Other Bigfoot Related News [11/26/2013]

Can't get enough Bigfoot news updates? Here are some other awesome Bigfoot news and stories from several sources.

Bigfoot spotters spotted at Sasquatch Summit in Western Washington
  • OCEAN SHORES, Wash. - Grays Harbor's first bigfoot summit got off to a big start over the weekend, with an all-star lineup at the Quinault Beach Resort and Casino. It started Friday with speakers like Bob Gimlin recounting his side of the Patterson-Gimlin film of 1967, Derek Randals of the Olympic Project, and a surprise visit by Cliff Barrackman of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot." 

  • This sighting occurred while doing a Paranormal Investigation at Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky. Upon arrival, we talked to the curator of the property and he advised us that an investigator from the previous night had a possible Bigfoot sighting. He also produced a cell phone picture taken the next day of the fields about 3/4 of a mile away where the sighting took place

  • **Warning** -- Mild profanity (only a couple of occurances) Next week we will talk about encounters with sasquatch by settlers/pioneers. Thanks for squwatchin :)

The Best Bigfoot Thermal Video & Images
  • Thermal imaging by all accounts is about the only way to capture video and images of sasquatch in the woods  without spooking them off. 

  • This is all well and good but so far not one habituater has put forth to the public any HD video evidence that these bigfoot exist, I hope that will happen someday I just don’t think the big guys are cooperating as of yet...


  1. Woohooo, go Dow Jones, kicking ass!!

    1. The big question is... when will the bubble burst?

    2. I hope not at all but inevitable especially with the lazy asses tryin to get disability and food stamps for a stubbed toe

    3. Yep, it will happen.. You doing all right harry?

    4. I hate to hear you are stressing out man, stress sucks. I am about to move to my base in in the keys like I told you... lot's of fishing tourneys coming up. "Quest for the Crest... "

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. All sailfish, all kite fishing, all a numbers game, the most sails caught within the time barriers (lines in, lines out) wins. A four month long event, divided into four tourneys, look it up my friend.

    7. Yep harry, just recently dealt with some BS like that, I am friends with the law and we prevailed....

    8. Absolutely I will that's awesome the biggest I caught so far this whole time down here was a 35 lb amberjack but that's on the gulf side

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. I've got to find my yin and yang within and still win in the process

    12. Quite the conundrum... I trust you will handle it properly. You know, sometimes the asshole card is the only card you have and you should play it as long as you stand 100% confident behind it. Either way, happy fucking holidays Bandini, I hope all works out for you.

    13. But I won't have a good feeling inside if he gets fired he's a single dad but on the other hand he's short changed me for weeks and I tried to give him a way out by saying if your needing more money per job tell me and he claimed oh no no knowing damn well he was taking more

    14. Happy fuckin thanksgiving to you friend I'm sure I'll text by Christmas so no need for the holidays part

    15. Lol, I'll try and close this one out... Emotions aside harry, I have tried to be the nice guy in a situation like yours and it didn't pay off, multiple times (shame on me) and I learned.... You fuck me, I fuck you three fold. Just sayin... Please do text me, I hate holidays lol !!!

    16. Lol yeah mine just ain't the same anymore either brother

    17. Thank you Carl I think I know where I'm goin now

  2. Sliding in to first.

  3. How many ways can you peddle your possum?

    1. I thought it was against the law to peddle pus...never mind, you said possum.

    2. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

  4. Please leave a comment at...http://omahanews.com/2013/11/26/bigfoot-in-nebraska-perhaps/

  5. o boy here we ago again. another round of hoaxed videos.

  6. Only 30 comments! Just wait ntil Joe F. And Daniel Campbell get on here, than there will be 170 comments in no time!

  7. Derek, you fool... You try to portray yourself as an "honest researcher" but you are far from it. That is a fucking cow.... laying down... You knew this when you recorded it. You did not pursue the blob, you did not investigate it , simply sat back from a distance and angle you could video from making it seem like something it is not.

    You are a fraud, just like ALL of the other "researchers". May as well start calling yourself psychics.

  8. thinking Art Bell beez da one...........


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