Here's what a 90-year-old man thinks about the $10 Million Bigfoot Bounty show

The host of After Hours with Rictor spends a moment with his dad discussing his involvement on the upcoming Spike TV television show: The Ten Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. You can follow Rictor's dad on Twitter, @Rictors_Dad ... maybe he can give you some good advice!


  1. Replies
    1. Shitzen! I have to post my dribble here because Joe takes up all the space below.Someone should take his gear away from him.
      ACHTUNG!!!! Wo ist "Poop in Jar Guy"?

  2. Replies
    1. say's who? you! that man even at 90 something is more of a man than you'll ever be! at least he doesn't go around saying first! aside from this chump how about the old guy saying is he gay too? and he said at least there won't be two gay blades running around in the woods! the greatest generation for sure. these men and women will sadly be missed by us real people in this sinking country! well I know one racist bitch named fat oprah who won't miss these people. i'd take one of these guy's than 50 people like oprah and the light weights that always post first on a web site.

  3. He's a waste of good fucken oxygen! We need to vote the fuck off the planet!

  4. Historical Collections of Ohio in Two Volumes
    by Henry Howe, LL.D. (1888)

    Although not regarded by the government as reliable, the oral traditions of the native people in the eastern U.S. aver of the existence of possibly two races of giants, one supplanting the other by violent means. Here we have the first inkling of some very remote prehistory preserved, through the tradition of the Chippewa, Sandusky, and Tawa tribes, (members of the Algonquin language group), the existence of giant, bearded men.

    In this connection I would say that Mr. Jonathan Brooks, now living in town, stated to me, that his father, Benjamin Brooks, who lived with the Indians fourteen years, and was well-acquainted with their language and traditions, told him and others that it was a tradition of the Indians that the first tribe occupying this whole country, was a black-bearded race, very large in size, and subsequently a red bearded race or tribe came and killed or drove off all the black beards, as they called them.

    1. Who are you talking to? How insecure do you have to be to post the stuff constantly? Who cares if somebody agrees or disagrees with you joe? How does that affect your world or your belief system? Get a life bloke!

    2. Who am I talking to? I am talking to the people who frequent the blog that would be remotely interested in relevant subject matter... You laughably dim, sad little character. What has interesting historical reference have to do with anyone's insecurities? The only one who is remotely insecure... Is the stupid little slime that keep frequenting this blog trying to convince not only themselves, but the people who have actually had first hand experiences that these creatures are not real.

      I don't care if anyone disagrees with me, I in fact encourage that, because I get a chance to show exactly what type of person people like you are.

      Look at your comment and ask yourself the same series of questions... What do you care what I think? Why are you so obsessed with me and what I think? Because you are on a blog that is specifically for the type of content I have posted for people with interests in this subject.

      Now run along before I get personal.

    3. Curious, how many more disgraceful fails do you need before 2013 is over PJ?

      You're not even a week from your last major fib and you're back to being an arrogant faggot again.

      Give it a break. No one wants to read 17,5000 word comments about what might have happened in 1855.

      Start you own blog if you want to make daily posts about uninteresting trivial non-factual information that have nothing to do with bigfoot or bigfoot evidence.

    4. And he does it again.... haha. This poor guy. And the more people who dislike him, the more angry he gets. You have nothing to prove joe, go home.

    5. I don't think joe understands that it's poor blog etiquette to constantly post those rediculously long posts. Kids.

    6. Let me explain something to you Crampz... There is one particular reason why I haven't put all your claims about Zana being disabled to bed. I can't go into details, and for that reason I am willing to bide my time on that.

      I would be very careful if I were you boy... Sykes is still investigating the origins of the Kwit's skull, you also have recent scientific theories that early homos had morphological differences within the same species.

      I am biding my time on this boy... And I would be very careful if I were you.

      The only disgrace is you... Nobody gives a crap what you think, You are homaphobe and xenaphobe and a chauvinist and you even reply to your own comments to make you seem like you have followers, when in fact old boy... You are the saddest thing on here. Someone who spends his entire existence trolling Bigfoot blogs and trying to convince the people who know better than him that Bigfoot doesn't exist.

      Why don't you start your own blog... Or scream in the mirror your sad little existence away. I'm not going anywhere and like I told you down below... You'll hate me much more by the end.

    7. Did joe just describe himslf?? The king of trolls? Poor fellow.

    8. Run along boy... You have nothing except your trolling it seems.

    9. Blah blah and more blah.

      Start a blog or stfu.

      I've been all out the past 10 damn times you go full retard and so far, every time you've been wrong. EVERY TIME!

      Now tell me, why should I vest even a minuscule amount of 'care' into a word you say? Why? For what reason? Scared I know something you don't 'line' again is it? That's worked so well for you.

      Face it.

      PS - I merely gave a medical speculation toward Zana and that only matters if old stories are even a quarter true. As it were she was 100% homo sapien sapien and there is nothing indicating any of those exaggerations were true.

      Your game is bullshit and I've called you on it every time.

      One more thing, I'll believe you'll step foot in America when you actually step foot in America. Until then, you are just blowing smoke up people's asses.

    10. Apart from the premature results of a three part series that doesn't reflect Sykes' long term study... And the relic origins of Zana that Sykes is still investigating; where have I been wrong?

      You keep saying that everyone is wrong, never any evidence, it's a song everyone hears at least twice a day from you... List where I have been wrong...

    11. Crampz idea of being 'right' -

      *Call everything BS
      *Ignore the times I haven't managed to counter debates
      *Tell everyone they've always been wrong

      ... You see, this is where YOU are wrong; Bigfoot. You still haven't managed to prove to anyone that Bigfoot is BS, in fact the very fact that you are here every day of your existence would suggest that this is of great concern to you.

      Why should people believing in their experiences worry you so much Daniel boy? Why do you think what your point of view is so important? Why are you here? Why would ANYONE spend all their time visiting even other Bigfoot blogs (I know this because that is how you get much of your arguments), spend all their time, investing every minute trying to persuade people Bigfoot doesn't exist?

      Nothing sadder and you are as scared as your lifestyle suggests boy.

      Oh, and what's the matter boy... Me coming to the States bother you???? Won't be able to use the same old anti-British crap against me anymore??????

    12. PJ be flustered!

      I'm never here to persuade people that bigfoot doesn't exist or to 'disprove' bigfoot. You can't disprove anything that hasn't been ratified as even a large possibility.

      I keep an open mind but that doesn't mean I turn off my bullshit meter nor does that mean I put on my politically correct filter, nor does it mean I ignore protocol or the scientific method.

      I post here because it's entertainment. It's a soap opera. It's funny and occasionally you meet an interesting person or two a long the way.

      You've got some deep seated psychological issues dude. Might want to take some classes or something.

    13. Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.
      A field, practice, or body of knowledge can reasonably be called pseudoscientific when it is presented as consistent with the norms of scientific research, but it demonstrably fails to meet these norms. Science is also distinguishable from revelation, theology, or spirituality in that it offers insight into the physical world obtained by empirical research and testing. Commonly held beliefs in popular science may not meet the criteria of science. "Pop science" may blur the divide between science and pseudoscience among the general public, and may also involve science fiction. Pseudoscientific beliefs are widespread, even among public school science teachers and newspaper reporters.
      The demarcation problem between science and pseudoscience has ethical political implications, as well as philosophical and scientific issues. Differentiating science from pseudoscience has practical implications in the case of health care, expert testimony, environmental policies, and science education. Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs such as those found in astrology, medical quackery, and occult beliefs combined with scientific concepts, is part of science education and scientific literacy.
      The term pseudoscience is often considered inherently pejorative, because it suggests something is being inaccurately or even deceptively portrayed as science. Accordingly, those labeled as practicing or advocating pseudoscience usually dispute the characterization.

    14. And this coming from a guy who posted a link to his ball bag.

    15. Three episodes of Bigfoot Files, Sykes long term publication (anticipation), Zana, Khwit, and all claims you made about them.

      Claims of bigfoot being 100% modern homo sapien sapien. (If you want to make claims about gorillas n shit, it's fair to use this against you bc it's all speculation)

      Several past hoaxes, many areas of your unfounded claims..

      This is just in the past few months. It's not my job to collect all your fails into a folder for safe keeping...

      But hey, you don't take ownership of anything you ever in your eyes you're never wrong.

    16. The only person who has issues is you boy... Read my comments above for a little clarity on what they are.

      What people think bothers you completely, as does what you perceive others to think of what you think.

      Tragic... And plead for my removal all you like, I am always gonna be here, I will always be up your arss for what you are and represent; homophobic, xenophobic, censoring, chauvinistic little prick.

      That's the last thing I'll say on the matter.

    17. "Three episodes of Bigfoot Files, Sykes long term publication (anticipation), Zana, Khwit, and all claims you made about them."

      ... Apart from the premature results of a three part series that doesn't reflect Sykes' long term study... And the relic origins of Zana that Sykes is still investigating; where have I been wrong?

      "Claims of bigfoot being 100% modern homo sapien sapien. (If you want to make claims about gorillas n shit, it's fair to use this against you bc it's all speculation)"

      ... Suck on this;

      ... And know that this area of science is still evolving and; "Bryan is currently working on a way to further determine if her African lineage is a modern or relic human. When he is successful at that determination we will announce the findings."

      ... What past hoaxes have I been invested in?

      It is your job to provide evidence for your claims, just the same way that you require others to...

    18. Clearly you have the issues because it's not just me that doesn't like you. Many footers don't, many fence sitters don't, just about every skeptic doesn't, and even some of your dear trusted colleagues don't care for you that much in the long run.

      I'm not 'pleading' for your removal. I asked that if you want to continue to spam comment sections with your tripe, to please make your own blog.

      You're egotistical enough but therein may lay the'd only get about 6 visitors a week even though you think you know everything bigfoot, historical, and geographical.

      So why not, PJ? Why not create your own free blog? Moderate it to your hearts content?


      If you want interpretations, thoughts, and analysis on your Dmanisi skulls, here you go...even the comment sections are informative.

      None of this has to do with homo sapien sapien, even though we have known variance in our species from a morphological stand point, nor does it have to do with bigfoot, Zana, Khwit, nocturnal vision, infrasound capabilities, bioluminescent eyes, saggital crests, mid tarsal breaks, tree knocking, whoops, mortal Kombat, or whatever else you want to try and relate it too.

      It doesn't matter the number of times you've failed once you get past two or three extraordinarily outlandish claims.

      You get made fun of on the footer forum and the skeptic forum..,that has to hurt your taterhole a little.

    20. Dan,how do I to post a link of a pic to my ball bag?

      Ps.Does it hurt?

    21. A handful of Footers don't like me? Fantastic, who cares, take a look at the whole field and show me more than ten people that get along. I couldn't give a shit what anyone thinks of me and this is what it comes to; playground tactics... Tragic.

      What are you implying then Danny boy? That Mike doesn't see me as a long term colleague?? Please elaborate, I can even bring Mike into this if you'd like???

      No, you are obsessed with me because I am the only one that confronts you, that isn't under anonymity, and has done so from the start. You have pleaded and wished for me to leave and you still do it seems, and I am not going anywhere.

      Egotistical? You are one rich little sad case aren't you? Nobody cares about you Dan, the blog was a better place during the multiple times you went off crying because of your trolls, nobody cares for what you think, and if I could only show you the contempt there is for you in the multiple emails I get from people who support me against slime like you, then the only ego that we would be discussing, would be yours...

    22. What's the matter Dan? A little scared that science may progress and leave your small mind behind???

      HA HA HA HA!!

      Time is on my side boy, not yours and the link I provided you is a suggestion as to where things might go for the understanding of homo sapien sapiens.

    23. Denial
      A psychological defense mechanism initiated by the psyche to temporarily suppress awareness of a deluded self-concept.

      Denial may be understood as an attempt to reject unacceptable feelings, needs, thoughts, wishes, or even a painful external reality that alters our perception of ourselves. This psychological defense mechanism protects us temporarily from:
      * Knowledge (things we don’t want to know)
      * Insight or awareness that threatens our self-esteem; or our mental or physical health; or our security (things we don't want to think about)
      * Unacceptable feelings (things we don’t want to feel)

      Some of the forms of denial: rationalization, minimizing or discounting, evasion and displacement, exaggerated emotional responses, projection or blaming, intellectualization, repression, rhetorical ploys, and logical fallacies.

    24. You are an idiot.

      Did I say Mike? Don't believe so. He's not the only person that I have correspondence with from time to time.

      You keep talking about fear. This has nothing to do with fear. This is all about you trying to correlate things with bigfoot that don't even have a thing to do with bigfoot while loudly proclaiming it as sheer proof of bigfoot and those who don't accept it are blind.

      Convieniently time is all you have.

    25. Backtracking like a coward as soon as I bring Mike into this... Like you always have done. I wonder if I was in driving distance to you, you'd have the same balls? You don't know anyone I know, hell... Nobody I know would want anything to do with you boy.

      On your part, it has everything to do with deflection and denial that the things I am referencing have everything to do with what has gone down in recent weeks.

      Even if there is nothing to the relict Zana results that Sykes is bringing, time is on my side and as evidence rolls in over the years and you are still there sitting in the basement preaching what people should think, it'll dawn on you one day... "What the **** am I doing? I'm not as important as I think I am"

    26. Schooled like Sykes finding Zana and Khwit were 100% modern human, Erickson having real footage, Daisy in the Box, Hank Ryder, and Paul Freeman's hoax tracks.

  5. "Although not regarded by the government as reliable,"

    ..and not regarded scientific by anyone but Taterjoe...

    1. ^ Not regarded as anyone as remotely important... Why is he here??

      I'll leave you decide...

    2. Dan uses your article against you and you basically call him a name and stick your finger in your nose.


    3. Where was the name? Where is his relevance to this blog? Referencing a statement in fact of racism on the part of European settlers, is not using the article against me... But ignoring the points being made.


    4. Lol! He busted out the "duh." What a child.

    5. Your small mindedness wouldn't even be the equivalent of that of a child.

    6. Dan is hear to give a voice to everyone that is SICK AND TIRED OF YOUR CRAP JOE!

      I for one thank you Dan. Not only for taking the time to read some of Joe's posts, but for thoroughly putting that putz in his place every single time.

      Joe, if you want to continue to rudely post long ass cut and paste comments, please start your own blog and do it there. I'm sure Shawn would even link to your blog and give you your own guest post here.

    7. I think he's scared that no one will ever visit or comment his blog...

    8. The only thing that Dan puts in it's place is his arss on the pan.

      Daniel Crampz answering his own comments is the saddest thing I have ever seen... Pathetic at best.

    9. You keep bleeving that PJ. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

    10. Says the clown who's up all hours making sure people see exactly what he thinks... Tragic and unimportant little bum. Get a job.

    11. Pot calling the kettle black, there PJ. ^

    12. "Says the clown who's up all hours making sure people see exactly what he thinks... Tragic and unimportant little bum. Get a job."
      Says the clown who's up all hours making sure people see exactly what he thinks... Tragic and unimportant little bum.

      Get a job.

    13. Get a job guys, stop living off your parents... There's a big wide world out there, you can't control all of it like the way you would with your little cyber world... But you don't have to fear anything. Just stay out of the woods.

    14. I get paid to post, didn't we cover this in 'Conspiracies and You: The Untold Stories' lesson?

  6. Joe got pwned by sykes and evans

    1. Joe gets pwned by everyone these days, even footers. Its quite pathetic actually.

  7. Has joe apologized for all his wrongful and racist posts yet? In his whole response I never saw the phrase 'I was wrong and I apologize,' just 'before I take it on the proverbial chin.'

    You still owe us all an apology joe

    1. Nope he still thinks he is right

    2. Zana who is described as having dark, greyish-black skin, bare on the face, but elsewhere she was covered in reddish-black hair. The hair on her head was a bit darker and formed a thick, tousled mane that hung down her back. Her face had a sloping forehead, prominent brows and cheekbones and massive jaws . Her nose was broad and flat, her eyes were reddish and she had large, strong white teeth. Her body was robust and muscular with well-developed breasts. She was tremendously strong, and also swift, able to even outrun a horse. Although she walked and ran upright on two legs, her arms were proportionately long and her toes could be widely splayed, especially the big toes which she could move separately...

    3. Oh you can conclusively prove these claims then? No? Because her genetics say more in truth than old bigot stories do in lies.

    4. I would be very careful if I were you boy... Sykes is still investigating the origins of the Kwit's skull, you also have recent scientific theories that early homos had morphological differences within the same species.

      I am biding my time on this boy... And I would be very careful if I were you.

      Implying I am a racist to censor me is not going to work. I have fought for more racial equality than you have had microwave dinners. You are the lowest of the low, not clever and I will always be here to come and get you where it hurts; your small mind.

    5. Hahahah he called me boy!

      You keep propping yourself up on false prophets again, joe. It's worked so great for you this year!!!

      You haven't been right a single time that you've started this dickish attitude!

      You keep PRAYING!

      PPS you don't have the first clue about anything relating to evolutionary theory and early hominids!!! Ahahahhahaha

    6. Maybe I don't... And I don't know who this 'Red Pill Junkie' is, but he left this post on Cryptozoonews (

      "I feel this might be relevant to the discussion:
      Dmanisi Human: Skull from Georgia Implies All Early Homo Species were One (

      “The archaeological site of Dmanisi, located in the Kvemo Kartli region of Georgia about 93 km southwest of the capital Tbilisi, has only been partially excavated so far, but it’s already providing the first opportunity for anthropologists to compare and contrast the physical traits of multiple human ancestors that apparently coincided in the same time and geological space.

      “The differences between these Dmanisi fossils are no more pronounced than those between five modern humans or five chimpanzees,” said Dr David Lordkipanidze from the Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi, a lead author of a paper in the journal Science and co-author of a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

      Traditionally, researchers have used variation among Homo fossils to define different species. But in light of these new findings, Dr Lordkipanidze and his colleagues suggest that early, diverse Homo fossils, with their origins in Africa, actually represent variation among members of a single, evolving lineage – most appropriately, Homo erectus.

      “Had the braincase and the face of Skull 5 been found as separate fossils at different sites in Africa, they might have been attributed to different species,” said Dr Christoph Zollikofer from the Anthropological Institute and Museum in Zurich, Switzerland, a co-author of the Science paper.”

      From what I gather of the Dmanisi study –please correct me if I’m wrong– is that cranial dimorphism is no longer a valid factor to determine whether a specimen belongs to a different species or not. So if those Georgian fossils all belonged to the same Homo Erectus family, perhaps it wouldn’t be surprising to find the same kind of diversity in Homo Sapiens."

      ... Suck on that.

    7. And again, childish approach.

    8. The only 'child' is the one that claims I don't understand early hominids and then can't understand a post on the subject matter himself.


      Maybe you should try giving science a chance at your time, PJ, instead of paranormal and giants.

      This in no way correlates to bigfoot, Zana, or Khwit...all modern 100% homo sapien sapien...not 2 million year old Homo Erectus.

    10. Pseudoscience is a claim, belief, or practice which is presented as scientific, but does not adhere to a valid scientific method, lacks supporting evidence or plausibility, cannot be reliably tested, or otherwise lacks scientific status. Pseudoscience is often characterized by the use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or unprovable claims, an over-reliance on confirmation rather than rigorous attempts at refutation, a lack of openness to evaluation by other experts, and a general absence of systematic processes to rationally develop theories.
      A field, practice, or body of knowledge can reasonably be called pseudoscientific when it is presented as consistent with the norms of scientific research, but it demonstrably fails to meet these norms. Science is also distinguishable from revelation, theology, or spirituality in that it offers insight into the physical world obtained by empirical research and testing. Commonly held beliefs in popular science may not meet the criteria of science. "Pop science" may blur the divide between science and pseudoscience among the general public, and may also involve science fiction. Pseudoscientific beliefs are widespread, even among public school science teachers and newspaper reporters.
      The demarcation problem between science and pseudoscience has ethical political implications, as well as philosophical and scientific issues. Differentiating science from pseudoscience has practical implications in the case of health care, expert testimony, environmental policies, and science education. Distinguishing scientific facts and theories from pseudoscientific beliefs such as those found in astrology, medical quackery, and occult beliefs combined with scientific concepts, is part of science education and scientific literacy.
      The term pseudoscience is often considered inherently pejorative, because it suggests something is being inaccurately or even deceptively portrayed as science. Accordingly, those labeled as practicing or advocating pseudoscience usually dispute the characterization.

    11. Denial
      A psychological defense mechanism initiated by the psyche to temporarily suppress awareness of a deluded self-concept.

      Denial may be understood as an attempt to reject unacceptable feelings, needs, thoughts, wishes, or even a painful external reality that alters our perception of ourselves. This psychological defense mechanism protects us temporarily from:
      * Knowledge (things we don’t want to know)
      * Insight or awareness that threatens our self-esteem; or our mental or physical health; or our security (things we don't want to think about)
      * Unacceptable feelings (things we don’t want to feel)

      Some of the forms of denial: rationalization, minimizing or discounting, evasion and displacement, exaggerated emotional responses, projection or blaming, intellectualization, repression, rhetorical ploys, and logical fallacies.

    12. Denial
      A psychological defense mechanism initiated by the psyche to temporarily suppress awareness of a deluded self-concept.

      Denial may be understood as an attempt to reject unacceptable feelings, needs, thoughts, wishes, or even a painful external reality that alters our perception of ourselves. This psychological defense mechanism protects us temporarily from:
      * Knowledge (things we don’t want to know)
      * Insight or awareness that threatens our self-esteem; or our mental or physical health; or our security (things we don't want to think about)
      * Unacceptable feelings (things we don’t want to feel)

      Some of the forms of denial: rationalization, minimizing or discounting, evasion and displacement, exaggerated emotional responses, projection or blaming, intellectualization, repression, rhetorical ploys, and logical fallacies.

      Describes Joe to a tee.

    13. It appears you are at the limits of your imagination... Come up with something original at least; 'I'm not you are' is slightly embarrassing don't you think?

      I expect nothing less.

    14. Regarding Zana, Bryan has tested both the mitochondria and the nuclear DNA and both sides revealed that Zana’s mother and father are both human.

      Rhettman Mullis

      Keep talking about hyperactive imaginations, you whacko.

    15. "Bryan is currently working on a way to further determine if her African lineage is a modern or relic human. When he is successful at that determination we will announce the findings."

      Sssssshhhhhhhhh... Go to sleep old timer...

    16. " When we discovered this outcome late last spring I told Bryan that there would be a great disappointment when some learn that she was indeed human and nothing else, but for some of us who are more scientific-focused will still be excited that there is now a concrete answer to the Zana mystery."

      First boy, now old timer? You really don't maintain a consistent train of thought, do you?

      Good luck with that whole relic migration thing. Even if true, still 100% modern human and not bigfoot. It's beyond ridiculous to suggest Patty is 100% homo sapien sapien.

    17. That's all I have heard from you from day one is how Mullis is a clown. Now that he lends his opinion, his word is suddenly gold to you?

      That's not my opinion of Mullis, I think he is a very close associate of Sykes which is why I can invest all confidence in Sykes' agenda, I just think that Mullis is presenting his opinion in the hope of trying to understand the findings, in light of the investigation Sykes is doing into the possibility of her being a RELIC HOMO SAPIEN... Understand Crampz? With me now??

      The links that you so obviously have ignored, are a suggestion that different homos had different morphological differences, particularly in their skulls, and be of the same species. If Sykes comes out with results that do not support my theories, then oh well... I'll move on in the confidence that he is still associating with Footers and still looking to find living hominids in line with his long term study.

      Boy, old timer... Insignificant which label I give you... You can be an old timer with the mentality of a boy, can you not?

      Now doze off old boy... Those meds must be making you... (yawn)... Very drowsy by now surely? I know I'm a little snoozy reading your crap...

    18. I don't give to much credence to anyone in footery, but if your own prophet of Sykes drops a bomb on you, you best believe I'll rub it in your face.

      Whether or not she was a reli migration, still is 100% modern human both mTDNA and nUDNA. Rhettman doesn't even buy these 150 year old bigot stories anymore but you still do.

      You do comprehend that it's widely accepted in homo sapien sapien that we all have a very wide variety of morphological distinctions? That's not a new relevation, PJ, go read articles from a decade ago...I shit you not.

      This article is concerning 2-3 early hominids over a million years before modern human's even came around and wants to appropriate those couple classifications into Homo Erectus.

      It's all mere suggestion at this point.

      I don't know if one find, in 1 cave, in a spot in Georgia will be enough to wipe out prior classifications.

      What's with all the drug talk, PJ? You feigning?

    19. What bombshell has Sykes delivered exactly? Sykes of the Collateral Hominid Project?? You dumb sod, even now when it is blatantly obvious where his intentions lie, you will talk of bombs, ha ha ha ha!!

      "It's all mere suggestion at this point"... Even yours old boy, and I am biding my time over this. Extra bones and shit are not common features in different races of homo sapien, you keep trying to sell that and it's laughable. I speak to many people who still think there is more to come of this, the very fact that Sykes is looking for answers to the differences in Kwit's skull is proof that it is very relevant and worth so...

      If nothing materializes? Then I have still not lost what I have set out to expect from Sykes' study... Zana was an interesting development that occurred and one that fitted my theories, along with many others that do not frequent or at least comment on this blog. Go on other Bigfoot blogs Crampz, this isn't just me stating that... On another forum, The Ontario Sasquatch one to be exact; a Todd Prescott claims to have had direct contact with Bryan Sykes which in confronting him regarding the relict properties, yielded a 'very interesting response' to which he was seeking permission to post.

      Like I said, time is on my side old boy. And in between, I'll be here to play **** with you...

  8. Hey joe I would recommend signing up to the JREF forum. I am sure you could persuade them bigfoot is real with your arguments!

    1. I would suggest you seek some self esteem somewhere else... Your hate campaign against me merely makes me more determined and you will hate me more by the end... I promise you that.

    2. Actually, we'll just make you go aperape again till your force the powers at be to ban you (again)


    3. And again, joe comes with a childish approach.

    4. Childish approach? You do know that you a trolling anonymously right? Nothing sadder, nothing more tragic and nothing more coward-like.

      I am going nowhere and I am cleverer than you to insult you and not use profanities the same way you have to.

    5. Since when is "childish approach" a profanity? Thak you for playing though, mr. Pot calling the kettle black.

    6. A profanity under anonymity... Nothing more child like you silly little nobody.

    7. Poor wittle joejoe is angwy

    8. A Brit calling me a pussy simply for disagreeing with him... nothing more childlike you silly little nobody

    9. Look at the quality of your average comment numpty, and then ask yourself who the p***y is...

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Why does the Rictornator have that gleaming look of lust in his eyes?

  11. This is for Joe: I am a BF enthusiast and not a troll. I am very open to the idea of Sasquatch living among us. I even hope it is true.

    That said, please don't equate ridicule of the Randles video with trolling. There are a lot of problems with the claim that it's a Bigfoot which result from either wishful thinking or a devious approach:

    1. Trees that don't really line up in the size comparisons like they say they do
    2. A face that is completely blown out in the video yet suddenly has eyes and features when "enhanced"
    3. A head with odd appendages at the "neck" that look a lot like hind legs of an animal
    4. A head that has hair which stands up at a few points, suggesting instead a small animal's head rising at the other end of a full rear view of its body
    5. A left shoulder that twitches uncontrollably the entire time, suggesting the bobbing head of a foraging mama.
    6. A line between the pecs that is placed perfectly to also suggest the dangling tail of the baby.

    That's just six issues off the top of my head. Add to that the mercenary nature of Randles and I feel this footage was insincerely presented because it looked hominid. Or maybe it was just mistaken identity. But watch that film, and imagine a baby possum on its mother's back. It's amazing how a different mindset about the footage can totally change the way you perceive it.

    1. Great stuff, thank you very much for that. I am personally waiting to see the full video footage to see what conclusions I can draw, but the points you have presented me are going to be made note of and then applied at the first opportunity.


    2. Observation? I can't see a thing!
      Conclusion? Dinosaurs!

    3. The end of the dinosaurs was not an extinction event but an extermination event!

    4. Many thanks for your gracious attitude Joe. The footage is here:
      I look forward to your thoughts.

    5. Do have another link sir? The one you provided doesn't appear to work.


    6. Looooooooool!!!!! Got possum?

    7. The only problem I have with the opossum explanation right now is that the cow walks in front of the subject. That is either one small cow or one (two?) big opossum.

    8. Worked for me, Joe (?):

    9. If there's any kind of telephoto aspect to that lens it distorts the sizes dramatically. Think of the shot of the pitcher from behind with the batter appearing to be the same size in the image even though he's very far away. Distant objects appear larger than they really are in trlephoto lenses.

    10. You just can't judge sizes with this kind of photography. The heat imagery gives a false impression of size as well as the telephoto issue

    11. Thank you for that, it appears to work now.

      Ok... At the distance the subject is from the camera, I think that it is pretty impressive if I'm honest. I just think the head shape with the apparent chest muscles is pretty clear to see but I am going to look at it further under the suggestions you have made to make a proper conclusion. I am in work (believe it or not) and will sit down with the footage later and look at the entire piece from your points presented.

      Much appreciated, and your time invested into it is important bro. Will you be about later for us to continue this chat?

    12. 6:43...

      Very good point sir! Does the later reconstruction clear that up though????


    13. Daniel, when are you going to start TEAM SCROTUM?

    14. Go to sleep Crampz... Surely your prescribed meds have kicked in by now???

    15. Better yet you can call your team TEAM SCROTE!

    16. Nah,just doesn't sound right.Best stick with TEAM SCOTUM.

    17. Hey Joe...this is possum guy. Sorry I had to be away a few hours. We're having Thanksgiving this week, so things are sort of crazy. But I appreciate your generous spirit and I do hope to converse with you on the subject once you've studied the video. But if not, I look forward to reading your analysis with my comments in mind.

      There are real problems judging distance when you're using different kinds of lenses, as the pitcher/catcher analogy aptly demonstrates. Between that, a little sloppy tree-matching on the comparisons I've seen, and the fact that I'm a little skeptical of Randles as a bona fide researcher, makes me very hesitant to take any of their size comparisons at face value. (Also, one of their comparison overlays shows the figure to be closer than the edge of the drop, though they say it matches.)

      I see what happened as this: A couple of guys say they got something and contact Randles, who is either very credulous a la Christopher Noel or very cynical a la Tim Fasano. He gives them equipment and they call him with "something" they captured. Randles makes sure he gets the credit, which is his nature, and quickly presents it without any due diligence until after the fact.

      The problem is that the relationship of Randles to his followers is not unlike the Team Tracker/Rick Dyer relationship. People of stature were falling all over themselves to congratulate Randles this week, considering him a god-like figure who wouldn't present something that wasn't real. Not one of them bothered looking at the material critically. This is the hero-worship side of Footery that results in a lot of conflict and ridicule. Instead of their first reflex being to examine and question the footage, Randles' followers' first reflex was to be seen congratulating him. So a lot of people who look down at Team Tracker members are behaving just like them, hence the low esteem in which the community is held.

      Randles' power is such that no one questions him for giving Sykes canine is simply swept under the rug, so to speak, or he is considered a victim. And he is the only one who is not being targeted by the community for giving Dyer the time of day. This is why I say no evidence should be looked at with consideration for its presenter; motives can be complex, and the force of hero-worship (and easy proximity to these heroes) can cloud the minds of otherwise astute and discerning individuals.

    18. New FB post from Randles (accompanied by dozens of fawning comments of the "it's OK if it's not a Bigfoot, Derek, we still love you" type:


      Just wanted to get a message out. We do want people to analyze the still shot and video we've released. For those purposes please feel free. Many eyes are a good thing, and maybe something will be noticed that we missed. We do have a few people working on it, but by all means please do so it you want to. We very much appreciate the help. We are a volunteer Org and we're doing the best we can with what we have. We are very excited about this, but even more excited about the potential of this study site, and we're just getting started there. Hopefully this will be the worst footage we release. We've also been doing a ton of audio work there spearheaded by David Ellis, and we are getting an amazing amount of knocks, vocals, screams as well as a myriad of other noises. We have decided to take this approach of quick release for many reasons. It gives everybody a chance to weigh in on evidence produced. There are a lot of qualified people out there, and we appreciate the help. Also, We are tired of researchers sitting on evidence for weeks, months or even years. It's obviously a researchers right to do so, but it's also one of the fastest ways to loose your credibility. So we decided to do this one differently. I stated years ago that when the Olympic Project had something good to put out there, it would be put out quickly, and that's what we're doing. Its should also be noted that we will not engage in a pissing match with anybody. We will stay on the high road and live and let live. Everybody's entitled to their opinion and we respect that. Thanks..and very hopefully...more coming soon.

      Derek Randles.
      Oly Project."

      Translation: um, well...maybe it IS two possums. Don't blame me, I just show stuff, I don't claim anything. The fact that I know my followers will jump to conclusions and praise me has no bearing on my choice to act in an undisciplined way.

  12. Rictor you and your dad r great !! Canadian guy!

    1. Thanks. He wants to do more. I can't wait to see his reaction telling him about Justin Smeja killing 2 bigfoot...

    2. Rictor also listen to couple of your shows your doing a great job keep up the great work! How did u make out in the hunt for Bigfoot did u have a good time? And was there a suprize ending to Dead Bigfoot? If so what was it? Canadian guy! Have a good day!!

  13. Why slug more slug

    1- Slug is so much light than snail who have shell to copy slug technology.

    2- The snail use the shell because is stupid.

    3- snail got crush so easy, and you can give the slug to ur dog chew and it ll still eat lettuce

    4- shell is MORE heavy than no shell.

    5- some slug have internal shell because more evolved

    6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play slug.

    7- If you trow the slug on the wall, the wall will go up.

    8- Trow both on water and watch which will come up first.

    9- slug at mate will make a slimecord. The snail will show dribble.

    10- All slug are hermaphrodite. Snail is too but because stupid

    11 - slug is the name of a bullet. Snail means it is slow.

    12 - Slug will eat carrion, slug dont give a crap

    13- slug didn't needed an upgrade. Slug is perfect

    1. Frogs in my garden eat all the slugs and leave all the snails,slugs easier to swallow,slugs not so clever xx

    2. Am I missing something with the slug thing?

    3. I like big slugs and I cannot lie...

  14. Does anyone now what happens in the end of the movie dead Bigfoot a true story??????????????? Joe fitz ???????? Do u now??????? Have a good day!!

  15. Does anyone now what happens in the end of the movie dead Bigfoot a true story??????????????? Joe fitz ???????? Do u now??????? Have a good day!!

  16. Does anyone now what happens at athe end of the movie dead bf a true story????????????????????????????????!???!!!!???

  17. Does anyone now what happens at athe end of the movie dead bf a true story????????????????????????????????!???!!!!???

  18. Anyone now the ending to a dead bf true story ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

  19. Anyone now the ending to a dead bf true story ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

    1. For the last time, it was a bear.

    2. Hello students.
      The film reveals that the dna results came back half man, half bear, and half pig. In a shocking twist, it also reveals that Justin was actually the driver and that I , AlGore, was the heroic shooter that killed the single biggest threat to mankind and saving the life of the world. Instead of saying "The End" before the credits, it says "Thank you AlGore. You're SUPER awesome".

      The End.


  20. Why would a serious Researcher present this as any kind of evidence? I'd be embarrassed! Derek must be getting desperate, now that his mentor Rick Dyer pulled another hoax! Which he fell for.

    Also we have the new Oscar-winning movie of all time, staring Justin as the 2nd best liar in the world! Thousands of people will pay to see it, and guess what? NO FUCKING BODY!

  21. Much appreciation to Team Big. You folks answered most of the questions I had about this yesterday, same as a few people expressed. I am quite satisfied a pretty good thermal of an 8 foot plus squatch, wont say 100 percent yet like I will of Stacy Browns. Jeepers this thing makes david look puny. This is only an opinion but the face and chest area whiteness would be a product of significant less hair in these regions, which is exactly how they are.

    Tremendous and I hope further enhancements and details will provide more.


  22. With Thanksgiving rapidly approaching, let us all bow our heads and take a moment to thank those famous Americans who have announced on public media, that BIGFOOT IS REAL. This list is not an all encompassing list for sure, but it's a start.

    1. Karl Rose, Chief advertised Bigfoot skeptic at, who stated on that forum: Of course Bigfoot is real! There cannot be that many alleged sightings for them to NOT be real.
    2. President Jimmy Carter, who made this announcement from his Georgia home shortly after leaving office, while being filmed with national TV cameras. He also stated that there are people that do not want the public to know that fact.
    3. Dan Rather, who made this announcement on CBS evening news.
    4. Governor Kulongoski of Oregon, who proposed legislation for their protection.
    5. Governor Kitzaber of Oregon, who made this annoncement on TV, towards the end of his 2nd term in office. And he got re-elected for a 3rd term.
    6. Scientist Stephen Hawking, who made many, many speeches from his wheel chair on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley. He reiterated that Bigfoot is real, during the public promotion of his book, A Brief History of Time. That book was part of the UC Berkeley's decision in the spring term of 1975, to kick TIME out of the 4th dimension slot, lump it together with SPACE to make it SPACE-TIME, and leave the 4th dimension for a short list of scientists to start to explain Bigfoot invisibility. Obviously the alleged scientist, Daniel Campbell, did not make that short list, since he was probably still sucking on a milk bottle at the time.

    1. Jimmy Carter also was attacked by a huge ferocious aqua-rabbit. So there's that.

  23. I <3 the old guy. He called him Rick, so I bet his name is Richard. Rictor is just his made up gay name.

  24. OK then - George Noory gotz it!

  25. PJ is slipping down the Squatch hole faster than Dr. Moobs. He'll snap and get banned again soon enough.


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