bigger teeth, bigger all round and was a huge man with crazy strength by all accounts and family members.
*Sykes says though the DNA from both is modern human, that it can however be a relic human that migrated out of Africa.
There HAS to be more to the DNA that is not apparent with our current means of determining exactly what species Zana was, if she comes up as modern human great; but Sykes wouldn't have dropped that theory as a possibility if it wasn't possible.
Sykes dropped it as a theory while laughing and saying it was extremely unlikely and that the far more likely scenario is she is modern human from sub Saharan Africa. Chew on that for a bit. Try to resist the Footer urge to desperately cling to the tiniest shred of something and blow it up from extremely unlikely to an absolute certainty. You would think that by now Footers would have learned to stop doing that.
DeleteI don't give a rats ass what Zana was described as by people 170 years ago. Kwit's skull had some peculiar morphology. Big whooop. Do you really think he is the first person on the planet to have odd skull morphology? Heck, look at the dude in the documentary! I bet he could give Kwit's skull a run for some rubles in the strange morphology department.
Oh, and you might want to stop saying schooled all the time. It makes you look like a 12 year old.
DeleteDon there is no reasoning with that guy. He thinks a 100% modern human dna result means bigfoot is real. Hes deluded
DeleteNo Don, he also said that at least one of these theories had to be correct, he would not have made his 'radical theory' to the world on television if it was not worth suggesting and this was in light of assessing Kwit's skull in detail.
DeleteOk... Let's look at it this way then. Even if Zana wasn't a Bigfoot, and the descriptions of her are racism... In Sykes' eyes there is still a possibility of relic hominids living on the planet as late on as 100 years ago with direct blood lines still living today. That in itself is still extremely significant and he must have something other than that programme's evidence to make that claim.
If Sykes can be wrong about something as radical as relic humans... Then you'd have to take into account that his research results of modern human are as equally suspect, which... Still doesn't dismiss the fact that Sykes was amazed by the proportions of Kwit's skull. You'd have to be a denialist to not look at that in comparison to a normal human skull, and claim that the reports of Zana were merely racist. If the same man who brought you 100% modern DNA results says that those results could also be from a relic population... Then I would suggest you drop him an email and take it up with him.
I'm sorry... I'm not offering all the answers, I'm in fact admitting that... But if Kwit's skull is proportioned like that, his mother's skull must have therefore been true to the accounts. Do you actually think that it is merely a coincidence that Kwit has morphological differences and that Zana's accounts are merely a product of racism?! Is it not more of a claim to believe a theory of an Ottamon slave, as opposed to an account by hundreds of people that actually has physical evidence to back up? If the DNA that Sykes states is modern human can also be relic in his eyes... Then that is game changing. Why would a geneticist like him say something like that after analyzing the morphological differences of Kwit's skull, if it wasn't a possibility?
Deal with it... Email Sykes and tell him he doesn't know what he's on about, but it's hilarious you can celebrate one of his theories because it suits you, and then suggest he's wrong about the other cause it doesn't fit.
If Sykes says Zana could have been a relic human, then that is your problem, not mine.
Oh, and you sound a little angry tonight for some reason Don? Hope it's not brought on by any heart burn, crow can repeat on you something awful!
Joe, you are making a huge leap ( many of them in fact) that even if his extremely unlikely theory is true that that means that Zana was a Bigfoot. That's a huge leap. He never once said that the oddities of Kwit's skull means that all of the descriptions of Zana must, therefore, be true. That's your Footer logic clouding the facts as usual. Where did Sykes say therefore every description of Zana was true? That she was a hairy, ape-woman? And speaking of which, if she really, truly looked like a Bigfoot, like Patty, who the hell would have had sex with her??? She had 4 kids that we know of. I highly doubt even a piss drunk Russian peasant would have had sex with something that looked like Patty. You can't have it both ways Joe. She can't be monstrous but human enough for sexual attraction.
DeleteJoe,you really are stupid.
DeleteSykes never said anything along the lines of Zana being a Bigfoot, no... But... What are the chances of Kwit having those proportions (and they are not common differences you find anywhere else Don), merely by chance? You are in denial sir. You have a direct link to those reports by obvious watered down features in Kwit. It is simply a matter of filling in the gaps for Sykes, in that if Kwit can have those proportions and be suggested as being relic, that the natural dot to dot can be made in Zana's accounts being credible and this makes so much sense when you consider the following;
DeleteThere are countless legends... Ten thousand years worth of Native American versions in fact, that have stated that the two peoples have interbred. The natives have always referred to them as a brother and just another tribe... A giant hairy tribe, but a tribe none the less. More credence the human theory, would be the way that nearly every tribe has referred to their cannibalistic tendencies. You have to be human and eat another human to be a cannibal Don. My point is... Come over to some of the far out reaches of the black mountains where I'm from; some of those boys will do anything.
Don't be surprised if this is something that Sykes pursues now... I'm not making claims as to what is exactly going to happen with the long term study, he may even find nothing, but don't be surprised at all if he goes down this route of sequencing the DNA of living people's who are claimed to have a blood line from such creatures.
Not stupid, just desperate! I almost feel sorry for him..
DeleteRun along and go and boo-hoo somewhere else little vulture... You've been served!
DeleteJoe, how do you know that there is not a perfectly mundane explanation for Kwit's skull deformities? Perhaps there was inbreeding involved in the ancestral line? That could explain why a deformity was passed from mother to offspring? Perhaps some other condition. Do you think every deformed human skull on the planet is a Bigfoot child?
DeleteLook Don, I've got to go now ok? But good to see you check in.
DeleteI hope you can understand why I would draw credence from Zana's description when you have the same watered down features in Kwit's skull. I think it more of a claim that it mere coincidence than to suggest there is something to the reports, and if that is the case, we have reports in documented archaeological studies of giant skeletons being found around about the same time as Zana lived, and consistency in legends that these creatures are human. You must remember that I have no doubt in my mind that these creatures exist, therefore this is obviously going to be very clear to me in my opinion.
I like you and think there should be more people like you around this blog, so let's agree to disagree this time around.
Gotta go, got lots to do before bed, much respect Don.
Have a peaceful night Joe, but let me ask you something. How can there be no doubt in your mind that these creatures exist when you have never seen one? In fact, you don't even live in a part of the world where they are reported to inhabit. I do. I have spent countless hours hiking in alleged "Squatchy" forests. I have never seen one single thing that I could not explain without involving a "squatch". Yet you sit there at your computer in Wales lecturing everyone about how real these things are. That just comes across as ridiculous.
DeleteOh and I know exactly why you draw credence from Zana's description. It's a tired habit of Footers. You latch on the slightest thing and then double down and pronounce it as the next big thing that will vindicate you. And in the end it fails. It always fails. The list of false prophecies from Footers is endless and makes you all look gullible and pig headed. And in this particular case you are propping up what is nothing more than a tragic case of human on human abuse and making it your next big thing. It's all terribly pathetic.
DeleteTonight we gather here for the smoking of taterjoe. It was a boring battle full of conjecture and copy/pasted national enquirer but in the end, his taterhole was left gaping.
DeleteAshes to ashes, rust to rust.
How can there be no doubt in my mind? Because I do not ignore the facts because they are outside of my immediate experience. I do not ignore consistencies that would be good enough for any other walk of life other than this subject. I do not ignore the friends I have accumulated that, some of whom, have spent double the time you have in the wilderness and had first hand experiences. I would like to remind you Don, that you don't have to be from your part of the world to have an interest in cryptozoology... You can also be from anywhere and point out ignorance when it is in droves. I don't lecture people, but I will defend these simple principles as well as the people who have been left traumatised by their experiences.
DeleteA tired habit? A tired habit would be repetitively draw cynicism and denial from the steady accumulation of evidence that wouldn't be there if there was nothing to this subject. It is laughable that you would claim Zana and Kwit are mere coincidence and then suggest we latch on to the slightest thing... A very small minded person can see what is happening there, and the anger that I'm picking up in your comments is purely because you have nothing left but to point the finger and snake around such obvious links to the truth.
You finally have physical evidence to back up a Bigfoot story (Kwit's skull with Zana's legend) and that hurts you more than anything I can write on here. That is fact, not false prophecy, not gullibility and laughably... Not pig headedness which you have expressed at the expense of your once thought of common sense.
It is in fact more pathetic to latch on to a recently put together story of abuse and racism, than it is to look at the descriptions and then acknowledge the the physical evidence for what it is. Leap of faith.
Now that dear Don, is an absolute schooling of epic proportions.
No, you are an asshole of epic proportions. Feeling sorry for your shitted life
DeleteWhat's the matter vulture boy? The hero you follow about get put straight?
DeleteSilly little boy.
Ha ha ha ha!!
DeleteJust to elaborate further on some hypocrisy in the statement above... To 'latch on' to something would articulate perfectly what you are doing with a slave story as opposed to looking at what is a clear link between the legend and physical evidence of her appearance. Those features are not the result of inbreeding... Inbreeding results in hair lips, learning difficulties, blindness and deafness... Not elevated brow ridges, wider eye sockets for nocturnal vision and twice the size proportions of normal skulls.
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DeleteOh... And they is nothing more offensive to me than using a made up abuse claim in favour of attaining a moral high ground to cause guilt as an only means of counter argument, whilst ignoring facts. That is a slap in the face to the poor people who have actually endured such treatment.
DeleteShame on you.
Made up abuse? For fucks sake Joe, get you fucking head out of your ass. If you can't see that the abuse aspect of the Zana story is the one clearly inarguable thing about it, then you seriously need to go see what passes for a shrink in Wales.
DeleteHoly fuck you are a fucking idiot some times.
Bigfoot been up to mischief? xx
Great link Eva!! Made me chuckle!!
Eva, WHY do you waste your time talking to sad, lonely ass Joe? This idiot is on this blog 24/7.. Poor guy doesn't have a life, so he spends his pathetic time trying to get someone to pay attention to him! Lonely fuck!!!
DeleteEva, you rock.
ReplyDeleteE PLURIBUS UNUM brother
DeleteGotz, U a good - 12 gage shotgun beez a good huntin rifle – for critters, U need follow up shots – 000 buck and slugs rounds will take care of it no problem. Looks like bigfoot travels in groups so da one U are shootin @ be aware there beez others about. So if U goes out for da big guy U might want to take a few buds with and do like we did in the army and set up a fireteam to cover the guy that is shootin. If U do go, bewares thar be bigfoots abouts… Happy huntin : )
ReplyDeleteOne small buck so far
ReplyDeleteWalked about four miles of bottom land and no BF tracks. No stick structures on birthing stations either
In position for evening drive now
Here we go boyz
Got to have mountains and running water nearby or no bigfoot,trust me
DeleteSo, whose bones are chilled right now?