Listen to Slounge Podcast: Black Friday Bigfoot, 7pm PST Tonight

Black Friday Bigfoot. Join David and your very own Rev. Jeff here as we discuss what to by your favorite bigfooter for the holidays. It all starts at 7pm PST  Link to channel is below.
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  1. Replies
    1. You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.
      If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
      You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill;
      I will choose a path that's clear-
      I will choose Free Will.

    2. Yeah man! I always choose free will! I hope you do to!

    3. Dream Theater The Looking Glass

    4. I enjoy them as well from time to time.

    5. Why is there so many prog. rock fans in footery?

    6. Lifeson is the man
      That Getty makes me giddy
      Neil beats the skins hard

    7. @Dan C, because we are a complex group. Try this... "The Bigger Picture"

    8. Nice Haiku.... it didn't go unnoticed...

    9. The Bigger Picture is of course by Dream Theater.

    10. Not a complex group, more like a group with a complex.

      Prog. Rock sucks and Rush while respectable musicians also suck.

    11. Why are there no women at Rush concerts?" I'm just sayin."

  2. I choose nothing and like it.

    1. Well you came to the right place then. Because we serve up nothing all day erryday. And we love it.

    2. But I have something, and you WILL like it!!

    3. Do you have the amazing ape?

    4. You just do you, I'ma do me (all day)

  3. Crazy ice storms here recently.

    I'm sure members of the PA Bigfoot society are running through the woods claiming these breaks were clearly done by Squatch.

    1. Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel: cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red, like the fires of Hell.

    2. “They say he's five hundred pounds of bottom-dwelling fury, don't you know. No one knows how old he is, but if you ask me, and most people do, he's a hundred years if he's a day.”

    3. Joe said he is 33 yrs old and he KNOWS that for a fact! Joe has the ability to re-write history too. You idiots need to bow down to the ommiscient joe!!

    4. No I think I was listen to the crazy old gas station man from The Simpsons instead. He is more credible.

    5. Speaking about old gas station attendants, let's harrumph for Charlton Heston in Wayne's World...

      "Gordon Street? Ah yes, Gordon Street. I once knew a girl on Gordon Street...but that...that was a long time ago."

    6. One of my favorite actors. Best film is Omega Man INHO.

  4. bigfoot would be a good shopping partner on black Friday...he could knock everybody else out of the way and you'd have a clear path right to the cabbage patch dolls

  5. The rules of civility are a wonderful framework to use in exploiting conscientious people. What that does is create an infinite set of opportunities for what the science calls the "double bind".

    I had no appreciation for how important the double bind was for manipulative personalities until gradually I began to see it played so incessantly. The double bind is where the manipulator places you in a lose-lose situation.

    In the discussion board iteration of this play, they say something so idiotic that letting them "get away with it" is something you don't want to do. You feel that you lose if their comment goes without a response. But on the other hand, responding to them is also a losing proposition.

    On a discussion board it is a repeated play game theory context. If you respond to them then they simply repeat the play again with another idiotic statement. The game will continue in perpetuity so long as you keep responding to the chain-yanking.

    Lying is not against the rules nor is playing dumb, selective attention, and most of the other manipulative tactics. But all of these work on the emotions of conscientious people, which is the intent of the double bind. Conscientious people recognize all of these tactics as dirty, underhanded and unfair play. But for most people it is at the subconscious level. They feel it inside of them but are confused about it intellectually because they are working from the wrong premise: that they are dealing with a conscientious person like themselves who would not do such things.

    The Holy Grail for the manipulator is to keep pressing the emotional buttons until the target explodes and breaks the forum rules by correctly calling the manipulator an A-hole. Although it is a correct assessment, it is against the rules. If they could get any of us banned it would be a huge victory.

    A disordered personality or character is not crazy. It is not a mental illness. The primary feature is lacking a conscience. They use your conscientiousness against you while having none themselves. They view others as stupid for being conscientious.

    Unbeknownst to you, if the manipulator has chosen you as a specific target he is watching very carefully for how you respond to various plays. These plays are emotional, not intellectual. So they may be working guilt, anger, flattery or whatever and can figure out how to push that specific emotional button in almost any context. They catalogue you, for example, not by your height if you are short, but instead whether you are insecure about it and will respond defensively to being called short. Being short is not relevant to them if it has no manipulative use.

    You are at a huge disadvantage if you think that they are playing with you on the level of biological sciences.

    By the way, the authors do say that one of the best means of dealing with them is to indicate that you know exactly what they are up to. Like "you want me to be angry", or "you want me to feel guilty", or the statements made in this thread to the OP. They will try to play dumb like they don't know what you mean - in which case you call them on playing dumb. It is no fun for them being exposed like that. They will also exit the game when they have said too many contradictory things or have gotten so bizarre that it is pretty clear anyway that they are just chain-yanking.

  6. Hello my little honeysuckles,i'm off to work.
    chows chows xx


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