Stacy Brown Jr.'s Group Investigates: Micanopy Investigation: The Report

Stacy Brown Jr.'s team and 8 others will be starring in the new SpikeTV show, $10 Million Bigfoot Bounty. Here's a member of Stacy's group, David Lauer, in the field investigating a recent skunk ape sighting in Micanopy, FL.


  1. Keep up the good work Sasquatch Hunters! Happy Thanksgiving!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I'm taking bets, how many times will joe get pwned today? Get your bets in by 3:00 AM PST

    3. Have a good day everyone for those of you working like me sucks to be us for those of you at home enjoy your after holiday relaxation I know I would later people

    4. And as I was about to challenge you for a firsting duel, you go and delete your comment... Doesn't seem such a relevant challenge now Harry.

    5. Don't take what I said seriously joe I was just teasin

    6. Oh ok it's on then I just didn't want you to take it too serious

    7. Harry... Believe it or not bro, I have a very good sense of humour. It's what I'm known for in my circles of friends... A bit of an idiot even. I just take myself too seriously to express it here too often.

      Challenge accepted.

    8. your both buttpirates.

    9. This money will NEVER be paid out...there will be the same old bollocks in 5 years time...I do actually believe there is a hairy fella boppin` about the woods but it ain`t gonna be found...all the talk and "sightings" and videos of blurred somethings are a complete waste of everyone`s excitement..."Saul Bollocks".

    10. Why are you so concerned with butt pirates you want in on the action or what

  2. Monkey suits exist. Got monkey?

    1. Find a magic monkey PGF suit or there is your 'monkey'.

    2. The complete lack of any bigfoot ever makes your request for a specially tailored suit null and void.

  3. Imagine, for a minute, that Joe does get to gone on a real Expedition, and has an encounter! Not a Sound encounter, as Joe would not know the different animal sounds, but a sight encounter, maybe just a glimpse of one running away. Beside peeing or shitting himself, he'd be so fired up, that when he comments here, instead of 7-10 paragraphs, his writings would take up the whole thread!
    Then imagine, Daniel Campbell responds, and tells Joe he just saw a Bear, no Big foot! The argument between these to would prevent anyone else from commenting here for weeks!
    Just imagine. . . . .

  4. Daniel Boone killt da bigfoot folks knowin it fo years.....

  5. I could move that thing on my own...and leave no drag marks either.
    There`s just so many idiots claiming anything that is even slightly different is caused by feckin` bigfoot...put up a video with some REAL evidence or shut the fuck up...and leave people in peace !!!

  6. AKs are bad to the bone. I shot a 100 lb hog at 100 yards in the snout. He never knew what hit him. ! just right for a bigfoot...

  7. Why would a Big foot drag a hog pen? It's possible, very more likely, it was a HOG that dragged it! Why is everyone, making everything that happens a BIG FOOT!
    I couldn't write a list on everything that happened in the woods that everybody said was by a BIG FOOT! where would I begin? Over-turned rocks to broken branches it would be endless! Yet here on this site, and many others, everything was caused by a Big foot!

    Why don't researchers just say, when something strange occurs that here are the "Possible' animals in the area that might have done it, or the weather etc. THEN, after exhausting all possibilities, than maybe you can come to the conclusion, it "Might of been a Big foot" or. . . list iy as unknown. Why can't you researchers do that?

    John W. Jones Spoke

  8. Blow blow from the Okechobee, all the way up to Micanopy, blow across the home of the Seminole, the alligator and the gar.


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