Mitch Waite Shows The Faces of The 3 Bigfoots Sitting at Picnic Table

Meet Hooter, Squeeker, and Whistler. These three Bigfoots having a picnic was captured on a game camera last July. Arizona Mitch Waite has several videos of Bigfoots entering his camp, and while most are ambiguous at best, one of his videos made it on Finding Bigfoot. After examining still frames from the July footage, Waite was able to make out some of their faces. "I was not able to capture the family of Bigfoot sitting at the table eating the goodies, but when I was reviewing faces from freeze frames viewers had sent me, I believe I found their faces," Waite wrote on YouTube. Check out the video below:


  1. Replies
    1. Good morning Harry.How'd the day go?

    2. Very good bigdad and yours
      I don't let there be shitty days it takes entirely to much time and energy to go through life like that

    3. True dat.Well the oven caught fire when the wife had her turkey in the oven.The gas regulator stuck wide open. The funny thing is I had just went to Sears and bought one for my Mother so I just pulled out the old one and used hers to finish up.Now I have to go get me a new one.Other than that not a bad day at all.

      Cowboys won so that helped.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Shit I'm sorry man but hey in Chicago 3 people burned their houses to the ground trying to deep fry theirs so it could always be worse

    6. Lol.Yes sir,my daughter had seen the flames through the window of the door.I drank some Mickey Wide Mouth beer, my brother brought some over.Never seen it before.Put me on my ass.Pretty damn good beer.

    7. Mickey's spelled like this or was it just mickey

    8. I think Mickey's. It was in a green barrelled shape bottle with a wide mouth on it. It had a pull top also.Damn good beer.

    9. Gotta go get ready for the day. Have a safe one brother.

    10. Yeah it is it's a malt I used to drink that after I turned 21 then they stopped sellin it in Chicago for a while and I switched to Heineken


      ALL CAPS

    12. ALL CAPS,that's the beer.Some wicked stuff. Reminded me of drinking Schlitz Malt Liquor (The Bull).Irish type of beer Joe.But I'm sure it was made here in the states..

    13. Schlitz gave me the shits more than once.

      Meisterbrau was bottom of the barrel too, Cousin Eddies favorite beer on National Lampoons

    14. Wait a minute! this guy is video tapping himself, while supposedly there are 3 big foots out side! Duh! Why doesn't;t he video tape them? Duh! What crap again!

  2. Replies
    1. No monkeys... Just giant hairy people.


    2. That would be a good come back.... if you actually had some giant hairy people.

    3. Look up 'Smithsonian giant skeletons cover-up' on the Internet... And there you will find your giant hairy people; just not ones that are alive that's all.

      I can help you with this if you like?

    4. Hooter is a female? Sexist pig.

    5. obsession with "giant hairy people" suggests severe childhood trauma

    6. Obsession in denying giant hairy people suggests severe childhood boogey man fears.

    7. Interestingly enough, both have the same anecdotal evidence and a don't exist so...

    8. Yes! There are hairy people out there already! Italians!



    1. I think he found a family of 3 Homeless rednecks. The face pictures look like people ( very ugly people ). Possibly Moonshiners.

    2. ^3 Homeless rednecks are the some of the most credible voices in the bigfooting community

    3. Sasfooty Shows The Feces of The 3 Bigfoots Shitting on Picnic Table

  4. The above video is a parody right?
    This Mitch Waite guy cannot possibly think this is in any way related to a bigfoot family.
    Why do all these videos by "researchers" (lol) immediately jump to the conclusion of bigfoot for every single unexplained noise or mis-identification?

    1. Well when looking for a creature that don't exist all you are left with is nonsense like this.

    2. I guess. I was a firm believer years ago. Now, not so much anymore. Thanks to the internet exposure of these "researchers" it is obvious most of this junk is hoaxing and regular mis-identified wildlife.

    3. True that. Most people come into it thinking maybe there is something in all this. But it doesn't take long to realise its all complete bs. No evidence of this monkey anywhere ever. Its no coincidence that footery is a circus show filled with crazy characters.

    4. Hello everyone, hope you've had a good Thanksgiving.

      I hear this a lot from ex-enthusiasts that have been a part of the old theory group that thought Bigfoot was a type of bipedal gorilla thing and have run out of patience. The thing people don't actually see, is over the last 15 years with the emergence of the Internet, and now that research groups are linked as well as experiences that can be shared world wide, that the understanding of what this creature actually is has been perpetuated and it is no coincidence that as this subject is getting into more and more popular culture, that science is finding it worth while to ask the questions. You have to remember that in all this time, science hasn't managed to debunk this subject, why is that? Instead, the subject is slowly gaining more and more accumulation of evidence... Surely that would not be the case if this was down to mere hoaxing and such.

      Take a look at the UFO phenomena. Pre 90's, before it too became popular culture, there were many who thought it was BS. Now, as more and more understanding has occurred, it is now widely accepted that these things do indeed happen... How can they not with the universe that big? It's the same as Bigfoot... People forget how much space is out there for these creatures to hide and do not realise that they have the same evasion intelligence as a human, yet they then question the people who are brave enough to bring their experiences forward after expecting such information... Accounts that are just the tip of the iceberg due to such ridicule. How can this subject breath, and who's to say that with a more collective effort from science, that this mystery would have been put to bed by now?

      The same level of hoaxing happened with the UFO phenomena... That doesn't make it all BS, but merely highlights how popular the subject has become. You must remember that there is a lot of money to be made from Internet clicks on a YouTube channel... This is what hoaxers are setting out for; the viral income.


    5. That was actually a very respectable response, joe. Still a little long but, respectable. I'm impressed, you're making progress sir.

    6. Look out joe is bringing ancient aliens to the table

  5. Bad day for me. I got the Packers and 28 points.

  6. Joe fitz its taken a little while but ive worked out which jref poster you are. I have to applaud you as you had me fooled for a while but good job, you play the role of a deluded footer quite beautifully.

    1. (Sigh)

      Am I not a source of hatred on that forum?

    2. No, that's this forum. Try and keep them straight.

    3. Joe fitz! Canadian guy! Check out the northern MN track way it's the longest ever found and it's in my backyard were I'm going to put the camera for u in the spring and as u now might not get the pics u want but Garuntee u wil get some amazing pics of animals in general ! I will be emailing u just before spring comes for some info! Have a great day joe and check the video out of MN trackway its amazing how far and clear its a bf and nothing else!

    4. I'll check it out TTL!!

      Hope all is well with you bro?!

  7. I got to get me some Bigfoot boots that the biggest one is wearing and I think I can draw a better bigfoot with my sharpie on my trail cam photos than that picture.

    1. Yeah, love the heels on that big one's boots. WTF?

  8. How long is Shawn gonna let this guy publicly humiliate himself?

    Do we have any birdwatchers that can set this guy straight?

    Here's a good site, if you know the correct spelling for the bird or OWL you're looking for.

  9. Replies
    1. Rick before you get pulled...why are you not supporting Derek? You've been brutal about his thermall

    2. Why are you going public? You have been a big supporter of Randles. His other supporters are circling the wagons. Has your speaking out damaged your relationship?

    3. Will u still invite Randles to see the body? Do you expect him to go now that you have said he can't see what "any fool" can?

    4. And how is TEAM SKINFLUTE coming along?You still have Brutus the Donkey on board right?If not I'm sure Musky the Taterinvader Allen will stand in for Brutus.Hell, Musky will work for peanuts. But Brutus demands hoes and bitches.How's the section 8 home?It's cool living off other people right?

      You da man Rick. Keep them in stitches was always our motto.

    5. Ricky "Little Dickie" Dyer! What a pathetic "Human being" you are! The best big foot tracker in the world! Yeah right! So far, you tracked NOTHING!
      Your just not good enough to produce anything real, at all!
      How many Hoax's are you up to? 4 maybe 5? Tom Biscardi, taught you well!

    6. if the real rick....keep on keepin on man. i love how you play these fools and hope you never stop.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


  10. I am in the same boat as the above posters. I got into it a bit this year,,,'Year of the Squatch' and all...but this Randles thing has about put me over. It's not just that it's crap, it's how it was presented, how everyone fell all over themselves congratulating him, and how they're defending him now. There are no honest, independent thinkers in this it seems. It's all one big circle jerk.

    1. And Joe Fitzgerald is the pivot man. Occasionally MMG.

    2. Weren't there tracks found as well??????

    3. There was a print Joe, but its possible the people who borrowed the FLIR from the OP are hoaxers....If the thermal is crap and the print came from the same site, then these people are hoaxers..I mean what are the odds a bigfoot left a print at the scene of a hoax?

  11. I believe Hooter is a Great Horned Owl, a very common bird across the entire continent. I have found a series of calls that match it almost perfectly. Whistler is probably a fledgeling.
    Whatever is causing the electronic beeping noises is beyond me as this poor old fart has clearly lost his mind.

    1. Dammit NAH,still getting a kick out of your avatar.

  12. Imagine, for a minute, that Joe does get to gone on a real Expedition, and has an encounter! Not a Sound encounter, as Joe would not know the different animal sounds, but a sight encounter, maybe just a glimpse of one running away. Beside peeing or shitting himself, he'd be so fired up, that when he comments here, instead of 7-10 paragraphs, his writings would take up the whole thread!
    Then imagine, Daniel Campbell responds, and tells Joe he just saw a Bear, no Big foot! The argument between these to would prevent anyone else from commenting here for weeks!
    Just imagine. . . . .

    1. Like most footers if joe saw a bear he would claim he saw a bigfoot.

    2. Imagine this,the other day Daniel mentioned he was off for a shower,what he didn't mention was the fact that Ralph was in there,Ralph said to Daniel "wheres" the soap?Daniel replied "yes it does doesn't it" xx

  13. Hooter thought the s'mores were too hard; Squeeker thought they were too soft; but Whistler thought they were just right!

    1. ^bigfoot and his sidekick piglet approve of this message

  14. crazy old fart. has he no family to take care of him.
    this cant end well

    he believes bigfoot are coming to his trailer ,sitting aound having a picnic and always just oput of view.
    thats annoying
    was watching dead bigfoot the other day,same thing there,they just missed the bigfoot that walked right up to their camp.. 3 people with cameras and so hppened they ran out of bateries just then!!! utter shite

  15. Haha, get a load of this:

    All Footers are the same. Says it all. Plus a shout-out to Charlene!

    1. Why is Mike Brookreson in it?

    2. I thought that was great,Mike Brookreson is in it,i have a feeling Mike is going to go down in history when he gets indisputable proof,which i think he will xx

  16. that dude would be a perfect person to host a late night ghost story show.
    Those faces look nothing like bigfoots . They do look more like a family of backwoods mountain people looking for some free grub

    1. and the perfect name for him would be either Dusty trails or tumbleweed Ted.

  17. For the fun of it, I went out with a Big foot club outing from two towns over. They hiked in about 1/4 in to the woods, but stopped as the terrain got to steep for them, and were worried about getting lost.
    Of course they talked all the way in. There was eight of them. Four men and four females. As soon as they stopped the first thing they did was a couple of wood knocks. Them all of them (Except me) took turns making howls and I guess screams, then waited for a response.
    After only 15 minutes or so, the Leader said they weren't here. I pointed out that Deer and Bear season was in full swing, and suggested we go in deeper and higher. They didn't want to, and really became concerned when a rifle shot was heard.
    They started to go back to their cars.
    On the way out, there was a terrible scream, out of a Beaver swamp directly below us. All of them, without missing a beat, said "That's
    a Big foot"!
    Then up on the hill,above us, something ran, now they were all scared shitless, and again started going back to their cars. I suggested that the scream was a Fox or Bobcat, and the other noise was several deer running away from us!
    No1 they said; "That was Big foots"!
    When they got to their cars, there were several deer hunters starting to go in. With a lot of excitement! they blurted out to them, that they ran into a Big foot!
    I'm glad, no one knew who I was!
    This is the way probably 75% Big foot researchers, research!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. Next time please get video for us. That sounds so very funny.

    2. Your right! That would of made great comedy. and added some comic relief to this site! Next time!

      John W. Jones Spoke

  18. Oh, I forgot to mention, several days later, I think it was the Andes Gazette, front page headline read; "Big foot sighted just outside of town"!

    John W. Jones Spoke

    1. So you were involved in a hoax, is that what your saying?

    2. Certainly seems he's at least perpetuating the hoax.

    3. No, I was just showing that when a group of Nimrod, Weekend Big foot researchers go out with little to no knowledge of their local wildlife and their sounds, that these type of researchers jump to the wrong conclusions, and report the wrong conclusions as fact.

      You Dan, of all people, should be relishing in these type of sightings!
      Footers are not right most of the time!

      John W. Jones Spoke


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