Possible Wood Ape Thermal Footage From The Olympic Project

"Forest Giant In Profile" by Thomas Finley

Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by zoological researcher Jay Cooney of the Bizarre Zoology blog. For info on weird and amazing facts/theories of zoology, paleontology, and cryptozoology visit Bizarre Zoology blog or follow him on Twitter.

Members of the Olympic Project, a Washington state association dedicated to documenting the existence of sasquatch through science and education, have recently released alleged thermal footage of a large sasquatch. This footage was taken on October 30, 2013 in Grays Harbor Washington by property owners Sara, Jon, and Ben Brown with a FLIR BTS series thermal imaging camera which was provided to them by Olympic Project investigators (who had been working with the owners daily after sasquatch activity was frequently reported).

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  1. Replies
    1. #residentbutthurtfooter approved^

    2. Quit calling the Forest People, "Woodapes"!!! You racist Bastard >:(

  2. Arrrrrrr thar beez bigfeets abouts

  3. Yep, that's oontook, the 3rd largest male in the region. He likes berries, grubs, whistling, whooping and flirting

    1. Hahaha

      In his spare time he enjoys not making fire and lacquering twig figures. His past times include braiding horse manes, watching the Cosby Show through local house windows, and tree peaking.

    2. Oontook's biggest turn-ons are thick hipped pubescent females that are sloppy wipers. His biggest turn-offs are any female that gets a Brazilian waxing.

    3. Easy turbo! I will sort you out in good time....

  4. 'Wood ape' in the header and you just know it's Jay... Stop kissing up to mainstreamer Meldrum who's part of the cover-up, best advice or make same mistakes of generations.

    1. How do you know I'm not part of the great cover-up scheme myself? Just kidding, of course, but I am not "kissing up" to anyone by using this term. I simply feel that it is a better and more scientific term for a population of primates, rather than the terms "bigfoot" or "Sasqautch" which bring a single monster to the minds of most people. Furthermore, Meldrum has never used the "wood ape" term, so it's not me kissing up to him. As I've stated before, whether sasquatches are Gigantopithecus or relict Neanderthals, they're apes!

    2. Jay- how do you feel about Dr. M. trotting out Munn's long abandoned estimation of Patty's height? I'm sure that those who paid to hear him were not amused.

    3. Neanderthals were not and will never be apes you moron.

    4. I really dislike the term 'Wood Ape'.

      I'm no longer Bipto's buddy because I take exception to it and question his 'crushed nuts' evidence.

      Such is life.


    5. ..That's weak shit: ..Neanderthals are apes"..Yeah, yeah technically all candidates are part of the taxonomic group commonly called 'apes' but 'wood ape' has the connotation that it is non-human nor even in the homo genus..You know this, but for some reason choose to use weasel words...

      If anything like these things exist, I don't think they will be human or even in the homo genus....and I think you agree..Others like Anon11:35 strongly disagree for reasons they can state for themselves, but ,whatever, own your opinion....

    6. No, when you are speaking in terms of anthropological taxonomy, apes were apes and humans were human.

      If Sasquatch ever become a confirmed species of Human archaic or "New", I guarantee "Human" will be dropped from the "Great Ape" group.

      We are only thrown in there because we don't compare to anything else but apes..


      (Sorry for using Anom, but I think my google account was compromised... It freezes my screen when I try to log into it.... Damned Porn >:( )

    7. P.S.
      You want proof they are not apes, just look at the footprints.. Those are not only distinctly Homo, but they match fossilized prints.


    8. Tzieth, I think you need to have a looksee at this-- http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22728014

      About one in thirteen humans have flexible ape-like feet. ie. A midtarsal break.

      "The results show differences in foot bone structure similar to those seen in fossils of a member of the human lineage from two million years ago."

      So I know people here just love Sharon Hill, so I figured I'd link her article on this subject as well-- http://doubtfulnews.com/2013/06/bigfoot-trouble-mid-tarsal-break-not-indicative-of-bigfoot-anymore/

    9. ...Tzieth, here is what I am talking about..Maybe I did not express it well...Thanks for the responses...


    10. "Daniel CampbellFriday, November 29, 2013 at 8:51:00 PM PST

      Tzieth, I think you need to have a looksee at this-- http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-22728014

      About one in thirteen humans have flexible ape-like feet. ie. A midtarsal break.

      "The results show differences in foot bone structure similar to those seen in fossils of a member of the human lineage from two million years ago."

      So I know people here just love Sharon Hill, so I figured I'd link her article on this subject as well-- http://doubtfulnews.com/2013/06/bigfoot-trouble-mid-tarsal-break-not-indicative-of-bigfoot-anymore/"

      lol I already knew that, but I never knew it was one in thirteen... I am one of those freaks lol. I was born without an arch in my feet. Though I can't grab things with the soles of my feet, I can morph my feet to resemble having an arch.. (That is how I made it through MEPS when I Enlisted lol.

      But it solidifies to me that they are a homo genus.

      Though I must admit that the more I learn about the genetic defects out there the more I am leaning towards them not being an archaic species, but a new species evolved directly from Homo-sapiens-sapiens. (This would actually give ketchum's theory credence. Except they would not have been hybrid 15K years ago, they would have evolved into what they are 15K years ago (Thought I do not know how or even if it is possible to put a timeline on when hybridization or micro-evolution took place.)

      But we see Micro-Evolution happening fast all the time. Razorbacks did not exist four hundred years ago, and North America had no Pig population of it's own for them to hybridize with. Razorbacks are dirrect descendants of domestic European pigs. Dogs did not exist before homo-sapiens existed. WE created the breeds, but we did not turn wolves into dogs.. they evolved from wolf to dog on their own, adapting to civilization around them. (opposite of the Razorback) Dingo's were domestic Dogs that went ferral and then evolved into a species unto them selves that adapted to living in Australia which never had a canine species prior.

      When I was a kids, there were only two spiders harmful to humans in North America. Now there are seven. A lot were invasive species such as the Hobo-Spider up here in the Pacific North West. (Those things came here from England) But two of those spiders did not exist 15 years ago. (Red Widow and Brown Widow)

      When you think about it.. If you were to simply activate certain genes that occasionally pop up as "genetic defects" you could engineer a sasquatch from a normal human. (Maybe some of that has been going on as well lol)


  5. Living proof that both time and space are relative to your movement within cow pastures.

  6. There's no undiscovered dumb apes, they are humans as proved by the Ketchum team by blind studies, 3 genomes, and 111 samples.

    1. Humans are apes and apes are not dumb.

    2. Homo sapians are A NAKED BIPEDAL"" APE"" p.s I belive in a god... BIG DORIS !

    3. Humans are apes? Then are monkeys apes as well?... (You see where this is going? lol)

    4. ^ try google : Monkeys vs Apes , what is the difference? ..B,D.

    5. However 7:21" ,homo sapian is a ape in ALL respects except 1 thing,! ,,, difference in the layout of the chromosomes ,,4 base pairs fused into 2, for a total of 46".."Most apes have a total of 48"" BIG DORIS.

    6. ^ 2 words" Ancient fuckin Aliens,,

    7. Thus.. Humans ARE NOT apes no more than apes are monkeys. The differences go way past the number of chromosomes. The genes are completely different. (How many genetic defects have you heard of where humans are born with hand-like feet?.. NONE! I checked. We simply do not have that in our genebank.)

      Oh but chimps share 97% of our DNA... SO WHAT! lol. DNA is not some sort of magical taxonomy bullet. it's just chemicals. Arachnids share 60% last I checked.. did we evolve from Spiders as well? Pigs are even closer. It's not the DNA it's self that makes us what we are. We all have the same chemicals that make up what we are ("We" as in higher lifeforms.) The more complex we are, the more of these chemicals and combinations we have. But in the end, it is the genes themselves that make us what we are and how we are.

      Don't get me wrong, I am not a creationist.. However until Macro-Evolution is actually Lab proven. (One Genus becomes another.) I am not falling for this Darwinism crap being spun as a "Fact".


    8. True. It's mainstream science pulling the wool over our eyes...

  7. I just cannot believe, that a Respectable, fairy well known Big Foot researcher, would present this thermal image of a possible Bi foot!

    I;d be embarrassed to present something like that. It really lowered my opinion of Derek Randalls a lot. I've got many "Blobsquatch" photos taken over the course of ten years. Even the worst one would be 100 times better than this!

    I don't mean to criticize a fellow researcher, were all not experts at all on this, but, come on, anyone could come up with a better image than this!

    I would like to see a video of the grounds, the Terrain, this picture was taken. Show us the hole, the depression or cliff this Big foot was at. If it was a pasture setting, with Cows present at the time it was taken, then it's not a Big foot! Derek should know better.

    Show us more,Please!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. I guess education standards during the Great Depression were much lower than the standards of today.

    2. John Jones is right. Everyone knew Randles was an opportunist and this exposes him.

      He grabbed the Michelin Man photo out of a habituator's hands and took it to his casino booking, saying he strongly believed it was a Sasquatch! All the Footers oohed and aahed, and Derek got to be the big "dog" once again: memories of giving canine hair to Sykes soon vanished.

      Ah, but...then the rest of us saw it, and laughed at his reckless glory hound antics, and his lapdog pups (some very big names among them) circled the wagons a la Team Tracker: "We still love you Derek!" "Derek for president!" "It's OK if it's just two possums!"

      Even his buddy Rick Dyer ridiculed him for it! What a come down!

      Poor Derek, watch how the cautious, thoughtful researchers reviewed your big blob, and learn! In the Footer game of Chutes and Ladders, you just went down the long chute!

    3. John. The info. you are asking about was put out a couple of days ago. Go to www.team-big.com. They have a write up and some still shots of the area. It answered a lot of my questions.


    4. The still shots and comparisons are also rushed and bogus. The trees don't match up, the edge of the cliff is shown further back than the base of the "creature," and the measurements have required a walkback as well.

      Their "analysis" was rushed to save Derek's skin and only made things worse. That's why suddenly he asked the world for help, which his sheep are saying shows his magnanimous character but in fact is the only card he had left after announcing he was "strongly" convinced it was a Squatch torso.

    5. As it stands no can say with any certainty until further analysis is undertaken. The 'Team-Big' photos do answer lots of the queries but when you have skeptics out to rubbish everything and anything that relates to BF then the waters are muddied.

      Perhaps Derek should have held his water and followed the stringent approach taken by Cutino but the footage is now out and it's certainly not a couple of stunned possums...


    6. I am open to the possibility of sasquatch , but that is not one, the stabilized enhanced version clearly shows the left shoulder is the head of some animal pecking st the ground. The guy says he doesn't want to get into pissing match arguing about the footage, but if he doesn't acknowledge this and leaves it out there as a " you decide" type of thing, then he has no credibility and should be considered a known hoaxer.

    7. To me, the left shoulder vibrates.

      The foraging/pecking thing I don't get.

      The witch hunt against Randles is petty but I would expect little else from messed up JREF'ers and jealous footers.


    8. I say, a Big foot researcher, puts out a Video or a still picture and claims it as a possible big foot. He should also show along with Video or picture, the grounds or Terran (in daylight) it was on without the Big foot. All of us can compare this before and after scenario to come to a better conclusion, that it was in fact a possible Big foot or. . . some other animal/stump whatever.

      Also a respectable researcher shouldn't put out an obvious 'Blobsqucath". we've seen to many of those already. If the Video/picture does not have defining elements (An arm, leg etc) or extensive proportions, then it should not be put out at all.

      John W. Jones Spoke

    9. John most of us have seen the pics of the scene in daylight. The analysis isn't great but it was released quickly after the footage was available.

      If a researcher believes that his pic is a BF then he will release it. Little evidence of quality control in this field.


    10. For your information Dan, I wasn't born yet during the great depression. I never went to what you would call a formal school. I was taught at an early age from both the White Man, and Native American teaching.
      My classroom was the woods, My professor was an Owl.
      My knowledge about the English language might be low
      and my knowledge about computers even lower.
      However, If you ever crashed in a Plane in the Wilderness, and had to survive, then you would need a guy like me.
      If/When the Chinese attack and invade our country, then you will need a guy like me.
      if i need intelligent Wit and comical relief, then I will need a guy like you.

      John W. Jones Spoke

  8. The article by Jay is pretty good. I'd say he writes better than 90% of the Bigfooters, although that may not mean a lot to some people.

    1. And better than 100% of the skeptards.

    2. Thank you. I'm not in this to compete with other writers, but I really appreciate your kind words.

  9. why don't footers put forward some unambiguous evidence for a change?

    1. Because we don't exist to pander to your. In fact, we don't even think about you.

    2. because there is none and its all a money making hoax.

    3. so why respond 1:40? clearly you do care.

  10. A blank photo is a possible bigfoot to the stupid fuckhead believers.

    1. ^ Within his circle of slightly retarded peers 1:30 is considered quite the academic.


    2. ^he makes more sense than you or any other footer for that matter

    3. ^ one of his retarded peers.


  11. AKs are bad to the bone. I shot a 100 lb hog at 100 yards in the snout. He never knew what hit him. !

  12. I do not believe the thermal footage shows a sasquatch per se. However, with regard to the reconstruction: it is trivial when you use the same camera as was used for thr original footage. Doing a reconstruction of thermal using a normal camera is not trivial. You will need the exact sensor size, focal length and distance from sensor to optics. Since thermal and visible are different measurement principles solving the camera registration is non trivial. It is possible but it takes a bit of math that is not available to the average bigfooter.


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