Happy Thanksgiving: Bigfoot Sighting Traumatizes Turkey Hunter [Real Bigfoot Encounters]

Here's a new "Real Bigfoot Encounters" from rev. Jeff. This one is about a turkey hunter who's now traumatized after a face-to-face encounter with Bigfoot. The turkey hunter recounted his experience as though it happened yesterday.


  1. Replies
    1. Gobble, Gobble, it's turkey time!! Kidding, I hate holidays!! Peace Joe!!

    2. What is this 'butter' you have with your turkey out there Rush???


    3. Lol, I just don't get down with the "family get together", that is all.

    4. Look everybody. It's Cyndi.

    5. Wait- you're not the Cindy that was getting her sex change reversed, are you?

  2. Turkeymunchin or Taterholin'?


    1. But Joe the suit is in Al's office.

      You've seen it right? Just hanging up on the back of door.

      Buzz Buzz


    2. who cares about a suit? not needed.

      what is needed for you footers is an actual bigfoot, just the one should do it


    3. You see... And this creases me every time... If your theory group can't provide a suit; then the Bigfoot you require is in the PGF.

      I hope one day the penny will drop.

    4. failed logic as usual from joe, I would expect nothing less

      you are asking for a 1 off suit that was probably destroyed after the filmed?

      all we are asking for a single piece of biological evidence from an actual bigfoot anywhere ever, creatures that you claim are 9 foot tall and would have to number in the thousands to even be a viable species

      you are so deluded you are beyond saving

    5. They bury their dead and when found are covered up... That's it in a nut shell... You bore me. Have a good holiday though.

      Got monkey suit?

    6. They never get hit by lightning or tornados or suffer any kind of accident or illness without a squad right there ready for burial. In fact, when any one of them shows the slightest weakness they are immediately killed and devoured and pooped out in odorless, colorless pellets and then they move on, single file, sticking only to terrain that won't allow their tracks to be followed and sticking only to routes that are completely unobservable by the human population.

    7. poisonous snakes, spiders, sub zero temps, packs of wolves, bears, mountain lions, hunters, trappers, trail cams, fast moving vehicles.still nothing. in your mind they are god-like beings, capable of a supernatural existence, leaving tracks that start and stop in the middle of nowhere, a fitting metaphor for your misguided belief


    9. you once said that they used the trees to travel, when confronted by the snow tracks that simply stopped. even thought most of the time the trees available could in no way support a creature weighing several hundred pounds. I would think that even a seven or eight year old child would realize that they were being had. small children can figure it out.

    10. When gets pwned he resorts back to childish behavior like: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ

    11. hey, you do what you gotta do joe. go to america and get gang raped in the forest. that'll show em

    12. 4:50/5:02 you aren't making sense, and you are in fact attacking your own attempts at making points.

      We have a big problem: a number of reports of tracks have them stopping at a point, such as at a fence, a wall, and not picking up again on the other side, or to either side. The point with these is that there are no telltale signs of accompanying human hoaxer tracks leaving the scene of where the bigfoot tracks stopped.

      You just aren't making sense at all. You are reporting some actual findings, accidentally apparently, which attack your own points you are trying to make.

      The problem is the tracks which stop or start without human footprints near them, as in virgin snow. By citing this phenomena, you are destroying your own points which you tried to make. This is a bizarre phenomema which you have to account for if you are going to use it in an argument. In virgin snow, a helicopter or balloon would have to be used to accomplish this.

      Also not faulty logic if argument is confined to PGF: Yes it it logical and simpler to reproduce the PGF creature credibly, than to slip out and catch one as skeptards so dismissively challenge others to do (and not themselves).

      As Hilarious and Hackham both did screechingly howlingly horrifically poor jobs at Patty reduxes, and one of those with a BBC TV budget, you have your answer re the PGF creature.

      If you confine argument ot biologic evidence, yes we need researchers to collect more, however you are conveniently forgetting many hair samples collected which tested as unknown hominid.

      Also footways with prints with muscular details, which show a foot flexing and not all tracks being cookie cutter same to each other, that is they show the foot accomodating to the terrain, it's difficult for you to argue that phony hoax feet are capable of this, or the enormous stride, or the depth of the prints.

      Skeptards always conveniently skip over stride length and print depth when crying hoax/liar/fool/moneygrubber/idiot/liar liar liar liar ad nauseum.

      Easy for them to say; they are dumbfounded when challenged with stride length, print depth, muscular and dermal ridge impressions; no answer for these.

    13. Could it be that those "footprints" in the snow are actually full body impressions of a smaller animal? Rabbit perhaps? Possibly being swooped up by a bird of prey thus explaining the lack of a continuing trackway?

      Occam's razor says interdimensional bigfoot is the answer.

    14. Every one I have seen have been from a small animal bounding through the snow. They get to a fallen log or branch, follow the axis of the branch for a distance, then start again. This is a common occurence that has been observed for as long as man has tracked animals. Not bigfoot.
      How many years were we told that there was no trace whatsoever of human intervention around crop circles? Then suddenly, yes, obvious evidence of human interaction all along.
      The whole track argument is bullshit anyway. This large of a creature would leave such massive amounts of biological evidence you would have to be blind not to find it. Because that is simply he way it works.

    15. Dude your stupid.

      If there is a bigfoot around, there are no little critters bounding around. If they do ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They become Squatch pretzels.

      If your finding a bunch of OTHER critter tracks, well your in the wrong place, rookie.

      Jeez, buy em books and send em to school and..............

    16. It's mathmatically more likely to find a Bunny sqashed flat in a Bigfoot track , than it is to confuse a "little bitty" bunny track with a B I G F O O T track,----------------------------------------------------------------------- unless your an idiot of course.

    17. "The problem is the tracks which stop or start without human footprints near them, as in virgin snow. By citing this phenomena, you are destroying your own points which you tried to make. This is a bizarre phenomema which you have to account for if you are going to use it in an argument. In virgin snow, a helicopter or balloon would have to be used to accomplish this."

      I want links,sources and pictures of these events. If they exist and do indeed happen why can I find nothing substantial to back up this wild claim? go on show me what you have.

    18. Well I fall asleep and wake up to see you got totally smoked... Where are your elegant metaphors now old boy?

      As for your links... Do a little homework yourself, not act like the lazy Skeptard you are and expect people to folk out for your ignorance. There's plenty of these references online.


  3. Bigfoot is one of the most credible voices in Turkeys.

    1. if you're you're looking for squatch in Constantinople you will find it in Istanbul

    2. Constant in No Pole.

      Does that have to do with Poland, or the North Pole?

    3. It means Rictor Doesn't have a boyfriend, hasn't had one.

  4. I thought Dan Campbell was going to show up and tell us the story about John Smith and Pokahiney.

    1. Yes Campz is an expert on the topic of poking heinies, as you note in your comment 5:10. As someone kept re-pasting, Campz wrote his fantasy of poking the heiney of a certain male regular commenter here.

      Yes, Campz the heinie poker.

    2. Are you saying this is a "latent homosexual" meet-up site all along? Nice.

    3. No, Campz is not latent.

      Campz is overt, highly active.

      However, we here at BEB do thank you for your input.

  5. another great bigfoot story/ utter shite. why is bigfoot has all these encounters with the only 20 people in America that don't pocess a cell phone. all they need is to press it once and we will all believe,

    razy yanks and their dumb stories. the heory amogst mny skeptics is th t this is some gay network under the guise of footery

    se to me. why do men hase another hiray ma in the wood, bunk round the campfiher men,all exclusively white men.

    its either a gay club of the kkk? which is it???

    if its gay then show us the videos they must be so more entertaining than the hoaxes y9ou girls produce every so often

    1. Lol! The gay rage is deep with this on one.

      Good to see that 4yr old tards also visit here from time to time.


  6. should do da spray and pray - with U AK to take out tham thar critters... real quik like.......

  7. AKs are bad to the bone. I shot a 100 lb hog @ 100 yards in the head. He never knew what hit him. ! Bigfoot look out!


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