Listen To GetBent Podcast, JFK assassination With Conspiracy Investigator Leroy Blevins (Explicit Language), Tonight 8PM PST

Join us as we talk about the JFK assassination with Conspiracy Investigator Leroy Blevins and his explosive theories on what may have really happened 50 years ago in Dallas. Who really killed JFK..Where did the fatal shot come from? Find out Sunday night only on BlogTalkRadio's GetBent ThePodcast. Showtime is Sunday November 24th 11 pm EST 8pm PST. Call in with questions and join our chat room!

Call in # 646-478-0618

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  1. Listening to Bill Maher compare Kennedy to Reagan.

  2. This looks like a job for Detective Deep Sea Self Aware Disembodied Taterhole Fish.

    1. Gonna have to find someone else.He's on vacation in Hawaii.

    2. WTF does this have to do with Bigfoot????? This blog sucks!!! Alien and Paranormal shit?

    3. Sorry dude, but that may very well be what the Bigfoots are...

  3. Spoiler alert! 50 years later lee Harvey Oswald. Sorry

    1. Imagine that, someone jerking off to the Warren Commission report and it's all text...

    2. nothing wrong with that. dont hide away your textual feelins.

  4. I was there that day. I was born and raised in Dallas. I was four years old, and we were taking my uncle across town. This was when there was space between Dallas and the burbs. So it was a quick trip through Dallas. So we were coming back on Central Expressway and I asked my mom why was there all these people on the streets? She said the President is coming. When we got home he had been shot. I was terrified that I was next (I was 4 remember) and I hid under the couch for the rest of the day. Not much memories of that time period. But that one sticks out like a new Caddy in my driveway.

  5. There were reports of big foot on the grassy knoll.

  6. Bigfoot?????? What does JFK have to do with Bigfoot?

    1. Who knows, what does explicit language have to do with Blevins I thought he's a religious nut... Anyway, if Bigfoot's ET then it's slightly connected to JFK because the CIA very likely took him out because of his (possible) intensions on the UFO reality...


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