M.K.Davis discusses the giant hand print and its destruction

Last month, Bigfoot researcher M.K. Davis learned that a giant 25" hand print found in a Nevada cave was destroyed by vandals. It's unclear who or what removed it. "A giant hand print found in a cave that was supposed to have giants living in it. Why would anyone remove it?" Davis wrote on YouTube. In this video, Davis explains the significance of the handprint:


  1. Replies
    1. Let's give a giant hand to the mangy bear!

    2. Alright so the amateur souvenir hunters theory has been demolished by MK Davis, because the print wasn't chipped out and taken away.

      It was instead erased by high-pressure water. That probably eliminates the chances of the culprits being amateur vandals. It depends on how accessible the cave is and how feasible it is to get and operate a high-pressure sprayer to the location of the print.

      If that is feasible, then what motive would an amateur have for this destruction? That's alot of trouble to go to in order for amateur vandalism to be the motive. All of this falling on the tails of bigfoot DNA studies, and on MK Davis' previous discussions of the print.

      We can probably assume then the print was very important, or it wouldn't have been destroyed. So much for the skeptards dismissing it as nothing, before it was removed. There is no motive to remove a nothing. It had to be a something.

      If you eliminate amateur souvenir hunters and amateur vandals, whom are you left with?

    3. If part of a state park, or access is through a state park, there might be cameras which videoed the traffic to and from over a known period. How large a time window can this destruction be narrowed down to?

    4. Maybe it was some JREFers "taking action" as they are exhorted to do by Randi. The print as evidence was offensive to them.

  2. Dollars to doughnuts this has something to do with the Kennedy assassination.

  3. Could be just about anything...

    LEAST likely...a "giant hand print". Dumb da dumb dumb.

    C'mon Man.

  4. Lovelock Cave in Nevada was first discovered in 1913, when prospectors found a huge deposit of bat guano in this cave. Since guano is the basis for saltpeter, the main ingredient in gunpowder, the value of the find was obvious. Miners soon found other buried treasure beneath the mounds of guano however - artifacts and even the remains of what appeared to be red-haired giants known as the Si-te-Cah of local Paiute legend. In 1924, an archaeological expedition arrived from Berkeley University, and the rest is history.

    Miners discovered bat guano, which becomes saltpeter, the valuable chief ingredient for gunpowder. In 1911, a company was created to mine the guano. Guano was mined for about 13 years before archaeologists were finally notified about strange skeletal remains and a multitude of fossils and artifacts that were found within in this cave. By then, many artifacts had been accidentally destroyed. However what Loud and Harrington, the archaeologists, recovered was staggering.

    They found and cataloged over 10, 000 artifacts and the mummified remains of two red-haired giants - one, a female, was 6.5 feet tall, the other, a male, was over 8 feet tall. Many of these artifacts were sent to the Nevada Historical Society in Reno, but some also reached the hands of private collectors. To this day, at the small Humboldt Natural History Museum in Winnemucca, Nevada you can still find a few artifacts and the skull and jawbone of what appears to be true giants.

    This wasn't the final chapter in the story of Nevada's red-haired giants. As reported in the Nevada Review-Miner newspaper, on June 19, 1931, two very large skeletons were found in the Humboldt dry lake bed, near Lovelock. One skeleton was said to be 8.5 feet tall and was described as being wrapped in gum-covered fabric, not unlike Egyptian mummies. The other skeleton was reportedly 10 feet tall.

    1. When you'll learn that nobody cares about losing his time reading 30 pages of shit from 200 years ago?

    2. Joe there are tons of account of dragons in Medieval Europe, that doesn't make dragons real.


    3. Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.
      A field, practice, or body of knowledge can reasonably be called pseudoscientific when it is presented as consistent with the norms of scientific research, but it demonstrably fails to meet these norms. Science is also distinguishable from revelation, theology, or spirituality in that it offers insight into the physical world obtained by empirical research and testing. Commonly held beliefs in popular science may not meet the criteria of science. "Pop science" may blur the divide between science and pseudoscience among the general public, and may also involve science fiction. Pseudoscientific beliefs are widespread, even among public school science teachers and newspaper reporters.
      The demarcation problem between science and pseudoscience has ethical political implications, as well as philosophical and scientific issues. Differentiating science from pseudoscience has practical implications in the case of health care, expert testimony, environmental policies, and science education. Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs such as those found in astrology, medical quackery, and occult beliefs combined with scientific concepts, is part of science education and scientific literacy.
      The term pseudoscience is often considered inherently pejorative, because it suggests something is being inaccurately or even deceptively portrayed as science. Accordingly, those labeled as practicing or advocating pseudoscience usually dispute the characterization.

    4. The term pseudoscience is often considered inherently pejorative, because it suggests something is being inaccurately or even deceptively portrayed as science. Accordingly, those labeled as practicing or advocating pseudoscience usually dispute the characterization.

    5. Was said to be 8.5 feet tall+Reportedly 10 feet tall= NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE

    6. The absolute beauty of this thread is the comparison to dragons in medieval times... Absolutely creased me I gotta say...

      Poor bugger.

    7. Even an 8 foot tall "giant" (or...okay...a 10 foot tall giant) would NOT have a hand that would be 25 inches long ? That would seem disproportionate to me.

      It does look like a handprint...but still. Did the giant dip his hand in ink and smush it into a rock ? Sketchy story.....

    8. Nothing...

      "Many of these artifacts were sent to the Nevada Historical Society in Reno (where some still remain), but some also reached the hands of private collectors.(cover-up)"

      ... 'Scientific evidence' that...

    9. Eric Johns, offered an example from 1911, where researchers named Pugh and Hart had found the remains of large, red haired humans at Sunset Cave close to Lovelock, Nevada. The remains found there were said to be between 6.5 and just over seven feet tall, and some of the remains were shipped to the Smithsonian Institute by L.L. Loud, an archaeologist with the University of California, one year later.”These notes are still on digital file at the Hearst Museum of Anthropology,” Johns shared, “listed under reference number 544, An Anthropological Expedition of 1913.” But interestingly, Pugh and Hart, while releasing the majority of the remains to the Smithsonian, also managed to keep a number of the strange artifacts and bones they found, including several skulls, which Johns says remain today at the Humboldt Museum in Winnemucca, Nevada. The boxes obtained by the Smithsonian, however, cannot be accounted for so easily:

      "[The University of California] seems to have misplaced the skeletons, yet the other material is still there and on display in their exhibits. The same can be said of the Smithsonian, who still use some of Loud’s artifacts for their Southwest exhibit at the National Museum of the American Indian. Again, no giant skeletons to be found in their exhibits or catalog."

    10. Oh I get it.
      Report of giant 10 foot tall skeletons+No actual 10 foot tall skeletons studied and verified= COVER UP.

      Thanks for clearing that up for me.

    11. When you have documentation and paper trails to University's & Institutions, then yes... You were very welcome Mr Nothing.

    12. When can we expect the BBC special exposing this ground breaking revelation?

    13. I'm sure Morgan Mathews would be more than happy to direct it for you.

    14. Joe, Excellent post, great work! Just keep it up, your about the only real intelligent man on here. Most others do not appreciate your work, but I certainly do!
      Your detailed research, is why I asked like you to help me with my book. I look forward towards working with you!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    15. John!

      Thank you my friend, I'm completely at your disposal, and would love to contribute if at all possible, remember that!! Hope all is well and HAPPY THANKS GIVING!!!!!

      Much respect!

    16. Hey Joe I like your ideas, can we have a conversation to further explore these things?

    17. Er no I changed idea, I just realized you're completely fool. And you're much crazier than I thought because actually you think that there is someone out there that not consider you fool. SILLY!

      - Zana

    18. Great grammar numpty... You're doing your theory group proud at least.


    19. 9:51--That was an excellent post..There is no reason why cryptozoology cannot be a real interdisciplinary academic subject. Right now,however, most of what goes on--especially in bigfooting--would be characterized as pseudo science...

      11:21--A little over the top, no?

    20. Right you are Joe. As soon as settlers started entering the Ohio Valley they began reporting finding giant skeletons. Type 'giants in America' into a search engine and see what you find. This giant hand though, had archeological if not cryptozoological importance.

  5. Why slug more slug

    1- Slug is so much light than snail who have shell to copy slug technology.

    2- The snail use the shell because is stupid.

    3- snail got crush so easy, and you can give the slug to ur dog chew and it ll still eat lettuce

    4- shell is MORE heavy than no shell.

    5- some slug have internal shell because more evolved

    6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play slug.

    7- If you trow the slug on the wall, the wall will go up.

    8- Trow both on water and watch which will come up first.

    9- slug at mate will make a slimecord. The snail will show dribble.

    10- All slug are hermaphrodite. Snail is too but because stupid

    11 - slug is the name of a bullet. Snail means it is slow.

    12 - Slug will eat carrion, slug dont give a crap

    13- slug didn't needed an upgrade. Slug is perfect

  6. Are we sweeping the possum footage under the rug now? People need to be held accountable.

    1. It'll gradually fade away...and a new blurry blob will take it's place any day now.

    2. New FB post from Randles (accompanied by dozens of fawning comments of the "it's OK if it's not a Bigfoot, Derek, we still love you" type:


      Just wanted to get a message out. We do want people to analyze the still shot and video we've released. For those purposes please feel free. Many eyes are a good thing, and maybe something will be noticed that we missed. We do have a few people working on it, but by all means please do so it you want to. We very much appreciate the help. We are a volunteer Org and we're doing the best we can with what we have. We are very excited about this, but even more excited about the potential of this study site, and we're just getting started there. Hopefully this will be the worst footage we release. We've also been doing a ton of audio work there spearheaded by David Ellis, and we are getting an amazing amount of knocks, vocals, screams as well as a myriad of other noises. We have decided to take this approach of quick release for many reasons. It gives everybody a chance to weigh in on evidence produced. There are a lot of qualified people out there, and we appreciate the help. Also, We are tired of researchers sitting on evidence for weeks, months or even years. It's obviously a researchers right to do so, but it's also one of the fastest ways to loose your credibility. So we decided to do this one differently. I stated years ago that when the Olympic Project had something good to put out there, it would be put out quickly, and that's what we're doing. Its should also be noted that we will not engage in a pissing match with anybody. We will stay on the high road and live and let live. Everybody's entitled to their opinion and we respect that. Thanks..and very hopefully...more coming soon.

      Derek Randles.
      Oly Project."

      Translation: um, well...maybe it IS two possums. Don't blame me, I just show stuff, I don't claim anything. The fact that I know my followers will jump to conclusions and praise me has no bearing on my choice to act in an undisciplined way.

    3. "Feel free to analyze" the footage. Really, can we, Derek?! Thank you!!

      "We're doing the best we can with what we have." No comment.

    4. When crap like what Randalls posted, it makes all Big foot researchers look bad. I cannot believe he showed this Thermal 'As a possible" Big foot! He just lowered the standard some more. I guess dark shadows, burnt stumps or leaf clusters aren't good enough any more.
      He should learn a thing or two from Stacy Brown. Now that's an impressive thermal.

      I guess when I write my book, I could include ink spills, or my grandchildren's finger painting, and claim them as "possible big foot pictures".

      I won't be showing any thermals at all. I don't believe any thermal image can prove 100% that it's a big foot!

      John W. Jones Spoke

    5. Two giant possums playing statues perhaps?

      Anything is possible when your agenda is to discredit.

      The jury is well and truly out on this footage as many questions have still to be answered.

      Remember folks this is a 'Bigfoot House' so please be respectful.



  7. Replies
    1. That was an unlawful and fraudulent entry.Remove it at once!

  8. My left hand is nearly 23 inches in length. I keep it hidden most of the time.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. And your cousin Tafel has a 49 inch distended rectum! TEEEHHHEEEHHHEEEE!!!!

    3. Randy, are you Mickey Mouse?

    4. Size doesn't matter,it's no good having a big car and nowhere to park it xx

    5. Ehemm, Ehemm, They dont call me" BIG DORIS" for nothing.... te hee, tee hee, (demure smiles) LUV YA" ,,,XXXXXXXXXXXXX..

  9. I'm sure you have where to park it, Eva ;)


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