Thermal Recreation of Bigfoot Creature By Olympic Project Reveals A Massive Creature

Here's a quick recreation from the Olympic Project of the Bigfoot filmed by Jonathan B. near Montesano, WA a few weeks ago at around 11pm. It's one of the most impressive thermal image of a massive Bigfoot, yet. There are a few people working on a thorough breakdown that's soon to be released, but this initial size comparison shows a Bigfoot with massive shoulders. The squatch appears to be twice as big as the person in the same position. According to Olympic Project founder Derek Randles, the squatch appears to be in a crouched position, watching the witnesses. In his latest statement, Randles seems optimistic about capturing definitive proof and provided some more details about the thermal footage:

Some more info on the thermal image. Been getting questions about video and what happened next. Here are those answers. The people that own the property are the ones that did the filming. We put the equipment in their hands and they have done the work. We are working with them daily, but they are doing the nuts and bolts. We have a recreation with a human in the same spot, but it's not 100% accurate, but it is very close. Here is a human layover picture. from location. It was crouched partially behind a small ridge looking at the people filming. The bright area to the left is a cow that will be apparent in the video as it walks by. The camera is a Flir BTS series. The camera is new to us and new to them. They had only had it for a couple days and were still learning how to use it effectively. The human in the picture is in pretty good focus, but the camera is not 100% focused on the subject. We are in the process right now of doing more recreations and further documenting this event, and that info will be released as soon as it's finished. The video is very much like the photo. The creature does seem to move, and with stabilization we hope that becomes apparent. With the Flir camera they were using, it shuts off automatically after running for a time, and that's exactly what happened during filming, so we do not have footage of it leaving, just sitting there watching the people filming. When the camera was turned back on, the figure was gone. We learned a lot from this, and more equipment will soon be deployed. This is the beginning of this investigation, and we expect much much more as we progress.

[Update] Exclusive Interview With Jonathan Brown, The Person Who Filmed This Thermal Footage In Washington

[Update] Here's the footage:


  1. Replies
    1. DWA claims he is a skeptic.

      He bleeves hard.

    2. Kevin Buresh is a sad little man.

    3. This is Derek Randall's MONEY SHOT! He's got to be kidding, right? Nobody, and I mean No body is that dumb!
      And some of you believe, really believe this is a Big foot? What sinking in quicksand, or just plain ole Big foot bullshit?
      Even Joe F. even him, can't be this stupid to believe this is a thermal of a Big foot!
      Than if this is good, anything taken on a them must be a big foot!
      Boy are you footer's getting desperate!

    4. Let's face it people, it's all over, Daniel Campbell was right!

    5. Yea.Guess he found out by looking into his crystal balls.

    6. Oh trolls, you're too funny. Now DIAF.

    7. Massive made up creature from the depths of Marvel Comics

    8. could it be a guy standing behind the tree and his hand sticking out like lambchops puppet.

  2. FIRST!!

    Still not able to distinguish anything

  3. Whats going on in here? What were you to doing in here "FIRSTING" each other. How terrible.

    Hey Dan, you com'in squatchin. Dan, you should see the garden.

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  4. Replies
    1. yes, in this case, it wieghs 1100 pounds.

      It will test positive for a number of different beasts.
      It has Angel DNA, havn't you heard, jeez!

    2. Ive seen hundreds of opossums in my life, never one resembling this, please elaborate

  5. Of course the camera shuts off.

    1. Yep. Nothing new there. Blame it on the locals not being familiar with the camera. Convenient way out. Cows were there? How come bigfoots don't have the same crazy fear of cows as they do of humans. But wait, this one hung out while it was being filmed coming out of a hole in the ground? The cow is three times taller than the squatch. Bigfoot evidence is so bad these days. So sad. Can't even get one standing up or moving, even with a high tech thermal camera. It just never gets any better no matter what.

  6. If there is a cow there it's more than likely some other livestock on the ground.

  7. Is this a trail cam picture? He states that the camera shut off after 5 minutes which indicates an automated trail cam picture... if that is the case then why does he need to stabilise the footage... something definitely seems off about this... and then there is the fact that its 2 possums.

    1. A footer making a disingenuous claim? Say it aint so Joe. Say it aint so.

    2. You saw a turkey in Utah too, huh?

    3. You need to work on your reading and comprehension skills. The camera is a Flir BTS series. Google it. it is not a trail camera.

    4. Then why automatic shut off and why 3 minutes to turn back on? Ridiculous.

    5. Your accusations are ridiculous, you havent even seen the video yet hold your judgement on it till then you kook.

  8. GOOD MORNING LADIES have a good day at work runnin late

    1. Harry we don't have to make some sort of blood sacrifice or anything to be granted an audience with the Pontiff of Poop do we???

    2. Your Honor. My humble regards from Texas. You and your jar are welcome here at your leisure.

  9. welp, so this is the greatest picture of bigfoot ever taken...ok...well...good luck with all that

  10. I did notice Derek left the camera and equipment with someone having Bigfoot Activity on their property and reaped the rewards. This is the way to go. Assuming they travel far and wife. Chasing them through the woods is cost prohibitive. Do like Derek and the Michigan BFRO guy. Find a spot they visit. And deploy. It works with more regulatory. Excellent job. Adapt and overcome.


    THIS JUST IN........




    1. If this recreation is as true to it's claims, then I think this is pretty conclusive. A more definitive conclusion will no doubt be drawn from the entire video.

      Thermal is definitely meaning the way forward!!!

    2. Morn Joe. Right on. Frankly I do not know what that could be other than a bigfoot. Massive does not even describe what I am seeing. Can not wait to see the video.


    3. A "Still" Thermal image is one of the WORST ways to prove Big foot exist. This is an OH BROTHER! picture. Stacy Brown's thermal is the best so far!

    4. ^ hey stupid, nobody said it proves bigfoot exists.

    5. PJ, you think a third hand story from 1855 is pretty conclusive too.

      This film is useless in the scheme of things no matter the size. Now if it were a full shot of the creature like the Browns whatever then it may be useful but this...

      This is getting your hopes up.

  12. I'm also pretty amazed they got The Silver Surfer to do this recreation. He's awfully busy as a herald of Galactus and defending the cosmos. But kudos to him for getting in that hole. Stan Lee would be proud. M

    1. He gave up the herald gig long ago and is a full time BRRO member now using the Power Cosmic to keep the Footers under control.

  13. The people filming knew it was a couple of possums. They are currently editing the footage timber giant style to cut out any obvious give aways.

  14. Took a look last night. An absoulutely massive upper body that makes its head seem quite small. Reminds me of the I believe 1990 something photo of a creature climbing out of a swamp or lake with long hair and massive upper body with a head that seemed so small. Another good feature is more whiteness in the chest area as they usually have less hair on the chest.
    The creature is at least 4 times the mass of the overlay, not two. All in all I'm liken it right now. Wonder what the reaction from the conference was.

    Good day all

  15. Thought these sqautches were sensitive to this technology FFS!

  16. Chuck. You are spot on. Mark this moment. Derek made a great call. For any and all individuals trekking into remote areas over long periods of study I admire you. But I also ask you to take note. The massive subject captured on film here happened because Derek saw the future. Giving property owners who have regular experiences is the way of mathematical higher probability. Look at Noel's Woodpile Thermal. Again. Property owner with activity. Look at Finding Bigfoot headed back to Georgia. This is the trend now. And it will pay dividends. Some lucky bastards are gonna set it up just right. And reap the rewards. I hope it's a good guy like Derek. Chuck. I'm gonna try my own mini version of this. Time will tell if I'm correct. M

  17. I'm gonna set up a tent and camp site. Leave Joe out there with some bacon to fry. A nice cozy fire. Some cold American Beer. Then pop the thermal on his ass. At the very least ill catch him hollering when he steps on a cactus or grass spur. How a Bigfoot could resist watching this unfold is beyond me.

  18. I will call the video "The Joe Fitzgerald Drunken Cactus Ass Woodpile Thermal". And the Squatches shall come a runnin. Wish me luck. M

  19. Are you kidding me? That thing would be 12 feet tall. Hanging around the cows in a hole watching a camera? Come on.

    1. And the cow must be Paul Bunyan's ox, to be sure. Elephant-sized!

    2. Um Chuck, that picture was a total hoax made with a miniature "bigfoot" statue manikin action figure thingy.

  20. Breakdown is complete:

    1. FLIR Bigfoot = Floor Bigfoot LOL. May give Ceiling Cat a run for his money. Wonder if he knows Floor Horse?

  21. Hey Mike, I like it - like it a lot. You are absolutely(as old the old man Harrison would say) stone cold. I can not count the times the Bfro has sent out an investigator for landowners that are having ongoing activity and will spend a few hours, maybe a night and say they will check back and keep us updated and then they are gone, and never will we hear another word about it, except for Jim Sherman up in Michigan. I can not fault them. They are good people and I have met a few. Most have jobs and family and can not spend the time necessary. But their is a solution and you called it.

    Leave the equipment with the landowners and teach them how to use it, and some technics, it is not rocket science. Bravo for Mr. Randles because it worked for him and I am so convinced this should be the way to go. Trek all you want in the forest, at the least it is great exercise for both mind and body but when the bigfoots are in the forest you can not get a clear picture. With landowners and nightime flir, recording devices, etc. you have a much better chance of these guys coming out at night more into the open.

    Last night Matt Johnson had a good article, and even though he tends to come off as an arrogant SOB, he was correct in what he was saying.


    1. Jim Sherman was ahead of his time. He stuck around. Got their pattern down. The way the local farm animals responded to their approach. The all clear knocks. He made the local subjects get used to him as well. His vehicle. Smell. Equipment presence. Another new trend is to let them play with the equipment. Quit trying to hide your audio stuff. They know its there. Make it interesting.

    2. Hi Chuck, Hop Sing here. My family very hungry. We need a puppy for Korean Thanksgiving dinner.

  22. Lets see a daytime photo at that exact spot please, and quickly. Shouldn't be too hard. I want to see the gaping hole in the earth that the Bigfoot is standing in, and that these people decided to set up their camera in front of.

    1. Or the steep ridge that he was standing on, you know, the one with the prints.

  23. A great number of times they are standing in washes, arroyos or creek beds. It gives that hole in the ground effect. The animals on a property, horses and cows can get used to them over time. But most horses will still react when any potential threat spooks them.

    1. Caution Mikey, I'm on the verge of issuing a Shhh Fatqua.

    2. Don't do it. It's only one thread. I beg you. I have an ex wife and girlfriends to support.

  24. Replies
    1. Is that you'll get Possum and Like it. I've been gone awhile. But thank you for that. :)

    2. Sorry Mike it is spelled Fatwa.

    3. Well. Go ahead. I've been to chatty anyway. I concede the time is nigh. Let me get my blindfold and cigarette then fire away.

  25. The vertical line on the torso alone means its not what they are claiming. That's just the possum tail.


    2. What torso? I thought you said it wasn't a bigfoot?!?
      Try tree limb wonder brain.

  26. I am the very definition of a skeptic.

    I also 100% believe bigfoot is real based solely on eye witness reports.

    Also patty is the real deal.

  27. You got to be kidding! You all just can't be this retarded! This is Derek's MONEY SHOT? I'd be embarrassed to present something like this! Boy is everyone getting desperate! Mike B's blobsquatches was way better than this!

  28. I'll see your logic

    And I'll raise you nazca lines

  29. Sad. Randles is an ambulance chasing huckster. He knows this is BS. Bigfoot stops in front of the camera and drops down to get his portrait taken.

  30. Derek Randalls, just made himself out to be a bigger asshole than Rick Dyer ever was!

  31. Joe fitz!!! Canadian guy! I haven't been around but I herd your moving to the USA ???? This true?? Anyways I hope this thermal comes out nice and clear looks good so far

  32. I think they're underestimating. I think a family of four could easily live in this Bigfoot's ripped chest.

  33. You can see where the tree meets the ground...the root base, for petes sake. Show us that same scene in daylight...what's the holdup? Instead of Silver Surfer BS...

    This is how it's done us crap and then say some poor saps took the video. You put it out there for a few days, show it at a conference or two to uncritical Footers who worship you, and all the time claim that you aren't quite sure what it is but you're working on it.

  34. So jref just called and they are wondering why no unambiguous photos of bigfoot?

    1. My guess is because bigfoot don't exist. Just throwing that out there... yea crazy I know!

  35. This is the worst crap...Loch Ness Monster stuff. Regular animals caught at just the right moment and debated forever. Hopefully this one won't last much longer before it gets shut down.
    They're gonna cling to the size thing to save face but this one's about done. Randles cooked himself up some possum stew for Thanksgiving.

  36. lol that aint a squatch. Thats just a guy near to the camera.

    1. Keep up the good work rick. Its pretty awesome that you still have team members even though its a hoax. Looking forward to your next hoax. Keep on smoking those footers!

    2. Rick do you keep your poop in a jar?

    3. You're right Dick. Kind of like Hank at the end of that shitty movie that made an ass out of you.

    4. How's the section 8 living rick?Did you get your corvette yet?Heard you have a size 12 taterhole?

    5. You and Fasano are the Laurel and Hardy of Bigfooting.

  37. Dyer going against his buddy Derek, the Best Bigfoot Researcher In The World!!

    If they made a chart of human evolution Bigfoot style it would be:

    Dyer > Fasano > Randles > Ape > Bigfoot > Man

  38. You guys shut up. I ain't no possums. I been working out. Got the best pecs in my family group.

    Now can someone please help me out of this hole? Looking up at cow udders was fun for a while but it's starting to stink in here, even to me.

  39. Daylight photo of that tree in front of Bigfoot Gorge = Reefer truck receipt

    Hey Rick we thought Derek was your friend? Nothing splits up hoaxers faster than one of them getting more attention with some fresh meat.

  40. Man you could put like NINE human heads inside that Squatch's head! Or at least nine of those cut-out mannequin heads.

    That's some ace analysis the Wanted Poster typefont on "Original" and the desk lamp. MK would be proud.

    Add a little canine hair and a plaster cast of his belly up against the hill, and I'm sold.

  41. Are you fucking kidding me! This is a MONEY SHOT? Boy, someone's getting very desperate! Even the Squatch Master produced better stuff! Even Ivan Marx produced better stuff!

    Why would a Big foot Research expert release this crap? Stacy Brown had a way better thermal!
    Dumb and Dumber and getting dumber!

  42. I just back from hunting Deer with several friends. We shot a BIG FOOT! It was 13 feet tall when we measured it, and it broke our scale. so it must weight over 1000 lbs. It took us 6 hours to get it out of the woods. We called in 5 more friends to help us.
    We have it hanging right now in our Barn. We called many rewspaper reporters and other news out lets. Over 100 locals showed up to see it!
    But. . . as several reporters showed up, Several Troopers showed up, plus a 1/2 dozen Fish and Game officers also showedup! They issued us 5 violations. As We were being written up, A Black SUV with government plates showed up, and 4 MIB'S got out.
    They ordered the Fish and Game guys to take it away.!
    This is a TRUE story! There were over 100 witnesses prsent and saw everything! We got FUCKED! Yes! It does happen!

    Sterling Hayes Suffern, N.Y.

    1. Doesn't John Jones a Big foot researcher that sometimes posts here live near there? Why don't he go and investigate this story?

    2. He did and when he got there the MIBs held him down and taterholed him.

  43. My name is sissy, My sister was present when the Fish and Game people came to take the dead Big foot away.
    They got everyone that was present their name and addresses.
    They took all computers, Cameras, Gun etc. from the original 6 that brought in the Big foot!
    They also took the 4 reporters that were present their cameras and field notes! They argued alot and the reporters were threatened with arrst if they didn't comply!
    They arrested the six, but a big argument broke out over jurisdiction. The local Cops and troopers were cool, but the Fish and Game people were like the Gestapo!
    Sterling Hayes live in Suffern, N.Y. (Rockland county), but shot it way up by Livingston Manor area, near Roscue N.Y. and was put up in a Barn of a local Farmer. They was going to arrest him to, his name is Lloyd Bernstein.
    All I can tell this story is 100% legit! To many people this time involved, they ain't going to keep this quiet!

    1. All true. Floor Horse and I watched it all happen.

    2. Hi it's sissy again, I'm responding to some comments that were posted elsewhere on this site.
      First off, only 3 reporters showed up at first. The Barn where the Big foot was hung, was at the end of a long dirt driveway. They could see it from the road, hanging, and took pictures from a long distance, as the State police prevented anyone from entering the driveway. The Fish and game took the body away in a Bear cage.
      There were at first, a lot of people viewing the body as it was hung in the barn. When the MIB's showed up, and they showed up real fast, they took any cameras or cell phones away from people as they were herded back to the road.
      The N.S.A. must of been monitoring Sterling's call for help, at it took only -1/2 hour before the MIB's showed up. They really weren't Men in Black! They were Homeland security! They were dressed in Military/Swat black type clothing with bullet proof vests on. Their were 6 of them., as it happened so fast.
      I don't think anyone had the time to "Send" pictures.
      Other reporters showed up but were prevented from even getting to the farm.
      Sterling Hayes is still in jail, and so are 4 of his hunting buddies, as some had outstanding warrants.
      I do know that Glenn Cole, who hears Black Bear research was there, and "The body" was taken to Region3 headquarters on South Putt road in New Platz, N.Y.
      Several reporters went there, but was barred from entering the building.
      I also know, that the "Homeland' security guys told some of the people, that they were taking it for NATIONAL SECURITY CONCERNS!
      Loyd Bernstein the farmer was also threatened with arrest, and his farm was thoroughly searched!
      Both the Fish and Game and the Homeland security guys took Sterling back to the kill site, somewhere outside of Livingston Manor N.Y. on state land.

  44. Randles learning from Erickson. These things go in cycles. "We didn't film it, the farmers did, but we think its real, though we aren't sure. We're just showing it to you." Hoaxing dressed up in pretty clothes.

  45. 'Stop taking pictures of my baby, you haters' -- Possum Mama Dyer

  46. So bigfoot had turned up back in its geographic home instead of Oklahoma or some domestic nowhere? Ha ha.

  47. the bluriness of the photo adds some credibility based on bigfoot photo standards. i think with this one we will see many more in quick succession now. its the one-upsmanship of bigfoot.

  48. Latest size comparison is now posted:

  49. Is it just me, or are all of you noticing that Big foot pictures or Videos are getting crappier each time?

  50. It looks promising but remember, if you build a fake squatch head and chest, then heat it up, it will look like this on thermal vision.
    How it looks moving remains to be seen so this is still just a blobsquatch. Frankly, even if it does move it's still a blobsquatch.

    1. I can heat up. I can heat up raw mac and cheese

  51. Its not a bigfoot. Its a cow. Its obvious and anyone can see that.

  52. So where's the daytime photo of that spot? It's more than a little important in order to see how this upper torso can be positioned behind the base of a tree. If you want to convince us that it's massive, don't show us a person on top of it...if you know the area that well then how bout some real info about the topography that makes it halfway conceivable that this could be real. That really should have been done before the photo was shared. It's very sloppy and suspicious to present it this way, Randles reputation notwithstanding. There's been a lot of backslapping but absolutely nothing to establish that this could be a Sasquatch.

  53. Guys, this is classic "Bigfoot". Camera's automatically shutting off, blah blah blah. When you hear this, you can guarantee that the subject in the film isn't what it's being labeled as.

    It looks like a couple of smaller animals to me. Sorry, but the whole "camera malfunctioned/turned off" bullshit is just that.........bullshit.

    Yet again, and you heard it here first, NOTHING to see here. The only thing left to do is for Derek to release a statement on how he was taken in by the family hoaxing and that he's so sorry for all the drama this created. Bigfoot is bullshit.

    1. LMFAO, just as I said he would, Randles releases statement backtracking. Damn that left shoulder is hungry! Got possum? Oh wait, Sykes already confirmed that. Bigfoot is bullshit, suckers!

  54. - Old platoon Sergeant told us when in doubt shoot……


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