Press Release: THE GENOSKWA FEST 2014

Here's the press release for the Genoskwa Fest in Ohio. Guest speakers includes Dr. Jeff Meldrum, William Barnes of the Falcon Project and many others. Read below:

Welcome to the first annual Genoskwa Festival brought to you by (The Genoskwa Project) (Leetonia Commission) and the (Leetonia Coke Oven Commission) Festival will be held at Wick Park and also at the Coke Oven park.

Festivities will include but will not be limited too (5K Bigfoot Race) (Bigfoot Calling Contest) (Bigfoot Hunting Workshop) (Camp Fire Stories) (Live Music) and much much more!

This will be a three day event starting Friday June 20th from 5pm to 9pm then it will be from Saturday June 21st 9am to 9pm and end on Sunday June 22nd from 9am to 12pm.

There will also be Informational booths from other Bigfoot Research groups from all over to display their evidence findings on this elusive creature and discuss possible sightings that they have encountered.

Come check out some of the vendors selling all types of bigfoot related crafts, hand drawings, Paintings and much more! Don't forget to grab something to eat from the food vendors that will be there.

Sunday June 22nd purchase tickets to have brunch with the famous Don Jeffrey Meldrum and discuss Bigfoot related topics and get his personal insight on this elusive creature.

Come show your support to this fun family oriented weekend and learn about this elusive creature and talk to some of the Bigfoot Research groups and get their insight on where this creature originated from, it's habitat and help us support protecting this being.

If you are interested in a booth whether it is (informational) (non food vendor) or (food vendor) please contact us for details!

Contact Info:

There will be a parade to KICK OFF the event!!!!


Visit for more info.


  1. Replies
    1. Check it out

    2. beforeitsnews is NOT a credible source.

    3. ^^^^. I ABSOLUTLY agree. I just found this article interesting. No more credible than a lot of stuff I see here. The top center recent articles section is the one I actually look when I go there. Checking out the links also to see if there is any credibility. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


    4. Not banned, keel hauled. I will decide when to ban him! Me and only me! If Joe can learn to keep his poop in a lidded container and get that in writing that will be a start.

  2. This wknd Sasquatch Summit will be way better!!!! C U There :)


    Would you like to have Joe banned from BE?

    A. No
    B. No, I have fun seeing how much stupid he is
    C. Yes
    D. Hell yeah! Ban an geld him!!!!
    E. I keep my poop in a jar

    1. I'm gonna with the D for sure!!!!!!

    2. Normally I'd go with keeping my poop in a jar, but this time I'll make an exception and also go for the D... Actually, I think it's too soft

    3. D. That type of people should not be allowed to reproduce. Oh no problem anyway, he's gay.

    4. I'll go with E to keep the peace and keep you fellas from a landslide victory

    5. E. is intriguing, but D. is the real deal

    6. Not seeing the option to shoot in his face



      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      It's ok though... Crampz and his stupid little minions will post how many times I get 'smoked' and people will beg for me to leave... When the reports backed by physical evidence don't lie...

      You people wouldn't be attacking the way you are now if you weren't absolutely schooled!!

      Classic, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    8. A. Joe, you are a very intelligent man, but the cut and paste thing is futile.

    9. We'll Rush, with all due respect bro... It's not you getting told to go and die... So here's the reason that people are posting hate; the truth...

      Zana who is described as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately...

      Back up evidence? Kwit's skull. Unusual features of Kwits skull -
      *very wide eye sockets (nocturnal vision)
      *elevated brow ridge
      *extra bone in neck
      *bigger all round
      *bigger teeth
      *bigger jaw bone
      *all this could suggest ancient as opposed to modern human origins

      "Maybe she isn't an African of recent origin at all but one from a migration out of Africa, maybe many tens of thousands of years ago, and that she comes from a relic population taking refuge in the Caucases mountains"

      - Dr Bryan Sykes' (of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Homind Project and active member of Bigfootology) thought provoking alternative notion

      "The results aired on the television shows do not compromise Bryan’s paper in peer review. The show is purely entertainment and as I said before, we had no control over it. So the concerns of some people who think that results revealed in the show are leaks from the paper are unfounded. We kept things quiet for so long, why would we suddenly “leak” anything? We are a professional organization and adhere to the proper scientific process."

      - Rhettman A. Mullis of Bigfootology

    10. Respect taken. Keep fighting your fight Joe. I only say that about your posts because I'm probably one of the few that actually read them, and find great interest in them... I have never had anyone on here wish my death but I am sure there is a few out there... And like you, I say bring it on fools!! Peace bro.

    11. We got to keep Joe. I love the way he comes running in all excited and then gets completely smoked.
      If Sykes had a dog that he liked to pee and poop on, it's name would beJoe.

    12. You're a brother Rush, and respect you more than you know pal!

      Much respect Rush.

    13. Yeah don't sweat it Joe you can ask rush or rum I had a couple people following me around for months and a Mormon that wanted to kill me you'll be alright buddy don't let it get to you

    14. Off topic where the hell has Skunky "the funky" monkey been

    15. Let's add option F:

      Ban, tar and feather 9:14 and all the skepscience bootlickers who voted B or D in this comment thread.

      If Joe's copy/pastes are "futile", they are not half so as the regurgitated JREF talking points of endless delusionisms.

      Run along to the showers now and take a shave with Occam's Razor and keep pointing your bottoms in Randi's direction.

    16. Ha ha!

      I'm not sweating about people saying anything on here bro... Not that they can get me over here anyway. I'd have to be soft in the head to worry about these clowns.

      Thanks anyway.

    17. Did Joe really restarted the TICK TOCK thing? Didn't he learn the lession by the first time he did it?

    18. Morning son ! I am just like the Grandfather clock on Captain Kangaroo.If you yell loud enough, I will awake and then bake < B-)-'

      "hey joe, where ya goin with that gun in your hand"?

    19. I want D with all my heart

    20. You'll get Sykes instead and not like it.

      Hey Skunkey, not spoken to you in a while, hope all is well.


    21. C. Yes.

      My reasoning is simple. Joe is a troll. He does not believe his BS. He makes having a conversation impossible. In fact it is him alone thats brings me here less and less.

      If he is a true believer he is either a child or a very uneducated adult. His leaps in logic and total misunderstanding of biology,history,genetics,and many other sciences,clearly show this to be true.

    22. Hey funky man where ya been I haven't seen ya in a week brother

    23. Burger flipper, King Klown... You're all the same type of idiot. It is not me that makes the claim, it is Dr Bryan Sykes and you are simply tooooooo pissed that your parade came crashing to an abrupt little mess of an outcome. AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

      To state that I do not know anything about biology, genetics, and any of the sciences off the back of what Sykes States is a possible reason for the proportions of Kwit, is to merely state that he doesn't know those things, because I am merely reiterating what he says.

      How does it feel Muir? I want you to tell me how it felt when you watched that show last night when Sykes offered you a theory of relic humans?

      Or were you flipping burgers again? Lie your way out if that.

    24. Hey joe I didn't say you should be worried about anything I said don't swear it or let it get to you bud not saying anything about taking it as reality lighten up I'm not trying to hide a jab in the middle of being polite man relax

    25. The simple fact is that Joe I does NOT know anything about biology, genetics, or any of the sciences .

    26. You know damn well if I'm gonna take a jab I'll sharpen the stick before I do relax not everyone is out to get you man

    27. I meant nothing by it Harry, I merely wanted these clowns to know I'm not scared of anything they can say on this thread, I went out of my way to make it clear I appreciated your comment. I'm totally relaxed thanks.


      The simple fact is that if Sykes states it possible for there to be a relic population of the same species, then that's your problem, not mine. POW!!

    28. B.

      I enjoy Dan and the rest of the sane peeps laying an intellectual smack down on PJ on a continual basis.

      Aren't you lucky you welched Joe?

    29. Hey Harry, actually... There was no way you could have taken anything offensive from my comment, what's your problem exactly?

    30. Sorry I read another comment Joe I'm in between four different windows I meant to delete it I meant to explain that I wasn't sayin you should be freakin out I was genuinely being nice not having a hidden intent not saying I had a problem with you

    31. So I didn't have a problem I still don't understand how people can read personable expression into typing but as I said I had no hidden intent that's why I tried to explain I don't make smile to your face jabs do you understand what I'm trying to say if not please disregard

    32. Maybe I need dragon things sound way better in my head maybe if I said it out loud I'd hear how the things I say sound

    33. We're cool, it seems we're forever taking the wrong end of the stick, so to speak.

    34. I'm back. I had to go into hiding after last weeks defeat by the Bucs. I wish we had a basement so I could get out of the attic...I've been here so long that my head's got a 4/12 pitch..

    35. I wish you drug dealers would just leave.

    36. Lol I'm hypercritical sorry about that that's why I usually try to steer clear so it doesn't turn to a head butting contest

    37. ^^ "You said head butting" sez Beavis...hehehehe.

    38. Joe you always draw them in,they ask for you when you're not here

    39. Lol skunky that should make everyone hide that's just embarrassing


    41. You one funny bear." I say we let him go"..

    42. Joe tries to pass himself off as a Welshman, but we all know better.

    43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    44. E...I'm not the president, but I want to be like him....

  4. Do what da V.P. Joe Biden – or as he known in these pasts as “shotgun Joe” getz U a shotgun – buy a shotgun, takes a shotgun with U for protection. Wise words indeed from shotgun Joe!

  5. Joe got destroyed in the last thread. Obliterated as it were.

    1. yap go in the last thread to see Joe destroyed by nontheless than a FOOTER

    2. In the distant future archeologists will find joes fosssilized remains, his pelvic girdle still aimed skyward towards the constellation of orion.

    3. Rape isn't romantic. I just push it in with no spit and go to pound town. I'm sure PJ finds it romantic by now though. It's a syndrome.

      Daniel Campbell @ 8:52 am.

    4. The threads don't lie and laughably... You daft little numpty's are schooled by Sykes!!

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!



      Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

      It's ok though... Crampz and his stupid little minions will post how many times I get 'smoked' and people will beg for me to leave... When the reports backed by physical evidence don't lie...

      You people wouldn't be attacking the way you are now if you weren't absolutely schooled!!

      Classic, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    6. I'm Joes brain on acid.


      bang boom pow............♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿

    7. I hated the end part of it where your cheeks hurt like hell from laughing and smiling so much man those were the days in the before time till I became an old man

    8. ^hahahahahaha

      PJ if you had anything then you wouldn't have to come here day in and day out to pollute this blogosphere with your copy paste trash.

      It's that simple. Take your racist 150 year old stories, your settlers diaries, the eyewitness accounts and wrap them up real nice, put a bow on it and shove them directly into your gaping taterhole.

      Isn't it an indicator when you are the only person in a fringe subject celebrating something?

    9. Gaping taterhole? Isn't that an indicator for you to get to"POUND TOWN"?

    10. Crampz...

      If what I posted on here didn't upset your little world then you wouldn't be here attacking it with denial and lies... Everyday you do that and you want to make claims on why other people are here?! Why are you here? What is it that you ever say that people want to hear... When I have trolls I don't hide away, you run scared as soon as you get a little heat because you're a little coward that never confronts any sources presented to you, exempt deny their there; like Kwit's skull and Zana's reports.

      Nobody here has maintained more than me that Bigfoot is human... Nobody more than you has had your little world crashed apart by what Sykes suggests is a reason for Zana to have proportions like that.

      This is the laughable thing... If Zana didn't have anything out of the ordinary, was merely down to racist reports, then why would Sykes make a point of making the differences apparent and then apply an alternative theory for those differences?


      You got exactly what came to you boy... You piped up and thought yourself all so clever until last night when you had Sykes say the words 'relic population'.

      Unlucky boy, I'll be here tomorrow, the day after and the day after... And I'll always be on your case cause you're a hateful little coward that instead of accept there's things that are out of your control, you'll attack people who celebrate those things from the safety of your basement. People like you are the most tragic type imaginable.

    11. I thought a gaping taterhole is a sign you just got done taking care of pound town I guess I need to wise up and watch more porn to get a mental GRIP on the situation

    12. Wellwoopdeefuckindoo.Who gives a shit.

    13. Sometimes a gaping taterhole is better than a dick in the hand.

    14. Think of that Crampz... When you actually stop and think about what my theories have always maintained as, it turns out that I won and you lost, and Sykes is still affiliating with Footers and Sykes still has 38 samples to play with.

      Get scared boy... I'm gonna get to you a whole lot more by the end.

    15. ♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿♿

    16. Wow we are scared!!!!
      Scared of YGNALI


    17. 🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼🚼

    18. 🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯🔯

    19. Now that I have exhausted the very limits of any frequented clowns ammunition on here, I'll leave you with this;

      "What is not known by most who watched or read about Dr.Sykes bigfoot DNA Project is that many of the hair samples sent to Dr. Sykes were already tested by animal hair experts and tested out as “unknowns”. these hair samples were collected years ago and had under gone expert scrutiny and were deemed “unknowns” meaning they couldn’t place them with any other animal on this earth at that time. These hairs in a few cases were part of a bunch of hairs collected from the same place so they had many more left after initial testing.

      What I’m trying to say is that many of these hair samples were already known to not be bear, wolf, raccoon or any animal known on earth. Let repeat, most DNA labs before testing hair samples for DNA will have a hair and fiber expert look at the hair to see if it matches known species before spending the money which is considerable to do DNA testing. Many of the submitters had done this and knew that their hair samples they sent to Sykes were not known animal species. So you can imagine their considerable consternation to hear Sykes results that the hair tested out as bear, wolf etc…Wouldn’t Dr. Sykes use the same hair and fiber experts to pre-screen these samples before submitting them for costly DNA testing ? These questions need an answer and soon because I know for a fact there are a few puzzled sample submitters that know they did not submit samples that were known animals."

      - Rhettman A. Mullis.

    20. You are mentally unstable.

      'All along' you've been saying bigfoot is an unknown hominid not a 100% modern homo sapien sapien.

      100% modern humans are not nocturnal. They are not 8ft 1000lb midtarsal break having, saggital crest having, no fire using, little tool using 100% modern humans.


    21. Wrong!!

      Bigfoot is human... I've said that all along Daniel boy!

      Absorb it, deal with it... Take it up with Sykes!! Ha ha ha!!

      Differences to Kwit's skull that were so insignificant, that Sykes felt it necessary to explain them with an alternative theory to explain them? Listen to yourself... Even IF, just IF Zana wasn't a Bigfoot like Patty, but something else... Sykes still claims it possible for there to be relic populations of humans at least 100 years ago with living blood lines today... That is significant because it shows in his mind the hominid project he is pursuing is still very much alive, and Patty could be merely another branch of Human that circulates just like Zana did, with DNA yet to be sequenced.

      Whatever the school of thought out of two I have presented you... YOU are schooled Danny boy!

    22. Joe aka dumbass if bigfoot were human then they would look exactly like us and they don't. They are something else and it dosent take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Btw shove your theory up your tater hole!

    23. Joe, Rhetman is not a guy you should put much faith in...He claims to know a descendent of a bigfoot-human hybrid..Coo-coo...

    24. I would be very careful with what you consider to be 'coo-coo'... This is the avenue Sykes is likely to pursue. Wouldn't you look like a fool if they were to find Bigfoot DNA in a human?

      Bigfoot is human.

    25. Agreed. And shocked by the people who disagree. It's almost as if they are Biblical in their fanaticism. Keep it up Joe. You and your "'circle'" must be doing something right to upset Daniel and Muir, The Beavis and Butthead of Skeptards.

    26. I doubt they even exist, but if there is an unknown bipedal primate in North America it will be in accordance with Krantz's theories, proposed long ago...The only theory ever taken seriously enough by other scientists to give them cause to even engage in the debate, btw....
      Anyway, until somebody actually finds one(if they exist, that should happen, no?) all we have is opinions which are like sentient disembodied taterholes, which everyone has except for the sentient and disembodied part...

  6. Joe Biden got it right - shotgun in the woods for your protection sound advice. thoses that go in da deep woods without a weapon are like a walking buffet. And take a bud with you safety in numbers.

  7. Jesus Christ, a f*cking parade. This is getting depressing.

  8. Replies
    1. I watch it as well that's crazy those pictures of what is it called the firth spaceman that's very interesting

  9. Good afternoon! People let's kick this shit into gear. Woooo woooooo
    Money is tight times are hard no ones getting a fukin Christmas card

    1. Rape isn't romantic. I just push it in with no spit and go to pound town. I'm sure PJ finds it romantic by now though. It's a syndrome.

      Daniel Campbell @ 8:52 am.

    2. Lol don't over do it buddy once a day we want it to stay funny and not get annoying I still promote you bud but we have to keep it funny and edgy maybe add a new word once in a while we can ride this joke out for at least a month

    3. Right now I'm base deep and there's hardly a wiggle from the bottom.

      Daniel campbell@9;48

    4. Lol at least you have it your all did he give you the courtesy of a reach around

    5. Sounds like Ralphs enjoying himself lol xx

    6. Lol good afternoon Eva sorry I didn't thank you for your comment yesterday I was trying to respond to all the other theories

    7. I"m gonna SMASH !! my face in ,with my 28oz framing HAMMER !! U DIGG ??

    8. Try actually doin some work before you collect Aflac stephany

    9. Damn you H,B no one supposed to know its me !!! SHIT !!

    10. It's all right as long as you pretend to be anon as much as you pretend to pass a piss test you'll be just fine

  10. I heard that,,,,Passin piss test are baby food !! !! oops , hopefully you dont work for osha,,

    1. Lol it's safe as long as you wear your hard hat while doing it

  11. Does anyone here actually believe that Joe exists? I think that "Joe" is an 11 year old kid who lives in Kalamazoo Michigan.

    1. He could be a gay porn star as well.

    2. He is Leon W after his operation and 6 months in an all girl prep school in Wales...

  12. Thar beez bigfeets abouts deep-deep in da woods – U got to beez on your guard as some locals have found out – one was out in da bush and heard some talk sounded like Indian dialectal as he was part Indian himself. Went and talk to his father who said it was an older dialectal that hasn’t been used in an age. His grandfather understood the meaning and asked where he heard it! They said it must be the stickman and they were watching your movements deep in da woods.

  13. thar be a 12 gage shotgun used – dang critters, followed up shots – slugs rounds and take that thar bigfoot down. Thar beez bigfeets abouts for sure, so beez awares they travel in groups. U getz one of them thar critters others be on U. take plenty of ammo and a few buds for backup!

  14. We here takes AKs to goez huntin for them thar critters and others like bigfoot and mega hogs lots of ammo and mags : )

  15. AK with bipod and drum mag for max fire on bigfoot. Should take care of the big guy!


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